Title: "Bad on So Many Levels"
Author: Malana
Pairing: Willow/Bruno (The West Wing)
Disclaimer: Oh, that I could own any of these wonderful character. But, alas, I don't.
Distribution: Want it? Take it. Just let me know.
Spoilers: Buffy: Willow just graduated from college and is now 22. Tara and Willow were in love, but split up about a year ago. TWW: Third Season, during the re-election campaign, but will not follow cannon.
Summary: Willow goes to work for the White House and butts heads with
Note 1: This was going to be a little 1 part fic. But that just didn't happen. God knows when my other fics will get finished now.
Note 2: The title comes from one of my fav. Sam quotes ever. 'Well, this is bad on so many levels." from the pilot episode of TWW
Note 3: If there is interest, this fic might have some other pairings, like J/D or J/S or C/Z or CJ/Simon, or anything really.
Bruno Gianelli walked in to Toby Ziegler's office and slapped a newspaper down on his desk.
"I've found her!" Bruno said triumphantly.
Toby looked at him warily. "That's nice, Bruno. Now who have you found exactly?"
"The newest member of your speech writing staff."
Toby sighed heavily. "We don't need a new member of the staff."
"Yes, you do. Do you realize how many of the people on your staff can't write?" Bruno asked, taking a seat on Toby's couch. "Anyway. Read the article I circled. It's an op-ed piece, actually."
Toby glanced at the paper. "The UC: Sunnydale Voice." He looked back up at Bruno. "This is a college newspaper. Not only that, but itŐs a college newspaper from a school I've never heard of."
"Just read the article," Bruno urged.
"All right,Ó Toby agreed reluctantly. He had better things to be doing with his time than reading op-ed pieces written by college students. He picked up the paper, and began to look over the article that Bruno had circled. As he read he became more and more interested, and more and more impressed. After he finished he looked up at the Campaign Manager sitting on his couch.
"She defends the President after his M.S. announcement," Toby said in wonder. "She does it remarkably well. This article is a couple months old.
Why didn't we have it before?"
Bruno smiled at the change in Toby's attitude. "My nephew Andrew just graduated from UC Sunnydale. Apparently he's had that article sitting around his room, he's been meaning to send it to me, and just finally got around to it. He just thought that'd I appreciate the girl's support of the administration. I don't think he realizes just how great it is. Anyway, I got on-line and checked out back issues of the paper. This girl hasn't written a whole lot of articles, but the ones she has written are all fantastic. I want to hire her."
"Well, I'd like to too, Bruno. But we can't hire a college student."
Bruno shook his head. "She graduated three weeks ago."
"Still, she'd be what 21? I'm assuming she's never done anything in Washington before, or we would have heard of her. Do you even know what she majored in?" Toby asked.
"She's 22, which I know is young. She's never worked in Washington. But she majored in Political Science, with a minor in computer science. She was valedictorian of her class. She's a brilliant writer, and from the articles she's written, it's easy to tell that she strongly supports the Bartlet administration. I want to hire her."
Toby sighed again, and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know, Bruno. Talk to Leo about it. He'll probably just laugh at you, but go ahead and try it. Who knows, you might convince him to at least bring the girl in for an interview. What's her name?"
"Willow," Bruno informed him, "Willow Rosenberg."
End Prologue.