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Title: Belief

Author: Malana

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I donÕt own Willow or Josh

Spoilers: Through the end of Buffy, none for TWW






I was 23 years old when I met Josh Lyman.  I was in L.A. working for Angel at the time.  Josh was in town for a party fundrasier.  We met at a bar and quickly hit it off.  It was weird for me at first.  After all, he was the first guy I had been interested in since Oz. 


            We started writing to each other.  And in just a few months, I was packing my bags to move to D.C.  I had found a job doing computer programming, and I was anxious to see how my relationship with Josh would turn out.


            Pretty soon I was head over heels in love.  Josh felt the same way, and before long, we were talking about marriage.  I realized that I had to come clean about my past. I had to tell him about demons, vampires, magic, and my own dark descent. 


            ThatÕs how I lost him.  It wasnÕt that he couldnÕt handle the darkness inside of me.  He simple didnÕt believe it.  IÕd never had anyone look at me like I was truly insane before.  ItÕs a scary feeling.  ItÕs even worse when the person looking at you is someone you love.