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Title: Blessings

Author: Malana

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy or LOTR

Spoilers: Assume whole of LOTR, for Buffy, assume that Willow fell

sometime in season 5.


    I'm going to be a queen.  An actual honest-to-goodness queen. Cordelia would be jealous.  I wish she would be here to see it. Actually, I wish all of my old friends would be here to see it.  I always thought it would be Giles who walked me down the aisle.  I always thought that I'd have Buffy as my maid of honor and Dawn and Anya as bridesmaids.  None of that's going to happen now.


    I first fell to Middle Earth a little over a two years ago.  I was never able to figure out exactly how it happened.  We were fighting a demon.  The demon uttered a few words, some sort of curse, and I got hit by some sort of energy beam.  I awoke near a city I now know to be Edoras.  I opened my eyes to see one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen staring down at me.  An elf named Legolas who quickly became one of my closest friends in this strange land.


    The city was in the middle of being evacuated.  My Scoobyness kicked in, and I realized that I needed to put my own problems aside.  I was told the story of a dark lord, and of a powerful ring.  I knew that I needed to help.  When the orcs attacked Helm's Deep, I was not allowed to help fight.  As much as I've come to love Middle Earth, the sexism here still gets to me.  Through use of my magic in the upcoming battles,

I was able to earn a lot of respect, but the men were still wary to have me involved.


    Throughout  it all, I had Aragorn to turn to. Aragorn, raised by elves, destined to sit on the throne of Gondor.  And completely in love with the elf Arwen.  When I first saw him,  I just wanted to be in his arms.  But when I heard of Arwen, I realized that I would have to settle for friendship.  My friendship with him was the only thing that got me through the long nights when the realization that I might never see Sunnydale again became to much for me to handle.  He was always there for me. When the news came that Arwen had sailed of to the Undying Lands to be with her people, I was there to comfort him.


    Eventually the ring was destroyed, and Aragorn took his spot on the throne.  I decided to stay in Gondor.  I had come to the conclusion that I had to start making some sort of life for myself there.  Hours and hours spent talking to the wizard Gandalf and going through books made me realize that hope of getting back was small.


    Slowly my relationship with Aragorn blossomed into something more than friendship. One night when we were walking under the stars, he pulled me into a kiss.  There, beneath a beautiful full moon, he asked me to be his wife.  As much as I loved him, it surprised me when I said yes.  In some way, it felt like saying yes was giving up on ever getting back to my old life.  But, for the first time, I realized that if I had a chance to go back, I might not take it.   Aragorn is truly one of the greatest men I've ever know.  Intelligent, honorable, and loyal, I loved him, and didn't' want to lose him even if it meant going home.  In truth, I was beginning to feel like Gondor was home.


    I still miss Sunnydale, and all of my friends. But I've grown to love Middle Earth as well.  I have friends here, in Eowyn, Faramir, Legolas, and many others.  Gondor is a wondrous city, and I want to see it remain that way.  I love Aragorn, and as thrilled that I will be his wife. I want to have children with him.  I want to be a good and honorable queen.  Middle Earth is still recovering, and the duty I felt for Sunnydale, I now feel for Gondor.


    There will always be a part of me in Sunnydale, but a person can't be forever divided.  And every day I feel more and more that maybe what caused me to fall here wasn't a curse, but a blessing.