Before Sam and Willow could even get to the door it was
thrown open
"Willow!" Willow
quickly found her arms full of the littlest Summers.
"Dawnie, baby. It's good to see you too, sweetie."
Dawn pulled away from Willow and turned to Sam. "Why are you here?" She asked bluntly.
Willow rolled her eyes. "Dawn. Be nice. Sam's
here cause he's my friend. And for other reasons that we'll get into
later. Come on, let's go
inside. I want to see
everybody." As Dawn headed in, Willow and Sam lagged behind a bit. She smiled at him, and then looked down
at her stomach, laying her hand on it.
She hadn't begun to show yet, but she knew she would soon. She was excited and nervous at the same
time. But for now, all she was
really worried about was going inside and telling her friends.
Sam placed his hand on the small of Willow's back, and guided her into
the house. He took a step back, as
she was immediately surrounded by her old friends.
"Wills!" Xander
hugged her tightly. He had just seen her a few weeks ago, but it seemed like a
lot longer. He still wasn't use to
not seeing his best friends everyday. As soon as Xander let go, Buffy hugged
Willow, then it was Giles' turn.
Even Anya wanted a hug.
After all the hugs were finished, Willow introduced Sam to Buffy, Anya
and Giles, as the other Scoobies had met him in D.C. As soon as Willow had said his name, Buffy had scowled.
"Wait a minute. *This*
is Sam? As in, jerky guy you slept
with Sam?" She took a few
steps towards him.
Willow stepped in-between the Slayer and Sam. "Buffy, listen.
Sam and I have worked everything out. We're fine now.
In fact, we've decided to start seeing each other."
Everyone looked a little taken aback, but they seemed happy that Willow
had found someone to make her happy.
Willow cleared her throat.
"That's not all though.
There is a definite reason for my visit. I didn't want to tell you over the phone, or have you hear
it from the press. Gosh, I
nervous. I don't know how to tell you guys this. I mean, it's good news, but if
you look at it a different way, it might not be. I mean I hope that you'll be happy for me, but I'll
understand if youŐre concerned. I'm a little concerned myself, actually so...."
Xander couldn't help but smile.
He had missed Willow's babbling. "It's okay, Wills. Just tell us what's going on."
Sam came and stood behind Willow.
He put his hands on her shoulders, showing his support. She turned and smiled up at him, then
turned back to her friends. "Guys, I'm pregnant."
There was a stunned silence for a long moment. Dawn was the first to break it. "Oh, Willow. You're going to make such a great mother. I'm so happy for you."
After Dawn broke the ice, everyone offered their congratulations. There was another round of hugs. Xander offered to go make tea, and
Willow went with him. As Xander
set the water to boil, and got out cups, Willow just studied him.
"So, how do you feel about being Uncle Xander?" Willow asked.
grin spread across Xander's face.
"Uncle Xander, huh? I
guess I like the sound of that. I
can't believe you're going to be a mother."
Willow could tell something was wrong. Other people probably would have
missed it, but she had known Xander forever. "What's wrong, Xan?"
sighed. "It's just.... YouŐre
having a kid with Sam. You already
have a job in Washington, and know you have even more reason to stay
there. Willow, I wouldn't wish
living on the hellmouth on my worst enemy. I know it's not safe here, and I certainly wouldn't want you
to raise a kid here, but when you took the job at the White House, I always
selfishly hoped that you would be back here to stay eventually. And now...."
Willow looked at Xander with wide eyes. She had no idea that he felt that way. "Oh, Xander. I'm so sorry. I always thought that I would be coming back too. I mean, after what happened with Spike,
I had to leave, but I never thought it would be for good. But Xander, I'm not going to abandon
you guys. I'll come back whenever
I can. I honestly don't know what
the future is going to hold, but I do know that you are always going to be my
best friend. I mean, hey,
someone's going to have to teach my little boy or girl how to do the snoopy
dance. I want all of you, Buffy,
Giles, Dawn, Anya, all of you, to be part of my kidŐs life. And part of my life. I love you. Nothing could ever change
that." Willow pulled
Xander into a tight hug.
They were both startled when the doorbell rang. They heard Dawn say that she'd get
it. Then they heard her
shocked, "Oh, my
God." They looked at each other
and hurried out of the kitchen to see what could have gotten such a
response. They both stopped short
when they saw who was standing in the doorway.
"Angel," Willow