Title: Small Talk
Author: Malana
Rated: G
Disclaimer: I own neither Angel
nor Sliders
Note: For Jinni's 20 min with
Angel Challenge. Take 20 min and
only 20 min to write a crossover featuring Angel.
Character: Angel
Paring: None
Feedback: Please
It wasn't everyday that someone fell through a
portal and landed on top of him. Okay, so it probably happened to him more
often than it did to most people, but still it wasn't exactly a frequent
And this time the person who fell on him was a
pretty young woman. A pretty,
young, *human* woman. And she was
accompanied by three other people.
So all-in-all Angel was a little surprised. He had just come to San Francisco to
get a book. He wasn't expecting to have to deal with this kind of thing.
"Sorry about that," the brunette woman
said as she struggled to her feet. She held out a hand and helped him up.
"My names Wade Wells. We were just...umm..." She looked
at her companions, and Angel could tell she was looking for some excuse.
"You came through a portal from another
dimensions?" he guessed.
The woman looked surprised. "Oh, is sliding
common here?"
"Traveling through a wormhole to parallel
Earths." The young man, who appeared to be about Wade's age, explained.
Angel drew in an unnecessary breath. "Well,
I wouldn't say it was common. Most people would probably be running away from
you right now. But I've seen scary things in my time. I've *been* scary things
in my time."
"What do you mean?" Wade asked.
Angel shrugged. "I'm a vampire."
"That's all? No running or screaming?"
Angel raised an eyebrow.
"It's no biggie. We've dealt with vampires
before. I dated one actually."
"Oh," Angel said, not really knowing
what to think. "That's nice...I guess."
"This is Quinn, Rembrandt, and Professor
Arturo." Wade introduced her friends.
"I'm Angel."
"We have 2 minuties left on the
timer," Quinn said. "That's the device that opens the
wormholes," he explained for Angel's benefit.
"Oh, so you use science and not
magic." Angel tried to sound interested. Science wasn't exactly his field.
"Yeah," Quinn affirmed.
There was a rather long silence.
"So," Wade started, rather uncomfortable
trying to make small-talk. "There a lot of vampires around here?"
"Not around here." Angel shook his head.
"Most of them are in L.A. You're lucky. You don't want to run into any."
"But youÕre a vampire."
"That's a very good point. But I have soul. So I donÕt go around killing
people." Then he added, as an
afterthought, "Not usually anyway."
"Oh," Wade smiled kindly. "That's
nice. So, you're not much with the
"No...no. I'm actually a Private
"Good for you!"
Wade and Angel stood, both just staring at their
"Miss Wells," Professor Arturo called
over from where he stood, looking in shop windows. "It's time."
"Oh, thank God," Wade muttered under
her breath. "It was nice to
meet you, Angel."
"Um...yeah. Nice to meet you too. Good luck
with that whole 'sliding' thing.
Angel watched as the four jumped into the blue
swirly portal that had appeared before them.
"Well, that was extremely awkward, "
he said to himself as he headed off toward the bookstore. "Next time
Wesley can get his own damn book. I'm staying in L.A."