there was once a child(if you could call him a child)
who was born in the depths of a deep cavern.
chaos is his canvas and murder and rage his paints.
he uses these utensils to forge a barrier around him.
a barrier proctecting himself from the poisons and traps
of this earth. he walks alone looking for solitude
and redemption. his father a demon of the most wicked
hell, his mother an angel who was led astray by the
forces of darkness. he was conceived under a full
moon on a friday...making him transform into a beast
that none can withstand...and none can outlive.
immortal...but searching for more. his creed is
after all, "what is immortality, if you dont feel
alive youre already dead". he seeks redemption for
him and for the ones like him. above all things he
belives himself a martyr. but he did not get the
name havok by being a push over. he is an iron curtain
of brutality. and the mere sight of him is sometimes
enough to drive people mad. he has a mind that works
in mysterious metaphors and imageous is
quite perplexing. when he will talk he can bring people
to tears or death with just words...that he beleives
is his true power over all...not muscles...not weapons...
aural and mental torture. his life is a tragedy.
but if he does not succeed in his voyages...if the
true beast inside him is released...a new definiton
of tragedy will have to be made... one that applies
to all. as long as the demons inside of him are
contained...the terror inside rests in a slumber.
but laws of perpetuality apply here. they will be
realeased...they will be coming...the question is when...
and how long will you survive...listen...for it is the
only true way to redemption...listen for havok has seen a
light...and the ones to turn a deaf ear shall regret it
...of a murder(remembrance)
inside the eyes of a thousand dead
the horns of a lost
the cata combs do not hold up or describe
the patient coagulates
the pain deriven from this state
do you remember your
let me off the ride
i dont want your patientsof this
my god
the price of a broken home
do you remember the place
the stains
the end
the hatred that gives me a face
hold me up against the blade
let it spill
let it decay
not allowed to question stings
stolen angel, broken wings
pick it up and hold me down
remember always you made this frown
remember killing
let me off the life
fall of my downward coil
my god
the price of a broken home
do you remember that place
the stains
the agony gives and sighs
grants me a face
i can remember the scolding, the scalding
force fed to your alchemy
my god
the cost of a broken boy
do you remember that place
the stains
the superficiality, the knives, knaves
cannot remember my old face
lost in another plane
do you remember this is my slaker
you drove the shit inside my mind
the salt in my wounds
my dead home
the broken dolls
the tears
the fears
the loss
the stupid whores
all the lonesome bores
dying,killing chores
end fed by the beginning
the death fed by begging
the end fed to death by the beginning of the beggars end
oh can you see it now
does it reflect off my eyes
hold me up to the blade
locked inside a dead home
a bedroom, a cell inside a wall of a memory
do you remember
do you remember
can you remember killing
let me off the cloud
i dont want to know the secrets anymore
my god
the cost of a broken home
do you remember the place
the stains
the disassembly gives me the hate
lacerates my skin
the screams and tears
the breaking it gives me a face
Pushing inside my mouth
Tilling false reality lined hole
Boring into my soul
The capsules are tearing my
Mind in half
On kicking out the crutch
Sick of relying on some
Into a capsule
In and out my brain
Im breaking in half
Its hard to be human
When my free will was raped
And stolen
I believe the lies
Hypnotized by my
Capsule god
Nobody knows the sorrow ive seen
Noone cares to question my reality
Ive drawn so much blood
So much draining of influence
now all the hate you use as fodder
reaches inside of me
you boasted your pride
You cannot hide I will find you
You took away my innocence
And raped me
Youll never be anything
Youre just fucking noone
A chill escapes as I scream
Now im nothing
You thought I was weak
You are wrong, craven
I will fucking make you bleed
As my ghost avenges my
You cannot run away
You raped and stole my innocence
So fuck you
Youll never be anything
You?ve always be fucking noone
A chill escapes my dead throat
As I scream
You are nothing
Youre disgusting man swollen pride
Made me nothing
To kill a young girl
To rip off and wear her skin
To bask in her pain
To parade around in it
Dispose of it in decay
Killing the mother
Laughing as she rots away
Too late to care now
Swallowing the smog
Choking on the plague of the earth
Retching up decay
Vomiting our mothers pain
Until we return to her
Decomposed remains
Now emerge from unearthed soil
Apes ignore the death
I want to bleed you
I want to split you in half
I want to drain the fluids inside of you
I stand up tall finally
Middle fingers in the air
My heavy heart lunges forth
My stomache twists
Finally feeling brave
She lets the pain consume her total life force
She grinds the hate away inside her young mind
Inside of her brain never allowed to escape
The fledgling fell from the nest
Nay, was pushed
Did not get up
Instead raped and allowed to suffer
She cries in the locked darkness for too long
She was alone
Eyes calloused bruised dead
And now she is lost like me
Oh little sister
Why did this happen
You did not deserve this
Where is gods plan now
Vomit the poison young one
Live on not knowing what could have been
Built to penetrate
Rape my sisters hide
Innocence died
Submissive to dark requests
This rape was not your fate
Vomit the poison little sister
And run away with me
Hey mommy
I wonder if you care
Hey, do you stay awake at night like I do
Do you feel the pain you put me through
But you cant see me
Because you abandoned and left me alone
By myself breaking in half
You skinned me alive
Starved me
Left me to die
So mommy,
I wonder if you died
Trying to protect me from yourself
Or were you selfish
When you put that steel to your temple
Did you think of me
The ugly beast you left behind
Now pulled triggers show
Your own selfish needs
You?ve always wanted me dead
But instead you put that gun to your face
Your own son watched you die
I know you needed to go
Because I am a demon
Who tortured you
When you sewed my mouth shut
The insults hurt worse than the stiches
I know you needed to go
But now so do I
Your name WAS Kelly
Now its lost to nothing
Hidden in mist, decay and emptiness