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The Dualist's Competition Submissions



The Grand Prize Winner was my Definition:

Nerf ball - Ball that is specifically designed for throwing at people who repeatedly request that any and all skills that they do not use, or that inconvenience them, be weakened.

I also got an Honorable Mention for my Little Bunny FuFu animation.  Unfortunately, Soulonyx wasn't familiar with the rhyme.  Oh well. :) 

I had problems getting the pics to load here, so below are links to the 2 versions.

Link to 400x300 version (983k).

Link to 800x600 version (4.3MB).


I also submitted 2 other definitions:

Blue balls - A condition Sorceresses enjoy, as it allows them to cast their spells without interruption, much to the dismay of the "enemy".

Laugh lines - Lines caused by the excessive laughter that occurs when watching/hearing about a n00b's first encounter with a particular Super Unique (Blood Raven, Andariel, Juggernaught, etc.)


And another screenshot: