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About The Company

Tina's Herb Company has only been in existance since August 2003. It is currently a small, home-based business run by Tina Carr in Arnprior, Ontario. We are currently looking for new products and ideas to add to our business.

About The Owner
I started this business because I believe consumers need a choice. So many big businesses are taking over the smaller community based businesses offering thier less expensive and mass produced products. However, quantity is not always better than quality and I believe that there are customers out there that would like to use locally produced naturally based products.
I have been interested in Natural products and Alternative medicines/therapies for quite sometime. It was not until I started my course as a Natural Health Consultant with the Alternative Medicine College of Canada that I really understood just how important using natural products are. I have recently completed my course and am now a certified Natural Health Consultant. My overall average for the course was 82%.
An argument can be made that Natural products can be more expensive or don't last as long or even don't work as well as chemical products. As I mentioned before, it's that whole QUALITY over QUANTITY thing. My products are not jam-packed with chemicals or preservatives. Would your rub arsenic or rat poison all over your body or your child's?

Just an update - I am expecting my first child in November 2004. I hope to be adding a line of mother and baby products this summer. Keep checking the website for updates! - TC

If you have any questions about natural health or any of the products or services I offer, please feel free to ask me - I read my email every day and will get back to you with 24 hours!

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