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Brandenburg an der Havel
My home town 1957-1975

Brandenburg is more than 1,000 years old and has a changeful history. Once a Slavic fortress, then residence of a markgrave, destructed in the Thirty Year's War, rebuilt and destructed again in World War II, a lot of German history happened here.

Here is a quick tour through historic Brandenburg:

I have not spent much time in Brandenburg lately, and didn't get much of a chance to take pictures. That's why I have borrowed some pictures from the following, excllent websites (all in German language):
Brandenburg Info Brandenburg .de Water-Tourism Brandenburg
IPA Brandenburg Hans Joachim Schulze

Plauer Tor


Rathenower Tor


Historic Brandenburg was surrounded by a city wall with four gates, guarded by four watch towers. All towers have lasted through the centuries and are still in good shape.
The most famous of the four towers, the Steintorturm, is open for the public and hosts a museum.

Parts of the old City Wall

Other contemporary witnesses are the Cathedral, built in the 12th century (1156-1165) (above)
and the St. Paulianer Monastery from the 13th century (below).

And then, there is the old town's city hall with the Roland, dating back to the 15th century.

Here is more about my hometown.


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