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Monterey State Historic Park - Path of History - Part 9

Stokes Adobe, Gabriel de la Torre Adobe, & Fremont Adobe

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Larkin House Sherman Quarters House Of Four Winds Casa Gutierrez

The following sites are on Hartnell Street, a little bit off the marked path.

Stokes Adobe

Built by James Stokes in the early 1840s. In 1837, British sailor James Stokes bought a one-room house on this site and over the next five years expanded it into a two-story house. Since Stokes participated in the American takeover of California, the house was scene of many dramatic incidents in the late Mexican and early American periods.
Today, it is used as a Restaurant.

See also Monterey County Website.

The next two buildings are across the street.

Gabriel de la Torre Adobe

Fremont Adobe

This is one of Monterey's oldest buildings. It was built
circa 1832 and was home of Gabriel De La Torre, a public official of the Mexican and American period. It
is believed to be the first federal court in Monterey.

Legend has it that John C. Fremont took his headquarter in this building, when he arrived in Monterey in July 1846, to support Comodore Sloat in the American takeover of California. But there are serious doubts about this story and apparently Fremont never stayed in the house.

See more at Monterey County website.

See more at Monterey County website.

Now, get back to Gabriel de la Torre Adobe and follow the markers down Polk Street to the cross of Polk, Alvarado and Munras.

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Casa Amesti Casa Alvarado Cooper-Molera Adobe El Cuartel Site Casa Munras


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