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Subject : W'Kar Element based Guyver like being

Code Name: ANUBIS

Host Name : No longer valid

Sex: Male  /  Hair: Red  /  Eyes: Red

W'Kar Evolutionary Stage: 4

Height Armored: 523 cm (~17' 2")**

Height Human: 193 cm (~6' 4")**

Weight Armored: 3 Tons (~6,055 lbs)**

Weight Human: 93 kg (~205 lbs)**

Alignment/Status: Leader of 'The Order of Anubis'

* Due to W'Kar Element infusion, effects are very temporary
** Due to armor control ability, Anubis formshifts to many different heights and weights

Description:The Order of Anubis, founded by our Lord Anubis, is the center force of which we shall extend his law over the multiverse. Anubis draws his power from the creators ultimate weapon, the True W'Kar Unit. Originally a weak creature named Greg Lucas, Anubis is now the true W'Kar and rightful lord of the order. Powerful beyond human and creator comprehension, little do not fear him, and even less understand him. Who can truly know the designs of a God?

Present estimates of this being's abilities have been compiled and summarized below.

Strength and Stamina:
Strength is well over 17,000 men and stamina is virtually limitless. It is currently unknown how W'Kar Element unfusion would affect these, but estimations would place Anubis strength levels at god-like levels.

Durability: Anubis body is said to be composed of an unknown W'Kar based alloy that in itself is stronger than any known substance in the universe, combined with a natural energy field created by his very cellular structure, and the units energy shields, Anubis can blindly withstand assaults leveling near a twenty kiloton range with nothing nearing a scratch. Anubis also absorbs energy around him at all times, and any attack not reach ten kilotons is simply absorbed into his body. Anubis Energy Draining Weapons system allows him to create any form of shielding only limited by his imagination. Instantly, Anubis is able to create shields preventing multi-megaton ranges of weapons from even coming close to him. Further using the power of his W'Kar Element Anubis can withstand weapons that can result in the destruction of entire worlds. Anubis mind is extremely quick, allowing him to think and react at god like levels. His body mass can be reproduced at rates thousand times faster than any guyver, and even with extreme unlikely damage, Anubis mind will still be in control of his body. Anubis is capable of reacting to possible futures, seeing what his opponents are likely to do, making Anubis the most deadly being existant.

Speed: Anubis speed cannot be rated by normal means, as his body is constantly shifting through the multivese, giving him the ability to instantly travel anywhere he wishes, and move at light speed while physically in this world. Anubis can also set a temporal dilation field to slow his surroundings, and hyper-accelerate his own.

Hypersenses: Anubis ability to see his world is only limited by the power he uses to do so. Anubis on a base is capable of looking nearly across a planet surface at all times, and if needed can use his elemental energy to look further into the solar system. If he wishes, Anubis can shift into the Multiverse and with his elemental energy begin searching across many solar systems and possibly even into other galaxies. Anubis is able to, while in the multiverse, peer into other dimensions and time streams. He is highly telepathic, upon levels that superceed even a creator mind, allowing him to even rip the knowledge out of Guyver and Zoalord beings including creators themselves, though the creators are able to put up quite a fight. It is believed our lord has acquired the incredible knowledge of technology he has by tearing the very thoughts of our creator enemies from them.

Head Laser: Anubis most simple weapon is at base a multi-kilton weapon capable of targeting a subject and hit them with any form of energy Anubis is capable of creating. This weapon can be used in a Starburst formation, launching across multiple lasers and hitting hundreds of targets at once with only a slight decrease in power.

Pressure Cannon: Our gods Pressure Cannon attack is a force of indescribable power. Easily capable of reaching a 50 kiloton range of power with little effort, this weapon can be fired in any form of energy with any number of possible effects or attack patterns. Anubis is also able to fire a pressure cannon surrounding his entire body outward, instantly blasting apart anything near him.

Sonics: Range in power from over four hundred times a normal guyver, to a thirty-kiloton range. Weapon is incredibly powerful, and can be used with any energy our lord can muster.

Plasma Swords Type 2: Our lords signature weapon. His Plasma Blades are the most powerful in the universe, allowing him to instantly cleave apart any and all objects. Even the other weaker W'Kars plasma blades are nothing to these weapons. Our lords wings are entirely composed of the same material, allowing them to slice as well. Our god can fire massive plasma burts from both his swords and wings at the same levels as his Pressure Cannons, and when combined can end life on a massive scale.

Mega Smasher: Easily Anubis most powerful guyver based weapon, his Mega Smashers when used at full power range at nearly two megatons, though can be instantly superpowered to nearly 100 megatons. These weapons are able to instantly fire on command, and can fire with land rage nearly 400 square miles. This gives our lord the capablity to nearly wipe a continent clean of life within moments.

Energy Draining: Our lords most devestating weaponry. The most versatile weapons system ever designed, it is the outer cover of his power. The most versatile and powerful of Anubis attacks. By draining surrounding energy of any type or form, Anubis can create weapons in the 500 megaton nuclear range. Weapons created from our lords attack are only limited to his imagination, and available energy. Once infused with W'Kar Element backing though, these weapons can destroy worlds when utilized correctly. If fully powered with all of his Element Energy, Anubis is capable of creating a blast nearly fifteen times the power of a supernova, pulling entire solar systems into a flux of multiverse destruction.

The Multiverse: Essentially the connection between all world, the multiverse is the very center upon which dimensions contact and time streams converge. A existance of pure energy and lacking of time, the multiverse is where the Kregen, our lords final enemy, lies. Anubis unit was born for this world, as it seems his very unit desires to be submerged in the multiversal energy fields and timeless void. Anubis can manipulate the multiverse, causing effects in the physical world that can only be percieved by us as magic. It was using these powers that Anubis is capable of pulling planets from orbit and reforming them into gigantic planet sized ships full of lycanlord blood. While in this plane, Anubis mind is beyond limitations and he can peer into the possible streams of future times and other dimensions. Here he can charge his body with the energy and release it into the real world as matter, creating his armies and thousands of other possible uses. Anubis can move inside of the multiverse to anywhere in his current dimension, and he himself can go to other universes, though he cannot take other things with him as the multiversal energy would destroy them.

Control Medal: Anubis Control Medal, like all W'Kar are seperated into three main parts.The Bio Control System is essentially the brain of the medal, functioning like all guyvers but on a much higher level. The Bio Control System of Anubis is hardly even a seperate form from his own mind now that the W'Kar has begun to merge with him. Portions of the Energy Draining system, mainly its regulatory parts, are located in the medal as well. And finally the W'Kar Element itself, situated at the center of Anubis Control Medal.Surrounded by a nearly impervious energy barrier, the element is the source of Anubis power. The Elemental Barrier also prevents other outside influences from effecting Anubis, rendering him nearly impervious to the effects of outside influences on his unit.

Time and Space Dilation: By concentrating mass amounts of energy our lordcan manipulate the connections between realities known as the multiverse, which in effect creates an Event Horizon like energy field and slows or speeds time as he sees fit. Can effect upto a 30mile radius. Space Dilation allows Anubis to control the atomic mass of a limited area of space. Only a 100 foot area, this ability can be used to stop opponents and even rip lower beings apart without effort. This also gives him the option of partially phasing into the multiverse, preventing all forms of physcial contact and dampening all energy attacks and abilities to 1/4 of their usual effectiveness. Other effects include the ability to pass through solid objects as easily as air, create hyperspace rifts for transportation of mass areas, instant fatal damage to any one foolish enough to attack and the ability to distabilize fields of electromagnetic, bio energy, plasma etc.. in nature. Believed to be a seperate system from the Energy Draining, this special system can also be used in conjunction with the Energy Draining to vastly improve it's powers and usefullness. Matter Manipulation is an example of this. It is unknown what other abilities may arise from these two systems integration.

Cloaking: Anubist can make the W'Kar armor appear as anything. So it can give a chameleon effect, or keep the armor on and appear as clothing. Anubis has also used this ability on other people as a projection.

Warrior Rage: Warrior Rage has the same function. It can multiply our lords strength and power 3 fold making him far over any being in existence, can only be activated in measures of extreme rage or when the Control Medals friend or foe system has been activated.

W'Kar Element: Created only when a planet forms. This Element has the potential to boost power ratings over 100X their normal rates. When this was merged with the original W'Kar Unit it did just that. The W'Kar Element is located in the center of the Control Medal and gives Anubis a constant supply of energy that cannot be diminished under normal use. Therefore Anubis has limitless energy and stamina. The W'Kar Element also effects a wide variety of Anubis abilites and allows him to have psychic powers rivaling that of Albass or Alkanphal and in some forms surpassing, merging the W'Kar armor to his natural human form, enhancement of his cloaking abilites to spacial distortions and incredible defensive measures in both W'Kar battle form and human form. It is currently unknown how much control Anubis has over his W'Kar Element, but if the subject could directly channel all of his W'Kar Element energy into a single attack the effect would be far more than catastrophic.

Energy Conversion: Anubis can change all forms of energy into any other form of energy. Such as converting his Pressure Cannon from a Gravity Attack to a Plasma Attack, Mega Smasher to a Plasma or Gravity Smasher. This effect is perfectly efficient and results in no loss of power.

Hyperspace Orb: The unit also can send the host into Hyper Space to recover from battle or teleport. A battle backup transports the control medal into hyper space so it can remake the host's body without interference. Our lord has now discovered that his Hyperspace Orb is the center of both his Energy Draining System and Multiversal powers. All orbs located on his chest and sides are hyperspace orbs, and the destruction of such could drain our lord to lower powers. However each orb has its own shield surrounding it to prevent so, and all orbs must be destroyed to do so. All of the glowing cells on his body and wings appear to be part of this system, and the cells appear to be conduits of energy absorbtion.


Subject's Human Form

No other conclusions can be made until further data is gathered on subject.