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FLEET sends their finest to lend a helping hand...

...and we've gathered a few bits and pieces of his stay we fondly refer to as:

"Hey everybody - Tim here, just happy to have helped you guys get back on track! ...hey, don't mention it!!"

"hey, you guys got anything to eat around here...??"
"...I'm right here n the office here if you guys need me..."
"...I'll be right here in the shop here if you guys need anything...'
"...whatcha buildin...?"
"...yup...I'll be right here if you need anything..."
"...oh, what did he call it again, ah Left Front,..ahhh, Lower Front..., no - no, ahh..."
"..ahh, what time do you guys get lunch around here...?"
<day dream> - <day dream>....

"...geeze - , somebody wake me for lunch...zzzZZZzzz..."

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