
(watch out, this is the important legal stuff!)

This site contains (or will contain, eventually) fanfic, from various fandoms, and of various genres, ratings, and pairings. That means you might find slash here, or sex, or bad language, or violence. The stories as listed on the fic index page have ratings and summaries that will warn you about content. NC-17 means graphic sex and/or violence; R means not quite so graphic; PG means I wouldn’t be ashamed if my mother read it; G means I’d let my twelve-year-old sibling read it.

If you’re underage wherever you’re from, or if it’s illegal in any way for you to read stories with this content, or you feel uncomfortable with a certain rating, then DON’T READ THE STORY. If you feel the content would squick you--if you’re against same-sex pairings, or witchcraft, or magic, or serial killings, or character death, or WHATEVER IS LISTED IN THE SUMMARY--then DON’T READ THE STORY.

I only list pairings if they’re non-canonical. That means if you’ve seen it in the show, you might see it in my stories WITHOUT WARNING. If you’re worried that a pairing you hate on the show might suddenly jump out at you in a story about a different couple altogether, then (what’s that magic phrase?) DON’T READ THE STORY.

Just because something doesn’t appear specifically in the summary or on the fic index page, doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the story. If I wanted to tell you how every fic ended, I wouldn’t write stories, I’d just write summaries. Surprises will happen. If you don’t like surprises, then a) what are you doing here? b) is there any joy in your life at all? and c) do I even need to repeat that you SHOULDN’T READ THE STORY?

If you want to link to me, you’re welcome to do so. If you want to critique a story of mine, that’s great; I will post it on my critique page (forthcoming). Please don’t archive or post my stories elsewhere without asking me; but I’m lenient that way. And always remember: in a writer’s heaven, plagiarism is punnishable by a long, slow, torturous death.

This is an unofficial fan site. I do not own the characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, or Star Trek (in any of its incarnations). I receive no profit or recompensation for maintaining this site. Also, I’m poor and not worth suing.

The people who do own these things include but are not limited to: Joss Whedon, Chris Carter, Gene Roddenberry, Fox Broadcasting, Mutant Enemy, 1013 Productions, Paramount Pictures, UPN, WB, and so on, and so forth.

If you want to know more about the people who do own these characters, and the other fine things they’ve done and created, then look at the official sites: