The Fated Love Of Ripper And Ethan

by Zulu

the request

Two characters who must be included: Giles and Ethan

One or two things that must appear in the fic (i.e. nail polish, "cold dead seed", chickens): Deuling penises, ultra-feminine!Ethan, dual-personality!Giles (Ripper written as a totally separate person).

One or two things that are sacred (i.e. don't mock this, please!): Giles is neither old nor gross.

A scenario you'd like to see (optional): Turns out Ethan was a big ole softie all along, just horribly misunderstood...

the badfic

Buffy stauntered in the Library. She had to tell Rupert Giles about the horrible demon thing she killed last night on her nightly patrol. It had been pink, 10' tall, with green leaves on it's arms and 13 cm long teeth.


'I'm going to get you and eat your brains,' ejaculated the demon. "I am Luthor here me roar."

"Not if I get you're brains first", Buffy said scowlily. She killed him because it was raining. A lightning bolt hit him and then she kicked him. He was stinky.


"Mr. Giles" she uttered."I killed a pink demon last night it had leaves and 13 cm long teeth."

Rupert came out. Of the office. He was wearing a tweed suit and cleaning his glasses. Buffy thought he looked old and fuddy. But that wasn't true. He wAS a virile Watcher with a dark secret past. He stated, "How come you didn't tell me eariler?" "I just got here' remarked Buffy.

"I must consult my books". Murmured Rupert. He was an intelligent thoughtfull man who could unravel any mystery. He was strong like a cougar but he had to hide it because of how his father beat him a child and forced him to go to Watcher school. There were things nobody new about him thought. He rememebered nostalgically Ethan his friend from before he was a watcher. Ethan was evil. But Giles recalled their halycon days as wild young teens.

Zander and Delia entered the Library followed by Willow Rosenburg and Oz the wearwolf.. "What's the what"? opined Zander.

"Demons" suggested Buffy.

"we MUST research" added Rupert Giles. But he was not thinking about the pink demon. He was recalling devotedly his magickal chum.

Each young adult launched themselves into the book-shelves. They yawningly grabbed books to read the books were empty! Delia gasped "The books are empty!!"

Rupert wiped his spectacles. "Not my beloved books!" But it was true. All the writing was gone from the books. And the card cataloge was mixed-up!

Oz (the wearwolf) avered "I think that the only way this could have happened is if perhaps some evil sorcerer was trying to rile up our mild-mannered librarian Rupert Giles."

Giles excitedly narrowed his eyes. "It could only be the dark sceptre of my past, Ethan Rain."


Ethan Rain cackled insanely. He had stolen a book of magicks from the library but noone would know because he had cleverly covered his tracks.

'I know from the past it wasn't just the alcohol talking Rupert. I will get you're heart. I can't believe we've had to fight each other all this time you know you can't resist me forever. I'm so sad that we're arpart. I miss you and at night I weep missing you so much" he soliloquized. Then he performed hastily a spell.


Rupert drank scotch. He was terribly sad about his books. His books were his only friends since he lost the dark-haired handsome male friend of his youth.

Ethan emerged from the closet smirking happily. 'Boo, Rupert. Heh heh. Heh."

Rupert frowned dangerously. He tore off his tweed jacket, underneath he was wearing a tight white teeshirt that highlight his broad deep manly pectoral chest and six-pack washboard abs. He slowly reached into a nearby dish and got out his gold earring which he put in his ear. "Hello Ethan" Ripper growled. He was a dangerous man. He lunged quickly at his nemesis foe.

Ethan cried sadly. He was scared. He loved Ripper but there was so much he never told him. He was only evil because Ripper never cared about him unless he was. That was what the spell was fore. But Ripper didn't know about that yet. Ethan was caught by Ripper's powerful arms around his neck.

'Pleas Ripper" He cited. "won't you make love to me like we used too"? he wept bitter sad tears from his chocolate eyes.

"Bloody hell don't arse around" Ripper proclaimed hardly. "your all mouth and no trousers. OR YOU SOON WILL BE!!!!" then he cachinnated devilishly.

Ripper lived up to his name and ripped off Ehan Rain's cloths. He reached down for Ethan's upright purple-helmeted soldier of love. He macerated it lovingly. Ethan went on his niece in front of Ripper and pulled down the zipper that contained the enormus bulge of his writhing manhood. He opened his aching desiring mouth and slipped it over the 10" pork sausage presented to him thusly. Ripper growled and grunted and fucked Ethan in the face it was so good IOnly the magician could knobgobble him to the edge of cumming.

Then Ripper pushed Ethan down and soon they're cocks were rubbing and dueling with each other as they wrestled naked on the white bareskin in front of Rippers roaring fireplace. Ethan begged "kiss me' but Rupper only chortled meanly. Then he mounted Ethan Rain from behind buggering the bad wizard in his open oozing ass.

"ooohh angghggnn ooohhhh' grunted Ethan as Ripper's manmeat massaged his prostate. "l love you Ripper i love you so much" he yelled when he cummed and then he cried because he had said to much. Ripper would leave him again because the hard tough leather-wearing rebel hated commitment. Ethan wanted to cause havock and love him again but Ripper might beat him. The thought made him cum again and his sperm shot out and splattered pleasurably on the wall.

But then he recollected reminiscingly the magickal speel that he had cast on Ripper.

When Ripper thrust his thick turgid member once more he came and then the majick made him fall in love with Ethan to.

"I love you sweetums-peachykin" mourned Ripper. "I understand now that you are'nt really evil after all".

Ethan sighed "yes it's true I only want to be with you forever".

They lay entwinned on the bear rug Ripper still buried to the hilt in the rouge sorcerer's backdoor. And Ethan thought he would never be happier because they would now be together forever thansk to his spell.

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March 31, 2004