Girl With The Weight Of The World

by Zulu

"I came to help, Buffy! I'm the Chosen One now."

Buffy glared. "You?" she asked, eyes etched with pain. "You think you can lead, Faith? I have buried more potentials than you'll ever know. I'm trying, and it's never--enough--"

"Don't be such a fucking martyr, Buffy."

"Did that. It didn't stick." Buffy's smile was empty. "I just want to sleep."

"Let me help."

Buffy pulled back. "Not like that."

"It's not--"

"They'll still be here in the morning. I can't forget that." Buffy touched Faith's cheek. "Not even for you."

She didn't wait to see if she'd been heard.

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November 26, 2004