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The following items with a * next to them cannot and will not be chosen as starting items.

Training Items, Clothes, and accessories.

*Sparring House- A small house that has diffrent levels of training inside of it that goes from raising the gravity to spawning multiple opponets. The Sparring house itself comes with Gravity Room Lvl 1x, Spawning Room Lvl 2x, and Meditation Room Lvl 1x.

*Gravity Room Lvl 5x- An add-on to the gravity room, this allows you to train on stronger gravity level than lvl 1x.

*Gravity Room Lvl 10x- An add-on to the gravity room, this allows you to train on a stronger gravity level than lvls 1x and 5x.

*Gravity Room Lvl 15x- An add-on to the gravity room, this allows you to train on a stronger gravity level than lvls 1x, 5x, and 10x.

*Gravity Room Lvl 20x- An add-on to the gravity room, this allows you to train on a stronger gravity level than lvls 1x, 5x, 10x, and 15x. This is the highest possible gravity training level at this time.

*Spawing Room Lvl 4x- This room spawns 2 times more enemies than spawning room 2x giving you twice the boost than training with spawning room level 2x.

*Spawning Room Lvl 8x- This room spawns twice as more enemies than spawning room level 4x.

*Spawning Room Lvl 16x- This room spawns twice as more enemies than spawning room level 8x. This is the highest possible Spawing training level at this time.

*Meditation Room Lvl 2x- This training room allows you to focus your mind, body, and spirit in peace without any disruption. In this room there is less disruption than in level 1x and your surrounds help you tap into that type of meditation that you want.

*Meditation Room Lvl 3x- There is a chair at the end of the room that once you sit in it you fall into a deep meditation and you don't wake up until your meditation is finally complete not only do you dream about concentrating on channeling your energy nothing can come in and disturb you while in your deep meditation.

*Meditation Room Lvl 4x- Inside is a room that changes shape and form to where you want it to be by a press of a button. If you don't find the pre-set surroundings(Grasslands, mountains, and the forest) interesting or to your liking you can make your own by telling the mini computer on your left to what you want your meditation spot to be like. Every physical feature that you could imagine is there within that room.

*Meditation Room Lvl 5x- The last and more advanced,but dangerous meditation room. This room includes everything stated above but, if you meditate in this room for more than an hour the room begins throwing you into a deep sleep without your knowledge. Once you are in a deep sleep something absorbs your body, mind, and soul and you become one within the room. Not for sale!

Angelic Boots- The boots are a clear white with yellow wings on each side of the boots. Once you start walking in the boots your body starts levitating above the ground only for a few seconds at a time. Once you start running your speed increases and your body slowly levitates above the ground,the faster you run the higher the boots take you into the air.

Dragon Training Clothes- The shirt is a dark black with a large blue dragon surrounded by red lighting design on the back of the shirt. The pants are also a dark black and they have a very light red lighting design running down the sides of the pants. The whole suit is made out of silk to make you feel lighter than you do while you wear your regular clothes. Your training/fighting abilities should be increased while you wear these. Also comes in multiple colors.

Fury Fighting Gloves- These gloves add a elemental effect of fire. Once the user puts on the gloves fire begins to surround the gloves and it slowly flows off of them in a wave. With every punch and swing the fire on the gloves bursts into flames burning both the user and the opponet. Very dangerous,but still very helpful. Comes in multiple colors.

Fury Fighting Boots- These boots add the element of ice. These where made to be used with the fury fighting gloves so that the opponet can feel how ice and fire feel mixed together. The users feet and the boots are very slick and icey giving him/her a faster running pace. A icey mist flows off of the boots with each step. Comes in multiple colors.

Wooden Tail Guard- Only for the races with tails, this protects your tail but, if the opponet has a sword they can easily cut off both the wood and your tail. Not very helpfull against a swordsman.

*Metal Tail Guard- Only for the races with tails, this is just like the wooded tail guard but it is more heavier and cannot be easily destoried by a swift cut of a sword.

Whip Bandana- A whip in the shape of a bandana,this can be worn on the forehead of the user just like a bandana and can be easily taken off to be used as a weapon. Comes in multiple colors.

Cool Sunglasses- Black sunglasses that shoot out ice beams from the lenses,they also can protect you from the attack solar flare.

*Blue Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*Red Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*Black Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*Purple Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*White Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*Transparent Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.

*Green Dragonball Crystal- Before the death of Bulma's great grand daughter in the year of 3281 she created the dragonball crystals. The new invention of the drgaonball scouter since it was going out of date because of the new colored dragonballs that where found. The color of the crystal is the color of the dragonball that it is from. These medium sized crystals pull to the source of the dragonball, at times these are not right because of the flaws that where not fixed due to the poor health of Bulma's great grand daughter.