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First off we'd like to start with the basic rules,failrue to follow them will result in immediate concequences. All of these rules apply to EVERYONE!

1)Do not god mode,if someone hits you you will react to it. No one here is a god,NO ONE.

2) Don't piss off the admins! We'll update you when we have time. We have lives you know!

3) No insulting another member or the admins.

4) No cyber sex inside of the RPG! If you wanna cyber go do it in a little IM.

5) If a woman gets pregnant in the RPG she must stay that way for 9 weeks.

6) Once your dead your dead,you wont be able to come back until someone wishes you back with the DragonBalls!

7) Don't be inactive,send us a e-mail if you are going to be away for a long period of time. If it's an acceptable inactivity we'll let it slide. The longest you can be inactive is 7 days.

8) If you have read the rules please put hot dog somewhere in your application.

9) If you decide that you want to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant you must take care of that baby once it is born or it will die. The baby will grow into a child in two months, the child will then turn into a teenager in one month, and then into an adult in about six weeks. Any questions or comments please contact us at the e-mail below.
