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These are the available jobs that you can choose from. You will only get paid if you do your job which will be every other week.


Job Type
Hunter You hunt down others and items in search for fame and zenie. There will be a special page for hunters that give missions for them. You can also get a mission from another member. Hunter's start off with a specialized weapon named after the specific hunter and, they also get to choose the pros and cons of the weapon including what type it is. Pay must be negotiated with the hunter each mission given.
Barterer You trade items for zenie and items, Barterer's start off with two trader items that can only be traded and not used in battle. There will be missions for the barterers to go search for rare items to trade. Items and zenie are negotiated with the Barterer.
Researcher Studies the unidentified items/attacks/abilities and gives them a description,there will be at least 10 unidentified items/attacks/abilities total. You must send an e-mail to the staff stating the name and description of the item/attack/ability. Depending on the item, attack, and/or ability you will gain zenie as earned.
Soldier The soldier fights in wars to earn medals and respect. The soldier starts off with a special gun that can only be used if a solider has possession of it. There will be missions and wars specialized for the soldier in return for medals and zenie. You can gather up with other soldiers to fight in the wars together. 10,000 zenie each war that you survive.
Trainer The Trainer teaches the young and adults attacks, abilities, and/or skills that they have not learned yet. Some skills may be learned again resulting in a power up of that skill. The pay depends on the type of training that the student recieves. The money is deposited from the student's account,if the student doesn't have enough money to recieve the trainer he/she either has to make it up somehow(no cyber make up!) or they wont get it at all.
Assassin Assassins hunt down others and kill them for zenie. Once the person is murdered you will get your zenie,if you are killed you will lose 50,000 zenie. Assassin's start off with a specialized sword. You decide how much zenie you get per kill. Missions will be given for assassins on a seperate page.
Thief Thiefs steal items and zenie for thier own cause or profit. The member will be notified that thier item(s) or zenie has been stolen,but they will not know who it is if he/she hasn't been caught. If the thief is caught you must fight the member that you have stolen from,if you win you escape with the goods and the member will be wounded and must be inactive for two days. If the attacker wins he/she gets back all of his/her items and you will have to be inactive for four days. What you steal is what you gain.
Doctor The doctors treat patients that have been wounded in battles or who have certain things wrong with them. Doctors start off with a medical pack containing healing healing items. 100,000 zenie for each patient treated/cured and lives for two days.
Police The police are the protectors of the city,these are the people who are called if something is stolen by a thief or if an assassin is trying to kill someone. It may take a while for the police man/woman to get to the place depending on thier location. There will be certain missions for police men/women only you can work with other police men/women on missions or to capture criminals. 15,000 zenie each criminal captured.
Updater Updates(Ask Dark Goku) 20,000 zenie ones a weak only if updated that weak.