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CH Baledwr Cobalt Sky, CGC, TDU
CH Coedwig's Carbon Blue x CH Windshyre Stormy Weather
Blue Merle and White, Tan Points
DoB: August 27, 2004
PRA Line Clear · PennHIP .50 and .55 · Tested Fluff Carrier · CERF Normal (2009) · Tested DM Normal

I have never wanted anything so badly in my life as I wanted this dog. I saw his photo at one day old and said, "He's the one for me." I watched him every day on the puppy cam - he was easy to spot, with his dark color and big orange cheeks - and lamented that there was no chance of him turning out to be show quality, and less still of me actually getting him. Needless to say, I wept with joy at puppy evaluations, when they said he was mine.

I absolutely adore this dog, and this dog adores me. Cardigans can be reserved, not bonding to people as closely as some breeds, but GoGo and I are tightly linked. He'd rather be with me than the other dogs, and can usually be seen sitting under my chair, or climbing onto my lap on the couch, or resting his head on my feet. This boy will be with me until the end.

As a first show dog, GoGo spoiled me. He took his class his first three shows, then it was all majors until the end, at nine months old. GoGo earned his CGC at one year old, and added a TDU after his name at five. I've started him in agility and he's exceeding all my expectations. This dog was put on Earth to run an agility course!

A bit of a hellion as a young dog, GoGo has matured into a mellow guy. We call him "Mr. Serious," as he often looks somber and thoughtful. He is very funny when he wants to be, and overflows with personality. He sits beside you and grumbles at you until you rub the top of his head. He knows just where the cookies are and has no qualms about telling you where they are, and that he'd really enjoy it if you would give him one, please. He prefers to nap on pillows, and will puff them up before settling down.

GoGo's best feature is his color. I've never seen anything quite like him, with that incredible deep pigment. He has a stunning headpiece and expression, with a flawless temprement. He has great substance and length, a long neck, and beautiful prosternum.

I wanted to take GoGo's registered name from his parent's names, "Carbon Blue" and "Stormy Weather," so I settled on "Cobalt Sky." I have always liked the golem myth, a fable about a rabbi who builds a man from clay, inserts a scroll with the Words of Life into its mouth, and sends the now animate creature to defend the city of Prague from onslaught. In time Golem became GoGo, and GoGo it has stayed.

After many years of wanting and wishing, in 2009 GoGo and his wife, Bronte, gave me a litter for my birthday. I could not be happier with his babies, who are lovely lookers with his great temperament. Dexter and Ella are doing well in the ring, and have bright futures ahead of them.

Pedigree: Golem

CH Coedwig's Carbon Blue
CH Spectrum Harlem Shuffle
Am/Can CH Phi-Vestavia Nautilus
CH Salvenik Sea Treasure
Am/Can CH Phi's Amazing Grace Ap Ronel
CH Davenitch Black Fox Barketa
CH Davenitch Clean Sweep
CH Megwyn's Cross Country Girl
CH Coedwig's Lilac
Winsdown Albert
White Fang Silver Moon
Winsdown Black Sequence
Davenitch Coedwig Blue Violet
Megwyn's Night Hawk
CH Coedwig Davenitch Lacy Blue
CH Windshyre Stormy Weather
CH Phi-Vestavia Inkling
CH Davenitch Sandpiper
CH Salvenik Sea Treasure
CH I Am Davenitch Mosette
CH Phi-Vestavia Good Gracious
Am/Can CH Phi-Vestavia Nautilus
CH Phi-Vestavia Luck Be a Lady
CH Hedgerow BJ's Rum Raisin
CH Rhydowen I Be Jammin
CH Locksleyhall Laird
Rhydowen Tydvil 'Ot Fudge Fani
CH Cardach BJ's Lucille Ball
CH Cardach B'N B's Ceneu Flash
CH Coblyn's Blue Lady of Cardach

(left) Eight Months Old, (right) Four Years Old

(left) One Year Old, (right) Three Years Old

(left) Two Years Old, (right) Three Years Old

GoGo drying off on the grass after a swim.

This photo of GoGo won the "Comedy" category at the 2008 Cardigan National.

Materials featured on this site, as well as affiliated sites,
are the property of Kate Roberson, unless otherwise credited,
and may not be used without permission.

Site Design by Kate Roberson © 2004