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<title>Pictures from my vast travels</title>
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<h1 align="left">Pictures from my vast travels</h1>

<!--Freetext-->I HAVE to start with a cityscape.<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/photos/Cities/Copenhagen/P0312682.JPG">
<font size="5">Copenhagen, I hear it's lovely in the spring</font>

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/dragon2/artfuldodger85/blog/I_Actually_drew_this86.JPG ">
<font size="5">I actually drew this one.</font>
<!--Freetext-->It's sorta kinda a collage of my life type deal I guess.<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/dragon2/artfuldodger85/images/mnick_lg.gif">
<font size="5">My skis</font>
<!--Freetext--> I love them, they are beautiful, they glide so nicely on the snow and through the air, if only girls were as perfect as my skis. I mean uhhh errrrr, they're pretty cool I guess.<!--EndFreetext-->
