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Why do people say "life is short"? Life is the longest fucking thing you'll ever do! Its cause they're stupid, that's why. That's why everybody does everything
   congeners are the toxins produced by your liver 
   metabolizing acohol.  having them in your blood
   is what causes hangovers...

Watch your toxins! Some good points:
*Vodka has less congeners than gin. 
*Most scotch whiskey has about four
 times more congeners than does gin.
*Brandy, rum and single-malt scotch have
 about six times as many congeners as gin.
*Bourbon drinkers ingest eight times the 
 amount of congeners as do gin drinkers 
   (whew!)  note to self:  drink more vodka ;)

What came first: The chicken or the egg?
The correct answer is that the egg came first.
The better answer is that the chicken came first.
Why? Well, because the chicken had to get laid before the egg could.

A chicken and an egg are laying down in bed.
The egg is angrily muttering to itself,
while the chicken is contentedly smoking a cigarette.
The chicken leans over and says to the egg,
"Well, I guess that answers THAT question..."

"this gravey tastes better than god's sweat"

Firing ganster style:
   Part of being 'cool' is looking like you can do things 
   easily which are generally considered difficult.
   If you are firing a gun, and you take the time to hold it
   properly and aim carefully, it shows that you have to
   really try to hit someone.

   However, if you can just point your nine offhand at some wack-ass punk
              even while holding it sideways
      (and perhaps simultaneously taking a swig from your 40oz.)
   and still take the bitch out, you must be some kind of badass.

   So, in that context, it kind of makes sense that it looks cool.

Movie Review: american pie
   "Guys, if you got a girl, take her to this movie
   because you're sure to get some poon-tang afterward.
   It's not the typical date movie where the girl will 
   bawl her fucking eyes out because Mel Gibson or Brad Pitt dies,
   and then you comfort her and she lets you stick it in.

   Hell, those movies aren't so hot anyway because the 
   girls want you to be romantic later 
            and that can be a royal pain in the ass.

   Instead, this movie makes teenaged boys look like a dorks
   and your girl will either give you a sympathy fuck,
   or she'll think that you're a sweet dorky guy and 
   she'll ride you into the sunset."

You could lose your job,
have your wife walk out on you,
watch your house burn down,
and then be stabbed 13 times by a homeless man who's screaming at a stopsign,
but as you lay bleeding in a corner of a filthy abandoned alleyway,
you can safely say,
"at least I'm not a Goth Poet."

ROMANCE MATHEMATICS Smart man + smart woman = romance Smart man + dumb woman = affair Dumb man + smart woman = marriage Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy LONGEVITY Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.

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