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Sexual Quotes

Nice shoes! Wanta fuck?

Pagans do it in circles. :)

Orienteerers do it in the forest!

"Excuse me are you tired?
...... Cause you've been fuckin' me in my dreams all night."

Sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up!

Hey, Bi-World has twice as many rides!

I wish I was x^2 and you were 1/3 x^3
so I could be the area under your curves.

It wasnt my ear you whispered into, but my heart.
it wasnt my lips you kissed, but my soul.

When I just wake up I dont recognise anyone,
and I'm liable to make wierd comments I'll regret later...
something like "Hey, how'd you get out of the cuffs?"
or even "Was I THAT drunk to not remember you last night?" ~Ai'Loki

hehe... me fucking? hehehe... I wish...
I'm still sealed in the original casing if you know what I mean!

You're a naughty girl,
go to my room!

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