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Cuss'z Space
Monday, 29 December 2003
The votes are in....
[mood- constructive ]
[music- Fishtank, (I'm getting better at it!)]

Okay, with one vote from Glop and a few votes from other random friends/honoured aquantances/strangers in the street/characters in fanfic/Kosh ect. ect. I have come to a conclusion--

My username shall be- cussoftherobot

My LiveJournal shall be called- "The Ghost Fishtank of Doobji"*

So yes, now Cuss must get off lazy ass and get LJ. Oh wait, I don't even need to get up to do that... hehe.

*(I've seem to forgotten to explain Booji and Doobji, they're gods you see, Booji is the Great Vorlon God that bears a strikeing resemblance to Jason Carter with a bucket on his head, and Doobji is the Great Roman Turkey God of grade nine Latin class. That is all)

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 5:03 PM EST
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Sunday, 28 December 2003
Once more, with replies
[mood- a tad vampy ]
[music- Blink 182]

Once again, a list of what may become mine LJ username if I get votes!!


Personally, I'm kinda leaning towards cussoftherobot, cuz I do the robotics thing and the likes and my favourite robots usually have funny ways of cussing, so yeah.

Excuse me now, The Vampire Lestat awaits.

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 9:14 PM EST
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Saturday, 27 December 2003
Happy Holidays?
[mood- Holidayish ]
[music- Holidayish/ Blink 182’s new CD]

Okay, welcome to Cuss'z holiday entry.

Christmas eve, me and Tealick (my little sister) always exchange our gifts to eachother. She gave me PotC on VHS, and I gave her Seabiscuit. We sleep in my room after this. I had to gie her my Gameboy to get her to go to sleep.

Woke up at FOUR O’CLOCK in the morning to open our stockings; I got this really neat puzzle thing and candy and colouring pencils. And managed to go to bed and sleep ‘til six, then bug our parents, then get Dad to go downstairs at seven, it’s a tradition thing, and we opened presents from Santa. I got bubble bath, LotR: TTT on VHS (the extended version), the new Blink 182 CD and Queen’s greatest hits on DVD.

Now, my family, does not own a DVD player, so when I told my mother it was a DVD she was all ‘No, it’s music, it has the songs listed on the back. I tried to calmly explain that it was music videos, she tried to say that Queen never made music videos, that no one in the 60’s to the 80’s made music videos. I’d seen loads of videos from the 80’s so whatever. I wasn’t too bugged cuz I didn’t even know Queen had made a DVD, I knew I could exchange the still sealed box for a VHS version.

Then I opened Season Three of Babylon Five.

I have been begging and praying for this since last March, for my birthday, then the release was delayed for some reason, then I was promised it if I got a 85% average, I got a 83.5%, then I finally got it!


My parents are all ‘Well, you can watch it at your aunt’s house.’ Nobody in my family loves Sci-Fi like I do, and no one even tolerates my love of Babylon 5. I was oh so close to just crying at their stupid remarks, they were soo mean.
We were going to eat the ever-so traditional breakfast, I was the last to the table. At my feet was a biiiiig box wrapped in brown paper addressed to ‘The ------- Family’, I look at my mum, grin and rip off the wrapping of our new DVD player.

Yummy yummy Babylon 5. Such a funny show. Listening to Bruce Boxleitner, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs and that guy who played Morden do a voice-over for an episode is too funny!

Best lines outta that (if you watch, you get it):

“There’s the jukebox!”

“There’s Jason, he thinks he’s frozen, but he’s really dead.”

“It’s taken me five years to figure out that dream sequence I did, and all the fans knew what was going on at the time!”

We went to one of my aunt’s and uncle’s for Christmas Day, my oldest cousin (a 20-year-old guy in the navy) was there, with his girlfriend. We have this thing, beat each other up. It’s a cousin thing, everyone tries to best each other. It always comes down to him and me. Oddly enough (not oddly if you know me well enough) I always win. A 15 year old girl, tall but really light VS a 20 year old man in the navy, gone through basic training CARRIES A KNIFE TO FAMILY DINNERS (he had just put it in his pack so he didn’t kill any of us). I won. We have everything leading up to the final ‘battle*’ on tape, but we ran out of batteries.

My Mum ruins our fun each year. She’s like the final buzzer of a hockey game AND the nasty ref that needs glasses. I always get blamed, I’ve got the rep as family scrapper because when I was little I knew how to bite, kick, and scream. I have a lot of antagonizers in my family too, they piss me off a lot. If I wasn’t related to half my family (I’m not thanks to marriages and such), I’d rather not meet them. Not being mean but my family is nothing like me. Yes, half of us are a bit crazy, but I have honour in my insanity.

Okay, no rants about family right now.

Goddamn holidays.


Yesterday (being boxing day), Michael(apparently a gifted boy, keep that in mind) was hanging out cuz there was more family stuff and we went upstairs to my bedroom, he saw the bubble bath, with is ‘Champagne Bubble Bath’, it’s in a totally cool really looks like Champagne bottle, you could think it was Champagne except for the big words BUBBLE BATH under the word CHAMPAGNE. Michael likes to think himself a big man, tougher than me, he claims to be a drinker, smoker of weed, and something of a ‘ladies man’, but he’s more like a Hobbit of the Hood Wannabee. I told him that it was really bad stuff and that he oughta drink it in the bathroom next to the toilet in case he needed to spit it out, so we went to the bathroom, him saying that I ‘just don’t like booze’, and me wondering how he could believe me. He took a swig. Spat it out, and turns out on the label it says ‘do not drink’. He was all scarred that he was gonna die. He didn’t swallow any, but worried none the less.

*rolls over laughing again at the look on Michael’s face*

I haven’t seen him since.

I spent all day watching PotC (Michael’s DVD) and B5, and reading the Vampire Lestat. What a productive day tis!

Did anyone else notice that during the sword fight scene in the blacksmith shop between Jack and Will that you can see Orlando Bloom’s tattoo from the Lord of the Rings on the inside of his right wrist, right around the eunuch part? I feel soo observant!


Posted by dragon2/draganz at 8:55 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 December 2003 9:08 PM EST
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003
[mood- happy ]
[music- Gravity (Our Lady Peace CD)]

3-2 Sens in overtime. Stooopid refs, good seats, good company (mostly), pissed off surounding people with curses and loudness.

Me and Michael (my cousin, put away dirty thoughts) sat all alone while my Dad and Adam (my other cousin) sat three sections away. I don't know why my Dad's company doesn't get season's tickets in the same section. They're odd.

Anyways, we were sitting right in front of a box, and Micheal was all 'hey, I'm gonna steal that lady's wine' and I told him to go for it. But he didn't, instead he stood up and grinned at her like an idiot. Crazyness runs in my family, on my mother's side. My father's side is just twisted. (Will someday talk about trips to England)

And, my Dad lost Adam. How you lose a ten-year old boy in a crowd of 17,689 (was total attendance)??? Hehe, very easily if it's Adam. Aparently he ran down to the plexi-glass as the final goal was shot and my Dad didn't see. Adam's excuse 'sometimes they'll throw you the broken sticks at the end of the games'. Now, I've NEVER heard this before, but whatever. Watching my Dad panic and run in and out of the men's washroom for eight minutes and tweleve seconds was fun. Yes, I timed because I knew Adam would do something like this. He always runs off, never mind wander, without saying a word.

Heh, funfun.

*reads Glops LJ*


- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 7:13 PM EST
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Monday, 22 December 2003
Why, is my right hand/arm shaking?
[mood- slightly concerned ]
[music- TT listening to Avril interview in the next room]

Should my arm be randomly shaking? Is this a bad thing?

I saw Return of the King yesterday too! I'd sorta forgotten that I was going to see it with Nicki! Hehe, it was more comical the second time around. I couldn't stop laughing when *SPOILER ALERT* Gollum got the ring in Mount Doom and was doing the happy dance. It was priceless. *END OF ALERT*

Wow, I saw Return of the King twice within a 30 hour timespan. I think I'll go again today on the way to the hockey game. 100 level tickets thank you very much. Ottawa VS Florida. Does anyone else think it odd that a city is playing a state? Or is there a Florida city that I don't know about, like Quebec and Quebec city???

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 3:08 PM EST
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Friday, 19 December 2003
To Quote- "Friggity Friggtied FriggitSHIPSerz!"
[mood- all over the map but happy! ]
[music- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King]

Okay, yesterday Sheri told me that she broke up with Andrew. That, has got to be the shortest 'relationship' I've heard of in a looong time.

Today, I SKIPPED school!!!! Technically, sorta, I had my mum's permission and my dad didn't give a damn anyways! I saw the Return of the King! BEST THREE AND A HALF HOURS OF ANYONES LIFE!!!!!!!! SO GOOOOOOOD!!!! (But will not spoil for anyone else).

And yes, I found that angelfire ended up posting my quizilla post, scroll downs a bittiessssesss *Gollum*, yesssss, my preeessssisssoussssss! It callssss to ussss, we wantssss itsssss!

Not much more to say. Night!


Posted by dragon2/draganz at 8:18 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003
To ground in a sentence- "Cuss is grounded"
[mood- sneaky ]
[music- Queen of the Damned on my super cassette]

Psst! I'm grounded! Don't tell my mummy! She claimed that the internet password was changed, it wasn't!

I was home alone on Saturday night and watched Queen of the Damned twice and recoreded the audiable songs onto my super cassette! And the begining were Lestat (I almost wrote LaCroix!) is chatting it up. Love it!

Gergak! Sheri (my friend) figured out yesterday that Andrew *melts a bit* is hot. She's know him for two years and just realized! I can cut her some slack, she had a pretty hot boyfriend durring that time so I can see where she might have been not with the noticing of Andrew's hottness.

Today she catches me before homeroom and says 'You're gonna hate me'. When people tell me this it means they're gonna fong ((it's the new fuck!)) me over baaad. Sure enough, I knew it. She's dating Andrew now. I don't hate her cuz she's dating him, I'm kinda mad at myself for only telling Andrew my name today when he ask.

Okay, bye bye. Will post promised Quizila post soon!

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 6:44 PM EST
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Friday, 5 December 2003 says I'm not real!
[mood- useless]
[music- Mario Kart 64 SFXs]

Not to make anyone envious or anything, but we're watching Pirates in French class for then next week. Special stuff on the DVD and all. *does happy dance*

I have a copy of the script on my hard drive in a Word Doc if anyone wants to trade off useful web skills.

I feel sooo useless though cos my friend was sad cos her boyfriend broke up with her again and they're still best friends but she's really sad and I'm all worried that she won't be happy and might do something bad cos this guy's all weirkyish and stuff and I really don't want her to be sad but Nibs don't seem to solve everything in the world. Curse'ed Cherries!

This is what I get for not having a boyfriend, I have no idea what it's like for people to be having relationship troubles and although I don't envy people with tough love, I kinda feel awkward when someone I know's all sad and stuff cos of a guy/girl/sandwich cos I really really suck at relationshipy things. I can see the logical things but I am sooo emotionally detached when it comes to advice I just sit there like a sodding ponce in hopes that I can make them laugh.

Meah, whatever. How goes everyone else's lives?

Oh! Hi Mark, welcome to my Blog! Do I know you in the real world Mark or are you a true blue fuzzy lurker? I love Nightcrawler too! I didn't like the X2 version too much, but got ued to it. They're bringing Gambit into X3, I love Gambit just as much as Nightcrawler. And Fishtank is kinda punk rock on an accoustic guitar. I love rock.

Hehe! People read this!

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 8:33 PM EST
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Thursday, 27 November 2003
So yes, I am me. And I am the start of a band!
[mood- proud ]
[music- Fishtank (my own piece!)]

Isn't it great??? Okay, I know no one else can hear it but my guitar playing after only THREE lessons is amazing! Dale, my teacher, says I have TALENT! Oh, my, gods. I have a talent!!!! EEE!!! Yippee! I'm gonna tape me playing Fishtank and digitalize it and put it up here! Haha!

*bonces around with wonderful guitar*

His name is Screed! Isn't it great???

Ahem, yes.

I'm making a funky Quzilla answers entry but haven't finished yet.

And, was AtS a repeat yesterday?

And and, I didn't get to watch the OC! I was gonna but the power went out!

Meah, later days amigos!

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 4:49 PM EST
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Sunday, 23 November 2003
Titles are optional, then why do I bother?
[mood- happy ]
[music- Woodstock chattering to me]

Hehe, it took me two weeks to get this posted. I'd better get some comments or I'm gonna be very not happy.

Strong - Silent and often mysterious, you don't
mind being by yourself. You can get things done
on your own and don't like anyone to bother
you. You are more artistic than given credit

What Faerie Personality Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Truly creepy that...

Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon

The Dragon Personality
brought to you by Quizilla


You dont just have one imagineary friend.... You
have lots!

Do you have an imagineary friend??
brought to you by Quizilla

Fuck what??? How on earth did that come from two stupid questions??? Moron, they can't even spell imaginary! *sends Jim of the Woods out to kill person* They aren't imaginary, they're invisible.

You are ASHTON KUTCHER-TYPE livejournal user!

What kind of Livejournal user are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dude, where's my car? I know I'm not really on Livejournal or anything... if anyone's got an extra startup code lying around though, I'll make them lots of pretty desktops!

You are the Quizilla Quiz:
"Are you a Vampire? Do you WANT to be a
You are a quiz with one of two ideas in mind. You
are either on Quizilla because you really wanna
know if there are such things as real Vampires,
or you are a tool of your maker, used to find
new Vampire recruits for your chaos legions
when you try to take over the world. Just like
this one>HERE

What sort of Quizilla Quiz are you? (fun)
brought to you by Quizilla


My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Damn right! Right in the middle of the quiz! Not 1, not 6, not 16, not 45!

Season 4
You are Season Four- the dawn of a new age. With
the Shadow War concluding early in the season,
the younger races are now faced with the task
of bringing together their fractured
governments. The Earth Civil War is the
dominant conflict, though there is strife on
Minbar as well. The year ends on a victorious
note with the death of President Clark, the
formation of the Interstellar Alliance, and the
marriage of Sheridan and Delenn.

Which Season of Babylon 5 Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not exactly three, but I can't complain...

Drums---You're always on the go. A spontaneous ball
of energy, you'll do whatever sounds the most
fun at the time. You tend to be a partier, and
can sometimes pay for your crazy behavior
later. You're a warm person that people can
always have a good time around.

What instrument would you play in a rock and roll band?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wait, what? I'm a guitarist! I'd play drums if I could sit still while I played Fishtank but I just can't! Besides, my parents won't let me have a drumset yet. * big mopey sigh*

You can obviously see perfectly well.

How good is your vision?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm, why thank you.

Your A Band Punk. you eat breathe and drink your
fave band your clothes have lyrics of your fave
song writen all over them your friends think
your cool and there all up in to your music. go
you keep up with the awsome music lyrics.

~*What type of punk are you?*~
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah... 'cept my shirts are all blank cuz I'm working on that lyrics sorta thing...

you're OZ
You are Oz!

Cool, stylish and stoic--you're a rocker
and people would be hard-pressed to
dislike you. You probably have something deep
inside you that bothers you...but as long as
you can control your wolf, you're a generally
happy individual

~Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character Are You?~
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm... I'm normally Spike, but I can't complain!

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ooo... creepyly me... creepyer picture...

your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

LMAO! "'Will someone repeat?' 'I know what you're thinking' *signals 'fuck this'* 'Thanks Trucks'" Fuck is such a powerful word! Yay!

You probably wouldn't die in a horror movie. You're
good at avoiding sticky situations and leaving
your friends to get killed instead. Beware
though, you may not die in the movie, but
leaving your friends to get killed will haunt
you in the future. Then again, if you're the
kind of person who left your friends to die,
you probably don't feel too guilty about it...

Would You Die in a Horror Movie?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well that's interesting...

Your are a ROCKER!! There is nothing that could
come between you and rockstardom. Just like
Ozzy Osbourne, AC/CD, The Rolling Stones, that
have lasted for so many years and will continue
lasting for years to come! You are amazong! I

Would You Make it as a Rock Star?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ooo! A vote of confidence! Yippee!

You're not a poser. You don't care what people
think and you don't try to put on show by
dressing up for the sake of looking/acting
punk. Because that(by definition) would make
you a poser.

You just might be a poser! Find Out!
brought to you by Quizilla

Got that right.

U are completely obsessed. totally, utterly, madly,
deeply, insanely obsessed. GOOD FOR YOU!!! ah
harrrrrr, welcome to the caribbean luv!

You know ur obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean when.......
brought to you by Quizilla


Right, before this get's any bigger I'm gonna post it!

- Cuss

Posted by dragon2/draganz at 6:44 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 19 December 2003 8:36 PM EST
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