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Fanfics - My Sacrifice

My Sacrifice

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Rating: K (all ages)

Genre: Romance, General

Date started: Tuesday 4th January 2005

Date finished: Tuesday 4th January 2005

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 8 See what was said!

Theme song: 'My Sacrifice' by Creed

Summary: {Songfic}{Creed - My Sacrifice} May contain some incy wincy spoilers. Elk has promised Mia he would help her to remember everything that she has forgotten. How is he feeling now, after all that has happened?

Comments from Selph: Yaaaaay~ I have a real soft spot for this fic. Probably because, before good old RenxHoro came along, this used to be my favourite pairing. I wanted to specialise in this pairing before I changed my mind for RenxHoro instead. Anyway, yet ANOTHER random songfic, inspired when I completed the .hack// games 100%. The song I wrote this fic to happened to be playing at the time I did so. Thus, where the idea came from.

Now... read the fic:
My Sacrifice