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News and Happenings

UPDATE 21 July 2006: Sorry for the lack of updates, but there have been a great deal of personal matters making it rather difficult for me to continue pursuing my poetic endeavours. We have recently suffered a death in the family, and other personal issues have rendered me and everyone involved weak and somewhat burnt out, if not disinterested in things. This applies to my writing as well, as I have not written much in months. But please stick with me, and I'll stick with you--that goes to all friends old new and renewed. I am still attempting to work on new projects. My next effort is to bring the Zed novel to publication as well as to release several new selections on my initial publisher, before taking them mainstream. Please go to my online storefront at this link to check those out.

Also I have noticed my sales on Amazon for Shedding Skin have risen dramatically, so a big thank you to whomever may be responsible. I went from 3,200,000th in sales to now leveling off at about 900,000th--at one point I ranked #112,504! I am thrilled to see any readership I can in this matter.

The Lizard Anthology, as you know now, has been released! The "official" date of release was 22 May but it is available on Amazon here

Stream Of Consciousness, a Book Length Poem, is on the site for your perusal and enjoyment


I am currently trying to make a long-held dream of mine come true--a spoken word album of my poetry. Update: I have recently reunited with Horsemen drummer Eddy Burns. He is a bona fide musical genius who, in fact, never lost the fire of creativity that sparked in all four of us. He has been contributing ideas and materials for the spoken word project. I am still soliciting the talents and input of other musicians as well.


Newest is also the oldest as the "Zed Starchild" project, long rumored to be released, will be out by next year as it is in the process of final develeopment. More on this very soon."Drakken: The Reaper" is the working title for a new-old project if you will. Based on a recently revived idea I had about 4 or 5 years ago it centers on the idea that every millennium or so a human is chosen to be the Reaper of Souls--aka the Grim Reaper. This novel would tell the story of an 11th century French monk named Michael who has this role forced upon him and his attempts to live a human existence for centuries beyond his time and deal w/ these awesome and often deeply disturbing powers he never wanted in the first place. More on this in the near future...

I am also working on a treatment for an animated (presumably) television series set in Hoy, West Virginia and perhaps a collection of western-themed short stories...


This is the "unofficial" name of the project arm of this site and related creative pursuits by other artists and authors. You may remember Eddy Burns, Horsemen drummer and guitarist, mentioned earlier on this page. He is also working on a book, an autobiography. If you think I've led a bizarre and difficult existence, wait till you hear his story! We'll be publishing that by Christmas of 2006. He is also collaborating w/ me on poetry projects at this time as well...

Shedding Skin
The Lizard Anthology
Edward Myers's Biography
More Poetry
Formerly Unpublished Poetry
Zed Starchild Preview
Legal Notices
Stream of Consciousness
Press Clippings