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Disjointed Ramblings

The carnival began
w/ a fortune teller's raves
Spreading dreadful opiates
Every one of you craves
The slideshow started
Pictures in reverse
A life lived backwards
--or something worse?
We can't know, the photographer's dead
Or so the sideburned barker said
Look, they generated their
own bolt of lightning
So hokey, but so real
(as w/ all things phantastic)
We found ourselves there
In this universe of plastic
Into which
Not even the yokels would pass
Vacancy in their eyes
When they pushed against the glass
There's the true freaks
The ones who paid to see this
So, let the auction begin!
We're all on the block
We're all in limbo
We're all in hock
Bonded into blind subservience
That only we could unlock.

The lizard spoke in riddles
Changing colors w/ his every word
Curiously posing
His baffling cries could be heard
miles across the desert
We were disturbed
though every motion was planned
His dance of doom,
Odd utterances,
All to lull us into quietude
So he could poison us,
Devour our remnants
Moving on to a calm disposition
Awaiting his next prey
Cruel actions of a nature
Intended to have its way.

Everyone wants to rule the world
Some create their own for the illusion
Some fight for true solution
Some have no world at all
I barely run my own little room
in the middle of my soul.

Turn it off, turn it off,
Turn it all off
&then I'll see the picture
No one else can view
It's there because of you
it's only meant for me...

Sometimes I don't know whether I misunderstand myself or if I'm truly crazy, or a plain evil core surrounded by a "good person." Some of the things I have seen from myself are just horrendous--and while I don't see fit to act on any of it, the mere fact that these tiny thought-demons are there scares me, that one day I could lose control. And it could be from something inherently harmless or only dangerous when the right psychic elements are applied--i.e, a bottle of booze.

Take as an example dreams I have. Dreams may be my body's unconscious way of dealing w/ wants I can't or shouldn't have, though the reaction & thought process I have after waking from these bizarre mini-movies can be shocking in its intensity & endurance.

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