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Reptilian Agenda: Poetic Philosophy

This site was last updated today, 24 March 2006.


The poet's life tends, historically, to be a tortured one. This seems to be due to the overwhelming tides of emotion and sensory views that give them inspiration, yet at the same time can curse them w/ the inability to view anything for simply what it is. A surreal storm of haunting mental images, photographs of the real, unreal, & unimagined crawling into the mind's eye and then picking up speed until the poet is in an ecstatic, dervish-like frenzy of thought. This is the overriding dilemma, the "Catch 22" of the poet's experience. He can describe the world as no one else, yet in so doing cannot experience it like everyone else. The poetic inspiration, the Muse, can be a cruel mistress, fleeting and maddening yet seductive and overpowering. Raw animal passions, anger, intense visuals of an underworld lying just beneath the surface of normal thought...


The reptilian agenda-- an idea based on the impulse and desire of many in society to cast off (shed one's skin, if you may) and begin anew, whether in clothing, habits, location or existence as a whole. To experience a rebirth, not necessarily in the spiritual sense but in one's soul just the same. It is also the somewhat darker underside, ruled by visceral needs and perceived needs--the shadowy cover of night allows for the release of nocturnal creatures and their instinctive tendencies. This can be found in real reptiles and in humans. Both are gravely misunderstood. Reptiles simply follow their natural programming to commit their behaviors. No evil is involved. In some people as well, there is no intent of guile or harm, except possibly to oneself. The voices within of love, lust, hunger, passion, and what some term danger and subversion-- these are all we have in common w/ Nature. Sometimes in humans it can be warped into evil, but even then it can have its roots in innocent things. The constraints of "modern society" are prohibitive of much of our natural tendencies. Art, in its varying forms, is one way of circumventing these imposed conventions. Dark poetry, an invitation to the other side of our Nature, can be one of the strongest art-forms. It is that voice which I choose to reveal my own (and others', in some cases) "Reptilian Agenda."

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