-*9/26*- so i FINALLY got this thing working, the background was bein pissy but like YAY! anywayz, as u can see (hopefully) this is a page dedicated to logging what went on in my day. dont care? well then i suggest u go **CENSORED** ok, so i digress...today was pretty crappy. my average in algebra II like jumped off a cliff i was like "AHHHH!!!" yeah, i gotta fix that...and of course, the loser (whos in FIVE of my classes) was being stupid and bitchy and annoying. but i think she finally recieved some of the hate vibes we've been sending her way, she sat ALLL alone in the shs media center today :0D ok, so i take pleasure in making others miserable, but thats JUST cuz shes a loser like her sister, i mean, who the FUCK does their homework when they have nothing else to do?!?! "well, i was bored, so i did all my homework for the next week" "yeah, i finished all my research over the summer" "u didnt start your homework until four oclock?!!? what were u doing?! u need to manage time better, look at ME, IM perfect, just like my sister who i WONT STOP TALKING ABOUT" ok, well she actaully DID say some of those. my reaction? EWWW GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!! **runs in opposite direction from hideous face** well ANYWAYZ, here i am, sittin at my computer, pretty damn proud that i finally poked my comp long enough that it worked (and bit my finger off). waitin for a call...;0) also waitin for a certain someone to jump off a cliff and make a big hole in the ground with her extraordinary ugly fatness and squish someone else but then hed be IN HER HOLE with HER ON TOP. but wait....that wouldnt work anyway, cuz hes **COUGH** and **COUGH** lol...for those of u who didnt get that, DONT ASK. aiight ill be updatin my site soon. talk ta ya'll lata!! (EAT UR VITTAMINS!!!!!)
so today i woke up at nine, an insanely early time for a saturday morning. my parents were playing music really loudly and neglected to close my room door. yippee. last night was SO FUCKING HILARIOUS. talkin on the phone makin a miiinor little change to baby got back, LOL. SOO great...and also found out that i cant count (check my quotes page for an explanation). so then i went to bozos and we did our drivers ed project which was SOO INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS at the end, it was great. specially all the random parts like the cat, the bunny on the roof, and will telling bozo to pat her head and rub her stomach lol...and of course, the classic "walk on the line" gig where bozo starts out good but ends up falling FLAT on her face, HILARIOUS. but after we were done, i did some catch up on YUGIOH the best fucking show in da WORLD (most addictive=paradise hotel and the oc, hehe)watched six episodes in a row, DAMN good stuff, go bozo for being an addict and having so many :0) **sing songy voice**-->kaibas a hottie...haha, had to put that in ;0D! so i just got back from dinner...my day was pretty good, cept for random bouts of depression here and there, but THATS ok...i dunno if im gonna stop or not. its not fair. ill end it there. see yaz....
so today was made extremely funny by hilarious and weird jokes lol...good stuff, good stuff. my quote page has grown VERY long in a short amount of time. im still adding, so watch out hehe. if u can think of any good ones, im me or tell me or w/e, u get the picture. today was veerrrry boring, cept my trip to laurens house HAHA. so we climb out on her roof and this weird couple kept staring at us. im glad her whacked up neighbor who lives across the street didnt come out and start honking at/chasing the geeses lol. anywayz, it was funny. sundays are so depressing, **sigh...** wakin up at 540 tomorrow so im gonna go :0)
well today nothing much really happened. im talkin to migiam who keeps saying all thesse pointless and useless things and keeps imitating me and she sounds REALLY stupid. wait, but no, she usually sounds stupid, its not the impersonating thing....ok, so that makes no sense. heres what she just said: "so today i went to school and THEN...yeah, i went to school." haha, migiam, ur so great...anyway, im also talking to someone else now (**COUGH COUGH!!**) yeah, im LUVIN the reaction time...yeah today was boring, have nothing to say so bye!!
so u know in a lotta corny movies where theres like two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl? and how guy 1 likes the girl but so does guy 2, and the girl only likes guy 2? and so guy 1 somehow finds out but the girl is always sooo sweet and doesnt want to hurt guy 1's feelings, and finally guy 1 has to be like, "its okay! go with him." ya know? and then of course, u walk out of the movie theater chuckling to urself about what a dork and how uncool guy 1 was. hardly ANYONE feels bad for guy 1. theyre all just happy that guy 2 and the girl are all happy and everything. well, consider this factor. what if guy 2 was a complete BASTARD. what then? and u say, "thats happened before in movies! the girl always realizes and goes back to guy 1 and is like "i love u too!!" right? well, what if the girl NEVER did that? what if the movie ended with guy 2 and the girl together? how would u feel when u walked outta there? pretty shitty right? well then consider how guy 1 feels. bye.
today wasnt that bad i guess. at least the word "lord" didnt pop up everywhere haha. so its back to school night EEK, hopefully my teachers wont show my parents my grades, shit, ill be dead before the night is over lol. poor someone, if i could id fix ur comp like this: "poof!" is it fixed?? IT IS RIGHT?!!?! haha i knew it!!! i have special powers...;0D...anywho i cant SHE is in my history group!! and she actually SMILED when rick announced the groups. i was about to kill myself. id rather be put into a group with....KUNAL AND JEFF KIMM!! YES, maybe NOW u get the picture!!! THAT is how much i hate her, GRRR. **freshman** damn u verve pipe...anywayz, nothing more really ta say cept that i also need to pull my history grade up there, i have an 89 (EEEEK!!!)...blech school this year sucks, i mean the actual classes...AHHH parents home!! bye!!!!
AHHH HAPPIEST THAN I HAVE BEEN FOR SOOO LONG!!!! SARA GOT THE MESSAGE!!!! **ahem!** right. so YEAH im SOOO fucking happy right now!! DIE SARA DIE!!!! :0D i wish bozo was with me in rumun **tear!** anywayz, on the phone with lauren and bozo, my fellow kaiba lovers haha. havin a terrific time bashin sara and discussing random topics. so my english grade has drowned itself. thats kinda bad. gotta fix that. yeah. so in drivers ed today, we saw this FREAKY movie where all these people like got paralyzed and crazy stuff where they SHOW the paralyses, it was awful!! blech, totally freaked me out about driving...and diving into any body of water lol. MAN, that video was comprable to the one in cty where the kid was trying to put the glass tube in the stopper but it slipped and he jabbed himself in the hand and blood GUSHED out everywhere and like filled the tube. EWWW. quite gross. yeah, YUGIOH TALK!!!!! gotta catch up!!!!! ok, gonna go now! byeee!!
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! sooo happy, last night was a blast SOOO much fun and highness and right now im suffering from sleep deprivation which makes me say stupid things (eminem loves pomegranates!!)...yeahhh...but thats ok, cuz most people cant even tell the difference ;0) so yesterday was mega super fun and i have to give kt a lotta credit for being open minded and sitting down to watch episode 22 of yugioh (best show eva and best episode of the show eva!!!!!). i also have to thank her for her ridiculous 14 page bday card that shes been writing since may (lol kt, ur such a loser :0D!!) KIDDING!!!! haha, god that was hilariously funny. AND i need ta thank izza for that HOT pic of kaiba (SO HOT, SO HOT!!!!) in the frame wit the hearts and bozo for the yugioh dvd (YAY!!!!!)and dart the frog whos sitting here next to me lol and i also wanna say thanx to lauren for the chicago soundtrack (been listening to it ALL DAY!!!) yeah, we had TONSA fun doing some damn good sara-bashing. ahhh, november 1=haunted hallway=scaring people=SHUUUUNN!!!! LMFAO!!! cant WAIT man...u think its just a harmless black sheet hanging on the wall to make the place darker and suddenly, BOOM ur surrounded by darkness and people are holding u down and then **POOF** you have anthrax!!!!! haha, gonna be hot as hell cant wait ta hang out wit mahh peeps lol. yeah, its been an awesome october 5th yo, i wish all days were this good haha. AND tomorrow we have off!!! YAY!!!!! sleep late, but then i gotta do my homework **tear, tear!!** but thats okay, since its been SUCH a kick ass weekend and since my homework load this weekend isnt too heavy woohooooo!! mainly contributed to the fact that spanish=a study hall period lol. in suuuuch a good mood...well, id be in a better mood if **COUGH** said **COUGH** and **COUGH** and **COUGH**...whoa, gotta take care of that hacking...anywho, ill talk to u guys lata! bye!!!
**YAWN** so tired....like two people asked why i was so sad and i was like "NOOO, im just tired haha" and shiela pats me on the head today and was like "smile my child, smile." i started cracking up lol, so i suppose it worked. been SOOOOO boring round here lately. hoping rabin wont kill me anytime soon, god shes so scary (AHH, SCARY!!)hahaha. talkin to a lunatic on the phone while typing this. tired. bored. insane. gonna go do something now, i have nothing to say, this is like 3 lines long lol, thats kinda sad but oh, well! byeeee
so this is gonna be short cuz today was BORING as hell. except for history where i made myself look like an idiot **jumps off cliff/bridge/chair** lol. ummm, oh, i think the in class english essay went pretyy damn well which im VERY happy about. stayed after to talk to lady today but instead walked in on a group of teachers who stared at me and then i realized i didnt know what to say cuz i didnt know her name **sigh**. but we found her in the end yay!! poor bozo, losing two paras of ur essay!! well, at least ya got ta stay after and finish it there. yep, thats basically it...oh, i added new quotes so check my page, doesnt matter if ur a home or cty person, new quotes all around!! YAY!!!! lol...ok, so im kinda hiiiiigh...ok, im also falling asleep haha, so im gonna go, ttyl...
sorry i havent updated for so long, it ISNT my fault, it was all my stupid brother. hes been putting up stupid away messages and changing my profile like HELL so im soooo sorry for what it says right now!! just know that it WASNT me and ill fix everything once he leaves on monday (CANT WAIT TILL MONDAY!!!). yeah, but ANYWAYZ, im so happy, i got a 100 on my algebra II test!!! YAY!!!!! this means my average is an a. dont ask me why it WASNT an a before, it was that stupid notebook quiz and that picture graphy thingy...yeah, i hate mrs zellner...but, i digress. LOL having an EXTREMELY funny convo with jess o on ims, if u want details check under my quote page lol....btw, no prob lauren, haha, i feel so special, u keep saying thank you to me like on ur page and on ur away, its like UR WELCOME!!! :0)!! haha, yeahhhh...so if u guys read this, do me a favor and just DONT im me this whole weekend k? PLEASE. and if u already did im me and got a REALLY whacked up answer, just know its my idiotic brother and not me :0) ok, im gonna go now **YAWN** today is a good day to floppy. byebye
sooo, i finally got control of my comp for a while since my brothers out right now. **yawn** pretty tired. but this week is gonna be a HELL of a lotta fun, YAY FOR SPIRIT WEEK!!!!!! whooo, i just went out and bought a superman shirt for thursday (thanx kt!). yeah, so my brothers leaving tomorrow, so i can have free reign over my comp after that haha. nothin really exciting has been goin on, cept that i cannot WAIT till six flags!!! oh, and everybody, SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!! and if u already have, SIGN IT AGAIN!!!!! :0D!!! so, before my brother comes back and kicks me off MY OWN computer, ill go. bye!
wazzup mah peeps. sry i havent updated in so long, ive had like NO time. so my brother left (half yay half noooo) but the GOOD thing is I HAVE MY COMPUTER BACK!!!! YAY!!!!! so ill update my quotes page (check it if u havent already)! yeahhh. so. im not the happiest camper right now...DAMN you....not you! well, if u dont know what im talking about (the majority of u guys) just never mind my venting, kk? **sigh** listenin to sr-71~right now, GOOOD song (thanx lol)!! "that bitch its over!!" hahaha, luvin it. nothing to say acutally, cept that im overjoyed that my english grade is creepin up the scale YAY!!! ive achieved an a in history, which makes me happy :0) haha. WTF is it with rick and asking me stupid questions that make no sense?!?! (if u dont know what im talkin about, search for the word "move" on my quotes page, **sigh** im the clueless one...) but at least today his question was easy and HE SHOWED A CLIP OF 1776!!!! lol lauren, that was great, we kept looking at each other and cracking up. of course, that was BEFORE i found out that u were a klepto and stole my purse hahaha....but i cant BELIEVE that that guy had the NERVE to stop the tape RIGHT BEFORE jess o's and my AMAZINGLY cool (and perverted lol) song. its ok, jess, we're still COOL CONSIDERATE MEN ("we're MANLY MEN!!!") haha, 1776 is such an awesome movie, if u havent seen it, GO RENT IT!!!! HAHAHA, that reminds of that fast talking guy on that commercial gome of laurens. he was like "pause the tape and go get a dog!!" lol, good times :0D!! but anywayz, RUTLEDGE is the COOLEST guy in the WORLD, and if u deny it, i will personally kill you!! ;0D haha. i enjoy dancing on tables and promoting slavery, es muy fun-o (IM SO GOOD AT SPANGLISH!!!) lol...dickinson is a stupid stupid loyalist who needs a HAIRCUT and some FASHION SENSE. he needs ta wear awesome gold flowery jackets like ME (im just the embodiment of cool manliness, arent i?). and jefferson is just WEIRD, he leans his head out the window and suddlenly knows the temperature, i was like "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" but whatever, JOHN ADAMS IS AWESOME. okay, okay, so im obnoxious and disliked, but WHO CARES?!?!? im still, like, GOD. AND im a younger version of feeny from boy meets worls, who can compete with that?! CERTAINLY not ROGER SHERMAN. livingston (even though his face turns purple every now and then, and although it gets horribly distorted at other times, mainly when hes shocked/scared/surprised) can still beat up a simple COBBLER from connecticut, OKAY?! and if u have a problem with that, just take it up with BEN FRANKLIN, the other insanely cool guy at congress. THE TURKEY SHOULD BE THE SYMBOL OF AMERICA. the eagle? eh. the dove? HELL NO. the doves, like, GAY man (like the guy who suggested it) ;0)!! john hancock is pretty cool, especially because he would rather trot to MY gavotte!! but he got BEASTED by george washington for the position of commander of the army. whoooo. now martha jefferson, shes just STUPID man. any woman who would make out (and do OTHER STUFF) w/that DISGUSTING jefferson guy MUST be a complete nimrod, seriously man. okay, getting OFF my whole 1776 tangent, SOPHOMORES ROCK EASTERN!!!!!!! FIRST PLACE BABY!!!!!! HELLLLLLL YEAHHHHHH!!!! DOWN WIT DA SENIORS!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! keep it up, u guys!! betta dress superman-ish tomorrow!! ah, this weeks ROCKIN, i LOVE spirit week!!! :0D!!!! cool, gonna go eat then update more, so see yaz!!!
wow, i wrote a lot yesterday lol. tonight was SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!!! homecoming dance with bozo and lauren ROCKED yo. u people shoulda been there. thanx bozo for roping me into that one haha. and we came in second for academic challenge whoo (go mike lee, ur my hero!!!!) haha. yeah, today was great. so in the middle of homecoming and gossiping about harrison, rick walks up and like makes fun of us for gossiping and we were like "WE WERE TALKING ABOUT HISTORY!!!!" and he was like "noo. really? really??" and we were like "YEAHHH!!!!" and we went off on this whole tangent about 1776 and that STUPID documentary from class today LMAO. the taxi scene=priceless. and in the middle of when he was talking to us, i started cracking up cuz i was thinking man, if someone was looking at us right now, theyd be like "look at those losers! theyre talking to a teacher at homecoming!!!!" haha, it was great, hes DEFINETLY my fav teacher, dude, he rox!!! haha, yeah, tonight was great!! and spirit week rox too, just to get THAT straight wit everyone. GO SOPHOMORES!!!!!! tomorrow is gonna awesome, i gots some serious body art to do, haha. yeahhh, its gonna ge great!! anywayz, its kinda late, id better go. spirit urself up for tomorrow, everyone!!! byeee!!!!!
**SIGH** what a disappointment today was. i mean, i knew we were gonna suck at the field events, but i didnt know that we were gonna suck THAT BADLY. well, at least we beat the freshmen at SOME things...but i mean, SERIOUSLY, what kinda fucked up DRUGGIE would pick lee amber to run?!?!?! but hangin wit my friends was good, i harldly get to see alexia and jess anywhere, so that was cool.nothing else really happened today, besides the enomous disappointment of field events...BUT i did do the serious body art as promised above--bozo helped me write sophs down one arm and (a very messed up) 2006 down the other, i had a viking tattoo on my hand, i wrote 2006 across my face which kt helped me fix with marker, i borrowed laurens glitter (PRETTYYYY!!!) and bozo sprayed my hair white and blue with ankurs spray and of course i was wearing my class shirt. yeahhhhh, i felt spirit-y!!! yeah, so thats bout it for today, cept that psats are tomorrow, REALLY not looking forward to that blechhhh. gotta go practice for them now, bye!!!
the psats went really well, im pretty pleased, i was SOOOO happy that the math section was easy as cake ("i love you like a fat kid loves cake!!!" lol bozo, just for you....). but anyway, this weekend was terribly boring ugh, but i finished (finally) drawing medeas house for english. now i just have ta outline it in black marker cuz the pencil lines are like invisible lol...so i gtg sleep now, im like dying from exhaustion. bye!!
today was cool cuz we got to actually PICK OUR SEATS in history YAY!!!! and we just talked bout spirit week field events for most of class, LOL, discussing the streakers so great...i luv mr rick, hes so awesome hahaha (lauren knows!!!) and he watches libertys kids too hahaha....he just needs to show 1776 like EVERYDAY and hed be good. ;0D!! haha, today was also notable cuz ive decided that by haunted hallway or during (prolly) im gonna blow up at sara and tell her everything bout how everyone hates her. if someone DOESNT want me to let her know that they hate her, please tell me, ill prolly ask u guys personally anywayz, but just in case i forget ("have u MET our memories?" lol kt!!!) yeah so, i cant wait to explode, itll be fun. then just think, NO MORE SARA HANGING AROUND US....ive just described paradise haha. so anywayz, i BETTER not have to spend $978.79 to buy a ticket to fly down to tj, cuz if i DO have to, i will KILL YOU (even if ur already dead or getting stalked by freaky fat mexican guys)!!! got that, PUNK!?!?! yeah, i THOUGHT so...tomorrows a science olympiad meeting, FINALLY its getting started but SHE better not make it onto the team man. ill KILL her (which is not that bad of a thing lol). anywho, gtg so that i can actually wake up and STAY awake in drivers ed for once haha. bye.....(NO JUMPING OFF CHAIRS!!!!!!!)
sup peeps. today was really funny, i hit sara with both kts AND laurens lunch bags today AHAHAHAHA!!!! **sigh** extreme pleasure haha. i also blocked her outta our circle after the science olympiad meeting and during the firedrill :0)!! i love being mean, it gives me joy....so tomorrow is the history "opportunity for success" and i was SOOO happy today cuz i thought we could pick our own seats in class but when we got there, we couldnt, it was those same stinky old seats again :0(...but ricks class is awesome anyway haha. hes the coolest teacher eva lol...omg, i cant wait till next friday, halloween is gonna be GREAT with my party and going trick or treating!!! yeahhhh....and christmas (well sorta) is gonna be awesome too with laurens party (go us lauren!!!! hahaha) yeah, so im gonna be adding cool new things to my site so keep checking, now i gotta go practice my violin cuz im getting tested tomorrow and my WHOLE grade rests on this one playing (cue to gasp...wait for it....wait for it....3...2...1...)**GASP!!!!** haha, im so weird...tty guys lata! bye!!!!!!
OMG, TODAY WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!! in history, we have a test and lauren, izza, and i got the broken wooden dividers. so first lauren throws one section on a different table and im like "dude, what are u doing?!" and shes like "HUH??" lol, sok lauren, i understand i gotta lot of those slow moments too haha. and so then rick comes over and is like "its okay girls, ill do it for you" so we all sit down and everyones all quiet because theyre taking the test. and we're sitting there and he tries to put it up and then it falls down over and over and then he starts telling me to take out a splinter and i was like WTF, I DONT HAVE A SPLINTER!!!! and then i realized he was talkin bout HIM and i was like OHH! but he was like "u just dont care, do ya?" so i was like "nooo..." and shook my head lol, it was great. and then he kept fumbling with the dividers and we kept laughing so hard, by that time we were all crying and sniffing HAHAHA. and then he grabs izzas book and purse and a random stapler LMAO!! and hes pushin everything together...stays for one second...then falls down. and JUST when we had all calmed down a little bit and almost regained composure, izza asked in this small voice "can we have our tests?" and he was like "oh, yeah!!" and we all break out laughing ALLLLL OVER AGAIN. so he gives us the tests and then he goes back to setting up the dividers and they kept also falling through the cracks on the table hahahahaha!!!! and finaly he gave up and was like "dude, just dont cheat." OMG it was SOOO FUNNY!!!! and he was like to fulton "mr. fulton, im doing the best i can!!!" and we were still cracking up so hard, the ENTIRE class was staring at us!!! omg, it was soooo fucking funny!!!!!! and then after school, izza and i went to laurens house where we had the best time making smores, playing with her cats, and getting marshmallow everywhere (including eyebrows ahaha). it just occurred to me that we didnt do any chem LOL, but we did get some english essay-ing done woohoooo!! omg, it was so funny! today was sooo cool!!!! like the best day of the year so far ahahahaha. yeahhhh. so that was my day. check my quotes for other funny stuff that happened today haha. byeeeee!!!!!!
HAPPY BDAY JESS!!!!! haha, its really scary that u can drive by urself now, im VERY glad i dont live in georgia. ;0)! jk, jk...today was kinda boring nothing much happened cept that i am VERY glad because i got a 100 (im almost positive) on my algebra II quiz and i got all three mole conversion problems right in chem today woohoooo!!! hehe, besides that, it was quite mundane. im really cold right now, im like....a riti-sicle...or...a ritiSICLE, cuz u know, if i didnt put emphasis on sicle, u wouldnt have a CLUE what im talkin bout lol...gotta go study nomenclature for my chem test tomorrow, EEK 20 questions and ive GOTTA get a good grade on this or im SCREWED!!! so bye!!!!!
wow, i havent updated in a really long time but anywayz, here goes. so that chem test i was talking about? suffice t to say that im screwed now haha. tomorrow is the marking period cumulative test and thats NOT good. no matter what i get, i still end uo with a b. im pondering whether or not to even TRY. **sigh** whatevaaa...so i talked to harrison today after class about sara and how she never participates in study groups HAHA. it was really funny, it looked like he was suppressing the need to laugh at her :0D!!! yeah, it was funny. AND i actually stayed after for extra help, first time ive EVER done that, it was really funny haha, poor lauren got yelled at twice lol ;0)...but i got to do extra credit cuz hes stupid haha and told me to buy hydrogen peroxide when he didnt need any YAY!!!!!! whatever man, as long as i get the crdit hehe. yeah, thats about it, im gonna go read through the college board questions, i think theyre pretty easy, but since 1/3 of the test is them, i better do it just in case. ttyl! byeeee!!!!!
JEEEEEEEEEEEEZ its been a REALLY long time since ive updated this! well nothing much has really happened....its been boring and fun at the same time lol. updates? ok, here goes...
1. gimme some thiocyanate!! (lol)
2. harrison is an asshole
3. dont make fun of larcar too much or she will throw ice cream at you
5. chicagos gonna be GREAT!!!
6. lauren and i have REALLY bad aim and noise control
7. 0 mod sucks ass
8. im reobsessed with making dolls (watch for some to be posted on the site)
9. my bookbag no longer weighs 35 pounds cuz ive taken over bozos locker (THANK YOU BOZO!!!!!!)
and finally, the one uve been waiting for...
10. skipping teachers with green leather baskets rock.
well, that was fun and out of the ordinary, i hoped u enjoyed it as much as i did haha. ive updated my song quotes page too so take a peek at that too. weeeee, i got a 100 on the drivers ed midterm!!!!!! ok, lol, so its not THAT much of an accomplishment, but since i finished first, i got to staple tests together HAHA. twas FUUUUUN!!!!...ok maybe not. haha, but oh well! and omg! another update, sara KNOWS that we hate her!!! kt, lauren, and i started talked about her REALLY loudly when she was standing just a couple yards away haha (MY idea **puffs out chest proudly**) and she got the fucking point and doesnt talk to us at ALL anymore YAY!!! yeah, its paradise haha. but i feel bad cuz now she hangs around amina, trisha, niki, and them. and aminas all like "TAKE HER BACK I DONT WANT HER!!!!!!!!!" lol, but thats ok cuz aminas not exacly the nicest person either...halloween was a lotta fun but like NO ONE was out there!! it was stupid yeah, but it was SOOOO funny!!!!! jess m dressed up as jessica rabbit and all these old guys were hitting on her!!! it was soooo funny!!!!!!!! ahahahaha, ok maybe not to you jess, but to everyone else lol....fun times lmao.....and lauren and i with our constipated old guy voices and lauren with her WHOOSHKAAAA!!!!! cape and random guy out fit LOL. she was just....RANDOM. haha, it was funny as hell. ok, i need to go develop a deep voice so i can sing like a man if i wanna do this part (sorry richard gere!!!!!)hahahaha ttyl...BYE!!
ok, well, just got back from the orchestra concert!! it was okay, i actually didnt screw up so badly YAY!!!!!! yeah, im pretty pleased with how ive improved (shut UP bozo i know ur first chair!!!!!) anywho, yeah it was cool and rather inspiring haha. and i have to say GOOOOOO PEOPLE YOU HATE TO BREAK UP!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPYYYYYYY!!!!!!! anyway, lol, as a side note, lauren heard a wierd noise and she thought it was an INJURED REFRIDGERATOR on her DRIVEWAY!!!! but then she found out it was HER redfridgerator, but dont worry, it was just the ENGINE making the noise!!!! :0D omg, rick was being SOOO weird yesterday!! all this weird stuff, i could NOT stop laughing especially when lau came over and sat next to me LOL. wtf? ftw? U!!! hahaha....and, btw, harrison is a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!! ewww, he was making all these sexist jokes in class today and i was doodling and when he said "back then women knew their place" i snapped my head up really fast and GLARED at him and he LAUGHED and was like "well, that got riti to look up DUHRR DUHHRRR" and i was like EWWWW and glared as hard as i could and he was like "and now she probably wants to come up here and punch me" and i was thinking "HELL YEAH I WANNA PUNCH YOU!!! ILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!" and the worst part of it ALL as that i was the only one to get mad. all the other girls were like "meh, whatever." and THEN he had the fucking nerve to SMIRK at us while saying "no, but seriously, everyone knows im kidding right?" and he kinda stared at me and i nodded really stiffly cuz i didnt want him to be like "riti, u know that RIGHT?" cuz he has this goddamn habit of singling students out, particularly ME. well u know what? damn u to hell harrison u fucking asshole. **sigh** anyway...lol. im gona go eat dinner now and my brothers getting home tonight to, hopefully he wont be a pain in the ass. gonna have 28 people staying at my house for thursday, friday, and saturday morning but on sunday i'll prolly get together with jess, laur, and others to reherse finally hehe, sorry for all the plan changes u guys!! well, chicagos gonna ROCK!!!!!! (GO FLIM FLAM FLUMMOXES!!!!!!!!!!!! AND RECIPROCITY!!!!!!!) lol, dont have a clue what either means ;0) ttyl, bye!
crap. shit. damn. fuck man. i havent updated in a hell of a lotta time!!!! well, to start off, i just wrote a REALLY long entry for today and then my computer crashed. so im pissed. but oh well i gues, sorry if i skip around, im just tryin to remember everything lol. well, i remember i started way back at thanksgiving. it was cool i guess i had fun with lotsa people but it got boring after a while. i mean, how many times can u hear "wow, uve grown so much since i last saw you!" and "soooooo, what grade are you in now??" and im like "great." lol but anywayz, it also sucked when everyone in my chem class got an a and i was the only one without a star next to my name on the chem test RIGHT before the break. but i must say, my opinion of harrison has gone up. when he was passing around the test, he stopped at my desk and was like "riti....nothing to be ashamed of." i thought that was nice, he didnt have to do that. and mrs zellner, i gotta say is AWESOME! yesterday, i was writing my gt 20 minute presentation in class on alternate energy sources and i was using the hoover dam as an example and i couldnt remember what state it was in, nevada or arizona. so i asked around and no one knew so i got up and asked mrs zellner and she was like "oh god...uhhhhh, no i dont know.....but we can look it up!!" and she goes and searches on google and finds the answer i was like THANX MRS ZELLNER! lol and she also doesnt care when i do hw in class haha. but, while im talking about teachers, i might as well go through them all :0) lingerfield......okay, hes just plain clueless ("ohhh, mr lingerfiled, did u collect this??" "oh, yeah i did, i guess u mustve been in lala land!" "yeahhhh, i mustve been......") haha, didnt do my hw that day. ;0D!!! i dont care what anyone says, i like mrs koch! shes really nice!!! she also lets me keep my violin in her class every morning! haha, added perks....rabin? yeah. shes still just plain SCARY. jacinto (spanish) just SUX! shes just like fenberg!!! omg i hate her!!! and shes so boring and i dont even have izza in my class this year to have fun with! i mean, id even take SANDEEP in my class again!!!!!! but posey, my violin teacher is REALLY nice! i EVEN felt bad when i lied to her! and that hardly EVER happens!! i mean when i cut class on the last day before vacation, i felt bad when i told her that i was "in guidance" and also when i lost my violin and told her that its at home. but oh well!!! but ive saved the best for last. mr rick, DUH!!!! omg today he was tellin us about his kid and how hes sick with diahrrea and other UNNEEDED information LOL. but his wifes name is jane, random fact haha. and laur and i found a pic of him in my brothers 2000 yearbook and he had spiky hair and a goatee and he looked JUST LIKE laur's brother!!!!! it was GREAT!!!!!! and he took my last cookie lol...and izza and her bribing skills "just ONE box??" lol...hes awesome and just sooooooo hot, isnt he laur?? (LMFAO JUST KIDDING EVERYONE, HONESTLY!!!!!!) hahaha...but anywayz, i gotta say POTTERY ROX!!!!!!! and laur had to cut her feet lolol....but mr thomas rox too haha, cept that he doesnt stay after long enough...and i gave my gt presentation yesterday and i forgot neils name! it was horrible! i knew what his name was and everything, i just FORGOT!!!!!! MIND BLANK!!!!!!! it was horrible, i felt SOOO BAD!!!!! "ok so will and ummmm...uhhh...err......" "neil." "omg, right, im so sorry!!!!" "sariight, dont worry about it" me, inside: "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" omg hes really nice and funny and i just couldnt remember. hes a senior too. damn man......well, going back to december, it went by REALLY fast! but so did vacation....christmas was cool in north jersey in my old house but very indian haha...but new years was like HELL in "cuntuki" it was so boring! but i did see lord of the rings and cold mountain which were good movies and lauren and lex gave me some SCARY advice and started talkin bout how they liked their friends' dads or something, i dno it was all quite odd ;0D. and laur and i get a much appreciated hearty laugh every lunch period from *** and his VERY bad fashion sense LOL, but dont worry, we're holding a FASHION SEMINAR for him and also for ***. hahaha and stupid busses are VERY unreliable!!!!! first, laur and i got stranded at school and had to call laurs VERY good friend, dr david (lol) and then this morning my bus never showed up! i got to school really late and had to stand and wait for stupid attendence people to write everyone down. and omg, random, it was SO funny, in history, i had my binder open to the page where izza, laur, and i had drawn pics of each other LABELLED (with izza sucking on the stick of a lollypop LMAO) and KAIBA written in big letters all in green ink and rick comes up and rips it out and was like "WERE YOU MAD WHEN U DREW THIS?!!?" really loudly and i was laughin so hard i was cryin and afterwards trisha was like "omg u were so embarrassed, u started crying!" and i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! but he gave me candles lol so it was okay :0). btw, laur, did u ever get that orange wax off ur carpet?? hahaha, that was funny lol....and also when mr thomas asked laur if she had a car LOL!!!!!! "heh heh heh, i dont HAVE a car..." LMFAO! soooo funny! AND charlies angels II: full throttle!!! omg, HOT IRISH GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! (cept for the robotic face and the mohawk, but he NEEDS the mohawk to focus his mental powers to he can walk through the fire!!!! DUH!) DID HE JUMP?!?! DID HE SOAK HIMSELF IN COLD WATER?!?!?!??!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! and laur and i couldnt understand what he was saying so we had to rewind it THREE TIMES! ("shoi ifght iieea arvee teecsf shuuyl kauim topi neegt?") LMFAO, and we FINALLY ended up putting on subtitles AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! IRISH PRIDE BABY!!!!!!!!! haha, not to mention the fact that i got a 100 on laurs quiz, OH YEAH!!! lol.....but most of all--TMBG. JOHN LINNELL ROX MY WORLD!!!!!! hes sooooooo sweet!!! im like AWWWWWWW!!!!! haha...but its SOOOOOOOOO SAD, right laur?! AWWWWWWW SOO SAAAAAAAAAAD!!! oh and lauuuuur, WHAT is the last part of overfly?? and WHAT is the past tense of fly??? and migiam, HOW do u make a negative ion!?!? LMAO u guys im kidding, DONT HURT ME!!!!!! haha, ok, i think ive wasted enough of ur time now:0D!!!!! so u guys, hopefully i'll be updating more regularly from now on!! see ya guys! bye!!!!!!
ok, so, i ALMOST updated two days in a row!! lol, but im afraid i have very very sad news. MR RICK IS RESIGNING!!!!! and not even at the end of the year, but before march 15!!! im like "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" its sooooooo sad!!!! omg, i was so upset, i wanted to cry in class!! omg, it was horrible! why does our BEST teacher have to leave!?!?!?!!? why cant AJAX or JOCASTA leave!!!!!!!! omggggg this suxxxxx :0(!!!! hrumph....but anyway, thats all that really happened yesterday i guess...ooooh, but today im going to the mall with laur (CANDLES WHOOOOO!!!!) and then study for midterms (YES actually study!!). and btw, SEAN CONNERY ROX!!!!!!! and the irish guy is still HOT!!!! haha, so i'll update tomorrow or whateva. YAY FOR THREE DAY WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!! bye!
sup mah peeps...okay, so i said id update tomorrow or WHATEVA didnt i?? well...its a little later than i said but WHATEVA WHATEVA!!!!! lol...midterms suck ASS!!!!!!!!! but i guess im doing pretty well SO far on them...but im worried bout chem cuz harrison didnt post it yet sooo im like **FREAKY CAT MOUTH SPAZZES** yeah. but SUPER SCARY RABIN gave me a 98 i was like YAY!!! but the advantage of midterms is HALF DAYS which means 2 1/2 STRAIGHT HOURS for POTTERY!!!!!!!! whooooo!!! today, however, laur and i both created multiple pieces of crap and izza had a cute mini vase goin but then CUT IT UP with her wire accidentally and then got the wire TANGLED around the pottery wheel!!! it was SOOOO funny!!!!!!! and laur had to tell mr thomas and she was like "mr thomas...the wire got tangled around the wheel...but I DIDNT DO IT!!!!" mr thomas was all like "its okay, it happens sometimes," it was SO funny!!!!and laur, btw, **HONK, HONK** OHHHHH IT COUNTS!!!! lol...im talkin to will dougherty and he just called mrs rabin a hoe LMFAO...sorry, random lol. ohhhhh, and also, another update, laur, izza, and i were in the blue hallway and she was covering her face so i couldnt honk and i was poking her in the eye (IM NOT HORRIBLE!!!!!!) and then MR RICK walks by and im like AHHHHHHH!!!!! and hes all like "whoa, riti dont beat her up too bad!" and im like "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" it was great and horrible (just like something ELSE someone said bout him lmfao!!!!) but i guess the whole eye-poking incident was okay since through ALL of pottery that day after school these two seniors kept calling her a bitch cuz she was just SOOOOOOOO MEAN!!!!! (lol JK!!!!!!) and also, as alittle note, i have a new god. his name is sean connery. AND i have a secondary god. his name is seamus o'grady. (I LOVE MY GODS). ahahahaha...anywayz, laur and i watched LXG/LEG and it was SOOO good!!! specially the part when the vampire imitates sean connery, i was like ahhhh!!! then we watched the third indiana jones and that was great too hehehe...and we keep watching charlies angels II: full throttle cuz its just SOOOO GOOOD!!!!! ("whats the rush helen?? **squeak, squeak** uve only been here five minutes. ive waited for you before. **hand up, shake finger once, hand down**) :0D!!!!! ahhhhhh so hot............and of course, learning the greek alphabet is GREAT (contact me if u want a copy of a REALLY freaky version i found online LOL) omg i have that song stuck in my head!!! the one from the casino scene of charlies angels II, cool music though haha...anywayz, outta time so tty guys lataz, bye!!!!
hey peeps wuttup...i dont WANNA go to school tomorrow!!!! **sigh** but today was cool cuz i went over laurs to do hw and ended up making like five different candles from two old ones LOL... have fun wit those laur ;0D!!! the grammys are on and i watched a bit then got bored and realized robin hood men in tights was on and changed to that since its SOOOOO awesome!!!! GO ME AND JESS O!!!!!!! KING RICHARD THE LION HEARTED, ROAR, ROAR ROX!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooo hahaha, but prince john SUX!!!!!!! however, hot irish guys ROCK too, and, similarly, john linnel is DA BOMB, but, in contrast, YO MAMAS UGLY!!!!!!! lol, sry im a little high (mr hand says hellooo and pronounces ur name wrong ;0)!!). anywayz, certain people need to work on a certain something certainly called national history day LOL...and certain other people/person need to start workin on SOMETHING ELSE (but ive GOTTA be there cuz its gonna be G R EAT!!!!! lmfao!!!) well anywayz, i was flippin the channels and i changed to channel 19 which was broadcasting academic challenge and i sat there, zoned out, watching them but not really realizing it...by the time i zoned in, twenty minutes had gone by and i had no clue what i was thinking about before...it was kinda weird......yeah...................anyway haha, i gtg so i'll tty ya peeps lata!! see ya!!!!!!
aiight, sup people. this month has been drastic homework and stress week. ive had more homework then like EVER!!!! and also, mr rick is leaving soon which makes me SOOOOOOO sad!!!!! :0(!!!! AND adding more stress to my life is the cotillion matter with you know who. well, i figure that either i somehow remedy the situation OR i bite the bullet and go...**sigh** well no point of thinkin bout that now.....anywayz, this has been really short but i gtg now so tty guys lataz, bye!!
well, cotillion is over but it was a blast and i had a great time with yall.