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These roms are great fun. I have included the following: The Legend of Zelda-Ocarina of Time (32 MB) The Legend of Zelda-Majora's Mask (32 MB) Super Mario 64 (8 MB) Bomberman 64 (8 MB) Diddy Kong Racing (16 MB) Jet Force Gemini (32 MB) Super Smash Brothers (16 MB) Star Fox 64 (12 MB) Donkey Kong 64 (32 MB) NEWS: Due to popular demand, N64 Roms has decided to expand it's horizons and provide emulation for all kinds of gaming systems. Now N64 Roms will be catering to N64, SNES, Playstation, and GBA Roms. We will also include the rom of the highly anticipated, yet to be released Zelda game for the GBA: The Minish Cap. DISCLAIMER: These roms can be downloaded but then must be deleted within 24 hours.

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Emulation Station
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Emulation Zone

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