Alphabetical Buffylinks List


After some contemplation, have decided that this list will no longer be updated. With many sites closing now because of the end of both Jossverse shows and many others constantly being created, I simply don't have the time to keep on top of it.

~The webmistress 6/9/04~

* marks sites that appear elsewhere on my site and that I therefore especially recommend.

Two *s are sites listed on my "Best of the Best" page, which are my favorites and/or those I have found to be most useful.

*# *A *B *C *D *E *F *G *H *I *J *K *L *M *N *O *P *Q *R *S *T *U *V *W *X *Y *Z*

147 Blue Roses - Spuffy

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A has a page of its own.


B has a page of its own.


Captain Peroxide - Spike/Xander

Caritas - David Boreanaz

**Carnal Sins

Catatonic Schizophrenia - music videos, art, and more

Caught in Darkness - screencaps and fanart

Celebrating Buffy - general

Cell Block Tango - Spike/Faith

Chained to You - Spike/Drusilla

Chambre de Putain - Spike slash fiction

*Charisma - Charisma Carpenter

Charm School - Drusilla

Le Chateau de Slayer - general (not in French)

The Cheese Stands Alone - gallery and more

Chez Morgaine - vid site

Chosen - Buffy/Giles

The Chosen Ones Picture Vault - gallery

*The Chosen Two

Clare - Clare Kramer English/French site

Clarity - art

Close Your Eyes - general

Close Your Eyes (2) - general

Close Your Eyes - Buffy/Angel

Close Your Eyes - general

Club Comfortador - general

Club de fans de Buffy, la caza vampires - MSN group

Collected Musings of ShadowKat - general

*The Completely Crazy Zany Zone

Cookie Dough Fudge Mint Chip - Buffy/Angel

*Cordelia Chase Crew - Cordelia

Covert Operations - Spike/Andrew

Cow Art - art

*Cranky Slayer

Craving Spike - Spike-centered general

Creatures of Darkness - Spuffy

Criminal Love - Angel/Faith

Cruel SMG - French SMG

Crumbling Walls - Spuffy

Cult Cross Buffy page - general

*Cupid's Sunnydale Disaster - Xander/Cordy

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Damned For Eternity - Spike

The Dance - Buffy/Spike

Dance With You - Buffy/Angel

Dancing in the Dark - Spike

Dancing Lessons - Spuffy

Dancing With Death - Spuffy

The Dark Age - general

Dark Bliss - wallpapers

Dark Dreams - Spike fanfiction

A Dark Light - Buffy/Angel

Dark Love - Willow/Spike

The Dark Moon - Willow/Oz

Dark Spirits - Spuffy and Angel/Cordelia

Dark Waif - Buffy/Spike


*Days of our Unlives - Spike/Angel

Deadly Desire - Spuffy

Death Becomes Her - Darla/Dru

*Death is Your Art - Art site

Death Marked Love - Spuffy

Decadent - Spike/Lilah

Decaf Land - Giles/Cordy

*Definition of Bliss

Delicate - Michelle Trachtenberg

Delicate Emotions - Buffy/Faith and graphics

Delusions and Daydreams - Spike

A Demon in Her Bed - Buffy/Spike

Destined - Spuffy fiction

Destiny Awaits - Buffy/Angel

Destructo Girl - general

Diametrically Opposed - Spuffy

Die For You - Buffy/Angel

A Different Kind of Defenestration - vids and more

A Different Slash to Rule the World - the Geeks

*Dingoes Ate My Baby

Don't Bite Me Designs - graphics

Don't Kill Spike - Spike

*Don't Promise Me Forever

Don't Tread on Spike - Spike Redemptionist

Dozens of Times, Lots of Different Ways - Spuffy

Do You Believe? - Buffy/Angel

Dramatic Gesture - Fanfiction

Drawn Together - Spuffy

Dreaming of You - Buffy/Angel

Dream Universe - Buffy/Angel

*Drowing in Russet Silk

Drowning in You - Spuffy

Dru & Spike - Spike/Drusilla

DruLove's Lair - Spike/Drusilla

Drusilla's Crypt - Drusilla

*Drusilla's Garden

Drusilla's Phantom Manor - French Drusilla

Drusilla the - Drusilla

*Dusk Til Dawn

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***************** - art

Easy as - art

Educated Virgin - art

Effulgence - Spuffy

Effulgent Spike - Spike

Eliza Addicts Wing - Faith

Eliza Blaze - Eliza Dushku


Eliza Dushku Online - Eliza Dushku

Embrace the Darkness - Spuffy

Emma - art

Emma Caulfield Central - Emma Caulfield/Anya

Emma - Emma Caulfield


Empty Places - fanart

Enchanting Place - Buffy/Angel

Endless Slayage - general

End of Days - Spuffy

Espirit Arts - art

*Essence of Amber

Essentially James Marsters - JM

Eternal Balance - Spuffy

Eternal Flame - SMG

Eternal Love - Buffy/Angel

Eternal Lovers - Buffy/Angel

Eternally Yours - Spike/Xander

**Eternal Nightcap: Don't Make Us Hurt You

Eternal Slayer - general

Eternal Soul - general

Eternity - Buffy/Angel

*Ethereal - art site

Even Angels Fall - Buffy/Angel

Evening of the Day - Michelle Trachtenberg

*Everlasting Eliza

Every Night I Save You - Spuffy

The Evil Dimension - alternate reality general

Evil For Dummies - Harmony/Mercedes McNab


Evilness of my Heart - fansite

Evil Temptation - Angel/Faith

Exactamondo - art site

*Existential Scoobies

Extra Flamey (1) - Willow/Tara

Extra Flamey(2) - Willow/Tara

Eyeballs to Entrails - Spike/Willow

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Faded Colors - art

Fae: Amber Benson Fixation - AB clique

A Fairy Tale Love - Buffy/Angel

Faith 4 Buffy - Buffy/Faith

Faith Dance Club - Faith

Faith Rocks - Faith

*Faith's Solace

Faith the Vampire Slayer - Faith

Fallen Angels - general

*Fallen Grace

Fancy Me Yours Awards - music video and fanfic awards

Fangirl - general

Fatal Attraction - Spuffy

Fates Intervention - Buffy/Angel - Domain with great BtVS-related sites

Figuring Things Out - Oz/Willow

Fire and Ice - Willow/Spike

Fire in the Blood - Willow fanfic

The Fish Tank - general

Fists and Fangs - Spike

Five by Five - Faith

Five Stakes - general

Flames - Spuffy

Flesh for Fantasy - Spike/Fred - Spuffy

Forbidden Love - Buffy/Angel

Forbidden Paradise - art

Forever Beautiful - Spuffy

Forever Devoted - Spuffy

Forever Faith - Faith

Forever, That's the Whole Point - Buffy/Angel

*Freeze Frame

*Freeze Frame Network - screencaps

Friends Till the End - Buffy/Willow friendship

*Frog City

*From Obscurity to Spin-Offs

*Full of Grace

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Geek-Turned-Vamp Summary List - summaries of fanfic stories

Gellar Graphics - SMG challenges

*Gesturing Emphatically

Gifted Shadows - Spuffy

Girlfriends, Actually - Willow/Tara

Girls who Love Spike - Spike

Girls Who Love Xander - Xander

Give Us a Kiss - Spuffy

Glamorous SMG - SMG

*Glorious SMG - Sarah Michelle Gellar

Going Rogue - Faith/Wesley

*Going Through the Motions

*Going Tralala

Gotta Have Faith - Faith

*Graceful Moon Children

A Grant Wood Painting - Riley

*Grown-up Time at the Espresso Pump

The Guestage - Tom Lenk

GylzGirl's ASH Shrine - ASH

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Hannah Dru - Drusilla

Happy Meals With Legs - Spike

The Hardest Thing - general

Harlot and Scarlet - Darla/Dru

*Head Tilts

Heart of the Chosen One - general

Hellmoth Art Gallery - fanart

Hellmouth Central - general

Hellmouth High - general

Hello Cutie - Spike/Buffy


*Here With Me

Hidden Desires - Spuffy vids site

High Heels and Musty Books - Buffy/Giles

High Quality Pictures - not specifically, but inclusive of, BtVS

History of the Aurelian Vampires - history of the Order of Aurelius

Hold me...thrill me...kiss me...kill me... - Spuffy

The Holy Amber - Amber Benson/Tara

Home of Willow and Tara - Willow/Tara

House of Spikeyness - Spike/JM

How Long Until Forever - Buffy/Angel

Hypnotized By You - Spike/Fred

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I Can't Breathe without You - Buffy/Angel

The Id: Saying Hello With Our Tongues - fanfiction

*I Don't Bite

I Flunk the Written - general


Illusional - art

Imagination - art

Immortal Love - Buffy/Angel

Immortal Slayer - review site and more

**Impish Eyes

Inamorati - Spuffy

Incredibly Pale - Angel/Oz

Infinite Destruction - art and more

Infinite Spike Links - Spike/JM links

Infinitfan - art

Infinito - Buffy/Angel

Initiative: Faith - Faith/Riley

Is Forever Good? - Buffy/Angel

It's a Buffy Party - general

It's More of a Hot Night - Xander/Joyce

I will Remember - Buffy/Angel

I Wish We Were For Real - art site

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Jaded - Faith/Wesley - James Marsters

Jaime Bee's Hopelessly Romantic - Spuffy

James Addiction - JM/Spike

James and Russell - James Marsters and Russell Crowe fansite

J.a.m.e.s M.a.r.s.t.e.r.s. - JM - official site

James Marsters Forum - JM forum

James Marsters France - JM

James Marsters Info - JM and Ghost of the Robot

James Marsters-Just - JM - JM appearences

James Related Goodness - JM

Jealous Guy - Spike/JM

Jealous Much? - awards - JM/Spike

Journey - Buffy/Angel

*JOYFFA:the ultimate Joyce Summers resource

Judgement Awards - award site

Julia's Buffy Site - general

Juliet Landau Central - Juliet Landau

*Juliet Landau: Whisper to the Moon - Juliet Landau/Drusilla

Just B - general

Just For Now - Buffy/Angel

Just Imagine - screencaps

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Kendra the Vampire Slayer - Kendra

Killer Passion - Spike/Faith

A Killer Snot Monster - Giles

Kindred - Faith

King X-Lander and the Spike Girls - Spike

Kiss Me Deadly - James Marsters

Kiss Me - BtVS, AtS, and lots more

Kiss of the Vampire - not specifically BtVS vampire fiction

Kiss or Kill - Willow fanfic

The Kitten, the Witches, and the Bad Wardrobe - Willow/Tara forum

Konnekted Twin - vids site

Kristian's Buffy Site - general

*Kristine Sutherland Online

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Lady and the Tramp - Spuffy

Lady and the Vamp - Buffy/Angel

Land of Denial - Buffy/Angel

The Last Time - Cordy/Wesley

The Last Time I Saw You - Angel/Darla

Laugh Lines, Love Lines - quotes

Learn Something: Buffy Canon vs. Fanon - general

Let It Burn - vids and more

Let Me Rest in Peace - Spuffy

Life is Just This ... It's Living - Spike fanfic

Light in the Dark - general

Lights of Darkness - French Buffy/Angel

Linzee Style - vids

The List - Buffy/Giles

Literally Spike - Spike fanfic

Little Marshmallows - Spike/Joyce

*Little Nibblin'

Little Willow's Slayground - general

Living Dead Girl - Faith - vids and more

Loaded - Giles/Oz

London Calling - fiction centered around the Buffyverse Englishmen

Lonely Ones - Spuffy

Long Live Spike - Spike/JM

Loser At Birth - Alyson Hannigan

Lost in Spike - Spike

*Lost Soul

Love and Loathing - Spuffy

Lovebite of a Vampire - Spuffy

Love Collage - Willow/Spike

Love Conquers All - Buffy/Angel

A Love for Blood - Spike/JM

LoveHateTragedy - Buffy/Angel

Loving Each Other - Portugease/English Angel/Buffy

Love Me Until I Die - Buffy/Angel

**Spike screencaps gallery at Love That Dares

Love vs. Lust - general

Loving Each Other - Buffy/Angel

The Luminarium - fanart

Lush - gallery

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The Magick Box - general

The Makeup Gallery - actresses in makeup, not specifically Buffy


Marsters Mobsters - James Marsters

Marsters Multimedia - JM

* - Mark Blucas

*The Meaning of Oz - Oz

Memories - Buffy/Angel

Mercedes McNab dot net - Mercedes McNab

*Metamorphic Roses


Mike's Buffy Central - general

Missing Pieces - Willow/Xander

Misty Illusions - art and multimedia

Moments - art and videos

*A Moment's Thought

Le Monde du Michelle - Michelle Trachtenberg

Moon - art

More than Spike - James Marsters

*Moving On - Anya/Spike

Ms. Calendar's Domain - Jenny fanfic and pics

Ms. Calandar's Techno Pagans - club

The Ms. Kitty Fantastico Appreciation Society - Ms. Kitty/Willow/Tara

**Much Ado About Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Mustang Cordy - Cordy (adult content)

My Immortal Beloved - Spike/Angel

My Last Breath - Spuffy

*My Little Bamm Bamm

My So-Called Slayer Life - general

The Mystic Muse - slash fanfiction

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The Nameless Site - Spike

Narcolepsy - Spuffy

NAS: News and Spoilers - BtVS/AtS news and spoilers

Naughty Bits - fanfic

Never Ending Love - Buffy/Angel

*Never Forget

Never Leave Me - Spuffy

Never Say Never - Spuffy

New Days - Spike/Tara

*Nicholas Brendon: the Devotion

Nick Brendon aka Xander Harris - Nick Brendon/Xander Harris

Nocturnal Light - Spike centered general

Normal Again - roleplaying

North of Gravity - Spuffy fanfic

Not For the World - Buffy/Angel

*Nothing Like the Sun

* - graphics

Nothing to Hide - Angel/Cordy

Not That Bright - general

Nummy Treat Awards - music video awards

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Obsessed Much - general

Obsession - Spike

The Obsession Has Begun - Buffy/Angel

*Obsession of the Moment - graphics and fanfic

*Obsidian Moonlight

Off Center - Willow/Anya clique

Official Buffy Fan Club - general

Old School - Xander/Cordy

Old School vs. New School - Giles vs. Professor Walsh

Once More - ASH

One Girl - Buffy and Buffy/Angel

One Good Lay - Spuffy

Only the Crazy Ones - Anya/Emma Caulfield

On the Outside - vids and more

Ooh Pretty - vids and more

Opposites Do Attract - Buffy/Angel fanfic

Our Armageddon - Angel/Spike

Out of the Darkness - general

*Oz and Willow Forever

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Pain and Sorrow - general


Paper Cup - vids and more

Paradox - Spuffy

Passion - Buffy/Angel

Passion Rules Us All - fanart

Passions - Spuffy

People for Ethical Treatment of Spike - Spike

The Perfect Thing - Buffy/Giles infanity

Peroxide on Top - Spike

Petitevanou - French Spuffy art site

*Phoenix's David Boreanaz Cool Stuff Site

*The Photo Album


*Pixel Addiction - art site

The Place Where Forbidden Love Dwells - Willow/Angel

The Plain of Arashmaharr - vids and more

Plastic Trees - art

Platinum Phoenix - Spike on AtS

Poetry - Spike

*Poisonous Love

Pouty Lips - Spike/Tara

*Power Girl - art site

*Precious Moments


*Pretty Pieces of Paper - lots and lots of icons and wallpapers

Priceless - Angel/Cordy

Promise of Dusk - general

The Prophecy Designs - art

Prophecy End - Angel/Cordy

Purely James Marsters - James Marsters

Purity - Spuffy

Purity - Tara clique

Put Your Hands - Spike/JM links

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Railroad Spikes and Sunrises - Spike/Dawn

Rather Poetic - Buffy/Angel

Realm of Fantasy - Buffy/Angel

Realm of the Slayer - general

Realm of the Tweedy Book Guy - Giles/ASH

Reckless Strawberry - Spike/Cordy

Red Couch - Spuffy

Redefining Normal - general

Reject Reality - art site

*Remember Me

Requiem - art

*Rest in Pieces

Restless - Buffy trivia

Restless Slayer - art

Restricted Moments - art

Retrospective - season 4 Spuffy fic

Rhymes With Lungs - Spike - Buffy/Angel

**Romance on BtVS

A Rose is Still a Rose - art

Rupert Giles' Keepers and Guardians - Giles

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S has a page of its own


*Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa - Spike

Tainted Illusions - art

Tales of the Slayer - history of the slayers

Tales of the Slayer - Fanfiction

*Tangled Synthesis

Tara Appreciation - Tara

Tara Keepers - Tara

Tara's Home - Tara

Tasty and Satisfying - art

Tears in Heaven - Buffy/Angel

**Television Without Pity Buffy recaps

Tempted - art

Tempting - Sarah Michelle Gellar

That Angelic Glare - David Boreanaz

A Thousand Tears - Buffy/Angel

*A Thousand Words

**Things that Make You Go Duh!

Through the Fire Graphics - graphics

Timmy's Buffy Page - vids and wallpapers

*Tomb With a View

Too Sexy for Hell - German Spike/JM

Tormented Souls - Angel/Faith

To Shanshu in L.A. - general AtS

A Total Eclipse of the Heart - Willow/Spike

Totally David Boreanaz UK - David Boreanaz

Touchstone's Art - art

Tourniquet - Angel/Faith

*To You

Traces of Light - Spike/Fred

A Tribute to Ms. Jenny Calendar - Jenny

Troika - the Geeks

Trouble With Goodbye - Buffy/Angel

True Faith - Faith

True Love is. . . - Buffy/Angel

True Magic Designs - graphics

Twisted Lovers - Spike/Drusilla

Two Chosen Ones=One Love - Buffy/Faith

Two in Leather - Vamp Willow and Xander

*Two Worlds Apart

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Ultimate Slayer - general

Under the Falling Moon - Buffy/Angel

Under Rug Swept - Fanart and more

*An Unforgettable Obsession

Unintentional Tears - Tara

Unlock Dawn - Dawn

Unrequited - Buffy/Giles

UPN- Buffy - official site

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*Vague It Up

*Vamped - art site

A Vampire and His Queen - Cordy/Angel

Vampire and the Slayer - Spuffy

Vampires and Slayers - general

Vampire's Kiss - Spuffy

Vampire Slayers - Spanish general

Vampire's Stake - BtVS/AtS MSN group

*The Vamppair Chronicles

A Vampyr's Vision - Cordy/Angel

Volition - Angel/Cordy

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Waiting in the Wings of an Angel - Turkish general

Walk Through the Fire - Buffy/Angel

*Wallpaper to Bite For - art site

Warm Champagne - Spike/Faith

Warrior Buffy - general

Wasted Time - Willow/Spike

Watchers: the Virtual Series - online spinoff

*The Watcher, The Vampires, and the Slayer

Watchlist 2000 - mailing list

We Band of Buggered - Fiction

We Make Our Own Fun - Oz/Willow

The Wedding - Buffy/Angel

Weekend at Buffy's - Spuffy

Weep Not For the Memories - Buffy/Angel

What Would Buffy Do? - clique

Whedon Web - links database

When Hell Freezes Over - Buffy/Angel

When They Were Happy - Buffy/Angel

Where Do We Go From Here? - online season 8

Whisper in a Dead Man's Ear - Spike fiction

The White Rose - Buffy/Angel 'shipper links

White Wedding - Spike/Dawn

Wicked Ways - Spike

Wild Hearts - Spuffy

*Wild Horses

William the Bloody - Spike/JM

William the Bloody - Italian Spike

Willow and Tara's Coven - Willow/Tara

Willow and Tara's Room - Willow/Tara

*Willow and Xander . . .Best Friends or More? - Willow/Xander

Willow Friendly - vids site

Willow Intervention - Willow

Willow Keepers - Willow

Willow Rosenberg, Day and Night - Willow

The Willow Rosenberg Site - Willow

Willow/Tara World - Willow/Tara

Wind Beneath My wings - Spuffy fanlisting

*Witchcraft Grrls

With Peaches on Top - Angel/Buffy fanfic

With the Prettiness - art

What's a Rogue Demon - general

White Hats - general

*Wolfpup Serenade - vids and more

The Wonderful World of SMG - SMG

Written in Blood - Spuffy

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Xandra's Music Video's - vid site

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You're a Nummy Treat - sister site of Buffyverse music video Yahoo group

You Taste Like Strawberries - Willow/Tara

*Yummy Sushi Pajamas

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