Cast/Character Links

Buffy/Sarah Michelle Gellar

Destructo Girl - Buffy Summers fansite

Glorious SMG


SMG Heaven

Angel/David Boreanaz

Angel's Secrets - Fansite dedicated to character, actor, and show

Angelus Dedication - Devoted to Angel's other side

Phoenix's David Boreanaz Cool Stuff Site - Very thorough

Anya/Emma Caulfield

Emma - In several languages


Cordy/Charisma Carpenter

Charisma - Thorough fansite

Cordelia Chase Crew

Dawn/Michelle Trachtenberg


Drusilla/Juliet Landau

Drusilla's Garden

Juliet Landau: Whisper to the Moon

Faith/Eliza Dushku - Good Eliza Dushku fansite

Everlasting Eliza - Thorough site devoted to Eliza Dushku

Faith's Solace - Very thorough fansite for Faith

Fallen Grace - Beautiful and thorough site focusing on the character of Faith

Giles/Anthony Stewart Head - Nice fansite

Grown-up Time at the Espresso Pump

Once More With Feeling - ASH websites portal

The Ripper Archive - ASH media

Joyce/Kristine Sutherland

JOYFFA:the ultimate Joyce Summers resource

Kristine Sutherland Online

Mr. Gordo

The Adventures of Mr. Gordo

Oz/Seth Green

The Meaning of Oz

My Little Bamm Bamm

Riley/Marc Blucas

Spike/James Marsters

Bloody Awful Poet's Society - Lots of good analysis

Head Tilts - Unique page dedicated to analyzing Spike's famous head tilts. Including clips.

Kiss Me Deadly - Nice JM/Spike fansite

Lost Soul - Good Spike site

Spike screencaps gallery at Love That Dares - Nice Spike screencaps collection

Sexy. . .Almost Evil - Nice English/German fansite and listing

Spiked and Skewered - Great Spike site with lots of info and fun stuff to do

Spike's Chip - Informative JM/Spike site

Spike's Trunk - Long un-updated, but with lots of nice content

Tara/Amber Benson

Amber Benson Online - Nice Amber Benson site

Essence of Amber - Very nice Amber Benson site. "The only site approved and supported by Amber"

Willow/Alyson Hannigan

Frog City - Devoted to both Alyson and her fan club, the Hanniganites

Xander/Nicholas Brendan

Map of a Human Heart - Nice Xander site

Nicholas Brendon: the Devotion

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