'Shipper Links

I'm an incorrigible romantic and just love watching the development of relationships in TV shows, movies, books, and real life. BtVS has been blessed with an unusual number of interesting 'ships, both canon and not, and it is probably safe to say that BtVS 'shipper sites are my favorite kind of all to visit.

My Favorite 'Ships

*Buffy/Spike* Buffy/Angel* Buffy/Riley* Buffy/Giles* Buffy/Faith*

*Willow/Tara* Willow/Oz* Willow/Xander* Xander/Anya* Xander/Cordy*

*Giles/Jenny* Giles/Ethan*

*Angel/Darla* Spike/Drusilla* Angel/Spike* Angel/Darla/Spike/Drusilla*

*Angel/Faith* Spike/Faith* Spike/Anya* Spike/Dawn*



I'm a Spuffy 'shipper and have been since the first episode I ever saw: Something Blue, a Spuffy shipper's dream. When they finally did get together in season six I was sad to see the relationship turn so abusive on both sides, but the chemistry between them was obvious as far back as School Hard and I haven't given up hope for a happier ending.

Carnal Sins - Guide to Spuffy on the net

Forever Devoted - Nice fansite with fiction archive, art, and more

Nothing Like the Sun - Very good basic Spuffy site

Poisonous Love - Good Spuffy site

Sinister Attraction - My favorite basic Spuffy shipper site - attractive, good content, and nice galleries


I actually prefer Angelus to Angel, so I'm not a great Bangel 'shipper, but there are some lovely sites associated with the relationship and it was undeniably important to both characters. I am inclined to think, however, that although Angel was Buffy's first love and they will always be important to each other for that reason, they have both changed and moved on with their lives too much at this point to be able to regain what they once had. And then, of course, there's the ever-present danger of turning Angel back into Angelus.

A Moment's Thought - Screencaps

As I Close My Eyes - Nice fansite

Dream Universe - Nice fansite

Remember Me - Beautiful and complete Bangel shipper site

Wild Horses - Huge fansite


Yes, there actually is one! This 'ship is widely loathed among BtVS fans but although it is my least favorite of Buffy's three main romances, I've never understood why it is so despised. The relationship become unequal in almost every possible way before its end (and I don't think Buffy ever did love him as much as he loved her), but Riley also had the most in common with Buffy of any of her three boyfriends and I think he was a fundamentally nice, decent guy. Nice, decent guys don't make for terribly interesting TV watching, but it is generally safe to say that they're the type that most girls prefer to spend their lives with. Buffy, I guess, is an exception.

Sorta Kinda Normal


Does anyone know where I can find a site that celebrates their relationship in a non-romantic way? A Buffy/Giles romance would skeeze me out, but Giles-as-father-figure I like. Here's a good romantic site:



I don't agree with the below sites' contention that Buffy and Faith are in lurv, but the relationship is certainly one of the most complex and interesting of the Buffyverse. My take on it reminds me of a letter I once saw in Seventeen or some such - a girl afraid she might be gay or bi because she liked looking at pictures of beautiful women in magazines. The magazine's advice columnist said that many girls like to do that and the more important question for determining your sexual orientation based on that preference is whether when you look at such pictures to want to be with the girl or be the girl. Faith, I think, would like to be Buffy and in, for example, Bad Girls, there is even some suggestion that Buffy feels the same about Faith. But as for love. . . I don't see it. (I haven't actually seen much of season three yet - a deficiency I hope to remedy soon), so my views might be excessively influenced by those of the recappers at Television Without Pity, but I haven't seen anything yet that inclines me to think otherwise.)

The Chosen Two

Shared Destiny

Slayer's Pride


One of my favorites.

To You


I loved this relationship and was sad when it died, but not as sad as I might have been if I hadn't known that Willow would be meeting Tara. There are advantages to watching a show after the fact!

Freeze Frame

Oz and Willow Forever


Willow and Xander . . .Best Friends or More?


Gesturing Emphatically


Cupid's Sunnydale Disaster



Metamorphic Roses


Be Seeing You


Definition of Bliss


Drusilla annoyed me, but the way Spike treated her in season two was enough to make almost anyone of the female persuasion melt into a puddle of drool. I also think that Drusilla is one of the main reasons Spike was able to survive more than the few episodes he was originally signed for - their relationship made him a much more three dimensional and interesting villain than he might have been without it.


Drowing in Russet Silk

The Vamppair Chronicles


I love watching Angel and Spike sniping at each other, and although them as an m/m pairing interests me very little, this site is the funniest Buffy related site I have ever found. Enjoy!

Eternal Nightcap: Don't Make Us Hurt You - Hilarious and unique - a real must-see, even if you're not into Spike/Angel slash

And more funny slash - recommended so highly in so many places that I actually read it!

Days of our Unlives


Blood Screaming - Very well-done site about the Fearsome Foursome

Tomb With a View - Nice site dedicated to Darla and Drusilla


A very interesting pairing. But the best site has disappeared into cyberspace. :(


I have unfortunately forgotten where, but I once read on a website the owner's theory that James Marsters+any woman=really hot chemistry. I rather agree with this - his chemistry with SMG in Something Blue made me an instant Spuffy shipper. Likewise, his chemistry with Juliet Landau, Emma Caulfield, and Eliza Dushku did or would make a pairing with anyone of them most interesting to watch. Of those three, I think Spaith might be the most interesting of all.

Graceful Moon Children - Great site- no longer updated, but viewable

Hellville - Beautiful and complete site


Moving On

Someone Who Understands


This is another relationship that I find skeezy in the romantic sense, but I do believe that Spike genuinely cares for Dawn in a big-brotherly kind of way and I'm pretty sure she had a crush on him for awhile. This site is a romantic one, but it's nice so I decided to include it anyway.

Little Nibblin'


If you are looking for a 'ship not listed here, try these excellent sites:

Full of Grace - Collection of 'shipper sites

Palpitate - Directory of BtVS and AtS shipper sites

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