Site Map

Best of the Best Links: sites that I have found to be the best and most useful in my own surfings

General Links: the best general Buffy sites, including both basic and quirky

Cast/Character Links: the best sites dedicated to a specific actor or character on the show

Shipper Links: the best sites dedicated to a certain relationship on the show

Art Links: the best sites specifically dedicated to images, screencaps, and fanart

Music Video Links: links to some of the best Buffyverse music videos I have seen, plus a directory of good sites

Honorable Mentions: the most important parts of a site to me are: content, images (as you may have guessed from this section of my site), and uniqueness. My Honorable Mentions page lists some sites that have impressed me most in these areas.

I do not read fanfiction, so it will not be included in this category. What will be included is such things as good episode guides or character decriptions, essays, artwork, games, etc.
I love a good gallery! Especially one with out of the ordinary pictures and screencaps. Pretty wallpapers, AIM Icons, and Avatars are also a plus.
Some sites just have a spark. Eternal Nightcap is one of the best examples of this that I can think of.

If you cannot find what you are looking for on the above pages, I suggest you try one of my other pages:

Alphabetical BtVS Links: I hope to eventually reach my earlier goal of listing every working BtVS related site on this page.

Spiked and Spuffied: links relating to my favorite character, Spike, and my favorite 'ship, Spuffy.

A Nice Cuppa: a tribute to the friendship between Spike and Joyce

The Wall: my page with tips and links for covering your walls with pictures of beautiful people. Like James Marsters. :)

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