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What I like about the game are the fighters and the plot for each one. mortal kombat spawn 11 game titels(Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Ultimate MK3, MK Trilogy, MKM: Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 4, MK Gold, Mortal Kombat: Special Forces , Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance , Mortal Kombat: Deception)also another one in development. it also made movies and series ("Mortal Kombat: The Animated Series", an animated movie "Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins" , a Series "Mortal Kombat: Conquest", 3 movies the first 2 "Mortal Kombat & Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" and the one that is being filmed "Mortal Kombat 3: Domination") as well as other stuff (" Mortal Kombat: Federation of Martial Arts" & "Mortal Kombat: The Live Tour")


Ashrah, Baraka, Blaze, Bo Rai Cho, Cyrax, Ciber Smoke, Dairou, Darrius, Deagon , Drahmin, Dragon king, Ermac, Frost, Fujin, Goro, Havik, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Jade, Jarek, Jax, Johnny cage, Kano, Kabal, Kai, Kenshi, Kintaro, Kira, Kitana, Kobra, Kung Lao, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Mavado, Meat, Mileena, Mokap, Moloch, Motaro, Nightwolf, Nitara, Noob Saibot, Noob Smoke, Quan Chi, Rayden, Reiko, Rain, Reptile, Sareena, Scorpion, Sektor, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Sheeva, Shinnok, Shujinko, Sindel, Smoke, Sonya, Stryker, Sub-Zero, Tanya,Taven


Earth Eealm, The Heavens, Outworld, Edien, Nether Realm, Realm of order, Realm of chaos,

About Chaosrealm
Chaosrealm is a world that seems to defy normal laws of physics to the point where it is uncertain whether it can really be called a world, as the visible parts seem to be made up of floating rock formations. Apparently Chaosrealm used to be a normal world until at some point in the distant past, the God of Chaos unleashed "the Tempest". This was responsible for the realm's transformation and its fragmentation, and is also thought to have caused collective amnesia among the inhabitants of the realm.

The Chaosrealmers reflect their world's chaotic nature, and hold absolute freedom and change in the highest esteem, relishing in chaos and adhering to no standards or laws. It is the polar opposite of Seido. In a twist of irony, it is precisely Seido which seeks to control Chaosrealm for its vast reserves of water, which it lacks.

Native realm species
Chaosrealmers are humanoid in form and come across as wild, primitive and menacing. Some bear tattoos, strange markings or even more extreme expressions of their ultimate individualism, such as Havik's maimed face or his ability to twist his own bones and muscles in ways that would be lethal to any normal human. This, and the Chaosrealmers' apparent lack of regard for death or life, calls into question whether death truly exists on Chaosrealm. They tend to speak backwards.

Notable residents
Native: Havik
Non-native: Non-native residents, such as the reformed Black Dragon clan have sometimes sought out Chaosrealm has a haven of freedom. Several other characters, such as Scorpion, are also seen in the Chaosrealm as part of the Konquest storyline. The overall canon of this mini-game is questionable, so their appearances are widely regarded as cameos.

About Earthrealm
More commonly referred to just as Earth, this realm has a very deep and rich mythology within the Mortal Kombat Universe. It is home to many heroes and even some villains. Looked at by other worlds as a lesser realm, its inhabitants live relatively short lives (70-80 years) and know very little of other realms. Despite these qualities, Earth is practically the only realm that successfully resisted Shao Kahn's takeover and served as an inspiration to other conquered realms.

Earthrealm is one of many realms that were formed after the Elder Gods shattered the One Being. Over time, life began to evolve on this new world and soon it was teaming with life. The Saurion people rose above all to become the dominant species of the realm. Peace lasted for years until the Elder God Shinnok invaded the realm and claimed it as his own. By using an ancient artifact, Shinnok's Amulet, he entered the realm and prohibited the other Elder Gods for interfering. As is the case with all the realms, guardians were appointed to protect it from outside threats. Earth's protector came in the form of the inexperienced Raiden who met Shinnok in the field of battle. Their war would shake the Earth to its core, almost destroying the realm itself. The Saurions were almost driven to extinction until they found a way out of the realm and into Zattera.

Shinnok was a more than worthy adversary and it looked as if Raiden's defeat was imminent. In the battles final moments, Raiden was able to strip Shinnok of his sacred amulet, allowing the Elder Gods to enter the realm. With their help, Shinnok was defeated and banished him into the Netherealm for his crimes. Shinnok's Amulet remained in Earthrealm to be watched over by the young God. As time went on, life was rekindled on Earth and soon it was repopulated by a species: humans. Raiden called these primitive people together and commanded that they build a magnificent temple to house the powerful amulet. Soon, the story of Raiden's war and the whereabouts of Shinnok's amulet were seemingly forgotten, lost in time over the next millennia.

The human race evolved into a more powerful race than the Saurions ever were. Relative peace reigned supreme, but as had been demonstrated previously, peace never lasts. An order of monks received visions of a coming threat. Heeding the warning presented by the visions, the Shaolin temples were built and the monks began preparing for the impending danger. Meanwhile, in another realm known as Outworld, Shao Kahn was planning his conquest of Earthrealm.

Kahn sent the sorcerer Shang Tsung to Earthrealm with a mission. Given the task of tipping the scales of balance towards chaos, he chose a small Shaolin tournament as the means for accomplishing his goal. Earth's greatest warriors had been assembled to take part in this tournament. Ever since the alarming vision, the Shaolin had hosted the tournament in order to prepare Earth for coming invasion. Oblivious to this, Tsung entered the tournament and blew the competition away. Making it look easy, Tsung gained the title of Grand Champion. The sorcerer's plan was simple: by defeating and then consuming the souls of his opponents, the furies of Earthrealm would naturally become more unstable. With Shang Tsung as Grand Champion, Earthrealm's prospects were bleak. For years, Shang Tsung's presence was like a plague within the realm, until he met Kung Lao.

The Great Kung Lao, as he would later become known, defeated Shang Tsung in a tremendous display of skill and determination. Tsung lost his title but was given mercy by the Shaolin monk. Tsung retreated to the shadows where he would stay for years. Kung Lao would remain Grand Champion for the years of Tsung's absence, but the sorcerer soon returned, and at his side was the Shokan Prince Goro.

Goro entered the tournament and defeated all those who challenged him. He fought Kung Lao, and in a historic battle the Shokan prince prevailed and became the new champion. Shang Tsung exacted his revenge and took Lao's soul as his trophy. He then seized control of the Shaolin tournament and moved its location to an island in the lost sea. For the next five hundred years, Goro and Shang Tsung held onto the title and tournament respectively.

The balance in Earthrealm had been swayed, and its barriers were ready to crumble as Tsung and Goro were confident Kahn's reign would soon begin. In his 10th title defense, Goro met Liu Kang in the final battle of the tournament. The monk shocked everyone and defeated Goro and challenged Shang Tsung. Fearing Kahn's wrath, he accepted Kang's challenge, only for him to fall in kombat as well. In the chaos that ensued, Tsung vanished into the Outworld and Earthrealm's defenders returned home.

Shang Tsung's master, Shao Kahn, challenged Raiden and his champions to Mortal Kombat in Outworld. Forced to accept by the sacred rules of Kombat, Raiden discovered that the tournament was a trap, and he led his champions back to Earthrealm after Liu Kang defeated the warlord.

Shortly thereafter, Shao Kahn forced Earthrealm to merge with Outworld when Queen Sindel was resurrected, wiping out nearly the entire human race. Only those souls protected by Raiden still lived, and barely managed to fight off Kahn's invasion, even without the help of the Elder Gods, who knew full well that Kahn had broken the sacred rules.

Natives of Earthrealm
The Great Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Jackson "Jax" Briggs, Kano, Shang Tsung, The Sub-Zero brothers, Scorpion (before he died), Kurtis Stryker, Kung Lao, Nightwolf, Cyrax (before automation), Sektor (before automation), Smoke (before automation), Kai, Jarek, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Kabal, Kira, Kobra.

Guardians of Earthrealm
Raiden was the first guardian appointed by the Elder Gods to keep Earthrealm safe from outside threats. Upon Raiden's ascent to become one of the Elder Gods, he appointed Fujin as his successor. However, Raiden relinquished his status as Elder God to return to Earthrealm and aid it against the imminent thread posed by the Deadly Alliance formed by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.
Native realm species:
Humans - The native species of the Earth realm are humans. Unlike the similar races in other realms, humans do not follow one or similar goals in life. They may follow evil or good paths in life. While producing some of the best fighters in the Mortal Kobat universe they on average are not a warrior race. They can have pale to 'tanned' skin depending on where their family hails from. They live short lives with the oldest just reaching 100 years. Saurian race/raptors - This race appeared to have died out millions of years ago during the first Shinnok and Raiden war and are now extinct in the Earth Realm. A few managed to escape into Zaterra and continued their race there. However, later they became extinct again sometime after the realm of Zaterra was conquered by Shoa Kahn. The only known survivors are Reptile, and Khameleon.

Kitana, Sindel, Tanya, Jade.

Non-native residents:

Eons ago, Edenia was ruled by King Jerrod and his wife, Queen Sindel. Edenia was overrun by the hordes of Outworld, led by the Emperor Shao Kahn, who slew Jerrod and took Sindel as his wife and Jerrod's daughter, Princess Kitana as a personal assassin. When Kahn became the ruler of Edenia, he merged it with Outworld, expanding the realm with the new territory. During the invasion, one of Jerrod's generals hid his son, who would grow up to become Rain.

Sindel committed suicide, rather than subject herself to Kahn's rule, and Kahn had his sorcerors combine Kitana's tissue with Tarkata, creating a hideous hybrid called Mileena, in order to spy on her in case she decided to turn against him.

Kitana and her friend Jade escaped from Kahn's rule when Kahn's sorcerors resurrected Sindel in Earthrealm, and after much conflict, wrested Edenia and Sindel from Kahn's control.

Sindel became Queen of Edenia again, and Princess Kitana led the army against Kahn's hordes as they tried to retake the realm. Kitana forged an alliance with Prince Goro of the Shokan, and they defeated Kahn's armies repeatedly.

Tanya betrayed Edenia to Shinnok, the fallen Elder God, and then allied herself with Rayden's champions to hinder their efforts against him.

After the Deadly Alliance (Shang Tsung and Quan Chi) killed Shao Kahn, Kitana was called away by Raiden to fight them. Kitana returned, but it was actually Mileena in disguise, and the traitor Tanya pledged her allegiance to Onaga, the Dragon King of Outworld.

Mileena gave control of Edenia's army to Outworld's martial arts master Bo' Rai Cho, but he managed to best the Tarkatan warriors led by Mileena's consort Baraka. Following the defeat of Onaga, Baraka eviscerated Mileena for betraying him, and his warriors attacked Tanya, whom Jade had splashed with Tarkatan pheromones.

In general, Edenia is said to be a beautiful and wonderful place where peace is highly promoted. It also looks somewhat similar to Earthrealm (in appearance). However, Shao Khan's forces still occupy a few areas of Edenia as Kahn still believes that the realm "is his property" and will stop at nothing to gain it back. Of course, Edenia's resistance forces are always battling their unwelcome visitors. While Edenia was only mentioned in the Mortal Kombat mythologies, it was finally revealed physically in Mortal Kombat: Deception.

Edenians are known to live ridiculously long years and maintain a youthful appearences (with the exception of Sindel, though she looks very fit and good for one of her age). Edenia is also the "home away from home" realm for Liu Kang, whom is not only Kitana's love interest, but also the man whom, along with the help of many of his fellow warriors, defeated Shao Kahn and separated Edenia from Outworld

Native realm species:
Edenians are human-like in appearance. Their skin colors range from white skin like Kitana's and Sindel's to black like Jade's and Tanya's. They live for millions of years and remain youthful for the best part of their lives, infact Kitana is 10,000 years old, but is still considered by her people to be very young. It is not uncommon for them to use some form of magic as a weapon, though it is unclear how many of their residents use magic overall.

Early Records
It was mentioned for the first time in a Mortal Kombat 3 biography of Noob Saibot (the first official record about his history), a native of the Netherrealm, which is described as "the darkest region of reality."

Also, in Mortal Kombat 3, Scorpion's bio makes mention of Shao Kahn's attempt to claim the souls of "Earth's Hell," from which it says Scorpion resides. Other games mention that Scorpion is in the Netherealm as a result of being killed by Sub-Zero in the events of Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. This would seem to suggest that the Netherealm and Hell are one and the same.

Despite of this, the Netherrealm would not make its debut until Mortal Kombat 4 (1997), during the Second Shinnok war. Many of such backgrounds (the Well, the Ice Palace, and the Prison, to name a few) actually take place in the Netherrealm, even though the Tournament also spread to Edenia and Outworld. (It should be noted that an arena known as "Scorpion's Lair" appears in Mortal Kombat 3, and because Scorpion is a native of the Netherealm, it may be assumed this area is located there. This is never officially stated, however.)

The Netherrealm also appears briefly during the introduction of Deadly Alliance, which takes place about 5 or 10 years after Mortal Kombat 4. This is mentioned because Quan Chi manages to double-cross Shinnok and escape the vengeful Scorpion's wrath.

Main appearance and geography
In Mortal Kombat: Deception, it is the second of the six realms that Shujinko has to travel during his quest to retrieve the Kamidogu. A small excerpt from the game reveals his first impression:

Shujinko: "This place... it feels dark."

Damashi: "As dark as every heart that inhabits it... Your presence here would not be possible... only evil resides in this realm..."

He begins his journey in a large city, which is the base area of the realm built by sorcerers as a source of protection against the wastelands that characterise this region. Located in the southwest, prudent Sorcerers shouldn't wander beyond the city's limits as the energy of the Netherrealm weakens them. The only place where they can stroll down is close to an ancient artifact at the heart of this world, called a Soul Stone, which will temporarily give them energy to survive the hostile surroundings.

Main Characteristics
The Netherrealm is considered to be the home of the most evil and vile creatures of the universe and those who travel there must have a stain of corruption on their soul. Shujinko is often addressed by locals in a coercive manner. Threats like "...go now or face torture!" or "...if this is true, we'll flay your soul!" and other menacing phrases are commonplace. Among the residents include Noob Saibot, who is revealed in the Arcade mode to be the original Sub-Zero, but twisted after his death at the hands of Scorpion, according to Raiden's overview of Shinnok's amulet. He assigns Shujinko a task of tracking down Sareena. Other residents and travelers found in the Netherrealm include Jarek and fallen Elder God Shinnok from Mortal Kombat 4 (both eventually ask Shujinko to do some favours), Shang Tsung and Quan Chi in their Deadly Alliance regalia, as well as Kabal and his Black Dragon students, who are guarding Kochal, a strange portal located in the north that will send the passenger to the city. And not to mention Ashrah, a demon that plans to escape this wicked place by killing strong demons with her sword, whose every blow makes her more human in appearance and in character

About Orderrealm
As the polar opposite of Chaosrealm, Seido is a place where law, order and structure prevail above anything else. It appears to be a clear, advanced, highly urbanised and civilised world, though it is also marked by a constant strife between the Seidan Guard and the armed Resistance, an amalgamation of revolutionaries who are dissatisfied with the realm's strict policies. Both sides are equally ruthless and manipulative in this conflict. Seido is also locked in an ungoing struggle to control Chaosrealm's large reserves of water, and to maintain outposts of law and order on Outworld.

Native realm species
Seidans are humanoid in form but, like many other species in the realms of Mortal Kombat, possess greater affinities with magic and have a much longer life expectancy. Their obsession with structure and organisation has lead to the fact that they seem to care more about abstract things than they do about life and death, which makes them, curiously, a lot like the Chaosrealmers. Despite the egalitarian, clear outlook of their society, Seidans are tense people and many have reservations about their ruling caste, as is demonstrated by Darrius's Resistance movement.

Notable residents
Native: Hotaru, Darrius
Outcast: Dairou was born on Seido
Outworld has a very long timeline. It is made up of many realms that have been combined into one very large realm.

In the beginning, the Dragon King along with his undefeatable army ruled this realm. The power of the Dragon King went unchallenged as his army was not only undefeated and unbeatable, they were also invincible, due to Onaga's power to resurrect the dead. Onaga himself was not invincible however, and his advisor Shao Khan poisoned him. With Onaga's death, Shao Khan took control of the Empire, but there were some that were still loyal to the Dragon King. Many of the former rulers advisors and militia refused to serve Kahn. Thus, most had themselves ritualistically killed and entombed, with the belief they would serve Onaga when he returned from beyond death. Shao Khan began (or continued) to invade other realms and assimilate them into the new Empire of Outworld.

Shao Kahn's most notorious conquest was the ancient realm of Edenia. When Kahn gained entry into Edenia, he sent in his armies and began an invasion. Edenia's forces were crushed and their King, Jerrod, died at the hands of Kahn himself. He took the Queen of Edenia as his bride and adopted the infant Princess as his own child. Kahn then fused Edenia with Outworld. Soon after, Queen Sindel committed suicide leaving Princess Kitana as the sole heir to the Edenian throne. Kahn had the Princess trained in his personal guard as an assassin, along with her close childhood friend Jade. Mileena would then be introduced into the world when Shang Tsung was ordered to create a clone of his stepdaughter. Through continued conquests of other realms, Kahn's power grew to immeasurable heights. Since taking Edenia, his rule in Outworld had truly become absolute.

Kahn wished to expand his Empire and set his sights on Earthrealm. He sent his apprentice, Shang Tsung into Earthrealm with the task of tipping the scales of balance towards chaos. Eventually Kahn would need to send the Shokan Prince Goro to Earth to aid Tsung in his task. For the next five hundred years, Goro and Tsung would remain in Earthrealm only to return to Outworld empty handed. Shang Tsung had failed his master, and with the apparent death of Goro, he was to be sentenced to death.

Shang Tsung begged Shao Khan for one last chance; his latest plan was to lure Liu Kang and his comrades into Outworld where they would meet certain death. Kahn approved the plan and soon Tsung returned to Earthrealm with a small army, lead by Baraka. They laid waste to the Shaolin Temples, Liu Kang's home, and set out to send similar messages to the other warriors of Earth. Earth's heroes took the bait and entered Outworld.

Lord Raiden and his champions traveled through the portal to Outworld in order to compete in a tournament hosted by the Emperor. Earth's warriors fought hard and met Outworld's challenge head on. But they would soon learn that the tournament was nothing but a trap, a ploy to distract them while Kahn prepared his armies for an invasion of Earthrealm. The Hero's escaped Outworld with Kahn's forces in hot pursuit, the Invasion would soon begin.

Kahn's plan was to resurrect his former Queen on Earthrealm. By using the body and soul of Sindel, he would break through the dimensional barriers of Earthrealm and be able to finally take Earth. Kahn was able to merge Earthrealm partially with Outworld and after doing so, he immediately took every human soul as his own. Kahn then sent his armies to kill any survivors, for Kahn knew there were souls that he couldn't take. Raiden had sacrificed his immortality and protected those souls he felt could save Earthrealm. In the battles that followed, Earth's warriors would fight longer and harder then ever before. In the final confrontation, Liu Kang would meet Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat. Remembering his fallen friends and brothers, Kang was able to defeat Kahn, ending his Reign of terror throughout the realms.

With Kahn's defeat, Earth returned to normal and Outworld's forces retreated home. Queen Sindel was freed from Kahn's control and with her daughter, Kitana, they would try to bring order to the chaotic realm of Outworld. During this time, the Edenian people were able to free their home world from Outworld itself. Edenia once again thrived as its own realm.

Years later, rumors of Kahn's return reaches Kitana in Edenia. She returned to Outworld with Edenia's militia in order to end Kahn's existence once and for all. An alliance is formed between the Edenian, Shokan (led by Goro), and various other Outworld forces in an attempt to overwhelm Kahn's forces. Kahn armies were stronger than initially perceived and the war was waged for years on end.

The fighting stopped when Kahn was mysteriously killed by unknown assassins. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had teamed up and form the Deadly Alliance. They set out to kill the two beings they felt posed the biggest threat to their plans, Shao Kahn and Liu Kang. They were successful. The former Emperor of Outworld and the Grand Champion of Earthrealm were slain, and their plan to revive the mummified army of the long forgotten Dragon King was under way. By transplanting the souls of dead warriors into the remains of the ancient army, they would have the means to take over the realms.

Again Raiden and Earth's heroes entered Outworld in an attempt to stop the Deadly Alliance. They did not succeed. All were killed in the epic battle between the two forces except the Thunder God Raiden. In a tremendous effort, Raiden fought the two necromancers in a final attempt to save the realms. He too fell to the might of the Deadly Alliance. Afterward, the two sorcerors' hunger for power overcame them and they fought for supremacy. Quan Chi was the victor, but his moment of glory was cut short. A new threat was entering into the fray, Onaga had returned to reclaim his army and impose his dominance in the realms. Quan Chi tried to oppose him alone but the Dragon King's power was too great. Shang Tsung and Raiden awoke and joined Quan Chi in his siege against the Dragon King. As powerful as the three warriors were, Onaga still advanced, seemingly invincible. In a last ditch effort, Raiden focused his godly essence and released it. The ethereal blast was enough to incinerate everything within the immediate vicinity, but Onaga survived and is free to enact his diabolical plans.

Places of Interest in Outworld
The Dead Pool: An arena that is surrounded by highly caustic acid. It was once a place where prisoners where tortured and murdered (it would later on serve as inspiration for Tsung's "Acid Bath" stage, found in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance). The Kombat Tomb: An arena where kombatants once fought, and spikes on the roof served as a brutal deathspot for those who get too close. The Wasteland: Baraka's Tarkatan race originated from this hellish badland. The Living Forest: Perhaps one of Outworld's most memorable places, it features forests with faces that on occasion move and speak. Kahn's Arena: The torturous place where kombatants are forced to do battle, with the evil emperor watching and enjoying himself.
Goro's Lair: Goro's arena of choice. (Proven to be in Outworld in Mortal Kombat Trilogy, which depicts it as being directly below the Armory and the Kombat Tomb.)

Native realm species
Outworlders (exact name unclear) - These people look like normal human beings from the Earth realm and many of them may be from the various realms Shao Kahn has conquered over the years. They hate their ruler Shao Kahn and his evil ways. While many would do anything to gain freedom of evil rulers, many of them have their own schemes for conquest or power. their age is unclear, however like other realms it may expand into several hundreds of years. Most of them have pale skin, though some range to a slight grey tint as well.
Shokan - A tall monsterous race of 4 armed half-man, half-dragon creatures. Generally they range in skin colour from sandy brown through to orange and green. They have no fear of other races and hate Centaurs. They have produced several famous warriors from their race including Kintaro, Goro and Sheeva. Shao Kahn uses them for conquest constantly.
Centaurs - Centaurs in the Mortal Kombat universe are deadly creatures. They have brownish skin. Their body consists of a horse-like lower body with a musclaur human body attached to where the horses neck starts. They have scorpion-like tails and many have horns on their heads. They are renoun for their hunting skills and were used in Mortal Kombat 3 to hunt down the surviving members of the human race. They have only one race they regard as a threat and thats the Shokan. Both races hate each other and do not trust each other.
Nomads/Mutants/Tarkatans - A freak mutant race produced by crossing oni with mortal races. They are evil brutes whose hordes serve Shao Kahn in the hope of gaining power. They feed on the flesh of other living creatures. It is said you do not want to cross the path of one that is angry. Generally, they have sandy brown to horrible brown/pink skin. They have small spikes on their head and elbows and have long fangs in their mouths. Their main weapon is two blades they can retract which are found on their forearms.
Cryomancers - a now extinct race of people who lived in Otuworld long ago. their appearance at the moment is unknown, however they are most likely like many other human-like races in appearance. Their main skills in their race were controlling ice. While they appeared to have died out, some of them escaped into the Earth Realm, Frost and Sub-Zero are the only two known descendants from this race. It is believed Shao Kahn destroyed their race because he feared them. More details of this race will most likely be given in future Mortal Kombat games.
Vampires - Though not strickly speaking are not from Outworld, their realm was merged with Outworld, thus making them another species in Outworld. Recently their realm was separated from Outworld once more thanks to the efforts of Nitara. Vampires live off the living, causing some people to become Vampire hunters who seek to kill them. They are great record keepers, owning a vast array of ancient text and documents gping back many centuries. Though they have the means to enter any realm, they cannot enter the Earth Realm during the day because the Earth Realms sun is harmful to them. They are human-like in appearence with fangs in their mouths and, at least in the case of Nitara who is the only vampire to have appeared so far, have wings on their back.

In the Mortal Kombat universe, Zaterra is a realm occupied by the Saurian race (also known as Raptors). They fled to Zaterra after the destructive battles between Shinnok and Raiden, when the former tried to take the Earthrealm, their world of origin. Its inhabitants were nearly wiped out during this war. After losing to Shao Kahn's forces in a Mortal Kombat tournament, the realm of Zaterra was merged with Outworld. Zaterra is also believed to be the home realm of the Vampires, one of whom is Nitara. As a result of losing to Shao Kahn, the entire race of Saurians was driven to extinction. Only two confirmed members remain, the whereabouts of one being uncertain. Known inhabitants of Zaterra include Reptile, Khameleon, and possibly the vampiress Nitara. Chameleon may also be a part of this race, but this has yet to be confirmed.


Mortal Kombat

Christopher Lambert .... Lord Rayden

  • Robin Shou .... Liu Kang
  • Linden Ashby .... Johnny Cage
  • Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa .... Shang Tsung
  • Bridgette Wilson .... Sonya Blade
  • Talisa Soto .... Princess Kitana
  • Trevor Goddard .... Kano
  • Chris Casamassa .... Scorpion
  • François Petit .... Sub-Zero
  • Keith Cooke .... Reptile (as Keith H. Cooke)

    Three unknowing martial artists are summoned to a mysterious island to compete in a tournament whose outcome will decide the fate of the world

    Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

    Robin Shou .... Liu Kang

  • James Remar .... Lord Rayden
  • Talisa Soto .... Princess Kitana
  • Sandra Hess .... Sonya Blade
  • Brian Thompson .... Shao Kahn
  • Lynn 'Red' Williams .... Jax Briggs
  • Raynor Scheine .... Shinnok (as Raynor Scheine)
  • Deron McBee .... Motaro
  • Musetta Vander .... Queen Sindel
  • Marjean Holden .... Sheeva
  • Irina Pantaeva .... Jade
  • Chris Conrad .... Johnny Cage
  • Litefoot .... Nightwolf
  • J.J. Perry .... Cyrax/Scorpion/Noob Saibot
  • John Medlen .... Ermac
  • Tyrone C. Wiggins .... Rain (as Tyrone Wiggins)
  • Dennis Keiffer .... Baraka
  • Ridley Tsui .... Smoke
  • Keith Cooke .... Sub-Zero
  • Lance LeGault .... Elder God of Fire
  • Carolyn Seymour .... Elder God of Water
  • Dana Hee .... Mileena

    A group of martial arts warriors have only six days to save the Earth from an extra-dimensional invasion

    Mortal Kombat 3: Domination

    Christopher Lambert as Lord Raiden

  • Dan Southworth as Kenshi (as Daniel Southworth)
  • Lynn 'Red' Williams as Jax Briggs
  • Robin Shou as Liu Kang
  • Sandra Hess as Sonya Blade
  • Talisa Soto as Kitana
  • Ray Park as Reiko
  • Patricia Ja Lee - Li Mei
  • Adoni Maropis - Quan Chi
  • Linden Ashby - Johnny Cage
  • Keith Cooke - Sub-Zero
  • Reiner Schöne - Shinnok
  • Chris Casamass - Scorpion
  • Matthias Hues - Fujin
  • Dana Hee - Mileena
  • Kimball Sultan Uddin - Noob Saibot
  • Stacey Dash - Tanya

    Liu kang, kitana, sonya and jax are brough back to face Quan chi in mortal kombat for world domination.

  • Shang Tsung is back, and looking for Revenge. Now can Earth's mightiest warriors, with help of friends new, and old Defeat Shang Tsung?
  • series

    "Mortal Kombat: Conquest"

    "Eternal Warrior: Part 1" Episode: #1.1 - 9 October 1998

  • Chris Casamassa .... Takeda/Scorpion
  • Jim O'Rear .... Warrior
  • John Reilly .... Baron Reyland

    "Eternal Warrior: Part 2" Episode: #1.2 - 9 October 1998

  • Chris Casamassa .... Takeda/Scorpion
  • John Reilly .... Baron Reyland

    "Cold Reality" Episode: #1.3 - 16 October 1998

  • Kyle Jason Louque .... Sub-Zero Fighter (uncredited)
  • J.J. Perry .... Sub Zero
  • Scott Ryder .... Grand Master

    "Immortal Kombat" Episode: #1.4 - 23 October 1998

  • Angelica Bridges .... Omegis
  • Joe Hess .... Guard
  • Ben Lin .... Master Jai

    "The Essence" Episode: #1.5 - 30 October 1998

  • Maria Arcé .... Servant Woman
  • Tiffany Phillips .... Mei-lyn
  • Hank Stone .... Daahraan
  • Dara Tomanovich .... Princess Kitana

    "Noob Saibot" Episode: #1.6 - 6 October 1998

  • Tahitia Hicks .... Ankha
  • Sung Hi Lee .... Kiri
  • Kimball Sultan Uddin .... Noob Saibot

    "Debt of the Dragon" Episode: #1.7 - 13 November 1998

  • Arian Waring Ash .... Petra
  • Dave Corey .... Bannak
  • Kyle Jason Louque .... Black Dragon (uncredited)
  • Andreea Radutoiu .... Jola
  • Greg Vaughan .... Kebral

    "Undying Dream" Episode: #1.8 - 20 November 1998

  • Cullen Douglas .... Bola Guy
  • James Hyde .... Stefan
  • Vivienne Sendaydiego .... Woman #1

    "Quan Chi" Episode: #1.9 - 27 November 1998

  • Dana Hee .... Siann
  • Adoni Maropis .... Quan Chi
  • Jaime Pressly .... Mika
  • Renee Tenison .... Sora

    "Unholy Alliance" Episode: #1.10 - 4 December 1998

  • Keith Brava .... Vendor
  • Elizabeth Graham .... Young Woman #1
  • Dana Hee .... Siann
  • Leighanne Littrell .... Young Girl
  • Adoni Maropis .... Quan Chi
  • Robert Quinn .... Guard
  • John Reilly .... Baron Reyland

    "Thicker Than Blood" Episode: #1.11 - 11 December 1998

  • Chris Casamassa .... Takeda/Scorpion
  • Dean Cochran .... Cassar
  • Michael Hartson .... Ninja
  • Eva Mendes .... Hanna

    "Shadow of a Doubt" Episode: #1.12 - 6 February 1999

  • Meg Brown .... Mileena (as Megan Brown)
  • Percy Brown .... Rain
  • Vincent De Paul .... Shao Kahn's Guard
  • Michael Thomas Dunn
  • Audie England .... Princess Kitana

    "Twisted Truths" Episode: #1.13 - 12 February 1999

  • Bryan Clarke .... Fighter
  • Kyle Jason Louque .... Scorpion Fighter (uncredited)
  • Alexander Walters .... Tomas

    "Festival of Death" Episode: #1.14 - 19 February 1999

  • Heather Joy Budner .... Feature
  • Brooke Burns .... Lori
  • Joe Candelora .... Pterov
  • Robert Herrick .... Scythe Guard
  • Timothy McLaughlin .... Fahrak (as Timothy Francis MacLaughlin)
  • Jaime Pressly .... Mika
  • Roshumba Williams .... Qali

    "The Serpent and the Ice" Episode: #1.15 - 26 February 1999

  • Chris Casamassa .... Takeda/Scorpion
  • Jeffrey William Evans .... Husband
  • J.J. Perry .... Sub Zero

    "Kreeya" Episode: #1.16 - 5 March 1999

  • Rebekah James .... Warrior
  • James Martin Kelly .... Marketplace Man
  • Tom Nowicki .... Shadow Priest
  • Fabiana Udenio .... Empress Kreeya

    "The Master" Episode: #1.17 - 16 April 1999

  • Angelica Bridges .... Omegis
  • George Cheung .... Master Cho (as George Kee Cheung)

    "In Kold Blood" Episode: #1.18 - 23 April 1999

  • Tahitia Hicks .... Ankha
  • Sung Hi Lee .... Kiri
  • Fabiana Udenio .... Empress Kreeya

    "Flawed Victory" Episode: #1.19 - 30 April 1999

  • Dana Hee .... Siann
  • J. LaRose .... Warrior
  • Adoni Maropis .... Quan Chi
  • Candace Miller .... Woman
  • Jaime Pressly .... Mika
  • Renee Tenison .... Sora

    "Balance of Power" Episode: #1.20 - 7 May 1999

  • Rus Blackwell .... Lieutenant
  • Mike Christopher .... Edenian Warrior (as Michasel St. Christopher)
  • Robert Deacon .... General
  • Sung Hi Lee .... Kiri
  • Fabiana Udenio .... Empress Kreeya

    "Stolen Lies" Episode: #1.21 - 14 May 1999

  • Kathleen Kinmont .... Dion (as Kathleen Kinmont Burns)
  • Peter Morris .... Shaakan Child
  • Tom Nowicki .... High Priest
  • Robin O'Dell .... Shaakan
  • Gary Ray Stearns .... Skull Warrior
  • Suzanne Stokes .... Babe

    "Vengeance" Episode: #1.22 - 21 May 1999

  • Angelica Bridges .... Omegis
  • Audie England .... Princess Kitana
  • Dana Hee .... Siann
  • Sung Hi Lee .... Kiri
  • Adoni Maropis .... Quan Chi

    "Mortal Kombat: The Animated Series"

    Clancy Brown .... Rayden (voice)

  • Brian Tochi .... Liu Kang (voice)
  • Olivia d'Abo .... Sonya Blade (voice)
  • Cree Summer .... Princess Kitana (voice)
  • Luke Perry .... Sub-Zero (voice)
  • Dorian Harewood .... Jax (voice)
  • Ron Perlman .... Kurtis Stryker (voice)
  • Tod Thawley .... Nightwolf (voice)
  • Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins

    Jeff Bennett .... (voice) (as Jeff Glen Bennett)

  • Jim Cummings .... Shang Tsung (voice)
  • Ron A. Feinberg .... (voice)
  • Jennifer Hale .... Sonya Blade (voice)
  • Randy Hamilton .... (voice)

    The three chosen warriors listen to Lord Raydens words of wisdom on how to overcome the most dangerous of adversaries

    Mortal Kombat: Federation of Martial Arts

    Chris Casamassa .... Scorpion/Black Dragon Ninja

  • Dana Hee .... Siann
  • Adoni Maropis .... Quan Chi
  • Lynn 'Red' Williams .... Jax Briggs

    Mortal Kombat: The Live Tour

    Joseph Acavedo .... Kano (as Joseph "Eddie" Acavedo)

  • Hakim Alston .... Jax Shah Alston
  • Jennifer DeCosta .... Kitana/Mileena
  • Anthony Demarco .... Scorpion
  • Jeff Durbin .... Johnny Cage
  • Kerri Hoskins .... Sonya Blade
  • James Kim .... Shang Tsung
  • Simon Kim .... Shang Tsung
  • Michael Li .... Liu Kang/Shang Tsung
  • Sidney S. Liufau .... Shang Tsung
  • Carmichael Simon .... Liu Kang
  • Jon Valera .... Liu Kang
  • Ryan Watson .... Unmasked Sub-Zero
  • Eileen Weisinger .... Sindel
  • Tyrone C. Wiggins
  • series

    Cooming soon DEAGON and TAVEN

    Heres the worriors from the latest mortal kombat games when new worriors come ill post there image and bio here. Family Honor


  • Originating in Netherrealm, she is a demon who has found a means of escape, a holy sword. For each demon in Netherrealm she kills with the sword it brings her one step closer to escaping the Netherrealm. If she can kill a powerful demon such as Noob Saibot her freedom is guaranteed.

  • Moves:
  • Heavenly Light:Press Down,Away,Circle.
  • Lightning Blast: Press Down,Toward,Circle.
  • Spin Cycle: Press Down,Up,Triangle.
  • Nature's Torpedo: Press Toward(2),Circle.
  • Fatality 1: Down(2),Up(2),Triangle(when close)
  • Fatality 2: Toward,Down,Toward,Down,Triangle(Sweep).
  • Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up(2), Triangle.


  • Heavenly Light: DOWN, BACK + X
  • Lightning Blast: DOWN, FORWARD + X
  • Spin Cycle: DOWN, UP + A
  • Nature's Torpedo: FORWARD, FORWARD + B
  • Fatality 1: DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, Y (Close)
  • Fatality 2: FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, Y (Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: UP, DOWN, UP, UP, Y


  • Ashrah Special Moves
  • Heavenly Light: D,B+(b)
  • Lightning Blast: D,F+(b)
  • Spin Cycle: D,U+(a)
  • Nature's Torpedo: F,F+(x)
  • See The Light: (z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,D,U,U,(y)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,D,F,D,(y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,D,U,U,(y)

  • Family Honor


    Mortal kombat 2
  • He led the attack against Liu Kang's Shaolin temples. Baraka belongs to a nomadic race of mutants living in the wastelands of the Outworld. His fighting skills gained the attention of Shao Kahn who recruited him into his army.

    Mortal kombat gold

  • Ever the nomad, Baraka has spent much time wandering many realms. Whilst travelling back through Edenia, he is made an offer to rule the realm at the side of Quan Chi. Eager to return into battle for any cause, Baraka accepts, but has a different idea of how things will turn out.

    Mortal Kombat Deception.

  • Originating in Outworld his race is the mutant hybrid of Netherealm and Outworld Species called the Tarkatan. Joining forces with the Dragon King. He now serves as a loyal Warrior, occupying Outworld with his Tarkatan hordes.

  • Moves:
  • Flying Shard: Press Down, Away, Square.
  • Mutant Blades: Press Toward(2), X.
  • Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up, Down, Triangle (when close).
  • Fatality 2: Press Toward, Down, Away, Toward, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
  • Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Up, Away, Circle.


  • Special Moves
  • Flying Shard: D,B+(x)
  • Mutant Blades: F,F+(a)
  • Chop Chop Blades: D,U+(a)
  • Spine Buster: (Black)
  • Fatality: F,U,D,(y)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,D,B,F,(y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,B,U,B,(b)

    MORTAL KOMBAT DECEPTION (gc) Special Moves

  • Special Moves
  • Flying Shard: D,B+(b)
  • Mutant Blades: F,F+(a)
  • Chop Chop Blades: D,U+(a)
  • Spine Buster: (z)
  • Fatality: F,U,D,(y)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,D,B,F,(y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,B,U,B,(x)


  • Blade Spark: Half Circle Back, HP
  • Shredder: B, B, B, LP
  • Blade Swipe: B, HP
  • Decapitation: Hold Blk, B, B, B, B, HP (Close)
  • Stab Lift: B, F, D, F, LP (Close)
  • Stage: F, F, D, HK
  • Friendship: Hold Blk, U, F, F, HK
  • Babality: F, F, F, HK

    MORTAL KOMBAT GOLD Special Moves

  • Blade Swipe: B+HP
  • Blade Spark: D, DB, B, HP
  • Double Kick: Press HK twice quickly
  • Blade Shredder: B, B, B , LP
  • Blade Decapitation: B, B, B, B, HP (close)
  • Blade Impaler: B, F, D, F, LP (sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, D, HK
  • Goro's Lair: D, B, B, LK


  • Spark: QCB,
  • HP Slicer: B , B , LP
  • Blade Spin: F, D, F, BL
  • Big Slash: B+HP
  • Decapitation: B, B, B, HP (inside sweep)
  • Knife Impale: B,F, D, F, LP (inside sweep)
  • Animailty: (HP) F, B, D, F release HP (sweep)
  • Friendship: D, F, F,HK
  • Babality: F , F, F , HK
  • Stage: (BL) LK , RN, RN , RN,RN
  • Combos: HP , HP, B+HP, F+HP HK , HK ,LK ,B+HK

  • Family Honor


  • talk about your life.The mysterious Outworld elemental known only as Blaze had long been on a quest throughout the realm. During his quest, an ancient sect of holy men still serving the long dead Dragon King ambushed him on a bridge. The holy men enslaved him through mystic incantations and forced him to protect the last known Great Dragon Egg. For many years he has remained submerged beneath the molten rock of the incubation chamber as 'Guardian of the Egg'.

  • Flame Ball: B,F+(Square)
  • Flame Uppercut: B,D,B+(Triangle)
  • Flame Charge: D,F+(x)


  • Special Moves
  • Flame Ball: B,F+(x)
  • Flame Uppercut: B,D,B+(y)
  • Flame Charge: D,F+(a)


  • Special Moves
  • Flame Ball: B,F+(b)
  • Flame Uppercut: B,D,B+(y)
  • Flame Charge: D,F+(a)

  • Family Honor


  • During the years that Shang Tsung sponsored the Mortal Kombat tournaments on Earth, the Outworld master Bo' Rai Cho was secretly training warriors for competition. It was even speculated that it was he who brought the fighting style of Drunken Boxing to Earthrealm. After many years, he finally discovered the Shaolin monk Liu Kang and taught him the martial arts moves he needed to defeat Shang Tsung. Later, with the tournament securely in the hands of the Shaolin, his teachings were no longer needed and he returned to Outworld.

    Mortal Kombat Deception.

  • Originating in Outworld he is great teacher. Now as appointed commander of Kitana’s Allied Outworld armies his initial campaigns against the Tarkatan hordes does not go to plan but its not over yet..

    bo rai cho: Moves:
  • Special Moves
  • Flip Flop: D,B+(Square)
  • Ground Stomp: F,B+(x)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(Circle)
  • Puke Puddle: B,F+(Triangle)
  • Fatality
  • Belly Flop: B,B,B,D,(Circle)


  • bo rai cho
  • Special Moves
  • Flip Flop: D,B+(x)
  • Ground Stomp: F,B+(a)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(b)
  • Puke Puddle: B,F+(y)
  • Fatality
  • Belly Flop: B,B,B,D,(b)


  • Special Moves
  • Flip Flop: D,B+(b)
  • Ground Stomp: F,B+(a)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(x)
  • Puke Puddle: B,F+(y)
  • Fatality
  • Belly Flop: B,B,B,D,(x)


  • bo rai cho Special Moves
  • Puke Puddle: F,B+(Triangle)
  • Monkey Flips: D,B+(Square)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(Circle)
  • Earthquake: D,U+(A)
  • Face To Floor: (R1)

    Finishing Moves

  • Fatality: D,U,F,F,(Triangle)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,U,B,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,F,F,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Puzzle Fighter - Krypt MD - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-6 p> (XBOX)(MKD)
  • bo rai cho Special Moves
  • Puke Puddle: F,B+(Y)
  • Monkey Flips: D,B+(X)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(B)
  • Earthquake: D,U+(A)
  • Face To Floor: (Black )

    Finishing Moves

  • Fatality: D,U,F,F,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,U,B,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,F,F,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Puzzle Fighter - Krypt MD - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-6


  • bo rai cho Special Moves
  • Puke Puddle: F,B+(Y)
  • Monkey Flips: D,B+(B)
  • Belly Bash: F,F+(X)
  • Earthquake: D,U+(A)
  • Face To Floor: (Z)

    Finishing Moves

  • Fatality: D,U,F,F,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,U,B,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,F,F,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Puzzle Fighter - Krypt MD - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-6

  • Family Honor


  • Cyrax is finally rescued from his desert prison by the Lin Kuei. The physical damage sustained while in the desert was relatively easy to repair, but Cyrax seems very different from when he first set out on his original assassination mission against Sub-Zero. Only time will tell how well Cyrax has overcome his ordeal.


  • The cyborg ninja Cyrax regained his soul with the aid of Special Forces agents Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs. In return for their help, he joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and become a scout in the realm of Outworld. On his last transport to that realm, a reptilian creature ambushed Cyrax. His arm console was damaged in the struggle and with it his Inter-realm portal technology. He defeated the creature, but will have to find some other means to return to Outworld.

    CYRAX (mk3)
  • Grenade Close: Hold LK (B,B,HK)
  • Grenade Far: Hold LK (F,F,HK)
  • Net: B,B,LK
  • Teleport (can do in air): F,D,BL
  • Air throw (while you on ground, and victim in air): D,F,BL Then LP to throw.
  • Fatality #1 (close): D,D,F,U,R
  • Fatality #2 (anywhere): D,D,U,D,HP
  • Friendship: R,R,R,U
  • Babality: F,F,B,HP
  • Brutality: HP,HK,HP,HK,HK,HP,HK,HP,HK,LK,LP
  • Stage: R,BL,R
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,HP,HK,B+HK


  • Grenade Close: Hold LK (B-B-HK)
  • Grenade Far: Hold LK (F-F-HK)
  • Net: B-B-LK
  • Teleport (can do in air): F-D-BL
  • Air throw (while you on ground, and victim in air): D-F-BL Then LP to throw.
  • Fatality #1 (close): D-D-F-U-R
  • Fatality #2 (anywhere): D-D-U-D-HP
  • Friendship: R-R-R-U
  • Babality: F-F-B-HP
  • Brutality: HP,HK,HP,HK,HK,HP,HK,HP,HK,LK,LP
  • Stage: R-BL-R
  • Standard Combo: HP-HP-HK-HP-HK-B+HK


  • Moves: Net Capture: B , B, B, LK
  • Exploding Teleport: F, F, D, BL Long Grenade Throw: (LK) F, F,HK
  • Short Grenade Throw: (LK) B, B, HK
  • Air throw:(oppnt. in air)D, F, BL, Throw
  • Fatalities:
  • Helicopter: D, D, U, D, HP (anywhere)
  • Self Destruct: D, D, F, U, RN (close)
  • Animality: U, U, D, D (close)
  • Friendship: RN, RN, RN, U
  • Babality: F, F, B, HP
  • Stage: RN, BL, RN
  • Combos: HP, HP, HK , HP, HK, B+HK HK, HK, B+HK


  • Weapon Energy Sword: B, F, HP
  • Special Moves
  • Green Net: B, B ,LK
  • Short Bomb: B, B , HK
  • Long Bomb: F , F , HK
  • Air Throw: D, F , Block (can do in air)
  • Teleport: F , D, Block (LP to throw)
  • Self Destruction: (hold BL) U,U,F, D, BL (close)
  • World Destruction: (hold BL) D, D, F, U , RN (sweep)
  • Prison Stage: B, F, F, HP
  • Goro's Lair: D, B, B, LP


  • Special Moves li> Detonator (far): B,F+(Square)
  • Detonator (close): F,B+(Square)
  • Spinkicks: D,B+(X)
  • Slice and Dice: B,F+(Circle)
  • Fatality
  • Claw Smasher: F,F,U,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the CN koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3003 Platnium Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Detonator (far): B,F+(X)
  • Detonator (close): F,B+(X)
  • Spinkicks: D,B+(A)
  • Slice and Dice: B,F+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Claw Smasher: F,F,U,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the CN koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3003 Platnium Koins to open.


  • Special Moves li> Detonator (far): B,F+(B)
  • Detonator (close): F,B+(B)
  • Spinkicks: D,B+(A)
  • Slice and Dice: B,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Claw Smasher: F,F,U,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the CN koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3003 Platnium Koins to open.

  • Family Honor

    Ciber Smoke

    Image hosting by Photobucket" WIDTH="168" HEIGHT="200" BORDER="0">

  • ultmet MORTAL KOMBAT .
  • MORTAL KOMBAT trillogy.

  • Mortal Kombat 3
  • Harpoon: B,B,LP
  • Teleport+Uppercut (can do in air): F,F,LK
  • Invisibility: U,U,R (do while invisible, and you will reappear)
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality (across screen): U,U,F,D
  • Fatality (sweep): Hold R+BL (D,D,F,U)
  • Friendship (across screen): R,R,R,HK
  • Babality: D,D,B,B,HK
  • Brutality: HP,LK,LK,HK,BL,BL,LP,LP,HP,HP,BL,BL
  • Stage: F,F,D,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,LK,HK,LP

    Ultmet Mortal KOmbat 3

  • Harpoon: B-B-LP
  • Teleport+Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK
  • Invisibility: U-U-R (do while invisible, and you will reappear)
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality (across screen): U,U,F,D
  • Fatality (sweep): Hold R+BL (D,D,F,U)
  • Friendship (across screen): R,R,R,HK
  • Babality: D,D,B,B,HK
  • Brutality: HP,LK,LK,HK,BL,BL,LP,LP,HP,HP,BL,BL
  • Stage: F,F,D,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,LK,HK,LP

    Mortal Kombat Trillogy(li) Moves:

  • Spear: B - B - LP Teleport Punch: F,F, LK Air
  • Throw: BL (in air) Invisbility: U, U, RN
  • Fatalities:
  • Armageddon: U, U, F, D (screen)
  • Eat it: (RN + BL) D, D, F, U (sweep)
  • Animality: D, F, F, BL (¾ screen)
  • Friendship: RN, RN, RN, HK
  • Babality: D, D, B, B, HK
  • Stage: F, D, D, LK
  • Combos: HP, HP, LK, HK, LP HK, HK, LP

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • Originating in the Realm of Order, he was a former member ofthe Seidan guard. Now turned Mercenary, he takes no sides. His latest contract is for Hotaru.

  • Special Moves
  • Tombstone Drop: F,B,D+(Square)
  • Stealthy Shadows: D,U+(X)
  • Iron Leg: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Arm Snapper: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,U,B,B,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,D,B,(X)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,B,D,(Square)


  • Special Moves
  • Tombstone Drop: F,B,D+(X)
  • Stealthy Shadows: D,U+(A)
  • Iron Leg: D,B+(Y)
  • Arm Snapper: (Black) Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,U,B,B,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,D,B,(A)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,B,D,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Tombstone Drop: F,B,D+(B)
  • Stealthy Shadows: D,U+(A)
  • Iron Leg: D,B+(Y)
  • Arm Snapper: (SM)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,U,B,B,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,D,B,(A)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,B,B,D,(B)

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • Originating in the Realm of Order. he is the leader of the Resistance. living in the shadows his main objective is to over through the oppressive regime who controls the Realm of Order and restore freedom. To some he is a true hero to others he is no more than a terrorist.

  • Special Moves
  • Tricky Blast: B,F+(Triangle)
  • Twisty Kick: B,F+(Circle)
  • Chest Cruncher: B,F+(Square)
  • Target Practice: D,F+(X)
  • Chiropractor: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,B,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(Square)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,F,F,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • Tricky Blast: B,F+(Y)
  • Twisty Kick: B,F+(B)
  • Chest Cruncher: B,F+(X)
  • Target Practice: D,F+(A)
  • Chiropractor: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,B,F,(A)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(X)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,F,F,(Y)


  • Special Moves
  • Tricky Blast: B,F+(Y)
  • Twisty Kick: B,F+(X)
  • Chest Cruncher: B,F+(B)
  • Target Practice: D,F+(A)
  • Chiropractor: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,B,F,(A)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(B)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: B,F,F,(Y)


    MORTAL KOMBAT Armogiddon

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deadly Alliance .
  • The Oni Torementor Drahmin resided in the 5th plane of the Netherrealm for centuries. It was therefore no surprise to Moloch that Drahmin would so readily accept Quan Chi's offer of freedom from that realm in return for protection from the ninja spectre Scorpion. Drahmin and Moloch savagely brutalized Scorpion whenever he a made a move for Quan Chi. It would not be long before they would be released upon the world of the living and taste mortal flesh once more.

  • Special Moves
  • Ball-O-Flies: B,F+(Triangle)
  • Propeller Clock: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Super Uppercut: D,B+(Square)
  • Ground Smash: B,D+(Circle)
  • Fatality
  • Iron Bash: B,F,F,D,(X)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the UR koffin under The Krypt. It costs 6500 Sapphire Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Ball-O-Flies: B,F+(Y)
  • Propeller Clock: F,F+(Y)
  • Super Uppercut: D,B+(X)
  • Ground Smash: B,D+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Iron Bash: B,F,F,D,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the UR koffin under The Krypt. It costs 6500 Sapphire Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Ball-O-Flies: B,F+(Y)
  • Propeller Clock: F,F+(Y)
  • Super Uppercut: D,B+(X)
  • Ground Smash: B,D+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Iron Bash: B,F,F,D,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the UR koffin under The Krypt. It costs 6500 Sapphire Koins to open.

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • An ancient ruler of Outworld, every bit as evil and sinister as Shao Kahn himself. Ironicaly in fact, Shao Kahn was his advisor, and had poisoned Onaga thus stealing the Outworld for himself. But now Onaga has somehow returned, more powerful than before. His powers augmented by the dangerous Kamidogu. It's misuse can bring the realms crashing together... again... reawakening the One Being... and unmasking all reality. The realms are the shattered consciousness of the One Being, who has been working subconsciously through the Dragon King. Should Onaga succeed in conquering reality by fusing the Kamidogu, he will unwittingly begin a cascade of events that will merge all the realms together. The One Being will become whole once more, and all other beings will cease to exist.

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • His place of origin is unknown, he was create by sorcery, he is the combined might of many warrior souls fused together. Once forced to serve Shao Khan until he was freed by Kenshi. Now he seeks to make amends for all the harm he caused. Joining forces with Liu Kang he plans to stop the Dragon King.

    MORTAL KOMBAT Trilogy.

    Ultimate MORTAL KOMBAT 3.

  • (PS2) (MKD)
  • Special Moves
  • Mystic Float: D,U+(X)
  • Mystic Bomb (Only during Mystic Float): D+(X) Dive Kick (Only during Mystic Float): F+(X)
  • Telekinetic Throw: F,B+(Triangle)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(Circle)
  • Hado-Energy: D,B+(Square)
  • Set And Spike: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,B,D,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,D,B,D,(Circle)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(X)

  • (XBOX) (MKD)
  • Special Moves
  • Mystic Float: D,U+(A)
  • Mystic Bomb (Only during Mystic Float): D+(A)
  • Dive Kick (Only during Mystic Float): F+(A)
  • Telekinetic Throw: F,B+(Y)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(B)
  • Hado-Energy: D,B+(X)
  • Set And Spike: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,B,D,(A)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,D,B,D,(B)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(A)


  • Special Moves
  • Mystic Float: D,U+(A)
  • Mystic Bomb (Only during Mystic Float): D+(A)
  • Dive Kick (Only during Mystic Float): F+(A)
  • Telekinetic Throw: F,B+(Y)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(X)
  • Hado-Energy: D,B+(B)
  • Set And Spike: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,B,D,(A)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,D,B,D,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(A)


  • Fireball: D,B,LP
  • Exploding Teleport Punch: D,B,HP
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B,HK
  • Fatality (close): R,BL,R,R,HK
  • Fatality (sweep): D,U,D,D,D,BL
  • Babality:
  • Brutality: HP,HP,LP,BL,HK,LK,BL,HP,LP,LK,HK
  • Stage: R,R,R,R,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,B+LP,HK,LK


  • Moves:
  • Fireball: D,B,LP
  • Teleport Punch: D, B, HP
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D, B, HK
  • Fatalities:
  • Slam Massacre: D,U, D, D, D,BL (sweep)
  • Decapatation: RN, BL, RN , RN, HK (close)
  • Animality: F, F, B, B, LK (sweep)
  • Friendship: F, F,F, HP
  • Babality: D, D, F, D , HK
  • Stage: RN, BL,RN, RN , LK
  • Combos: HP,HP,B+LP, HK,B+LKHK, HK, LK, B+HK

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deadly Alliance .
  • Sub-Zero had reformed the Lin Kuei clan and held a tournament to recruit the best of the best. The winner was a mysterious female named Frost who seemed to have freezing abilities similar to thos of Sub-Zero. Breaking with Lin Kuei tradition, the new Grand Master, Sub-Zero, took it upon himself to train this new recruit. With his help, Frost was able to better harness her Kori Powers. Sub-Zero was not able to teach her humility, however, and her arrogance grew along with her superior fighting abilities.

  • Special Moves
  • Slide: D,F+(Circle)
  • Ground Ice: D,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Freeze Shatter: F,B,U,D,(Square)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the IV koffin under The Krypt. It costs 208 Ruby Koins to open.

    (xbox) (MKDA)

  • Special Moves
  • Slide: D,F+(B)
  • Ground Ice: D,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Freeze Shatter: F,B,U,D,(X)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the IV koffin under The Krypt. It costs 208 Ruby Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Slide: D,F+(X)
  • Ground Ice: D,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Freeze Shatter: F,B,U,D,(B)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the IV koffin under The Krypt. It costs 208 Ruby Koins to open.

  • Family Honor


  • Better known as the God of Wind, Fujin joins Raiden as one of the last surviving Gods of Earth. Their counterparts were defeated in a war of the heavens between Shinnok's forces and the elder gods. He now prepares for the final battle between the forces of light and Shinnok's hell spawned warriors of darkness.

  • Weapon Crossbow QCB, HP
  • Special Moves
  • Spin throw: F, D, LP (hold LP)
  • Levitate Opponent: F, D, F, HP
  • Slam Opponent: B, F , D , LK
  • Dive Kick: D+LK (in air)
  • Flying knee: QCF, HK
  • Explosion: BL + RN x4 (Just Past Sweep)
  • Wind Skinner: D, F, F, U, BLK (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, D, D, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B,F,B,HP (close)

  • Family Honor


  • The half human dragon stood as Shang Tsung's protector in the first tournament. Goro took the Mortal Kombat title from the original Kung Lao, only to have it won from him nine generations later by Lao's ancestor, Liu Kang. Seeking Revenge, The Shokan Prince has returned from the Outworld to crush Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat.

  • goro Moves:
  • Growl: D,D, LK
  • Spinner: B, B, F, HK
  • Fireball: B,B,B, LP
  • Chest Pound: F, F , (HP) (close)


  • Moves
  • Fireball F, B, HP
  • 2 Hand Backhand F, F , HP
  • Stomp F, F, B, HK
  • Ground Stomp B, F, D , D, HK
  • Big Kick B, B, HK
  • Fierce Uppercut D, D, HP
  • Goro Beat the game with Shinnok. Then at the select screen, select the "hidden" option with the Block button. While holding Block, move up to Shinnok and press the Run button. Keep holding BL and RN until the round starts, and you will be Goro


  • Special Moves
  • Fireball: F, B, HP
  • Two Hand Swipe: F, F , HP
  • Lunge Kick: B, B, HK
  • Super Uppercut: D, D, HP
  • Ground Stomp: B, F, D, D, HK
  • Air Stomp: F, F, B, HK
  • Goro Go to the Hidden selection at the bottom of the select screen, choose it with both trigger buttons (L and R) and hold them. Then while still holding the trigger buttons, move to Shinnok. When you believe to have Shinnok selected, choose him with the A button.

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • Originating in the Realm of Chaos, he is a cleric of Chaos and strives to bring disorder to the universe. He will ally himself with any who oppose order and structure. His goal is to bring chaos to the Realm of Order

  • Havik
  • Special Moves
  • Torso Spin: D,B+(Square)
  • Diving Corpse: B,D+(Square)
  • Crackling Legs Projectile: B,F+(X)
  • Head Snap: B,F+(Triangle)
  • Corpse Taunt: F,B+(Circle)
  • Chaos Axe Kick: (R1)
  • inishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(Circle)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,F,F,B,(Triangle)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,U,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Krypt JS - Key Found in Chaosrealm:H-4


  • Havik
  • Special Moves
  • Torso Spin: D,B+(X)
  • Diving Corpse: B,D+(X)
  • Crackling Legs Projectile: B,F+(A)
  • Head Snap: B,F+(Y)
  • Corpse Taunt: F,B+(B)
  • Chaos Axe Kick: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(B)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,F,F,B,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,U,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt JS - Key Found in Chaosrealm:H-4


  • Havik
  • Special Moves
  • Torso Spin: D,B+(B)
  • Diving Corpse: B,D+(B)
  • Crackling Legs Projectile: B,F+(A)
  • Head Snap: B,F+(Y)
  • Corpse Taunt: F,B+(X)
  • Chaos Axe Kick: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,F,F,U,(A4)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,F,F,B,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,U,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt JS - Key Found in Chaosrealm:H-4

  • Family Honor


    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception.
  • Originating in the Realm of Order he is a hero of the Realm Seido. He fights to preserve law and order. His original mission was to venture to Outworld and fight Shao Khan, But his arrival was to late, Khan had already been defeated. So instead he has aligned himself with the Dragon King who he believes will bring stabilityto the Realms.

    (PS2) (MKD)
  • Special Moves
  • Grasshopper: F,F+(Circle)
  • Lava Burst: D,B+(Square)
  • Bouncer: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,B,D,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,B,F,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,B,B,B,(Triangle
  • To Unlock: Krypt OJ - Key Found in Orderrealm:H-1 @ 4am-2pm

    (XBOX) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Grasshopper: F,F+(B)
  • Lava Burst: D,B+(X)
  • Bouncer: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,B,D,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,B,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,B,B,B,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt OJ - Key Found in Orderrealm:H-1 @ 4am-2pm

    (GC) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Grasshopper: F,F+(X)
  • Lava Burst: D,B+(B)
  • Bouncer: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,B,D,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: D,F,B,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,B,B,B,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt OJ - Key Found in Orderrealm:H-1 @ 4am-2pm

  • Family Honor


  • A member of the Black Dragon, Hsu Hao's duty was to infilitrate the Special Forces and covertly guide them to the members of the Black Dragon. Once the Black Dragon was seemingly destroyed, Hsu Hao was ordered to remain among the Special Forces ranks as an informant until further notice. That notice came when his superior Mavado, ordered him to destroy the Outerworld Investigation Agency's ability to travel to the Outworld. Hsu Hao would not dishonor his Red Dragon clan; he would complete his task at any cost.

  • Special Moves
  • Cyrus Stomp: B,F+(X)
  • Kahn Klap: B,D+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Laser Slicer: F,B,D,D,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the MW koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3317 Jade Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Cyrus Stomp: B,F+(A)
  • Kahn Klap: B,D+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Laser Slicer: F,B,D,D,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the MW koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3317 Jade Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Cyrus Stomp: B,F+(A)
  • Kahn Klap: B,D+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Laser Slicer: F,B,D,D,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the MW koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3317 Jade Koins to open.

  • Family Honor


    Ulitmit Mortal Kombat 3.

    Mortal KOmbat Trilogy.


  • Originating in Edenia she witnessed the arrival of the Dragon King. In a desperate attempt to warn Queen Sindel and tell her of her daughters fate she returned to Edenia, but was to Late Tanya had captured the Queen and gave access to the Dragon King to Edenia. Freeing Sindel the two escaped into Outworld.

  • Boomerang High: B,F,HP
  • Boomerang Middle: B,F,LP
  • Boomerang Low: B,F,LK
  • Returning Low Boomerang: B,B,F,LP (Only works against human opponents and only returns if they duck the boomerang)
  • Projectile Invincibility: B,F,HK
  • Glow Kick: D-F-LK
  • Fatality (close): U,U,D,F,HP
  • Fatality (close): R,R,R,BL,R
  • Friendship (anywhere): B,D,B,B,HK
  • Babality: D,D,F,D,HK
  • Brutality: HP,LK,HP,LP,HK,HK,LK,BL,BL,HP,HK
  • Stage:
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,D+LP,LK,HK,B+LK,B+HK
  • (MKT)
  • Moves:
  • High Boomerang: B, F, HP
  • Middle Boomerang: B, F, LP
  • Low Boomerang: B, F, LK
  • Boomerang Return: B, B, F, LP
  • Projectile Invincibility: B, F, HK
  • Shadow Kick: QCT, LK
  • Fatalities:
  • Stomach Shake: U, U, D, F, HP (close)
  • Uppercut Stab: RN, RN, RN, BL, RN (close)
  • Animality: F, D, F, F, LK
  • Friendship: B, D, B,B, HK
  • Babality: D, D, F, D,HK
  • Stage: B, F, D, RN
  • Combos: HP, HP, D+LP, D+HP HP, HP , D+LP,LK,HK, B+LK , B+HK

    (PS2) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Vanishing Winds: B,F+(Square)
  • Blazing Nitro Kick: B,F+(Circle)
  • Razor-Rang: D,B+(X)
  • Dodging Shadows: B,F+(Triangle)
  • Over and Out: (SM)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,U,F,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,F,F,F,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,F,F,B,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Krypt OI - 2417 Jade Koins

    (XBOX) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Vanishing Winds: B,F+(X)
  • Blazing Nitro Kick: B,F+(B)
  • Razor-Rang: D,B+(A)
  • Dodging Shadows: B,F+(Y)
  • Over and Out: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,U,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,F,F,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,F,F,B,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt OI - 2417 Jade Koins


  • Special Moves
  • Vanishing Winds: B,F+(B)
  • Blazing Nitro Kick: B,F+(X)
  • Razor-Rang: D,B+(A)
  • Dodging Shadows: B,F+(Y)
  • Over and Out: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,U,F,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: B,F,F,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,F,F,B,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Krypt OI - 2417 Jade Koins

  • Family Honor


  • Believed to be the last member of Kano's klan, the Black Dragon. Jarek is hunted down by Special Forces agent Sonya Blade for crimes against humanity. With the emergence of a much greater evil, Sonya focuses her strengths on the new menacing Quan Chi. Jarek now finds himself fighting alongside Sonya and Earth's warriors to help defeat the Evil Elder God, Shinnok.

  • (MK4)
  • Weapon Sword: F - F - HP
  • Special Moves
  • Cannonball: B, F, LK
  • Fallback Bodyslam: B, D, B, HK
  • TriBlade: D, B, LP
  • Upwards Cannonball: F, D,F, HP
  • Heart Rip: F, B, F, F,LK (close)
  • Laser Blast: U, U, F, F, BL (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, D, F,HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B,F , F, LP (close)


  • Weapon Sword: F, F, HP
  • Special Moves
  • Cannonball: B, F, LK
  • Fallback Bodyslam: B, D, B, HK
  • TriBlade: D, B, LP
  • Upwards Cannonball: F, D, F, HP
  • Heart Rip: F, B, F, F,LK (close)
  • Laser Blast: U, U, F , F, BL (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, D, F, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LP (close)

  • Family Honor


  • His real name is Major Jackson Briggs, leader of a top US special forces unit. After receiving a distress signal from Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on a rescue mission. One that leads him into a ghastly world where he believes that Sonya is still alive.

    Mortal Kombat 3

  • .

    ULtimet Mortal KOmbat 3

  • .

    Mortal Kombat 4

  • When Sonya disappears while tracking the last living member of the Black Dragon, Major Jackson Briggs heads after her. He soon finds that Sonya's mission has led her into a battle with the forces of an evil Elder God. This is a battle they must win or their own world will crumble at the hands of Shinnok.


  • Jax spent most of his time in the heavily fortified underground facilities of the Outerworld Investigation Agency. From an enormous underground chamber, Jax would send his agents to the other realms by way of man-made inter-realm portals. Two of his agents, the cyborg ninja Cyrax and the rouge swordsman Kenshi, had been assigned to the realm of Outworld - a domain of strange creatures and maniacal sorcerers. Jax would soon be reminded of just how dangerous a threat to Earth that realm could be.

  • Energy Wave: HB-HK
  • Ground Smash: LK$3
  • Gotcha Grab: F,F,LP...
  • Repeated Slams: Throw+HP...
  • Mid-Air BackBreaker: BL (in mid-air)
  • FATALITIES : Head Smasher: LP(F-F-F) (close)
  • Arm Rip-Off : BL,BL,BL,BL,LP (sweep range)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Line of Paper Dolls : D,D,U,U,LK


  • * Single Missle: B,F,HP
  • * Double Missle: F,F,B,B,HP
  • * Fast Punch: F,F,HK
  • * Grab Punch: F,F,LP
  • * Slam: Throw + repeatedly press HP+LP
  • * Back Breaker: BL in air
  • * Ground Punch: Hold LK (3 sec)
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: RN,BL,RN,RN,LK (far)
  • * Fatality 2: BL(U,D,F,U) (close)
  • * Animality: LP(F,F,D,-F) (close)
  • * Stage: D,F,D,LP
  • * Friendship: LK,LK,RN,RN,LK
  • * Babality: D,D,D,LK


  • 1 Missile: B-F-HP
  • 2 Missiles: F-F-B-B-HP
  • Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (tap LP to keep punching)
  • Backbreaker (in air): BL
  • Quad Slam (after starting a throw): tap HP
  • Ground Pound: Hold LK
  • Dashing Punch: F-F-HK
  • Fatality (close): Hold BL (U-D-F-U)
  • Fatality (far): R-BL-R-R-LK
  • Friendship: LK-R-R-LK
  • Babality: D-D-D-LK
  • Brutality: HP-HP-HP-BL-LP-HP-HP-HP-BL-BL-HP
  • Stage: D-F-D-LP
  • Standard Combo: HK-HK-D+HP-HP-BL-LP-B+HP


  • Moves:
  • Single Missile: B, F, HP
  • Double Missiles: F, F, B, B, HP
  • Streaking Punch: F, F, HK
  • Gotcha Punch: F, F, LP 2
  • Ground Smash: (LK) 3 sec. release
  • Quad Slam: After throw repeadily tap HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Stomp: RN, BL, RN, RN, LK (far)
  • Slicer: (BL) U, D, F, U (close)
  • Animality: (LP) F, F, D, F (close)
  • Friendship: LK, RN, RN, LK
  • Babality: D, D, D, LK
  • Stage: D, F, D, LP
  • Combos: HK, HK, D+HP, HP,BL,LP, B+HP HP, HP, BL, LP, B+HP


  • Moves:
  • Sonic Wave: HCB - HK Air Sonic Wave: DF, HK (in air)
  • Gotcha Punch: F, F, LP
  • Ground Smash: (LK) 3 sec. release
  • Quad Slam: After throw repeadily tap HP
  • Backbreaker: BL (in air with opponent)
  • Fatalities:
  • Head Smash: (LP) F, F,- F release (close)
  • Friendship: D,D, U, U, LK
  • Babality: D, U, D, U, LK
  • Stage: U, U, D, LK
  • Combos:


  • Weapon Spiked Club: D, F, HP
  • Moves
  • Ground Wave: F, F, D, LK
  • Dashing Punch: F, D, B, LP
  • Backbreaker: BL (in air) (close)
  • Missile: D, B, LP
  • Quad Throw: LP (Close), RN+BL+HK, HP+LP+LK, HP+BL+LK , HP+LP+HK+LK
  • Fatalities
  • Arm Rip Fatality: Hold LK for 5 secs, F, F, D, F, Release LK (close)
  • Head Smash: B, F, F, D, BLK (close)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, B, LK (Close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, B, HP (Close)


  • Weapon Spiked Club: D - F - HP
  • Special Moves
  • Ground Wave: F - F - D - LK
  • Dashing Punch: F - D - B - LP
  • Backbreaker: BL (in air) (close)
  • Missile: D - B - LP
  • Quad Throw: LP (Close), RN+BL+HK, HP+LP+LK, HP+BL+LK - HP+LP+HK+LK
  • Arm Rip Fatality: Hold LK for 5 secs, F, F, D, F, Release LK (close)
  • Head Smash: B, F, F, D, BLK (close)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, B, LK (Close)
  • Goro's Lair: F , F , B , HP (Close)


  • Special Moves
  • Ground Pound: F,F,D+(X)
  • Machine Gun: B,F+(Circle)
  • Piston Punch: D,F+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Head Stomp: D,F,F,D,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the SA koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3780 Ruby Koins to open.

    (XOBX)MKDA Special Moves

  • Ground Pound: F,F,D+(A)
  • Machine Gun: B,F+(B)
  • Piston Punch: D,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Head Stomp: D,F,F,D,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the SA koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3780 Ruby Koins to open.

    (GC)MKDA Special Moves

  • Ground Pound: F,F,D+(A)
  • Machine Gun: B,F+(X)
  • Piston Punch: D,F+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Head Stomp: D,F,F,D,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the SA koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3780 Ruby Koins to open.

  • Family Honor


  • A martial arts superstar trained by great masters from around the world, Cage uses his talents on the big screen. He is currently box office champ, starring in such movies as Dragon Fist and Dragon Fist II, as well as the award-winning Sudden Violence. He entered the tournament purely for the publicity it would generate him around the world. Despite his seeming shallowness, he is a formidable foe with limber limbs, quick reflexes, and his patented Shadow Kick.


  • After Shang Tsung's tournament, the martial arts superstar disappears. He follows Liu Kang into the Outworld. There he will compete in a twisted tournament which holds the balance of earth's existence--as well as a script for another blockbuster movie. .

    Mortal Kombat 3

  • .

    ULtimet Mortal KOmbat 3

  • .

    Mortal Kombat 4

  • After Shao Kahn's defeat, Cage's soul is free to leave to a higher place. From the heavens, he observes his friends engaged in battle. With the heavens in disarray, he learns of the war waged against the Elder Gods by Shinnok. Cage seeks out Raiden to help him restore his deceased soul and join Liu Kang in his quest. Once again, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting alongside Earths greatest warriors.


  • Johnny Cage had been fed up with the lame writing on his current movie "Mortal Kombat: The Death of Johnny Cage," in which his character repeatedly died and was resurrected. To him, his real-life adventures were much more sensational-he kicked butt! But his studio felt that the hero needed to take a fall for dramatic purposes, Johnny Cage reluctantly agreed to continue with the project until the Thunder God Raiden called him away to a new adventure in Outworld.

    (MK) Green Firebolt = [BACK], [FORW], [HIGH-PUNCH]
  • Sliding Kick = [BACK], [FORW], [LOW-KICK]
  • Groin Punch = [DOWN] + [HIGH KICK]
  • fatality:
  • uppercuts your head clean off your body 3 x [FORW], [HIGH-PUNCH]


  • Energy Bolt - High : HB,HP
  • Low : HF,LP
  • Shadow-Uppercut : B,QB,HP
  • Shadow-Kick : B,F,LK
  • Low-Blow : BL+LP
  • FATALITIES : Torso Rip-Off: D,D,F,F,LP (close)
  • Uppercut Decaptitation: F,F,D,U (close)
  • (for 3 heads...): F,F,D,U,D+LP+BL+LK (close)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Signs a photo for a fan : D,D,D,D,HK


  • Weapon
  • Broad Sword : F, D, F, LK
  • Moves
  • Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
  • Nut Punch: BL+LP
  • Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
  • Low Fireball: D, B , LP
  • High Fireball: D, F, HP
  • Fatalities
  • Torso Rip: F, B,D , D, HK (Close)
  • Uppercut: D, D, F, D, RN+BL (close)
  • Prison Stage: D, D,F, F, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LK (close)


  • Weapon
  • Broad Sword : F, D, F, LK
  • Special Moves
  • Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
  • Nut Punch: BL+LP Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
  • Low Fireball: D, B, LP
  • High Fireball: D, F, HP
  • Torso Rip: F, B, D, D,HK (Close)
  • Uppercut: D, D, F, D, RN+BL (close)
  • Prison Stage: D, D, F, F, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LK (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Forceball: D,B+(A1)
  • Johnny Uppercut: B+(SM)
  • Shadow Kick: B,F+(A4)
  • Fatality
  • Brain Ripper: B,F,F,D,(A2)

  • KANO

  • A mercenary, thug, extortionist, thief—Kano lives a life of crime and injustice. He is a devoted member of the Black Dragon, a dangerous group of cut0throat madmen feared and repected throughout all of crime's inner circle. Believing Tsung's palace to be made of gold, Kano has entered the tournament in order to gain access and loot the palace.


  • Mortal Kombat 3

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    ULtimet Mortal KOmbat 3

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  • Kano had been defeated in a battle with Special Forces agent Sonya Blade during Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm. Shao Kahn incarcerated Kano for this failure, but later hastily promoted him to General when he prevented the Emperor's assassination at the hands of the Shokan warrior known as Sheeva. With the merging of Earthrealm and Outworld not yet complete, Shao Kahn ordered Kano to portal back to the last remnants of Outworld to gather more troops for the final push against the Earthrealm opposition

  • spin = [BLOCK] + 360 degree spin:
  • [FORW] > [DOWN] > [BACK] > [UP] block will hold in place - release to move
  • you don't need the block, but it stops Kano from jumping. knife = hold [BLOCK] while doing [BACK], [FORW]
  • fatality :
  • pulls out your still beating heart [BACK], [BACK], [LOW-PUNCH] *


  • * Knife Throw: D,B,HP
  • * Knife Slice: D,F,HP
  • * Roll: Hold LK (3 sec)
  • * Strangle: D,F,LP
  • * Air Throw: BL in air

    Finishing Moves

  • * Fatality 1: LP(F,D,D,F) (close)
  • * Fatality 2: LP,BL,BL,HK (near)
  • * Animality: HP(BL,BL,BL) (close)
  • * Stage: U,U,B,LK
  • * Friendship: LK,LK,RN,RN,HK
  • * Babality: F,F,D,D,LK


  • Knife Throw: D,B,HP
  • Knife Uppercut: D,F,HP
  • Cannon Ball: Hold LK
  • Diagonal Cannon ball: F,D,F,HK
  • Grab and Shake: D,F,LP
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality (close): Hold LP (F,D,D,F)
  • Fatality (sweep): LP,BL,BL,HK
  • Friendship: LK,R,R,HK
  • Babality: F,F,D,D,LK
  • Brutality: HP,LP,BL,LP,HP,BL,HK,LK,BL
  • Stage: U,U,B,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,LK,B+HK


  • Moves: Knife Throw: QCB , HP Knife Uppercut: QCT , HP
  • Grab & shake: HCT , LP Air Throw: BL (in air)
  • Flying Cannonball: (LK) 3 sec. Release Upwards
  • Cannonbal: F, D , F, HK
  • Krazy Cannonball: F, D , F, LK
  • Fatalities:
  • Skeleton Grab: (LP) F, D , D, F (close)
  • Eye Lazer: LP , BL, BL, HK (sweep)
  • Animality: (HP) BL, BL, BL (HP) [close]
  • Friendship: LK, RN , RN , HK
  • Babality: F, F, D, D , LK
  • Stage: U, U, B, LK
  • Combos: HP , HP, D+LP, D+HP HP, HP, HK, LK, B+HK BRUTALITY: HP , LP, BL, HP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HK, LK


  • Moves:
  • Knife Throw: (BL) B, F Flying Cannonball: Clockwise Circle
  • Spinning Blades: B, F, HP tap HP for more
  • Fatalities:
  • Heart Ripper: B, D, F , LP
  • Babality: B, B, D, D, LK
  • Stage: B, F, F , BL
  • Combos: HP, HP, HP, HP HK, LK, HK, F+HK


  • Special Moves
  • Cannonball: B,F+(Square)
  • Eye Laser: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Fatality
  • Open Heart Surgery: F,U,U,D,(Square)


  • Special Moves
  • Cannonball: B,F+(X)
  • Eye Laser: F,F+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Open Heart Surgery: F,U,U,D,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Cannonball: B,F+(B)
  • Eye Laser: F,F+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Open Heart Surgery: F,U,U,D,(B)


    Mortal Kombat 3
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    ULtimet Mortal KOmbat 3

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    MORTAL KOMBAT Deception

  • Originating in Earthrealm, his look is accredited to injuries sustained at the hands of Shao Khan and his armies. Years later he was to suffer further when he was ambushed by Malvado of the Red Dragon. Once again being brought back from the brink of death by a mysterious figure, Kabal has a new mission, to rebuild the Black Dragon. His first quest is to travel to Outworld to shape a new destiny for himself.

    (MK3) * Fireball: B,B,HP
  • * Spin: B,F,LK
  • * Gear Slice: B,B,RN
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: D,D,B,F,BL (near)
  • * Fatality 2: RN,BL,BL,BL,HK (close)
  • * Animality: HP(F,F,D,F) (close)
  • * Stage: BL,BL,HK
  • * Friendship: RN,LK,RN,RN,U
  • * Babality: RN,RN,LK


  • Top Spin: B,F,LK
  • Eye Spark (can do in air): B,B,HP
  • Ground Saw: B,B,B,R
  • Fatality (outside sweep): D,D,B,F,BL
  • Fatality (close): R,BL,BL,BL,HK
  • Friendship (anywhere except closer than sweep): R,LK,R,R,U
  • Babality: R,R,LK
  • Brutality: HP,BLK,LK,LK,LK,HK,LP,LP,LP,HP,LP
  • Stage: BL,BL,HK
  • Standard Combo: LK,LK,HP,HP,D+HP


  • Moves: Fireball: B, B, HP (also in air)
  • Tornado Spin: B, F, LK
  • Ground Razor: B, B, B, RN
  • Fatalities:
  • Float: D,D, B, F, BL (outside sweep)
  • Scream: RN, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
  • Animality: (HP) F, F, D, F (close)
  • Friendship: RN, LK, RN, RN, U
  • Babality: RN, RN , LK
  • Stage: BL, BL, HK
  • Combos: LK, LK, HP, HP, D+LP LK, LK, HP, LP, HP


  • (PS2) Special Moves
  • Vertablaster: (R1)
  • Raging Flash: B,F+(Circle)
  • Plasma Blast: D,F+(Square)
  • Nomad's Touch: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,U,U,(X)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,U,D,D,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,D,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • Vertablaster: (Black)
  • Raging Flash: B,F+(B)
  • Plasma Blast: D,F+(X)
  • Nomad's Touch: D,B+(Y)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,U,U,(A)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,U,D,D,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,D,(Y)

    (GC) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Vertablaster: (Z)
  • Raging Flash: B,F+(X)
  • Plasma Blast: D,F+(B)
  • Nomad's Touch: D,B+(Y)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,U,U,U,(A)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,U,D,D,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,D,(Y)

  • KAI

    Mortal Kombat 4
  • A former member of the White Lotus Society, Kai learned his skills from the great masters throughout Asia. He journeyed to the Far East after meeting his friend and ally, Liu Kang in America. Now, they reunite to assist Raiden in the battle with Shinnok.

    (MKG) Weapon Kali Dagger: QCB, LP
  • Special Moves
  • Powerslide: D, F, LK
  • Hands Walking: BL+LK (BL to feet)
  • Leg Kicks: (on hands) HK or LK
  • Hand Spin: (on hands) Hold LP
  • Above Fireball: B, B , HP
  • Below Fireball: F, F, LP (+ air)
  • Air Fist: QCF, HP
  • Back Breaker: (Hold BLOCK) U, F, U, B, HK (close)
  • Floating Fireball: U, U, U, D, BL (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F - F - D - BL (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B - F - D - HK (close)


  • Weapon Kali Dagger: QCB, LP
  • Moves
  • Powerslide: D, F, LK
  • Hands Walking: BL+LK (BL to feet)
  • Leg Kicks: (on hands) HK or LK
  • Hand Spin: (on hands) Hold LP
  • Above Fireball: B, B , HP
  • Below Fireball: F, F, LP (+ air)
  • Air Fist: QCF, HP
  • Fatalities
  • Back Breaker: (Hold BLOCK) U, F, U, B, HK (close)
  • Floating Fireball: U, U, U, D, BL (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, D , BL (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B, F , D, HK (close)


    Mortal Kombat 2
  • Mortal Kombat Trilogy


  • Growl: D, D, LK
  • Grab and Punch: F, F, HP
  • Fireball: B , B , F, HP
  • Teleport Stomp: D, U


  • Sensing the cries of his captured ancestors, Kenshi made a vow to slay Shang Tsung in order to free them from his grasp. When he learned of Shang Tsung's escape to Outworld, Kenshi agreed to help the Special Forces search for the missing agent Cyrax as a means of gaining access to that realm, which allowed him to act both as rescue party and spy. Shortly after discovering the sorcerer's wherabouts, the Agency was destroyed and with it his only means for a return to Earth. Kenshi now finds himself facing the Deadly Alliance on his own.

    Mortal Kombat DECEPTION

  • Originating in Earthrealm he was blinded by Shang Tsungs Trickery. Almost killed in Outworld he was saved by Sub-Zero. Attempting to make it back to the Earthrealm via the the portal that Sub-Zero used to travel to Outworld. But they are being followed by someone in the shadows.

    (PS2) (MKDA)
  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(Circle)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Telekinetic Crush: F,B,F,D,(X)

    (XBOX) (MKDA)

  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Y)
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(B)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Telekinetic Crush: F,B,F,D,(A)

    (GC) (MKDA)

  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Y)
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(X)
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Telekinetic Crush: F,B,F,D,(A)


  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(Square)
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(Circle)
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Tele-Flurry: B,F+(X)
  • Mind Warp: D,B+(X)
  • Face Flat: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,B,B,(Triangle)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,F,B,F,(Triangle)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,B,B,F,(Circle)
  • To Unlock: Krypt ON - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-3 Puzzle Fighter - Krypt TR - Key Found in Earthrealm:G-4


  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(X )
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(B)
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Y)
  • Tele-Flurry: B,F+(A)
  • Mind Warp: D,B+(A)
  • Face Flat: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,B,B,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,F,B,F,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,B,B,F,(B)
  • To Unlock: Krypt ON - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-3 Puzzle Fighter - Krypt TR - Key Found in Earthrealm:G-4


  • Special Moves
  • Telekinetic Slam: B,D,B+(B)
  • Telekinetic Toss: D,B+(X)
  • Telekinetic Push: F,F+(Y)
  • Tele-Flurry: B,F+(A)
  • Mind Warp: D,B+(A)
  • Face Flat: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,B,B,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,F,B,F,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,B,B,F,(X)
  • To Unlock: Krypt ON - Key Found in Earthrealm:C-3 Puzzle Fighter - Krypt TR - Key Found in Earthrealm:G-4

  • KIRA

    Mortal Kombat DECEPTION
  • Originating in Earthrealm, she is the first recruit of the new Black Dragon. Testing her skills, Kabal has sent her to Outworld to battle the foes of the Dragon king.

  • Special Moves
  • Black Dragon Ball: B,F+(Circle)
  • Kiss Of Death: B,F+(Square)
  • Night Shade: D,F+(X)
  • Aussie Bulldog: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,F,B,(Circle)(far)
  • Fatality: U,F,D,B,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,B,U,B,(X)
  • To Unlock: Krypt SH - Key Found in Earthrealm:H-2 @ 1am-4am


  • Special Moves
  • Black Dragon Ball: B,F+(B)
  • Kiss Of Death: B,F+(X)
  • Night Shade: D,F+(A)
  • Aussie Bulldog: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,F,B,(B)(far)
  • Fatality: U,F,D,B,(A)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,B,U,B,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt SH - Key Found in Earthrealm:H-2 @ 1am-4am


  • Special Moves
  • Black Dragon Ball: B,F+(X)
  • Kiss Of Death: B,F+(B)
  • Night Shade: D,F+(A)
  • Aussie Bulldog: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,F,B,(X)(far)
  • Fatality: U,F,D,B,(A)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: F,B,U,B,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt SH - Key Found in Earthrealm:H-2 @ 1am-4am


    Mortal Kombat 2
  • Her beauty hides her true role as personal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen talking to an earth-realm warrior, her motives have come under suspicion by her twin sister Mileena. But only Kitana knows her own true intentions.

    Ultimet Mortal Kombat 3

    Mortal Kombat Gold

  • As Quan Chi forces leave her realm of Edenia to battle Raiden and his forces, Kitana manages to escape the remaining guards surprisingly easy. She think little of her escape and moves quickly into the battle against Shinnok and Quan Chi. Edenia's future depends on her success.

    Mortal Kombat DEADLY ALLIANCE

  • Having freed her home world of Edenia from Shao Kahn's grasp, Kitana led her people to battle against the weakened Emperor in a pre-emptive strike. She allied with the Shokan armies of Outworld, led by Prince Goro, and together their two nations were on the brink of victory. Tragedy struck when Goro was killed in battle and the Shokan army spiralled into leaderless chaos. But in a strange turn of events, Shao Kahn was slain by unknown assailants and Kano's troops began a hasty retreat. Kitana had won, but at a terrible cost to the Shokan people. Fan Swipe

    (MK2) Fan Throw : F-F-HP+LP
  • Fan Lift : B-B-B-HP
  • Fan Swipe : B+HP
  • Air Punch : HB-HP
  • Kiss of Death Explosion : LK(F-F-D-F) (close)
  • Fan Decapitation : BL-BL-BL+HK (close)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Birthday Cake : BL(D-D-D-U-LK)
  • (UMK3)
  • Fan lift: B,B,B,HP
  • Fan Throw: F,F,HP+LP
  • Square Wave Punch: D,B,HP
  • Fatality (close): R,R,BL,BL,LK
  • Fatality (close): B,D,F,F,HK
  • Friendship: D,B,F,F,LP
  • Babality: F,F,D,F,HK
  • Brutality: HP,HP,BL,HK,BL,LK,BL,HP,BL,HP,BL
  • Stage: F,D,D,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,B+LP,F+HP
  • (MKG)
  • Weapon Dual Blade: F,B, HK
  • Special Moves
  • Fan Throw: F, F, HP+LP
  • Fan Swipe: B+HP Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
  • Square Wave Punch: D , DB, B, HP
  • Kiss of Death: B, D, F, F, HK (close)
  • Fan Decapitation: F, F, D, F,LP (close)
  • Prison Stage: F, D, F, LP
  • Goro's Lair: D, D, F , LK


  • Special Moves
  • Pretty Kick: U+(X)
  • Fan Lift: B,F+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Doom: D,U,F,F,(Triangle)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the KI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 2931 Sapphire Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Pretty Kick: U+(A)
  • Fan Lift: B,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Doom: D,U,F,F,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the KI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 2931 Sapphire Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Pretty Kick: U+(A)
  • Fan Lift: B,F+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Doom: D,U,F,F,(Y)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the KI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 2931 Sapphire Koins to open.


  • Originating in Earthrealm, he has spent his whole life training. Wanting to test his skills in real Kombat he killed his first opponent with easy. But the thrill of the kill seduced him and now victory is his obsession. Because of this Brutal nature he was recruited by Kabal into the new Black Dragon.

  • Special Moves
  • Windmill Kick: D,B+(Circle)
  • Burning Fist: D,F+(Triangle)
  • Tele-Punch: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Chi-Blast: D,F+(Square)
  • Crouching Chi-Blast: D,B+(Square)
  • One, Two, Three: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,F,D,(Circle)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,F,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,B,B,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • Windmill Kick: D,B+(B)
  • Burning Fist: D,F+(Y)
  • Tele-Punch: D,B+(Y)
  • Chi-Blast: D,F+(X)
  • Crouching Chi-Blast: D,B+(X)
  • One, Two, Three: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,F,D,(B)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,B,B,(Y)


  • Special Moves
  • Windmill Kick: D,B+(X)
  • Burning Fist: D,F+(Y)
  • Tele-Punch: D,B+(Y)
  • Chi-Blast: D,F+(B)
  • Crouching Chi-Blast: D,B+(B)
  • One, Two, Three: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: D,B,F,D,(X)(Close)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,B,B,(Y)


  • A former Shaolin Monk and a member of the White Lotus society, he is the last descendant of the Great Kung Lao who was defeated by Goro 500 years ago. Realizing the danger of the Outworld menace he joins Liu Kang in entering Shao Kahn's contest.


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  • Many believe that Kung Lao had died in injuries suffered during the final fight against Shao Khan. In fact he had merely turnd to a new life without violence in reverence to his ancestral beliefs. As news of Shinnok's threat reaches Kung Lao together with the apparent return of Goro, Kung Lao returns once more to challenge his ancestor's killer.>.


  • Kung Lao was the first to find the body of his friend and fellow Shaolin monk Liu Kang. He later discovered that it was in fact Shang Tsung who had dealt the fatal blow. Enraged, Kung Lao abandoned his Shaolin beliefs and vowed revenge against the sorcerer. He knew that his fighting skill would not be sufficent to best Shang Tsung. He would need training from the same Outworld master who had taught Liu Kang one special attack he needed to win the Mortal Kombat tournament so many years ago.

  • Buzzsaw Hat Throw : B-F-LP (can control hat's vertical direction in mid-air)
  • Energy Spin : BL(U-U)-LK...
  • Teleport : D-U
  • Mid-Air Kick : D+HK (in mid-air)
  • Vertical Slice F-F-F-LK (inside sweep range)
  • Buzzsaw Hat Decapitation : LP(B-B-F) jump distance
  • FRIENDSHIP : Pulls rabbit out of hat : B-B-B-D-HK


  • * Hat Throw: B,F,LP
  • * Air Kick: D+HK
  • * Teleport: D-U
  • * Spin: F,D,F,RN
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: RN+BL,RN+BL,RN+BL,D (anywhere)
  • * Fatality 2: F,F,B,D,HP (1 step away)
  • * Animality: RN,RN,RN,RN,BL (close)
  • * Stage: D,D,F,F,LK
  • * Friendship: RN,LP,RN,LK
  • * Babality: D,F,F,HP


  • Hat Throw: B,F,LP
  • Teleport: D,U
  • Flying Kick (in air): U,D,HK
  • Spin: F,D,F,R (tap R)
  • Fatality (anywhere): R,BL,R,BL,D
  • Fatality (inside sweep, but not up close): F,F,B,D,HP
  • Friendship (over sweep): R,LP,R,LK
  • Babality: D,F,F,HP
  • Brutality: HP,LP,LK,HK,BL,HP,LP,LK,HK,BL,HP
  • Stage: D,D,F,F,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,LP,HP,LP,LK,LK,B+HK


  • Moves: Hat Throw: B, F, LP
  • Teleport: D, U
  • Double Teleport: D, D, U
  • Dive Kick: D & HK (while in air)
  • Spinning Lao : F, D, F, RN, RN, RN
  • Fatalities:
  • Spin Cycle: RN, BL, RN , BL, D (away)
  • Hat Slice: F, F, B, D, HP (close)
  • Animality: RN, RN, RN, RN , BL (close)
  • Friendship: RN, LP, RN, LK (over sweep)
  • Babality: D, F, F, HP
  • Stage: D, D, F, F , LK
  • Combos: HP , LP ,HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK LK , LK, B+HK


  • Moves:
  • Hat Throw: B, F, LP
  • Teleport: D , U
  • Dive Kick: D & HK (while in air) Spinning Lao : U , U, LK
  • Dive: B, B , F
  • Fatalities:
  • Hat Decaptation: (LP) B, F release then aim up
  • Friendship: B , B, B , D , HK
  • Babality: F, F, B, B, HK
  • Stage: F, F, F, HP
  • Combos: HP,D+LP, D+LP, D+LP HK, HK, LK, HK, B+HK


  • Weapon
  • 4-Bladed Axe: B, B, HP
  • Special Moves
  • Hat Throw: B, F, LP
  • Teleport: D, U
  • Spinning Shield: (hold BL) U, U, LK
  • Diving Kick: Down+HK in the air
  • Hat Decap: B, B, F, LP (sweep)
  • Hat Fury: F , F, B, D, HP (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D,D, F, HP
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, F, LK


  • Special Moves
  • Whirlwind Kicks: D,B+(Circle)
  • Hat Throw: B,F+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Splitting Headache: D,U,B,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Whirlwind Kicks: D,B+(B)
  • Hat Throw: B,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Splitting Headache: D,U,B,(A)


  • Special Moves
  • Whirlwind Kicks: D,B+(X)
  • Hat Throw: B,F+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Splitting Headache: D,U,B,(A)

  • LI MEI

  • The Deadly Alliance commanded Kano and his troops to force a small population of people to construct a palace fortress. One of those enslaved was Li Mei, who rebelled against the invaders and attacked Kano himself. Recognizing the warrior spirit she possessed, the sorcerer Quan Chi offered to free her people if she could win the Deadly Alliance Tournament. If she did not win, however, she would be forced to serve the Alliance and her people would remain slaves forever. Li Mei had no choice but to accept the offer.


  • Originating in Outworld she has fought for the freedom of her people for a long time. After winning the fake tournament create by the Deadly alliance, She fell into their trap and her soul was transplanted into the remains of an ancient soldier. Although saved by Bo’ Rai Cho, her soul has now been forever tainted by the ancient soldier.

  • Special Moves
  • Flying Fists: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Kartwheel: D,B+(Circle)
  • Klock Kick: F,D+(X)
  • Spark: D,B+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Super Crush Kick: F,F,D,F,(Circle)


  • Special Moves
  • Flying Fists: F,F+(Y)
  • Kartwheel: D,B+(B)
  • Klock Kick: F,D+(A)
  • Spark: D,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Super Crush Kick: F,F,D,F,(B)


  • Special Moves
  • Flying Fists: F,F+(Y)
  • Kartwheel: D,B+(X)
  • Klock Kick: F,D+(A)
  • Spark: D,B+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Super Crush Kick: F,F,D,F,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Nova Blast: D,B+(Square)
  • Carnival Spin: F,D+(X)
  • Flying Flurry: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Flipping Heel Kick: D,B+(Circle)
  • Back Stomp: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,F,F,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,F,(Circle)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,D,U,D,(X)
  • To Unlock: Krypt PD - Key Found in Outworld:F-7 - Inside House

    (XBOX) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Nova Blast: D,B+(X)
  • Carnival Spin: F,D+(A)
  • Flying Flurry: F,F+(Y)
  • Flipping Heel Kick: D,B+(B)
  • Back Stomp: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,F,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,F,(B)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,D,U,D,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt PD - Key Found in Outworld:F-7 - Inside House


  • Special Moves
  • Nova Blast: D,B+(B)
  • Carnival Spin: F,D+(A)
  • Flying Flurry: F,F+(Y)
  • Flipping Heel Kick: D,B+(X)
  • Back Stomp: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,F,F,F,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,D,U,D,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt PD - Key Found in Outworld:F-7 - Inside House


  • Once a member of the super-secret White Lotus Society, Liu Kang left the organization in order to represent Shaolin temples at the tournament. Through his entire life he has heard stories and rumors about Shang Tsung's martial arts tournament. He is well aware of the evil behind it, and has entered the tournament expressly to defeat Shang Tsung and return the tournament to its noble origins.


  • After winning the Shaolin Tournament from Shang Tsung's clutches Kang returns to his temples. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin brothers killed in a vicious battle with a horde of Outworld warriors. Now he travels into the Dark Realm to seek revenge.


  • Ultimet MORTAL KOMBAT 3


  • Still the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang finds himself venturing into the realm of Edenia to rescue the princess Kitana from the vile clutches of Quan Chi. Unsuccessful in his mission Liu returns to Earth and mounts an effort to bring together Earth's greatest warriors. He does it this time not only to free Kitana's home world but also to assist his mentor and Earth's protector - Raiden.


  • (MK)
  • fireball = [FORW], [FORW], [HIGH-PUNCH]
  • flying kick = [FORW], [FORW], [HIGH-KICK]
  • fatality :
  • cartwheel kick and uppercut can be done from any distance 360 degree spin (can use [BLOCK] to stop jumping): [FORW] > [DOWN] > [BACK] > [UP]


  • Dragonhead Fireball - Mid-Air : F,F,HP (in mid-air)
  • - High : F,F,HP
  • - Low : F,F,LP
  • Flying Kick : F,F,HK
  • Bicycle Kick : LK$4
  • FATALITIES : Dragon Morph : D,F,B,B,HK (close)
  • Cartwheel Uppercut : Reverse 360 (close - jump range)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Disco Dance : F,B,B,B,LK


  • * High Fireball: F,F,HP (can be done in air)
  • * Low Fireball: F,F,LP
  • * Flying Kick: F,F,HK
  • * Bicycle Kick: Hold LK (3 sec)
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: U,D,U,U,BL+RN (anywhere)
  • * Fatality 2: F,F,D,D,LK (anywhere)
  • * Animality: D,D,D,U (1 step away)
  • * Stage: RN,BL,BL,LK
  • * Friendship: RN,RN,D,RN,D
  • * Babality: D,D,D,HK


  • Fireball High: F,F,HP
  • Fireball Low: F,F,LP
  • Flying Kick: F,F,HK
  • Bicycle Kick: Hold LK
  • Fatality (anywhere): F,F,D,D,LK
  • Fatality (anywhere): U,D,U,U,BL+R
  • Friendship: R,R,R,D+R
  • Babality: D,D,D,HK
  • Brutality: HP,LP,HP,BL,LK,HK,HK,LK,HK,LP,HP
  • Stage: R,BL,BL,LK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,BL,LK,LK,HK,LK


  • Moves:
  • Low Fireball: F,F, LP High Fireball: F, F , HP
  • Flying Kick: F, F, HK
  • Bicycle Kick: (LK) for 3 sec release
  • Red Bicycle Kick: (LK) F - F release
  • Fatalities:
  • Fire Meditation: F,F, D, D , LK (sweep)
  • MK1 Machine Drop: F, F,F, B, BL (½ screen)
  • Animality: D, U, U (close)
  • Friendship: RN,RN, RN, D+RN
  • Babality: D, D, D, HK
  • Stage: RN,BL, BL, HK

    (MK4) Moves Fireball: F,F,HP (can do in air)

  • Low Fireball: F,F,LP
  • Flying Kick: F,F,HK (can do in air)
  • Bicycle Kick: Hold LK, Release
  • Fatalities
  • Dragon: F,F,F,D,BL+HK+LK (sweep)
  • Skeet Shoot: F, D, D, U, HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: F,F,B,LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, B, HK (close)

    Special Moves

  • Fireball: F,F,HP (can do in air)
  • Low Fireball: F,F,LP
  • Flying Kick: F,F, HK (can do in air)
  • Bicycle Kick: Hold LK, Release
  • Dragon: F,F,F,D,BL+HK+LK (sweep)
  • Skeet Shoot: F, D, D, U, HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: F,F,B,LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, B, HK (close)

    Special Moves

  • High Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + Triangle
  • Low Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + Square
  • Flying Kick: Forward, Forward + Circle
  • Flying Bicycle Kick: Down, Forward + X
  • Up and Away: [R1]
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality 1: Back, Back, Back, Forward, Triangle (Sweep)
  • Fatality 2: Forward, Forward, Up, Up, X (Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: Down, Down, Down, Up, X
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt OT - Key Found in Edenia:G-8 @ 12am Friday after you complete the Edenia Rain/Jade sub-mission.


  • Special Moves
  • High Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + Y
  • Low Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + X
  • Flying Kick: Forward, Forward + B
  • Flying Bicycle Kick: Down, Forward + A
  • Up and Away: [Black]
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality 1: Back, Back, Back, Forward, Y (Sweep)
  • Fatality 2: Forward, Forward, Up, Up, A (Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: Down, Down, Down, Up, A
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt OT - Key Found in Edenia:G-8 @ 12am Friday after you complete the Edenia Rain/Jade sub-mission.


  • Special Moves
  • High Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + Y
  • Low Dragon Fire: Forward, Forward + B
  • Flying Kick: Forward, Forward + X
  • Flying Bicycle Kick: Down, Forward + A
  • Up and Away: [Z]
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality 1: Back, Back, Back, Forward, Y (Sweep)
  • Fatality 2: Forward, Forward, Up, Up, A (Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: Down, Down, Down, Up, A
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt OT - Key Found in Edenia:G-8 @ 12am Friday after you complete the Edenia Rain/Jade sub-mission.


  • The Red Dragon had existed for centuries as a secretive criminal organization. Members such as Mavado were highly skilled and disciplined warriors. But in the last century, many of the more reckless members became dissatisfied with the restraints the code of the Red Dragon placed on them and broke away to form their own gang. Since then, it has been the Red Dragon's number one priority to completely eradicate the infidels known collectively as the Black Dragon.

    (PS2)(MKDA) Special Moves
  • Grapple Hook Strike: F,F+(X)
  • Change Sides Hook: D,U+(Triangle)
  • Fatality
  • Kick Thrust: B,B,U,U,(Square)

    (XBOX)(MKDA) Special Moves

  • Grapple Hook Strike: F,F+(A)
  • Change Sides Hook: D,U+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Kick Thrust: B,B,U,U,(X)

    (GC) (MKDA) Special Moves

  • Grapple Hook Strike: F,F+(A)
  • Change Sides Hook: D,U+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Kick Thrust: B,B,U,U,(B)

  • MEAT


  • <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000"> <BR> <BR> <CENTER> <TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="20" BORDER="0" WIDTH="65%" BGCOLOR="#000000"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <center> <FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Sans Serif" COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE="+2"><B> MILEENA </b></FONT></center> <BR> <center> <!-- you can put your photo in here --> <IMG SRC="" WIDTH="168" HEIGHT="200" BORDER="0"> </center> <BR> <FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Sans Serif" COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE="2"> <!-- talk about your photo. talk about your life. talk about anything you want -->MORTAL KOMBAT 2<li>Serving as an assassin along with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena's dazzling appearances conceal her hideous intentions. At Shao Kahn's request she is asked to watch for her twin's suspected dissension. She must put a stop to it at any costs.<p>MORTAL 3<li><p>MORTAL KOMBAT Trilogy<li><P>MORTAL KOMBAT DECEPTION<li>Created in Outworld by Shang Tsung. She is the hybrid clone of Kitana. Posing as the former princess, she misleads Kitana’s military forces in attempt to give the Dragon King the time he needs to complete his plans. <br> <br> (MK2)<li> Sai Throw : HP$3<li> Teleport Kick : F,F,LK<li> Ball Roll : B,B,D,HK<li> FATALITIES :<li> Repeated Sai Stabs : F,B,F,LP (close)<li> Kiss & Spit Bones : HK$3 (close)<li> STAGE FATALITY : F,D,F,LK<li> BABALITY : D,D,D,HK<li> FRIENDSHIP : Grow Flower : D,D,D,U,HK <p> (UMK3)<li> Sai Throw: Hold HP<li> Warp kick: F,F,LK<li> Roll: B,B,D,HK<li> Fatality (far): B,B,B,F,LK<li> Fatality (close): D,F,D,F,LP<li> Friendship: D,D,B,F,HP<li> Babality: D,D,F,F,HP<li> Brutality: HP,LP,LP,HP,BL,HK,LK,LK,HK,BL,HP,LP<li> Stage: D,D,D,LP<li> Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,HK,U+LK-U+HK<p> (MKT) <li> Moves:<li> Sai Shot: (HP) 3 sec. release <li> Teleport Kick: F, F, LK <li> Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK <li> Fatalities:<li> Nail Spitter: B, B, B, F, LK (screen) <li> Eat and Spit: D, F, D, F, LP (close)<li> Animality: F, D, D, F, HK <li> Friendship: D, D, B, F, HP (close) <li> Babality: D, D, F, F, HP <li> Stage: D, D, D, LP <li> Combos: HP, HP,U+LP, D+HP HP, HP, HK, HK, U+LK, U+HK <li> BRUTALITY: HP, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK ,LK , HK , BL, HP <li> (MKG) <li> Weapon<li> Katana Blade: F, F, LP <li> Special Moves<li> Sai Throw: Hold HP (2 seconds) - release (can do in air)<li> Teleport Kick: F, F, LK<li> Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK<li> Sai Toss: B, B, B, F, LK (sweep) <li> Nail Spit: F, B, F, LP (sweep) <li> Prison Stage: F, F, B, HP<li> Goro's Lair: D, F, D, LP <li> (PS2)(MKD) <li> Special Moves<li> Rolling Thunder: B,D+(Circle)<li> Soaring Sai: D,F+(Triangle)<li> Kick From Above: F,F+(Circle)<li> Frankensteiner: (R1)<li> Finishing Moves<li> Fatality: F,F,D,D,(Square)(Sweep)<li> Fatality: U,U,F,F,(X)(far)<li> Hara Kiri: B,D,F,B,(Square)<p> (XBOX)(MKD) <li> Special Moves<li> Rolling Thunder: B,D+(B)<li> Soaring Sai: D,F+(Y)<li> Kick From Above: F,F+(B)<li> Frankensteiner: (Black)<li> Finishing Moves<li> Fatality: F,F,D,D,(X)(Sweep)<li> Fatality: U,U,F,F,(A)(far)<li> Hara Kiri: B,D,F,B,(X)<p> (GC)(MKD) <li> Special Moves<li> Rolling Thunder: B,D+(X)<li> Soaring Sai: D,F+(Y)<li> Kick From Above: F,F+(X)<li> Frankensteiner: (Z)<li> Finishing Moves<li> Fatality: F,F,D,D,(B)(Sweep)<li> Fatality: U,U,F,F,(A)(far)<li> Hara Kiri: B,D,F,B,(B)<p> <br> </FONT> <BR> <HR SIZE="2" WIDTH="100%"> <BR> <center><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Sans Serif" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </body> </HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>


  • A former martial arts teacher on the North side of Chicago, the man commonly referred to as Mokap was called upon by Johnny Cage to do some motion capture work for his new movie "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance." Mokap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles. Although many other martial artists were used, Mokap was brought in repeatedly for his vast knowledge of fighting techniques.

  • Special Moves
  • Fireball: B,F+(Square)
  • Flipkick: D,B+(Circle)
  • Charge Punch: D,F+(X)
  • To Unlock: Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Cyrax at the character selection screen and hold Down and hit Start.


  • Special Moves
  • Fireball: B,F+(X)
  • Flipkick: D,B+(B)
  • Charge Punch: D,F+(A)
  • To Unlock: Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Cyrax at the character selection screen and hold Down and hit Start.


  • Special Moves
  • Fireball: B,F+(A1)
  • Flipkick: D,B+(A4)
  • Charge Punch: D,F+(A)
  • To Unlock: Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Cyrax at the character selection screen and hold Down and hit Start.





  • (MK3)
  • Motaro Moves
  • Grab and Smack: F,F,LP
  • Fireball: F,D,B,HP (Try half circle back + HP)
  • Teleport: D,U
  • Tale Whip: B+LK


  • Grab Punch: F, F, HP
  • Teleport: D, U
  • Fireball: HCB, HP


  • Ultimet MORTAL KOMBAT 3



  • Originating in Earthrealm. Nightwolf has had dreams of the Dragon Kings return. To defeat this new threat, Nightwolf must corrupt his own soul to gain the power he needs to enter the Netherrealm. This dangerous act will alter him drastically and he may even become a danger to his allies.

  • * Arrow: D,B,LP
  • * Hatchet: D,F,HP
  • * Shield: B,B,B,HK
  • * Shadow Charge: F,F,LK
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: B,B,D,HP (near)
  • * Fatality 2: U,U,B,F,BL (close)
  • * Animality: F,F,D,D (close)
  • * Stage: RN,RN,BL
  • * Friendship: RN,RN,RN,RN,D
  • * Babality: F,B,F,B,LP


  • Arrow: D,B,LP (can be done really fast after a combo)
  • Hatchet Uppercut: D,F,HP
  • Shadow Shoulder: F,F,LK
  • Glow (reflects missiles): B,B,B,HK
  • Fatality (close): U,U,B,F,BL
  • Fatality (far): B,B,D,HP
  • Friendship (anywhere outside sweep): R,R,R,D
  • Babality: F,B,F,B,LP
  • Brutality: HP,LP,HP,BL,LK,HK,HK,LK,HK,LP,HP
  • Stage: R,R,BL
  • Standard Combo: LK,HP,HP,LP,Hatchet,Hatchet


  • Moves:
  • Ax Uppercut: HCT, HP
  • Arrow: HCB, LP
  • Shield Aura: F, F , F, HK
  • Shoulder Slam: F, F, F, LK
  • Red Shoulder Slam: B, B, F, HK
  • Fatalities:
  • Moonlight Death: U, U, B, F, BL (close)
  • Lighting Fry: B , B, D, HP (away)
  • Animality: F, F, D, D (close)
  • Friendship: RN, RN, RN, D
  • Babality: F, B, F , B, LP
  • Stage: RN, RN, BL
  • Combos: LK, HP, HP, LP, Axe, Axe, HK, HK , HP, HP, LP, B+LK


  • Special Moves
  • Spirit Arrow: D,B+(Square)
  • Rhino Charge: F,F+(Circle)
  • Lighting From Above: D,U+(Square)
  • Reflector: F,B+(Triangle)
  • Trip Up: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(Square)(far)
  • Fatality: D,F,D,U,(Triangle)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,U,U,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Spirit Arrow: D,B+(X)
  • Rhino Charge: F,F+(B)
  • Lighting From Above: D,U+(X)
  • Reflector: F,B+(Y)
  • Trip Up: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(X)(far)
  • Fatality: D,F,D,U,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,U,U,(A)


  • Special Moves
  • Spirit Arrow: D,B+(B)
  • Rhino Charge: F,F+(X)
  • Lighting From Above: D,U+(B)
  • Reflector: F,B+(Y)
  • Trip Up: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(B)(far)
  • Fatality: D,F,D,U,(Y)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: U,U,U,U,(A)


  • The vampire Nitara had at long last discovered the location of the Orb that bound her realm to Outworld. Unfortunately, it rested in a location she could never access. However, the ninja cyborg Cyrax of Earthrealm had the ability to retrieve it for her. Through careful manipulation, she convinced Reptile to engage Cyrax in combat and destroy his arm panel in the process. The damage to his transporter left him stranded in Outworld. Her plan was coming together beautifully.

  • Special Moves
  • Unicorn Kick: B,D+(Circle)
  • Blood Spit: F,B+(Triangle)
  • Fatality
  • Blood Thirst: U,U,F,(Square)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the TI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 4022 Gold Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Unicorn Kick: B,D+(B)
  • Blood Spit: F,B+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Blood Thirst: U,U,F,(X)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the TI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 4022 Gold Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Unicorn Kick: B,D+(X)
  • Blood Spit: F,B+(Y)
  • Fatality
  • Blood Thirst: U,U,F,(B)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the TI koffin under The Krypt. It costs 4022 Gold Koins to open.




  • Noob Saibot emerges from the darkest region of reality - a region known as the Netherealm. He belongs to a group called the Brothers of the Shadow, and worships an evil and mysterious fallen Elder God. His mission is to spy on the events taking place in the battle between the realms and report back to his enigmatic leaders.

  • Shadow Toss: F,F,HP
  • Teleport Slam: D,U
  • Skull Projectile: D,F,LP (Disables blocking and attacking for a brief period of time. Doing it twice in a row will cause Noob to be affected, like Sub-zero's freeze).
  • Babality:
  • Brutality: HP,LK,LP,BL,LK,HK,HP,LP,BL,LK,HK
  • Stage: F-D-F-BL ,
  • Standard Combo1: LK,LK,LK,LK
  • Standard combo2: HP,HP,LP,HK
  • Cheese Combo: Teleport Slam, Skull, Teleport Slam, Skull, ... (100%) [Not counted as a combo]


  • Weapon
  • Sickle F, F, HK
  • Moves
  • Fireball D, F, LP
  • Air Fireball D, F, LP (in air)
  • Teleport D, U , Air Throw Block (while both characters are in the air)
  • Prison Stage: D, B, B, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, F, HK (close)


  • Weapon
  • Scythe: F, F, HK
  • Special Moves
  • Teleport: D, U
  • - Slam: BL
  • - Punch: HP or LP
  • - Kick: HK or LK
  • Fireball: D,F, LP (can do in air)
  • Air Throw: BL (close in air)
  • Block Orb: B, B, F, F,HK
  • Fatality 1 ??????
  • Fatality 2 ????????
  • Prison Stage: D, B, B+HK
  • Goro's Lair: F, D , F+HK


  • Noob originated in the Netherrealm and Smoke in Earthrealm. As a member of the brotherhood of the Shadow, Noob found himself in Outworld after the defeat of Quan Chi. Upon the discovery of the disabled cyborg ninja Smoke, Noob reprogrammed him to assist in his own mission of domination.

  • Special Moves
  • Smokeycut (Smoke Only): F,F+(Circle)
  • Stinky Cloud (Smoke Only): U,D+(Square)
  • Dark Assassin (Smoke Only: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Death From Above: F,F+(X)
  • Dark Shadows: D,B+(X)
  • We Live (Noob Only): D,B+(Triangle)
  • Darkness (Noob Only): U,D+(Square)
  • Monkey Flip (Noob Only): (R1)
  • Nosebreaker (Smoke Only): (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(Circle)(Sweep,Noob)
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(Triangle)(Sweep,Smoke)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(Circle)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DM - 3643 Onyx Koins


  • Special Moves
  • Smokeycut (Smoke Only): F,F+(B)
  • Stinky Cloud (Smoke Only): U,D+(Y)
  • Dark Assassin (Smoke Only: D,B+(X)
  • Death From Above: F,F+(A)
  • Dark Shadows: D,B+(A)
  • We Live (Noob Only): D,B+(Y)
  • Darkness (Noob Only): U,D+(X)
  • Monkey Flip (Noob Only): (Black)
  • Nosebreaker (Smoke Only): (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(B)(Sweep,Noob)
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(Y)(Sweep,Smoke)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(B)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DM - 3643 Onyx Koins


  • Special Moves
  • Smokeycut (Smoke Only): F,F+(X)
  • Stinky Cloud (Smoke Only): U,D+(B)
  • Dark Assassin (Smoke Only: D,B+(Y)
  • Death From Above: F,F+(A)
  • Dark Shadows: D,B+(A)
  • We Live (Noob Only): D,B+(Y)
  • Darkness (Noob Only): U,D+(B)
  • Monkey Flip (Noob Only): (Z)
  • Nosebreaker (Smoke Only): (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,F,B,F,(X)(Sweep,Noob)
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(Y)(Sweep,Smoke)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,U,D,(X)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DM - 3643 Onyx Koins


  • A free roaming sorcerer powerful in the black arts, Quan Chi uses his abilities to free the now evil Elder God Shinnok from his confines in the Netherealm. In exchange for his services Shinnok has granted Quan Chi the position of arch-sorcerer of his now expanded Netherealm.


  • Stranded in the Netherrealm, Quan Chi was persistently tormented by the ninja spectre Scorpion. But with assistance from Moloch and Drahmin, Quan Chi discovered the truth about the amulet he had stolen from the fallen Elder God Shinnok. An ancient Rune Stone bearing the likeness of his amulet revealed new information that would enable Quan Chi to traverse the realms through a network of ancient gateways. Narrowly evading Scorpion's wrath, he escaped the netherrealm through one of these gateways and emerged in an ancient tomb in Outworld.

    Weapon Spiked Mace: QCB - HK
  • Moves
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Green Skull: F, F , LP
  • Steal Weapon: F, B, HP
  • Slam: F , D, LK
  • Slide: F, F, HK
  • Fatalities
  • Leg Rip Fatality: Hold LK for 5 secs, F, D, F, Release LK (close)
  • Impersonation: U , U , D , D , LP (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, D, HP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, B, LK (close)


  • Weapon Spiked Mace: QCB - HK
  • Special Moves
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Green Skull: F, F , LP
  • Steal Weapon: F , B , HP
  • Slam: F , D , LK
  • Slide: F , F , HK
  • Leg Rip: Hold LK for 5 secs, F, D, F, Release LK (close)
  • Impersonation: U, U , D , D , LP (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, D, HP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, B, LK (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Skull: D,B+(Square)
  • Rising Star: B,D+(Circle)
  • Fatality
  • Neck Stretcher: B,B,F,B,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Skull: D,B+(X)
  • Rising Star: B,D+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Neck Stretcher: B,B,F,B,(A)


  • Special Moves
  • Skull: D,B+(B)
  • Rising Star: B,D+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Neck Stretcher: B,B,F,B,(A)


  • The name Rayden is actually that of a deity known as thunder god. It is remored that he received a personal invitation from Shang Tsung himself and took the form of a human to compete in the tournament and defeat the demon Tsung. Rayden's godly powers make him equally dangerous by land or air.


  • Watching events unfold from high above, the thunder god realises the grim intentions of Shao Kahn. After warning the remaining members of the Shaolin Tournament, Raiden soon disappears. He is believed to have ventured into the Outworld alone.

    UltimetMORTAL KOMBAT 3.


  • The Elder Gods were fully aware of the potential damage the alliance between Quan Chi and Shang Tsung posed to the stability of the realms. Yet even with this foresight, they all stood firm on their decision not to intefere. All, that is, exept for one - Raiden. The former God of Thunder pleaded with his fellow Elder Gods to take action, but they refused. Disgusted, Raiden relinquished his Elder God status and returned to Earthrealm to gather support against the coming storm.


  • Originating in Heaven, Raiden is the god of thunder, who rose to the status of Elder God. Only to relinquish his place and return to Earthrealm as its protector. In an attempt to stop the Dragon King, Raiden released his god like essence to create a powerful blast. The blast did little and Dragon King continued with his attack. Raiden was gone.

  • lightning = [DOWN] > [FORW], [LOW-PUNCH]
  • flying attack = [BACK], [BACK], [FORW]
  • teleport = [DOWN], [DOWN], [UP] *
  • fatality :
  • lightning at close range blows your head off [FORW], 3x [BACK], [HIGH-PUNCH]


  • Lightning : QF-LP
  • Body Launch : B-B-F (can be done in mid-air)
  • Teleport : D-U
  • Electrocution : HP$5
  • FATALITIES : Uppercut Explosion : HP$12 (close-use game time)Electrocution Explosion : 1)
  • Electrocute : LK$3 (close)
  • 2) Explosion : BL+LK..
  • FRIENDSHIP : Kidd Thunder!! : D-B-F-HK
  • FERGALITY : The Armoury : B-B-B-BL
  • (MK3)



  • Raiden (MK2): D - B - F - LK
  • Raiden (MK1): B - B - F - RN


  • Weapon
  • Mallet: F, B, HP
  • Moves
  • Lightning Bolt: QCB , LP
  • Teleport: D, U
  • Torpedo Dive: F, F, LK (can do in air)
  • Fatalities
  • Electrocution: (BLK)F, B, U, U, HK (close)
  • Electric Staff Impale: D,U,U,U,HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: D, F, B, BL (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LP (close)


  • Weapon
  • Mallet: F , B , HP
  • Special Moves
  • Lightning Bolt: QCB, LP
  • Teleport: D, U
  • Torpedo Dive: F, F, LK (can do in air)
  • Electrocution: (BLK)F, B, U, U , HK (close)
  • Electric Staff Impale: D,U,U,U,HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: D, F, B,BL (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LP (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Shocker: F,F+(Square)
  • Lightning Dash: F,F+(Circle)
  • Lightning Bolt: D,B+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Electrocution: B,F,F,F,(X)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the XG koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3882 Jade Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Shocker: F,F+(X)
  • Lightning Dash: F,F+(B)
  • Lightning Bolt: D,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Electrocution: B,F,F,F,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the XG koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3882 Jade Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Shocker: F,F+(B)
  • Lightning Dash: F,F+(X)
  • Lightning Bolt: D,B+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Electrocution: B,F,F,F,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the XG koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3882 Jade Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Static Teleport: D,U+(X)
  • Lighting Bolt: D,B+(Square)
  • Shocking Touch: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Flying Thunder God: F,F,(Circle)
  • Shocking Lift Kick: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,D,F,F,(Square)(far)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,B,(Square)
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt MA - Key Found in Outworld:E-3 - Defeat Raiden.


  • Special Moves
  • Static Teleport: D,U+(A)
  • Lighting Bolt: D,B+(X)
  • Shocking Touch: F,F+(Y)
  • Flying Thunder God: F,F,(A4)
  • Shocking Lift Kick: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,D,F,F,(X)(far)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,B,(X)
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt MA - Key Found in Outworld:E-3 - Defeat Raiden.


  • Special Moves
  • Static Teleport: D,U+(A)
  • Lighting Bolt: D,B+(B)
  • Shocking Touch: F,F+(Y)
  • Flying Thunder God: F,F,(B)
  • Shocking Lift Kick: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: U,D,F,F,(B)(far)
  • Hara Kiri: F,U,U,B,(B)
  • To Unlock: First Complete Konquest Mode
  • Krypt MA - Key Found in Outworld:E-3 - Defeat Raiden.


  • Once a general in Shinnok's armies, Reiko lead the forces of darkness into the battle against the Elder Gods. Once thought killed during that onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth's forces.

  • Weapon
  • Spiked Club: D, B, HP
  • Moves
  • Teleport: D, U (BL to throw when close)
  • Circular Teleport: B, F, HK
  • Shurikens: D, F, LP
  • Flip Kick: B, F, LK
  • Fatalities
  • Torso Kick: F, D, F, LP+BL+HK+LK (Close)
  • Throwing Stars: B, B, D, D, HK (sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, D, B, LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LK (close)
  • (MKG)
  • Weapon
  • Scythe: D, B, HP
  • Special Moves
  • Teleport: D, U (BL to throw when close)
  • Circular Teleport: B, F, HK
  • Shurikens: D, F, LP
  • Flip Kick: B,F, LK
  • Torso Kick: F, D, F, LP+BL+HK+LK (Close)
  • Throwing Stars: B, B, D, D, HK (sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, D, B, LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LK (close)

  • RAIN

    ultimet MORTAL KOMBAT 3

  • (UMK3)
  • Lightning: B,B,HP
  • Controller: D,F,HP (move opponent around once projectile hits)
  • Super Roundhouse: B+HK (Knocks opponent through the screen)
  • Babality:
  • Brutality: HP,HP,BL,LK,HK,BL,LK,HK,BL,HP-LP
  • Stage:
  • Standard Combo1: HK,HK,LK,HK,B+HK
  • Standard combo2: HP,HP,LP,HP
  • Cool Combo: Controller, Controller, Controller, Controller (move opponent behind you), Roundhouse, HP, Roundhouse, Uppercut
  • Cheese Combo: Lightning, Lightning, ect.. (100%) [must time it correctly]
  • (MKT)
  • Moves:
  • Control Ball: QCT, HP
  • Lightning: B , B , HP
  • Teleport Kick: B, HK
  • Fatalities:
  • Upside-downer uppercut: F, F, D+HP (close)
  • Electrocution: D, D, B, F, HK (jump distance)
  • Animality: BL, BL, RN, RN,BL (sweep)
  • Friendship: D, F, F, F, LP (sweep)
  • Babality: F, B, B, HP
  • Stage: F, D, F, LP
  • Combos: HP, HP, LP, HP, HK, HK,LK, HK, B+HK


  • As Shang Tsung's personal protector the elusive Reptile lurks in the shadows stopping all those who would do his master harm. His human form is believed to disguise a horrid reptilian creature whose race was thought extinct millions of years ago.Acid Spit


  • ultimet MORTAL KOMBAT 3



  • Reptile's detour to Kitana's base camp had delayed him just long enough for Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to spring their attack on Shao Kahn. Reptile was devasted that he had failed his master and wandared the Outworld wastelands aimlessly until he once again crossed paths with Nitara. Desperately in need of a master, he offered his loyalty to her. Her first command was to attack the invade from the Earthrealm, Cyrax. She explained that he must first destroy his arm panel in order to weaken the outsider.

  • Acid Spit : F,F,HP
  • Force Globe : B,B,HP+LP
  • Invisibility : BL(U-U-D),HP
  • Slide : B+HK+LK
  • Eats Head : B,B,D,LP (jump range)
  • nvisible Torso Rip-Off : F,F,D,HK (close-must be invisible)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Buy a Reptile Doll! : B,B,D,LK
  • (UMK3)
  • Acid Spit: F,F,HP
  • Force Ball Slow: B,B,HP+LP
  • Force Ball Fast: F,F,HP+LP
  • Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
  • Invisibility: U,D,HK
  • Run Past and Elbow: B,F,LK
  • Fatality (jump distance): B,F,D,BL
  • Fatality (sweep): F,F,U,U,HK
  • Friendship (close): D,F,F,B,HK
  • Babality: F,F,B,D,LK
  • Brutality: HP,BL,HK,HK,BL,HP,LP,LK,LK,BL,LP
  • Stage: BL,R,BL,BL
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,B+HK
  • (MKT)
  • Moves:
  • Slow Forceball: B, B, HP+LP
  • Fast Forceball: F, F, HP+LP
  • Acid Spit: F, F, HP
  • Invisibility: U, U , D, HK
  • Run Around: B, F, LK Slide: B + LP + BL + LK
  • Fatalities:
  • Body Snack: B, F, D,BL(jump distance)
  • Acid Puke: F, F,U, U , HK (sweep)
  • Animailty: D , D, D, U, HK
  • Friendship: D, F, F, B, HK
  • Babality: F, F, B, D, LK
  • Stage: BL, RN, BL, BL
  • Combos:
  • HP, HP, D+LP, HP, HP , HK, B+HK
  • HP,BL, HK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, LK , BL,- BL+LP


  • Weapon
  • Axe: B, B, LK
  • Moves
  • Acid Spit: QCF, HP
  • Invisibility: BL+HK
  • Dash Punch: B, F, LP
  • Super Krawl Move: F, B, LK
  • Fatalities
  • Face Chew: Hold HP+LP+LK+HK , U (Close)
  • Acid Puke: U, D, D, D, HP (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, F, F, LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: D, D, F, HK (close)


  • Weapon
  • Axe: B, B, LK
  • Special Moves
  • Acid Spit: QCF, HP
  • Invisibility: BL+HK
  • Dash Punch: B, F, LP
  • Super Krawl Move: F, B, LK
  • Face Chew: Hold HP+LP+LK+HK, U (Close)
  • Acid Puke: U, D, D, D, HP (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, F, F, LP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: D, D, F, HK (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Lizard Ball: F,D+(Circle)
  • Acid Spit: B,F+(Square)
  • Fatality
  • Acidic Shower: U,U,U,F,(X)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the LL koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3822 Gold Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Lizard Ball: F,D+(B)
  • Acid Spit: B,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Acidic Shower: U,U,U,F,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the LL koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3822 Gold Koins to open.


  • Special Moves
  • Lizard Ball: F,D+(X)
  • Acid Spit: B,F+(B)
  • Fatality
  • Acidic Shower: U,U,U,F,(A)
  • To Unlock: Unlock the LL koffin under The Krypt. It costs 3822 Gold Koins to open.


    MKTE Bio
  • The Netherrealm demon, Sareena, lost her human form in an attack from the fallen Elder God, Shinnok. She was transposed back into her demon form as her essence descended back to the 5th plane of the Netherrealm. Sareena remained there until she discovered an abandoned portal that led to Outworld. Once in Outworld, she learned to feed off of the living aura of that realm to regain her human appearance. She no longer needed Quan Chi’s sorcery to sustain her exterior beauty.



  • In his former life, Scorpion was murdered by Sub-Zero. Torn prematurely from his happy life, demons granted his tormented soul the opportunity avenge his death, giving him a new body with which to destroy his assassin and a Lin Kuei uniform mocking his assassin with its cowardly yellow color.


  • The hell-spawned spectre rises from the pits. After learning of Sub-Zero's return, he again stalks the ninja assassin - following him into the dark realm of the Outworld where he continues his own unholy mission




  • In hopes of gaining Scorpion as a new ally in the war with the Elder Gods, QuanChi make the dead Ninja an offer he cannot refuse - Life, in exchange for his services as a warrior against the Elders. Scorpion accepts, but hides under alterior motives.


  • The ninja Scorpion had assumed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan, only to later discover that the true murderer was the sorceror Quan Chi. After revealing his treachery, Quan Chi then attempted to send Scorpion to the 5th plane of the Netherrealm. Thinking quickly, Scorpion grappled with the sorceror at the last moment and they were both transported to that forbidden realm. This turn of events boded well for Scorpion as his strength increased the longer he remained there. Quan Chi's powers, however, proved to be useless against him.


  • Originating in Earthrealm, he was once a Chinese ninja who was killed without honor. Returning as a demon to avenge his own death. Recently in a confrontation with Quan Chi, he was ambushed and thrown in to Shang Tsung’s Soulnado. Escaping just in time before being torn apart, he slipped into the void. It was here that he met the Elder Gods for the first time and he would fore ever be changed.

  • harpoon = [BACK], [BACK], [LOW-PUNCH]
  • teleport punch = [DOWN] > [BACK], [HIGH-PUNCH]
  • fatality :
  • dragon breath.Standing about 1 character width away: hold [BLOCK] with [UP],[UP]


  • Spear : B,B,LP
  • Teleport Punch : QB-HP (can be done in mid-air)
  • Leg Takedown : QB,LK
  • Mid-Air Throw : BL (in mid-air)
  • Flames Victims and Explodes : BL(U,U),HP (outside sweep range)
  • for 'Toasty!!'): BL(D,D,U,U)-HP (outside sweep range)
  • Spear Slice : HP(D,F,F,F) (close)
  • FRIENDSHIP : Buy a Scorpion Doll! : B,B,D,HK


  • (UMK3)
  • Spear: B,B,LP
  • Teleport Punch: D,B,HP
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality #1 (close): F,F,D,U,R
  • Fatality #2 (jump distance): D,D,U,HK
  • Friendship (close): B,F,F,B,LK
  • Babality: D,B,B,F,HP
  • Brutality: HP,HP,BL,HK,HK,LK,HK,HP,HP,LP,HP
  • Stage: F,U,U,LP
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,B+HK
  • (MKT)
  • Moves:
  • Spear: B, B, LP
  • Teleport: QCB, HP
  • Air Throw: BL (in air)
  • Flying Elbow: QCT, HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Fire Breath: D, U, U, HK (screen distance)
  • Hand of hell: F, F, F , B ,LP (sweep)
  • Animality: F, U, U, HK (close)
  • Friendship: B, F, F, B,LK
  • Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
  • Stage: F, U, U, LP
  • Combos: HP, HP, HK, B+HK ,HK,HK, LK, B+LK


  • Weapon Sword: F, F, HK
  • Moves Spear: B, B, LP
  • Teleport Punch: QCB, HP (can do in air)
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Flame Spit: D, F, LP
  • Fatalities
  • Flame Spit Fatality: B, F, F, B, BL (Just Past Sweep Distance)
  • Scorpion Morph: B, F, D, U + HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: F, F, D, D , LK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B,F, F, LK (close)


  • Weapon Sword: F, F, HK
  • Special Moves
  • Spear: B, B, LP
  • Teleport Punch: QCB, HP (can do in air)
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Flame Spit: D, F, LP
  • Flame Spit: B,F, F, B, BL (Just Past Sweep Distance)
  • Scorpion Morph: B, F, D, U + HP (close)
  • Prison Stage: F, F , D, D , LK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: B, F,F, LK (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Spear: B,F+(Square)
  • Raise Hellfire: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Flame Kick Flip: F,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Spear Head: B,B,D,B,(Circle)
  • (XBOX)(MKDA)
  • Special Moves
  • Spear: B,F+(X)
  • Raise Hellfire: D,B+(Y)
  • Flame Kick Flip: F,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Spear Head: B,B,D,B,(B)
  • (GC)(MKDA)
  • Special Moves
  • Spear: B,F+(B)
  • Raise Hellfire: D,B+(Y)
  • Flame Kick Flip: F,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Spear Head: B,B,D,B,(X)

    (PS2) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Bloody Spear: B,F+(Square)
  • Hellfire: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Backflip Kick: F,B+(X)
  • Teleport Attack: D,B+(X)
  • Knee Launch: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,D,F,F,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,B,(Square)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,U,B,(Square)

    (XBOX) (MKD)

  • Special Moves
  • Bloody Spear: B,F+(X)
  • Hellfire: D,B+(Y)
  • Backflip Kick: F,B+(A)
  • Teleport Attack: D,B+(A)
  • Knee Launch: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,D,F,F,(X)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,B,(X)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,U,B,(X)


  • Special Moves
  • Bloody Spear: B,F+(B)
  • Hellfire: D,B+(Y)
  • Backflip Kick: F,B+(A)
  • Teleport Attack: D,B+(A)
  • Knee Launch: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,D,F,F,(B)(Sweep)
  • Fatality: F,B,F,B,(B)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,U,B,(B)




  • Even suspicious of the effect of Cyrax's prolonged exile in the desert, the Lin Kuei are forced to send him since their forces are vastly reduced. In the guise of fighting alongside his Lin Kuei comrade, Sektor's orders are to watch and report on Cyrax. Sektor's reports will decide whether this is the last mission for Cyrax.

  • * Missle: F,F,LP
  • * Heat Seeker: F,D,B,HP
  • * Teleport: F,F,LK
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: F,F,F,B,BL (far)
  • * Fatality 2: LP,RN,RN,BL (near)
  • * Animality: F,F,D,U (close)
  • * Stage: D,D,D,RN
  • * Friendship: RN,RN,RN,RN,D
  • * Babality: B,D,D,D,HK
  • (UMK3)
  • Teleport+Uppercut (can do in air): F,F,LK
  • Missile (dumb): F,F,LP
  • Missile (smart): F,D,B,HP
  • Fatality (sweep): LP,R,R,BL
  • Fatality (over half screen): F,F,F,B,BL
  • Friendship (half screen): R,R,R,R,D
  • Babality: B,D,D,D,HK
  • Brutality: HP,HP,HP,BL,LP,HP,HP,HP,BL,LP,HP
  • Stage: R,R,R,D
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,HK,B+HK
  • (MKT)
  • Moves:
  • Missile: F, F, LP
  • Double Missles: B, B, F, LP
  • Heat seeker missile: HCB, HP
  • Teleport: F, F, LK (can be done in air)
  • Fatalities:
  • Squasher: LP, R, R, BL (sweep)
  • Flame Thrower: F, F, F, B, BL (½ screen)
  • Animality: F,F, D, U (close)
  • Friendship: RN, RN, RN, D
  • Babality: B, D, D, D,HK
  • Stage: RN, RN,RN,D
  • Combos: HP, HP, HK, HK, B+HK ,HP, HP, D+LP


  • Weapon Laser Gun: B, F, HK
  • Special Moves
  • Missle: F, F , LP
  • Double Missle: B, B, F, LP
  • Heat Seeking Missle: F, D, B, HP
  • Teleport Punch: F, F, LK
  • Flamethrower Fatality : F, F, D, F, BL (sweep distance)
  • Compactor: F , F, F, B, BL (sweep)
  • Prison Stage: B, F, F, HK
  • Goro's Lair: D, F, B, LK


  • After losing control of the Shaolin Tournament, Tsung promises his ruler Shao Kahn to shape events that will lure the earth warriors to compete in his own contest. Convinced of this plan, Shao Kahn restores Tsung's youth and allows him to live.




  • The sorcerer Shang Tsung was imprisoned in the depths of Shao Kahn's fortress, punished for failing to win the Mortal Kombat tournament in Earthrealm. Periodically he was released to perform tasks for the emperor, until he eventually regained Shao Kahn's favor and was given his freedom. He remained in Outworld risking his life to drain the souls of kombatants in order to sustain his youth. All this changed the day the sorcerer Quan Chi returned from the Netherrealm.

  • Burning Skulls - 1 : B,B,HP
  • - 2 : B,B,F,HP
  • - 3 : B,B,F,F,HP
  • MORPHS : Liu Kang : B,B,F,F,BL
  • Kung Lao : B,D,B,HK
  • Johnny Cage : B,B,D,LP
  • Reptile : BL(U-D),HP
  • Sub-Zero : F,D,F,HP
  • Kitana : BL-BL-BL
  • Jax : D,F,B-HK
  • Mileena : HP$3
  • Baraka : D,D,LK
  • Scorpion : BL(U-U) Raiden : D,B,F,LK
  • FATALITIES : Body-Takeover Explosion : HK$3 (sweep range)
  • Soul-Sucking Grab : BL(U,D,U),LK (close)
  • Kintaro Fatality : LP$30 (sweep) (uppercuts top half off) hold LP for 30secs of game time
  • FRIENDSHIP : Rainbow Across Arms : BL(B,B,D,F,HK)
  • (MK3)
  • Shang Tsung
  • * One Fireball: B,B,HP
  • * Two Fireballs: B,B,F,HP
  • * Three Fireballs: B,B,F,F,HP
  • * Fire Eruption: F,B,B,LK


  • Sindel: D,B,D,LP
  • Jax: F,F,D,LP
  • Kano: B,F,BL
  • Liu Kang: F,D,B,U
  • Sonya: D+LP+BL+RN
  • Stryker: F,F,F,HK
  • Smoke: B,B,D,LP
  • Sub Zero: F,D,F,HP
  • Cyrax: BL,BL,BL
  • Sektor: D,F,B,RN
  • Nightwolf: U,U,U
  • Sheeva: LK(F,D,F)
  • Kung Lao: RN,RN,BL,RN
  • Kabal: LP,BL,HK

    Finishing Moves:

  • * Fatality 1 (Bed of Nails): LP(D,F,F,D) (close)
  • * Fatality 2 (Soul Stealer) : LP(RN,BL,RN,BL) (close)
  • * Animality (Cobra Munch): HP(RN,RN,RN) (near)
  • * Stage: U,U,B,LP
  • * Friendship: LK,LK,RN,RN,D
  • * Babality: RN,RN,RN,LK


  • * (4 hit) HP,HP,LP,B+HK
  • * (5 hit) LK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK
  • (UMK3)
  • 1 Fireball: B,B,HP
  • 2 Fireballs: B,B,F,HP
  • 3 Fireballs: B,B,F,F,HP
  • Volcanic Eruption: F,B,B,LK


  • ------ Classic Subzero: BL,BL,R,R
  • Cyrax: BL,BL,BL
  • Ermac: D,D,U
  • Jade: F,F,D,D+BL
  • Jax: F,F,D,LP
  • Kabal: LP,BL,HK
  • Kano: B,F,BL
  • Kitana: F,D,F,R
  • Kung Lao: R,R,BL,R
  • Liu Kang: F,D,B,U,F
  • Mileena: R,BL,HK
  • Nightwolf: U,U,U
  • Noob Saibot: F,D,D,B,HK
  • Rain: RN,BL,LK
  • Reptile: R,BL,BL,HK
  • Sektor: D,F,B,R
  • Scorpion: D,D,F,LP
  • Sindel: B,D,B,LK
  • Smoke: F,F,LP
  • Sonya: D+R+LP+BL
  • Stryker: F,F,F,HK
  • Sub-Zero: F,D,F,HP

    Fatality (close): Hold LP (D,F,F,D)

  • Fatality (close): Hold LP (R,BL,R,BL)
  • Friendship: LK,R,R,D
  • Babality: R,R,R,LK
  • Brutality: HP,BL,BL,BL,LK,HP,LP,LP,BL,HK,LK
  • Stage: U,U,B,LP
  • Standard Combo: LK,HP,HP,LP,B+HK


  • Moves:
  • Volcanic Eruption: F,F, B, B, LK
  • Fireballs: 1: B, B, HP
  • 2: B, B, F , HP
  • 3: B , B , F, F , HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Spikes: (LP) D, F, F, D (close)
  • Soul Sucker: (LP) RN, BL, RN, BL (close)
  • Animality: (HP) RN , RN, RN (sweep)
  • Friendship: LK, RN, RN,D
  • Babality: RN,RN, RN, LK
  • Stage: U, U, B, LP
  • Combos: LK, HP,HP, LP, B+HP, HK, HK, B+HK


  • Special Moves
  • 3D Fire (far): B,F+(Square)
  • 3D Fire (close): F,B+(Square)
  • Straight Fire: D,B+(Square)
  • Soul Steal: D,B+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Soul Steal: U,D,U,D,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • 3D Fire (far): B,F+(X)
  • 3D Fire (close): F,B+(X)
  • Straight Fire: D,B+(X)
  • Soul Steal: D,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Soul Steal: U,D,U,D,(Y)


  • Special Moves
  • 3D Fire (far): B,F+(B)
  • 3D Fire (close): F,B+(B)
  • Straight Fire: D,B+(B)
  • Soul Steal: D,B+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Soul Steal: U,D,U,D,(Y)



  • MKT)
  • Hammer: B, F, HP
  • Fireball: B, B, F, LP
  • Knee Thrust: D, F, HP
  • Shadow Charge: D, F, LP
  • Grab Attack: F, F, HP
  • Taunt: D, D, LK
  • Laugh: D, D, HK
  • Shao Kahn: B, F, HK



  • (MK3)
  • * Fireball: D,F,HP
  • * Stomp: B,D,B,HK
  • * Teleport: D,U
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: HK(F,B,F,F) (close)
  • * Fatality 2: F,D,D,F,LP (close)
  • * Animality: RN,BL,BL,BL,BL (close)
  • * Stage: D,F,D,F,LP
  • * Friendship: F,F,D,F,HP
  • * Babality: D,D,D,B,HK


  • Moves:
  • Teleport Stomp: D, U
  • Mega Stomp: B, D, B, HK
  • Fireball: D, F, HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Ground Pound: F, D, D, F,LP (close)
  • Skin Rip: (HK) B, F, F (close)
  • Animality: RN, BL, BL, BL, BL (close)
  • Friendship: F,F, D, F -pause- HP
  • Babality: D, D, D, B, HK
  • Stage: D ,F, D , F, LP
  • Combos: HP, HP, LP, HK, HK , LK ,B+HK HP, HP, LP, F,HP, HP Fireball



  • Banished to the Netherealm for crimes committed against his once fellow Elder Gods, Shinnok is freed from his confines by Quan Chi. With the aid of a traitor he is then able to take the Realm of Edenia. From there he wages a war against the Elder Gods, and awaits a chance to enact revenge against the God who banished him there - Raiden.

  • Weapon
  • Bladed Staff: B, F, LP


  • Fujin: F, F, B, HK
  • Kai: F, F, F, LK
  • Liu Kang: B, B, F, HK
  • Jarek: B, B, B, LK
  • Quan Chi: B, F, B, F, LK
  • Raiden: D, F, F, HP
  • Jax: F - D, F, HK
  • Reptile: B, B, F, B
  • Scorpion: F, B, LP
  • Sonya: F , D, F, HP
  • Sub-Zero: D, B , LP
  • Tanya: B, F, D, BL
  • Cage: D , D, HP
  • Reiko: B, B, B, BL
  • Fatalities
  • Skeletal Hand: D, B, F, D , RN (close)
  • Two Hand Smash: D,U,U,D,BL (close)
  • Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, F, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, B, HP (close)


  • Weapon Bladed Staff: B, F, LP


  • Fujin: F, F, B , HK
  • Kai: F, F, F, LK
  • Liu Kang: B, B, F, HK
  • Jarek: B, B, B, LK
  • Quan Chi: B,F , B, F, LK
  • Raiden: D, F, F, HP
  • Jax: F, D, F , HK
  • Reptile: B, B, F, B
  • Scorpion: F, B, LP
  • Sonya: F, D, F, HP
  • Sub-Zero: D, B, LP
  • Tanya: B, F, D, BL
  • Cage: D, D , HP
  • Reiko: B , B , B , BL
  • Baraka: F, B, F, LP
  • Cyrax: D , B, D, LK
  • Kitana: F, F, D, HP
  • Kung Lao: D, F, B, HK
  • Mileena: B, B, D, LP
  • Skeletal Hand: D, B, F, D, RN (close)
  • Two Hand Smash: D,U,U,D,BL (close)
  • Prison Stage: D, D, F, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, B,HP (close)



  • (PS2)(MKD)
  • Special Moves
  • Icy Breeze: D,F+(Square)
  • Flaming Fist: D,F+(Triangle)
  • Flying Jinko: F,F+(Triangle)
  • Flip Scissor Kick: D,B+(X)
  • Slide: F,B+(X)
  • Throw Spear: B,F+(Square)
  • Opponent Slam: B,D,B+(Circle)
  • Bike Kicks: F,F+(Circle)
  • Knee Popper: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(X)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,U,F,F,(Square)(Close) Hara Kiri: D,B,D,B,(X)

    To Unlock: Complete Konquest Mode To Unlock Moves:

  • Flying Jinko - Edenia:E-5
  • Icy Breeze - Orderrealm:F-5 (In building at 9-11pm)
  • Flaming Fist - Edenia:G-6 - To the left behind a building
  • Flip Scissor Kick - Orderrealm:D-1 Spear - Edenia:A-1 - Edenia:A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
  • Opponent Slam - Edenia:C-8 @ 5-6PM on Wednesday
  • Foot Grab - Edenia:D-8(12AM Monday Behind House)
  • Bicycle Kick - Chaosrealm:G-4/(Sunday 2AM)
  • To Unlock Finishing Moves:
  • Fatality #1 - Outworld:C-8
  • Fatality #2 - Orderrealm:D-4
  • Hari Kiri - Earthrealm:A-8 (12AM-1AM on 16th of the month)


  • Special Moves
  • Icy Breeze: D,F+(X)
  • Flaming Fist: D,F+(Y)
  • Flying Jinko: F,F+(Y)
  • Flip Scissor Kick: D,B+(A)
  • Slide: F,B+(A)
  • Throw Spear: B,F+(Y)
  • Opponent Slam: B,D,B+(B)
  • Bike Kicks: F,F+(B)
  • Knee Popper: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(A)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,U,F,F,(X)(Close) Hara Kiri: D,B,D,B,(A)

    To Unlock: Complete Konquest Mode To Unlock Moves:

  • Flying Jinko - Edenia:E-5
  • Icy Breeze - Orderrealm:F-5 (In building at 9-11pm)
  • Flaming Fist - Edenia:G-6 - To the left behind a building
  • Flip Scissor Kick - Orderrealm:D-1 Spear - Edenia:A-1 - Edenia:A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
  • Opponent Slam - Edenia:C-8 @ 5-6PM on Wednesday
  • Foot Grab - Edenia:D-8(12AM Monday Behind House)
  • Bicycle Kick - Chaosrealm:G-4/(Sunday 2AM)
  • To Unlock Finishing Moves:
  • Fatality #1 - Outworld:C-8
  • Fatality #2 - Orderrealm:D-4
  • Hari Kiri - Earthrealm:A-8 (12AM-1AM on 16th of the month)


  • Special Moves
  • Icy Breeze: D,F+(B)
  • Flaming Fist: D,F+(Y)
  • Flying Jinko: F,F+(Y)
  • Flip Scissor Kick: D,B+(A)
  • Slide: F,B+(A)
  • Throw Spear: B,F+(A1)
  • Opponent Slam: B,D,B+(X)
  • Bike Kicks: F,F+(X)
  • Knee Popper: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: U,D,D,F,(A)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,U,F,F,(B)(Close) Hara Kiri: D,B,D,B,(A)

    To Unlock: Complete Konquest Mode To Unlock Moves:

  • Flying Jinko - Edenia:E-5
  • Icy Breeze - Orderrealm:F-5 (In building at 9-11pm)
  • Flaming Fist - Edenia:G-6 - To the left behind a building
  • Flip Scissor Kick - Orderrealm:D-1 Spear - Edenia:A-1 - Edenia:A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
  • Opponent Slam - Edenia:C-8 @ 5-6PM on Wednesday
  • Foot Grab - Edenia:D-8(12AM Monday Behind House)
  • Bicycle Kick - Chaosrealm:G-4/(Sunday 2AM)
  • To Unlock Finishing Moves:
  • Fatality #1 - Outworld:C-8
  • Fatality #2 - Orderrealm:D-4
  • Hari Kiri - Earthrealm:A-8 (12AM-1AM on 16th of the month)


  • She once ruled the OutWorld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen. Now 10,000 years after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intent is every match for Shao Kahn's tyranny. She is the key to Shao Kahn's occupation of Earth.



  • A new threat has put Queen Sindel's realm of Edenia in peril. With the aid of her faithful ally, Jade, she will travel to Outworld to defeat the Dragon King and free her daughter Kitana from his control.

  • * Float: B,B,F,HK
  • * Fireball: F,F,LP
  • * Air Fireball: D,F,LK
  • * Scream: F,F,F,HP
  • Finishing Moves: * Fatality 1: RN,RN,BL,BL,RN+BL (close)
  • * Fatality 2: RN,RN,BL,RN,BL (near)
  • * Animality: F,F,U,HP (close)
  • * Stage: D,D,D,D,LP
  • * Friendship: RN,RN,RN,RN,RN,U
  • * Babality: RN,RN,RN,U


  • Fireball: F,F,LP
  • Fireball (in air): D,F,LK
  • Fly: B-B-F-HK (press BL to land)
  • Scream: F,F,F,HP
  • Fatality #1 (close): R,BL,BL,R+BL
  • Fatality #2 (sweep): R,R,BL,R,BL
  • Friendship: R,R,R,R,R,U
  • Babality: R,R,R,U Brutality: HP,BL,LK,BL,LK,HK,BL,HK,LK,BL,LP
  • Stage: D,D,D,LP
  • Standard Combo: HK,HP,HP,LP,HK


  • Moves: Fireball: F, F , LP
  • Double Fireball: B, F , F , LP
  • Air Fireball: HCT, LK
  • Scream Pull: F, F, F, HP
  • Fly: B, B , F, HK
  • Fatalities:
  • Scream: RN , BL , BL ,RN+BL (close)
  • Hair swirly: RN, RN , BL, RN , BL (sweep)
  • Animality: F , F ,U, HP (sweep)
  • Friendship: RN, RN, RN, RN , RN, U
  • Babality: RN, RN, RN , U
  • Stage: D, D, D, LP
  • Combos: HK , HP, HP , D+HP, HK, HP, HP, LP , HK
  • BRUTALITY: HP, BL, LK , BL, LK, HK ,BL , HK , LK , BL , LP



  • (MK2)
  • Spear: B,B,LP
  • Teleport Punch: D,B,HP
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality (close): R,BL,R,R,HK
  • Babality: D,B,B,F,HP
  • Brutality: HP,HP,BL,LK,HK,HP,HK,HP,HK,LP,LK
  • Stage: F,U,U,LP
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,B+HK


  • Spear: B,B,LP
  • Teleport Punch: D,B,HP
  • Throw (in air): BL
  • Fatality (close): R,BL,R,R,HK
  • Babality: D,B,B,F,HP
  • Brutality: HP,HP,BL,LK,HK,HP,HK,HP,HK,LP,LK
  • Stage: F,U,U,LP
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,HK,B+HK


  • Moves: Spear: B , B , LP
  • Teleport: QCB , HP
  • Air Throw: BL (in air)
  • Fatalities:
  • Inviso Possesion: F, F , B , RN
  • Teleporting Smash: RN , BL , RN , RN , HK (½ screen)
  • Animality: F , F , F , B, HK (inside sweep)
  • Friendship: D, F , F, F , RN
  • Babality: D,B , B, F, RN
  • Stage: F , U , U , LP
  • Combos: HP , HP , D+LP ,HP, HP, HK , B+HK
  • BRUTALITY: HP , LK , LK , HK , BL, BL , LP , LP, HP , HP , BL


  • Sonya Blade is the member of a top special force unit. Her team was hot on the trail of Kano's Black Dragon. Her unit followed Kano to an uncharted island, but were ambushed by Shang Tsung's personal army. Tsung forced Sonya into the tournament by holding comrades hostage. Now, not only does her own life rest on her performance, but those of her companions as well!



  • Agent Sonya Blade and her team had finished their mission of demolishing any known ancient inter-realm portals when she received word from Jax that he Agency's portal chamber had been destroyed. With no means for traversing the realms, Sonya realized that there were now two agents lost in Outworld. The first was the ninja Cyrax, whom the agency had lost contact with some time ago. And now Agent Kenshi, originally sent to find Cyrax, was lost as well. She would have to find a way to get to Outworld and bring them home.

  • leg throw = [DOWN] + [LOW-P] + [LOW-K]
  • * sonic rings = [HIGH-PUNCH], [BACK], [HIGH-PUNCH]
  • * flying punch = [FORW], [BACK], [HIGH-PUNCH]
  • fatality :
  • kiss of death. blows fireball off her palm that crisps you down to a skeleton 2x [FORW], 2x [BACK], [BLOCK] *


  • * Rings: D,F,LP
  • * Flying Punch: F,B,HP
  • * Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
  • * Bicycle Kick: B,B,D,HK
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: RN+BL(U,U,B,D) (far)
  • * Fatality 2: B,F,D,D,RN (anywhere)
  • * Animality: LP(B,F,D,F) (close)
  • * Stage: F,F,D,HP
  • * Friendship: B,F,B,D+RN
  • * Babality: D,D,F,LK


  • Energy rings: D,F,LP
  • Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
  • Square Wave Punch: F,B,HP
  • Bicycle Kick: B,B,D,HK
  • Fatality #1 (anywhere): B,F,D,D,R
  • Fatality #2 (more than half screen): Hold BL+R (U,U,B,D)
  • Friendship: B,F,B,D,R
  • Babality: D,D,F,LK
  • Brutality: HP,LK,BL,HP,LK,BL,HP,LP,BL,HK,LK
  • Stage: F,F,D,HP
  • Standard Combo: HK,HK,HP,HP,LP,B+HP


  • Moves:
  • Rings: QCT , LP
  • Bicycle Kick: B, B , D, LK Square
  • wave punch: F, B, HP
  • Leg Grab: D + LP + BL
  • Fatalities:
  • Kiss of Death: B , F, D , D, RN (sweep)
  • Purple blob: (BL+RN) U , U , B , D (½ screen)
  • Animality: (LP) B , F , D, F (LP) [close]
  • Friendship: B, F, B, D, RN
  • Babality: D, D, F, LK
  • Stage: F, F, D, HP
  • Combos: HK, HK , HP, HP, LP, B+HP, HP, HP, LP, B+LP
  • (MK4)
  • Weapon
  • Spinning Blades: F, F, LK
  • Moves
  • Rings: QCF, LP
  • Leg Throw: (D)LP+BL
  • Bicycle Kick: B , B, D , HK
  • Square Wave: F, B, HP
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Cartwheel: HCT , LK
  • Fatalities
  • Kiss of Death: D, D , D, U , RN (sweep)
  • Leg Scissors: U, D, D, U, HK (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D , D, B, B,HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, F, HP (close)


  • Weapon Spinning Blades: F, F, LK
  • Special Moves
  • Rings: QCF, LP
  • Leg Throw: (D)LP+BL
  • Bicycle Kick: B, B , D, HK
  • Square Wave: F, B, HP
  • Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
  • Cartwheel: HCT, LK
  • Kiss of Death: D, D, D , U , RN (sweep)
  • Leg Scissors: U, D, D, U, HK (past sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D,D , B, B , HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, D, F, HP (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Kiss of Death: D,B+(Square)
  • Flying Kick: F,F+(X)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Death: B,F,F,D,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • Kiss of Death: D,B+(X)
  • Flying Kick: F,F+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Death: B,F,F,D,(Y)


  • Special Moves
  • Kiss of Death: D,B+(B)
  • Flying Kick: F,F+(A)
  • Fatality
  • Kiss of Death: B,F,F,D,(Y)



  • (MK3)
  • * High Grenade: D,B,HP
  • * Low Grenade: D,B,LP
  • * Baton Throw: F,F,HK
  • * Baton Trip: F,B,LP
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: D,F,D,F,BL (close)
  • * Fatality 2: F,F,F,F,LK (far)
  • * Animality: RN,RN,RN,RN,BL (1 step away)
  • * Stage: F,U,U,HK
  • * Friendship: LP,RN,RN,LP
  • * Babality: D,F,F,B,HP


  • Shoot gun: B,F,HP
  • Grenade High: D,B,HP
  • Grenade Low: D,B,LP
  • Baton Trip: F,B,LP
  • Baton Toss: F,F,HK
  • Fatality (close): D,F,D,F,BL
  • Fatality (a tiny bit closer than full screen): F,F,F,LK
  • Friendship: LP,R,R,LP
  • Babality: D,F,F,B,HP
  • Brutality: HP,LP,HK,LK,HP,LP,LK,HK,HP,LP
  • Stage: F,U,U-HK
  • Standard Combo: LK,HP,HP,LP


  • Moves:
  • High Grenade: QCT, HP
  • 2x: HCT , HP
  • Low Grenade: QCB, HP
  • 2x: HCB, HP
  • Riot club throw: F, F , HK
  • Riot club trip: F, B , LP
  • Rapid Fire Gun: B, F , HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Boom: D , F, D , F, BL (close)
  • Tazer: F , F, F, LK (full screen)
  • Animality: RN , RN, RN, BL (sweep)
  • Friendship: LP,RN, RN, LP
  • Babality: D,F , F, B, HP
  • Stage: F, U , U,HK
  • Combos: LK, HP, HP, LP, HP, HP, D+LP

  • origenal SUBZERO

  • The actual name and origin of this warrior is unknown. However, based on his uniform, it is believed he belongs to the Lin Kuei, a legendary clan of Chinese "ninjas" functioning as an assassin. As his name implies, he has mastered the element of cold. His deep freeze leaves an opponent at his mercy, a dangerous situation, for Sub-Zero possesses none.


  • Thought to have been killed in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mysteriously returns. It is believed he travelled into the Outworld to again attempt to assassinate Shang Tsung. To do so he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's tournament.


  • (MK3)
  • * High Grenade: D,B,HP
  • * Low Grenade: D,B,LP
  • * Baton Throw: F,F,HK
  • * Baton Trip: F,B,LP
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: D,F,D,F,BL (close)
  • * Fatality 2: F,F,F,F,LK (far)
  • * Animality: RN,RN,RN,RN,BL (1 step away)
  • * Stage: F,U,U,HK
  • * Friendship: LP,RN,RN,LP
  • * Babality: D,F,F,B,HP


  • Shoot gun: B,F,HP
  • Grenade High: D,B,HP
  • Grenade Low: D,B,LP
  • Baton Trip: F,B,LP
  • Baton Toss: F,F,HK
  • Fatality (close): D,F,D,F,BL
  • Fatality (a tiny bit closer than full screen): F,F,F,LK
  • Friendship: LP,R,R,LP
  • Babality: D,F,F,B,HP
  • Brutality: HP,LP,HK,LK,HP,LP,LK,HK,HP,LP
  • Stage: F,U,U-HK
  • Standard Combo: LK,HP,HP,LP


  • Moves:
  • High Grenade: QCT, HP
  • 2x: HCT , HP
  • Low Grenade: QCB, HP
  • 2x: HCB, HP
  • Riot club throw: F, F , HK
  • Riot club trip: F, B , LP
  • Rapid Fire Gun: B, F , HP
  • Fatalities:
  • Boom: D , F, D , F, BL (close)
  • Tazer: F , F, F, LK (full screen)
  • Animality: RN , RN, RN, BL (sweep)
  • Friendship: LP,RN, RN, LP
  • Babality: D,F , F, B, HP
  • Stage: F, U , U,HK
  • Combos: LK, HP, HP, LP, HP, HP, D+LP

  • new SUBZERO


  • After Shao Khan's defeat at the hands of Earth's fighters, Sub-Zero's warriorclan known as the Lin Kuei is disbanded. But w/ the new threat brought on by Quan Chi, the ice warrior once again dons the familiar costume once worn by his brother the original Sub-Zero. He also holds secrets passed onto him from his sibling - secrets that could hold the key to stopping Shinnok.



  • Raiden appeared before Sub-Zero and asked for his aid in defeating the Deadly Alliance in Outworld. Fighting alongside Raiden would prove to the world that the Lin Kuei had changed for the better, Sub-Zero accepted the challenge and brought with him all of his newest recruits. It was highly usual for the Grand Master to embark on such a dangerous mission, but Sub-Zero felt it was necessary to earn the respect of his fellow Lin Kuei.


  • Originating in Earthrealm, Sub-Zero has risen to the level of Grand Master of the newly reformed Lin Kuei clan. While in Outworld Sub-Zero learns his true heritage and the source of his powers of cold. This discovery will assist him in his fight with the Dragon King.

  • Sub Zero
  • * Ice Throw: D,F,LP
  • * Ice Clone: F,D,LP
  • * Ice Shower: D,F,HP
  • * Far Shower: D,B,F,HP
  • * Near Shower: D,F,B,HP
  • * Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
  • Finishing Moves:
  • * Fatality 1: BL,BL,RN,BL,RN (close)
  • * Fatality 2: B,B,D,B,RN (near)
  • * Animality: F,U,U (close)
  • * Stage: B,D,F,F,HK
  • * Friendship: LK,LK,RN,RN,U
  • * Babality: D,B,B,HK


  • Freeze: D,F,LP
  • Ice Shower: D,F,HP
  • Ice Shower (in front): D,F,B,HP
  • Ice Shower (behind): D,B,F,HP
  • Ice Statue: D,B,LP
  • Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
  • Fatality (close): BL,BL,R,BL,R
  • Fatality (outside of sweep): B,B,D,B,R
  • Friendship: LK,R,R,U
  • Babality: D,B,B,HK
  • Brutality: HP,LK,HK,LP,HP,HK,HK,HP,HP,LP
  • Stage: B,D,F,F,HK
  • Standard Combo: HP,HP,LP,LK,HK,B+HK (leave out LP for more damage)


  • Moves:
  • Center ice shower: QCT,HP Front
  • ice shower: QCT, B, HP Back
  • ice shower: QCB , F,HP
  • Ice Clone: QCB , LP Freeze: QCT, LP
  • Slide: B + LP + BL + LK
  • Fatalities:
  • Frozen Faint: B, B, D, B, RN (sweep)
  • Busted!: BL ,BL, RN , BL,RN (close)
  • Animality: F, U, U (close)
  • Friendship: LK , RN, RN , U
  • Babality: D, B, B, HK
  • Stage: B , D , F,F, HK
  • Combos: HP, HP, LP, LK,HK , B+HK LK , HK , B+HK


  • Weapon
  • Ice Staff: QCF, HK
  • Moves
  • Freeze: QCF, LP
  • Slide: LP+BL+LK
  • Ice Clone: QCB , LP (can do in air)
  • Fatalities
  • Head Rip: F, B , F , D, HP+BL+RN (one step away)
  • Ice Shatter: B, B, D, B + HP (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, U, U, U, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: D, D, D, LK (close)
  • (MKG)
  • Weapon
  • Ice Staff: QCF, HK
  • Special Moves
  • Freeze: QCF, LP
  • Slide: LP+BL+LK
  • Ice Clone: QCB , LP (can do in air)
  • Head Rip: F , B , F, D , HP+BL+RN (one step away)
  • Ice Shatter: B, B, D, B + HP (outside sweep)
  • Prison Stage: D, U, U, U, HK (close)
  • Goro's Lair: D, D, D, LK (close)


  • Special Moves
  • Freeze D, F, Square (Attack Button 1)
  • Ice Shaker B, D, Triangle (Attack Button 2)
  • Cold Shoulder B, F, Circle (Attack Button 4)
  • Fatalities
  • Skeleton Rip B, F, F, D, X (Attack Button 3)


  • Special Moves
  • Ice Clone: D,B+(Square)
  • Freeze Ball: D,F+(X)
  • Rib Breaker: (R1)
  • Cold Shoulder: B,F+(Circle)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,B,D,F,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(Square)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,D,U,(Triangle)


  • Special Moves
  • Ice Clone: D,B+(X)
  • Freeze Ball: D,F+(A)
  • Rib Breaker: (Black)
  • Cold Shoulder: B,F+(B)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,B,D,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(X)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,D,U,(Y)


  • Special Moves
  • Ice Clone: D,B+(B)
  • Freeze Ball: D,F+(A)
  • Rib Breaker: (Z)
  • Cold Shoulder: B,F+(X)
  • Finishing Moves
  • Fatality: F,B,D,F,(Y)(Close)
  • Fatality: B,D,F,D,(B)(Sweep)
  • Hara Kiri: D,U,D,U,(Y)


  • As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The opened portal leads not into another world but into the pits of the Netherealm itself. The once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.


  • Originating in Edenia, Tanya was give the choice of allegiance or death by the Dragon King and has thus sworn to serve him.

  • Weapon
  • Boomerang: F, F, HK (LP will throw the weapon and make it come back)
  • Moves
  • Fireball: QCF, HP
  • Splits Kick: QCB, LK
  • Downward Fireball: QCB , LP(in air)
  • Screw Kick: F, F, LK
  • Fatalities
  • Kiss of Death: D, D, U, D, HP+BLK (Close)
  • Neck Breaker: D, F, D, F, HK (close)
  • Prison Stage: B, F , D, HP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, F, LP (close)
  • (MKG)
  • Weapon Boomerang: F, F, HK (LP will throw the weapon and make it come back)
  • Special Moves Fireball: QCF, HP
  • Splits Kick: QCB , LK
  • Downward Fireball: QCB , LP(in air)
  • Screw Kick: F, F, LK
  • Kiss of Death: D, D, U, D, HP+BLK (Close)
  • Neck Breaker: D, F, D, F, HK (close)
  • Prison Stage: B, F , D, HP (close)
  • Goro's Lair: F, F, F, LP (close)
  • (PS@)(MKD)
  • Special Moves Human Cannon Drill: F,F+(X)
  • Air Fire Blast: D,U+(Triangle)
  • Surging Blast: D,B+(Triangle)
  • Split Flip Kick: D,B+(Circle)
  • Find Me: U,D+(Square)
  • Front Flip: (R1)
  • Finishing Moves Fatality: F,D,D,D,(Square)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,U,(Triangle)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,F,U,(X)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DI - Key Found in Outworld:A-3 @ 7pm-12am


  • Special Moves Human Cannon Drill: F,F+(A)
  • Air Fire Blast: D,U+(Y)
  • Surging Blast: D,B+(Y)
  • Split Flip Kick: D,B+(B)
  • Find Me: U,D+(X)
  • Front Flip: (Black)
  • Finishing Moves Fatality: F,D,D,D,(X)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,U,(Y)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,F,U,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DI - Key Found in Outworld:A-3 @ 7pm-12am


  • Special Moves Human Cannon Drill: F,F+(A)
  • Air Fire Blast: D,U+(Y)
  • Surging Blast: D,B+(Y)
  • Split Flip Kick: D,B+(X)
  • Find Me: U,D+(B)
  • Front Flip: (Z)
  • Finishing Moves Fatality: F,D,D,D,(B)(Close)
  • Fatality: U,B,F,U,(Y2)(Close)
  • Hara Kiri: D,D,F,U,(A)
  • To Unlock: Krypt DI - Key Found in Outworld:A-3 @ 7pm-12am


    MORTAL KOMBAT Armogiddon

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