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Book One, Chapter One









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The Boy In The Iceberg

This episodes starts out with Katara and Sokka, two young sibling members of a Water Tribe, fishing. They're doing fine until they drift into iceberg infested waters and their boat is smashed to pieces between two slabs of ice. They just make it out in time and land on another iceberg.

Now they are stranded and Katara gets angry. She blames their being in their current situation on Sokka. She is so angry that she unknowingly begins to Waterbend. Her power brings up a chunk of ice from the bottom of the ocean. They can see the faint outline of a boy and some other large object within it. Katara grabs Sokka's club and smashes away at the iceberg trying to break it open. The ice shatters and out step the boy.

They learn that the boys name is Aang. They also learn that that large object that was inside the iceberg with him was a bisson; one that Aang claims can fly. They ride the bisson back to the Water Tribe.

Meanwhile, on a Fire Nation ship that is not to far away, the teenage Prince Zuko sees the light emitted by the iceberg from which Aang came. He points it out to his uncle who is busy playing Pai Sho. Zuko continues to watch the light and orders his crew to head in that direction.

Aang falls asleep on the ride to the tribe and wakes up in one of their tents as Katara is walking in to check on him. He immediately gets dressed and runs outside to meet everyone. He introduces himself and shows everyone how his kite works. In the process he runs into one of the watch towers and brings it down.

There is another cut scene where Zuko is training. He is battling two other Firebenders. His uncle, Iroh, is giving him instructions and little helpful hints. Zuko is training to fight the Avatar.
The children of the tribe enjoy playing with Aang and sliding down Appa's back like a slide. When Aang spots a penguin he immediately gets excited. Katara takes him to where the penguins can usually be found and Aang tries to catch one.

Aang then gets the exciting idea to go penguin sliding. Him and Katara race down the icey slops until they come upon an abandoned Fire Nation ship. They walk inside and explore it's icey compartments.

Once again we are cut back to where Zuko is on the deck of his ship looking through his telescope. He spots Katara and Aang walking and orders his crew to head in their general direction.






