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Caledragon — Profile

Name:  Holly
Location:  Laurens, South Carolina
Birthday:  5 May, 1989
Bio:  I'm 16 now and lovin' it! Well, really, it isn't any different from being 15 or any other age for that matter. But that's not the point here. It's the summer right now and I'm going to find out tomorrow if I got the gob I was interviewed for. It's at Burger King. After summer is over I'll be going into the 11th grade. Just one year away from those senior privilages! On August 18th I will be able to apply for my restricted license. I can't wait! Then I'll be able to drive my friend, Sarah, and my brother, Travis, to school. One day I hope to be either a psychologist or an anthropologist. Lately I've been really wanting to start my own business but I don't know what I'll do. What I want more than anything is to one day learn to fly a plane. Mom doesn't want me to join the Air Force so I'll have to wait for a while before I leave the ground on my own.
Interests:  reading, writing, dirtbike riding, video games, anime, music, walking, hiking, running, biking, swimming, planes
Blog Created:  Saturday, 2 April 2005
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 28 June 2005 - 4:09 PM EDT
Blog Entries:  4

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