During the first IC hatching at
Last Hope Weyr, there were not enough candidates to Impress all the
hatchlings. The unimpressed hatchlings turned on each other,
turning cannibal like little firelizards do. Perone saw the
carnage and acted, she pulled one of the giant roasting wherries out of
the kitchens and threw in onto the hatching sands. The remaining
hatchlings turned their attention to the wherry meat, and they Impressed
to themselves like firelizards do in the wild. They then left the
Weyr under their own power and eventually grew up.
There were three original wild
dragons, a blue, Azel, and two greens Ghrall and Grene. Ghrall and
Grene are the only two greens, other then truth, that are fertile since
greens mature faster then golds (They matured faster then their golden
sister Faith so they did not become sterile, remember at LHW greens are
sterile not because of firestone but because of a bioengineered trigger
that allows them to produce eggs if there are no mature golds when they
mature.) Wild dragons have no 'TH' on the end of their names
unless they have Impressed to a human after, which is possible but the
bond is loose.
If you have any further questions,
just ask the BoD!