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Bloodrager  (Prestige Class)

Prone to violent rages and almost immune to pain, the Bloodrager is one who has learned to unlock the berserking power of his own blood.  He has learned to gain power by sacrificing himself.  Covered in scars (mostly self-inflicted) and with no fear of physical injury, his appearance is frightening and demoralizing to his enemies.

Deep in the depths of a chasm in the Bloodpeak Mountains on the Eretria/Tarvinia border is the entrance to a complex of natural caves.  In these caves lies the headquarters of a mysterious group known only as the Red Talons.  Those who are invited to the caves never learn the identity of any member of this group, and many do not return from such a meeting.  Those who survive come out a year later, fundamentally changed by the ritual that has been performed on them.

An invitation is extended by messenger to a likely candidate who has proven him/herself in battle to be ruthless and bloodthirsty, and have a knack for surviving horrific wounds.  If the candidate chooses to appear, he is taken into the complex where, for a year, he is ritualistically tortured.  Through this torture the candidate learns to truly understand pain, and to harness this pain into a frightening skill; Bloodraging.  He is in tune with the song of his own heartbeat.  He has been Awakened.

Hit Die:  d12. 


To qualify to become a Bloodrager, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

Race:  must be of orc, goblin, hobgoblin, or bugbear blood

Alignment:  non good.

Base Attack Bonus:  +9

Feats:  Great Fortitude, Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus.

Miscellaneous:  Must have  been possessed by another being.


Class Skills

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Ride, Spot, Swim, Tumble

Skill Points:  4+Int Modifier @ 1st level, 2+Int Modifier each level thereafter


Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Bloodrager prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Bloodragers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all light, medium, and heavy armor.

Pain Immunity:  Starting at 1st level, a Bloodrager can shrug off the effects of subdual damage.  Subtract 3 from the damage the Blood takes each time he is dealt subdual damage.  At 3rd level the reduction rises to 6, at 6th level it rises to 9, and so forth.

Sacrificed Sense:  During the awakening ritual, a Bloodrager must sacrifice a sensory body part.  The sacrificed part can be an eye, ear, nose, hand, or tongue.  From that point he takes a penalty to any check involving the sacrificed sense.  In exchange, he gains a bonus to checks involving a sense other than that sacrificed.  For example, if he sacrifices an eye, he gains a +2 bonus to any check involving hearing.  If he sacrifices an ear, he gains a +2 bonus to any check involving sight.  The actual exchange is up to the DM and the player to determine.  Once the sacrifice is performed, the sacrificed sense cannot be regained without detriment to other class bonuses.

Flay:  During the awakening ritual, a Bloodrager must flay a portion of his own body.  The skin must be removed from the area in one piece, and must be at least 1 square foot.  The flayed area can be anywhere on the Bloodrager’s body he can reach.  Once finished, he must use the removed skin to make an item (pouch, headband, wrapping for the hilt of a weapon, etc.) which he then keeps with him at all times.  Though it has no power, the crafted item may be enchanted.  If it is ever lost or destroyed, the Bloodrager suffers no penalties, but usually chooses to craft another one.  The flayed area from the initial ritual never completely heals and always appears to be scabbed over.  Any further flaying that is performed heals normally, leaving behind scar tissue.

Blood Magic:  The most powerful and frightening power of a Bloodrager is the magic he learns to extract from his own blood.  This magic enhances his fighting prowess as it drives him into a rage.  At first level for every 10 points of damage he sustains he gets a +1 to hit and +1 to damage with melee weapons or unarmed attacks.  See chart below for further advancement.  The damage may be self inflicted and cannot be subdual damage.

When the Bloodrager is reduced to half or less of his total hit points he goes into a violent rage.  He gains a +4 to strength during this rage.  The rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to his level, and can only be entered once per day. 

Feats:  The Bloodrager gains the feat Flay at first level.  This feat is found in the Player’s Handbook II.

Scarification:  A Bloodrager suffers a –2 to his Charisma score, and a –2 to any skill check that relies on his appearance.  Individual situations are for the DM to discern.  This penalty is due to the extensive scarring the Bloodrager suffers during his initiation.  Most also have extensive tattoos, piercings, brandings, etc.  The Bloodrager must always display a portion of his scars (at least one square foot total) for all to see.

Blood Control:  At 5th level the Bloodrager gains total control of his own blood.  Effects that would normally cause him to sustain damage or some other effect such as bleeding, wracking pain, etc.,  This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to his level.    


The Bloodrager

Class Level         Base Att. Bonus   Fort Save    Ref Save   Will Save           Special                

1                            +1             +2         0          +2     Blood Magic +1, Flay Feat, Subdual Dam.  

                                                                                                              Reduction 3

2                            +2             +3         +1        +3    

3                            +3             +4         +2        +4        Subdual Dam. Reduction 6, Blood Magic +2

4                            +4             +4         +3        +5    

5                            +5             +5         +4        +6       Bonus Feat, Blood Control ,

6                            +6             +6         +4        +6     Subdual Dam. Reduction 9, Blood Magic +3

7                            +7             +6         +4        +6    

8                            +8             +7         +4        +6    

9                            +9             +7         +4        +7     Subdual Dam. Reduction 12, Blood Magic +4

10                          +10           +7         +4        +9     Bonus Feat