There are 8 playable avatars in Dragon Fusion. Only one person may control that character at one time.
This means you need to be very active or we will have to replace you with a new player to keep the game going. The rpg does not require much time, so this should not be too big of a problem.
Please take a look at the list below to see if there are any open Dragon Fusion characters:
Fire: Taken by
Darkness: Open Spot!
Metal: Open Spot!
Water: Open Spot!
Light: Taken by
Air: Open Spot!
Earth: Taken by
Wood: Open Spot!
If there are not any open spots available feel free to send us an email at and ask to be put on the waiting list.
How the Game Works:
If you have been given a roster spot you will be sent your first part of the storyline when the session starts.
You will begin your action phase in this order:
*Battle another Dragon Fusion avatar. (only if storyline calls for this to happen)
1. Explore a location. (view world map to choose)
2. Visit another master elements home. say something to the player to become his ally, nemesis, etc. (this is your choice)
3. Buy armor, weapons and accessories from the item shop. email this to each day. you will then be sent a storyline in response to your actions. The next day reply back to any storyline questions that were asked and repeat the numbered steps above.
Battling Avatars:
If you have been sent a storyline email and it says that your element has engaged in a battle you must send your battle plan on your next action phase.
Your character has a list of abilities on his character page. Some may only be used once per battle, so be careful. If you attempt to repeat a once per battle ability you will perform a weapon attack automatically that round instead.
There are 10 rounds in a Dragon Fusion battle. List each ability you will be using in each round.
You are allowed 1 special ability or 1 weapon attack each round. You may also use 1 armor ability per round. Duel weilding weapons still count as a single attack.
In some cases you will have special abilities or armor abilities that last for longer than a single round. You may still use another special or armor ability the next round as long as the ability does not state otherwise. (channeled spells allow no other abilities to be used)
Most elements have abilites with the phrase: Enchanted. This means that the ability is always active. But, you must list these abilities before the first round.
Also, if you wish to change any weapons or armor list them before the first round.
Here is an example of what a proper battle plan should look like: (ignore all parenthesis in battle plan)
Battle Plan:
Armor or Weapon Changes: (include only if there are changes being made)
Enchantments: Elven Proficiency, Counterspell! (all your active skills first)
1. Weapon Attack! (this is your standard attack)
2. Healing Spring! (special ability)
3. Natures Protection (3 turn armor ability)+ Healing Spring (armor ability + special ability)
4. Natures Protection (continued to work) + Enchanting Growth + Healing Spring! (continued armor ability + armor ability + special ability) (2 armor spells on here, but one was cast on a previous round, so this is a legal move.)
continue this way until you have completed 10 rounds. You will receive your battle results shortly after including story line.
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