What would droids dream about?
All of you who have ventured on the Internet to make use of free web space and share your lives and creative talents, would know how hard it was to find an extension or user name for your site, that expressed exactly what you wanted it to or even made any sense.
Droid Dreams as a name for this site came about quite accidently.
By combining the two words droid and dreams1 that were available to me at the time - the original site was born. It could have been worse like - elephant/f23. As interest in my work grew so did a need to take it further and invest in a web presence for myself. I needed to find a meaningful domain name. I soon realised that Droid Dreams although born as an accident expressed exactly what I wanted and in no way was an accident - being able to get it as my domain name just assured me of that. The more I understood my work the more the name made sense.
I have long time come to suspect that what I do has been done before. My only hope was that I can do it differently and can remain open to those creative energies that drive me and need to run freely through me, to be able to 'enlighten' the world with something that is familiar but at the same time NEW.
All good artists of this world try to do a one thing only - they try to capture a moment - an infamous and inexplicable NOW.
Ones that have done this in architecture have built churches and monuments of exact mathematical proportions, alignments and in specific locations of the world, that caused the same feeling, but to a different degree, in every person that visited them. Concious painters and sculptors have for eons managed to recreate not only the moment in reality but a moment in our dreams and they took us beyond our sences - where reason collapses to the expence of emotions and often both get combined to became a powerful force. This force is there for one reason only - to awaken realizations that will stay with us forever - like uncovered gifts that have always existed within us, but we soon gathered they could have never be completely understood without it. I am sure that we can all agree that great musicians and singers have created 'songs' that have ability to bring us to the verge of sorrow as much as engulf us with joy and ecstasy. What they all have in common is that they knew how to touch that part of us that trancends material reality, an inner universe where all is perfect, complete, unique and has it's place. Connections with eternity rekindled.
Creativity for an artist is as much as pleasurable acivity as it is a duty and spiritual service to God/Creator (call him what you wish). Most artist will tell you that they do not do art by choice but by neccessity. It is a healing process before it is a working process. Art is not some product of good education or inhareted talent, it is an innate ability and purpose of every human being. To know yourself is to discover yourself. And you can discover yourself through creativity. Creativity is about walking a different path every day.
Not all good art hangs in the galleries and not all well known artists are good artists. The ones who can see would be able to tell the difference.
Eyes do not 'see' art, heart does. Some artists are just good businessmen who have forgotten why they have embarked on the journey. And journey indeed it was until it ended with arrvial of fame. Once you think it's you it is art no more. Real art is channeled not whispered through arrogance of the ego.
Concious art is rare and mostly 'unavailable' to common man. Some hearts are hardened beyond repair. Good art knows how to avoid cold hearts. Also, art is not about money or it would be made out of gold. Real art is priceless. Common art is fashionable and can be expensive - buy any label that is usually made in China and you will realise this. It's called greed. Creativity sold to the highest bidder - elitist ways of the world.
Artist true to his source does not worry about his work's success but it's continuation.
to be continued...