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High Council:
The High council are responsible for voting on decisions in the clan. They also have authority over everybody under them. High Council will have the letters "HC" following their name.
The council members sit in on meetings, but do not actually take part in any votes. However, they are allowed to suggest new things to be voted on and share their input. They answer only to the High Counsil and Leader. The council members also are in charge of any clan wars we have. Council members will just have the letter "C" following their name.
Royal Guard:
Royal Guards are the protectors of the clan and most importantly to the dark and light council members. They are also in charge of recruitin new members. Royal Guards who are dark should have the letters "SRG" and light Royal Guardians should have "JRG" following their name.
The Guardian is the protector of the clan and the fellow clan members. If anything goes wrong, a lower clan member should tell the Guardian and he or she will deal with it. Dark side Guardians should have "SG" after their name, while Light side Guardians should have "JG".
The Knights have successfully passed all the trials. They are known as SK for Sith or JK for Jedi.
The Apprentice has passed the recruit trails and have shown great force using them. They are even more entrusted within the clan. The letter "A" should follow their name.
The Recruit has just been recruited there role is to practice until one of there superiors wants them to take the trials to be an apprentice. This is the time to make sure the recruit is serious about the clan. The letter "R" should follow their name.
