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Niccolo In A Nutshell

1.) He was very extroverted in his beliefs. However, he was only able to subvert his subjects while he had the backing of the Italian Renaissance Superpower -- the Medici. While he worked with the early Italian Mafia, Niccolo was swift and powerful with his strokes. However, his political powertrip was relatively fugacious. After only a matter of years of brutally successful rule, he was exhiled from Florence and sent to live on a farm outside of Italy.

2.) Machiavelli harbored no dilusions about the effectiveness of violence. If it could be 'appropriately' used, it would be. To him, it solved everything. He would rather remain on top by using violence against any and all opposition than risk being seen as weak for lack of warfare.

3.) Absolute control was a must. Machiavelli believed that, in order for your territories to remain harmonious and united, they must be united in every aspect. Uniform language, culture, traditions, and religion were necessary. His beliefs are not unlike those of other dangerous absolutists throughout history. One could even go so far as to compare him to Adolf Hitler. Niccolo wanted everyone to be the same, to follow the same rules. He would level a town if that extreme was necessary to remain in control of it.