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Sunday, 16 April 2006
global warming
Tiffany Fabianac
2nd Period
Global WarmingGlobal warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change. Global warming is being cause by a number of different elements that advances in the twenty-first century has caused. These problems include an excess of carbon dioxide, methane, and deforestation.
Why would having too much natural gas in our atmosphere hurt us? Because the sun heats the Earth’s surface, and the earth must emit the energy back into space. Atmospheric gases trat the outgoing heat and retain the heat. There are several causes for the surplus of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. When solid waste, fossil fuels, or wood is burned they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also the air that a person breaths out, and with every passing day over a million new children are born into this world who also breath out carbon dioxide that clogs our atmosphere. The good side of things is that trees breath in carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, but with the rapid deforestation the world loses its nature escape from carbon dioxide gas. High concentrations of carbon dioxide can result in displaced oxygen in the air causing lower concentrations or oxygen for breathing. Some omre good things about carbon dioxide are that it helps the food industry to keep food cold, help plants act out photosynthesis, and allow the production of soft drink. Every family in the United States owns at least one car for transportation, but with every person out there driving more and more carbon dioxide is released into the air from the burning of gasoline used to power the vehicles. Solution, car pool to work so that only one car is polluting the atmosphere for more people going to the same place; or you could bike, jog, walk, use any other state of transportation that does not utilize the burning of fuels.
Methane is given off during the production and transportation of coal, natural gases, oil, results from the decomposition of organic waste, and by livestock. The major problem with an excess of methane is that is traps over twenty-one more heat per molecule then carbon dioxide. Methane is odorless, colorless, and flammable; often used as fuel to heat, light, manufacture organic chemicals. Any level of methane as low as five percent can become an explosive concoction. Because methane evaporates quickly it often ends up in water sources and is eventually released into the air. With an abundance of methane in a water source can cause the fish to be poisoned by rapidly penetrating the organism and offsetting its functional systems. When decomposition occurs under water the methane gas is released often know as “marsh water”. Coal mines are mainly occupied by methane trapped under the surface unable to be absorbed through the soil to the earth’s surface.
As stated before deforestation destroys the trees that are greatly needed to contract the harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The human-related causes or deforestation are generally market-driven forestry factories, agriculture and livestock grazing, urban expansion, mining, and petroleum extract. The destruction of the world’s forest also leaves the habitat of many animals in ruin contributing to the dangerous extinction of some of the world’s most unique animals and plants. Forests also contribute biosphere stability because they remove carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air. Natural deforestation is induced by typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions. The disturbance of human related deforestation could be solved by environmentally sustainable practices that reduce the destruction of forests or to preserve and rehabilitate ruined forests.
The earth has been raising in the average temperature one degree Fahrenheit per year for as long as scientists began studying it. The only formal cause to suggest such a change is that trapped gases that cannot escape the atmosphere are also trapping the heat radiated from the sun. If the warming of the globe continues then massive flooding could occur due to melting to the polar ice caps. Some scientist are suggesting that this global change may be signs of a new ice age emerging. The few things that humans can do to help are burn fewer fuels to not release as much carbon dioxide, learn about how other gases effect our environment, and help rehabilitate destroyed forests.


Posted by droid/iloveyouhearts at 2:54 PM EDT
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Friday, 2 December 2005
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: That 70's Show
Topic: School
Yeah... I'm making this for Mrs. Mittler's AOIT class... bacause I am doing so much work i should so get an A in Mrs. Mittler's AOIT class...

Posted by droid/iloveyouhearts at 5:33 PM EST
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