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*Note: This section is a bunch of random things that I thought about and decided to write down. It really doesn't have a specific order and could be offensive to some people.*

Life from the POV of a society brain-washed victim, with open eyes (Inspired by Harrison and my encounters with life):
"Grass is greener on the other side." And isn't that true. It means, you always want what you can't have... Everything you don't have looks more appealing than what you have. (ex. new car, new house, new job position, new computer.... etc.) But if you get something you've wanted, you may like it for a while, but then it's yours. You find a reason not to want it, or you find something else more appealing. (they come out with a newer version of your car that runs better, faster... a better, cheaper house opened up across the street from where you used to live, the job position you just got pays well, but it's harder work, and you don't get to sit there and just talk to people online all the time, the new computer crashes, and that new one with the flat screen just came out...) It's a vicious cycle. People are always going to want things... But if you start wanting less, there will be less disappointment. Want is one of those things that piss you off when you can't get it.
Depression is one of those things that most people experience. You don't necessarily need a reason to be depressed either. It's a natural thing for some people. People may try to find a reason so they're discomfort can be blamed on it. (ex. "Well, he/she's been ignoring me lately", "I've been doing really bad in school", "That guy/girl doesn't know I exist", etc.) Most people don't like things to be their fault, or don't like to have no reason for them.
People don't like things with no explanations. Like life. Someone made up "God" so that people would have a reason for why we're here, why to be good to ourselves and others... Do we really know why we're here? No. Do we like to think we do? Yes. Why? Because we like to be right. People can't handle being wrong. We argue to get our points across... Even if we know we're wrong, we'll keep arguing just because we don't want to "look stupid." No matter what we think, image is worth something. "I don't care what people think about me." But in any case, that's really not true. We don't like to be thought of as stupid, ignorant, or close minded. Truth is, we're all stupid about something, ignorant to most things, and close minded in some situations. We can't know everything, that's what makes life interesting. There's always something to be learned, something we don't know about. If we knew everything, then there really would be no point to live. Nothing to look forward to.
Us as people are also always trying to make things "better". We've done it all throughout our history. And sometimes the things we do, we make them seem like they're benefiting something, or someone, just so we can do it without feeling like we're doing something wrong. (ex. slavery, eating animals, etc.)
People as a whole are stupid. We do whatever we please because of self-gratification. We do things, we have "good ideas", and follow through with them without looking at the big picture. The world is three dimensional, and so we have to look at it as such. Looking at something from one point isn't going to work out in most cases. (ex. a new mall is being built viewpoint1: it's in a good location with lots of people, they won't have to drive far for a mall, and there should be a good income of money for the mall. view: animals have to re-locate, many die, brings more traffic towards a once small town and many of the locals aren't happy. ex2 traffic light to the intersection of a neighborhood and a busy street viewpoint1: well now the people in the neighborhood will be able to get out quicker. localviewpoint: now the people in the neighborhood get to sit through a long light/when the light's red for the people on the busy road it prolongs traffic jams)
People are too eager to get credit and be praised for "good ideas" and "improvements." Most things are just best left alone. As humans, we naturally adapt to the things around us, or move to a more comfortable location if discomforted.

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