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This page contains information and pictures of the Kingwood robotics club.

The KHS robotics club is a member of J.E.T.S., or the junior engineering technical society. The main competition we participate in is the BEST competition, which we have participated in for three years.

The benefit of this competition is that they lend motors and other electronics free of charge until the end of the competition. These parts can be very expensive to buy, so this is a great benefit for smaller clubs. Next year, however, we are planning to enter some different competitions using the money we earned from our candy sale this year. Here are some pictures of BEST competitions we have been in:
Gentlemen, start your motors
a little practice before driving time
pit stop
the heat of war
we, the members of the robotics club...
going up!
our pride and joy "warmly named ghettobot"
the final blow