Shady: *runs down breathing hallway with boom stick*
Nin: a boom stick is a shotgun
Nin: *hands you board with nail in it* there
Shady: *takes it then procedes to run down breathing hallway in search of stupid child that kicked my damn key away when i was so CLOSE to picking it up you damn stupid little bitch!*
Nin: uh huh...... backs away
Shady: *crazily* thats right Nin, RUN FROM MY STICK OF SMITE!!!
Shady: *runs around it circle then into door*
Nin: *pulls out emergency hammer with bits of that flying thing still on it and looks crazily at you*
Shady: *haults from running into door again* *Jack Nicholson in "The Shinning" style* bring it on...
Shady: *swings BOOM STICK in ninja style*
Nin: ... fuck this *picks up your boom stick and shoots you in your knee caps*
Shady: *runs up the wall matrix style, avoiding bullets. jumps behind you and KICKS YOUR WHITE ASS!*
Nin: *turned on emmensly*
Shady: *laughs* *procedes to run in circles again*
Nin: .... *throws butterflys at you*
Shady: *screams loud enough to wake... the dead(?)*
Shady: *throws giant-ass spider at you*
Shady: *continues to run into doors*
Nin: *steps on spider*
Nin: *fades into the GRATEING!*
Shady: *screams louder than before while bludgeoning ghost children* grating kicks ass
Shady: *stops banging frieza* mmm, thats so much COOLER than him!
Nin: (sorry that's all I can say!) SACLAE BLU!
Shady: *beats french guy with boomstickie thing of smite!*
Nin: COLD!!!1!!11!1!
Nin: "I'm the long lost brother, Below-freezing-temperature!!!!11"
Shady: *dives into pool with no water... ONLY MANNEQUINS!*