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By : Sheila On Seven

Tak seharusnya kita berpisah
Tak semestinya kita bertengkar
Kar'na diriku masih butuh kau
Maafkanlah sikapku
Lupakanlah salahku... itu

Terlalu bodoh untuk diriku
Menahan berat jutaan rindu
Apalagi menahan egoku
Maafkanlah sikapku
Lupakanlah salahku
Luapkan kepadaku

Tak'kan kubiarkan kau menangis
Tak'kan kubiarkan kau terkikis
Terluka perasaan oleh semua ucapanku
Maafkanlah semua sifat kasarku
Bukan maksud untuk melukaimu
Aku hanyalah orang yang penuh rasa cemburu
Bila kau tak di sampingku

Terlalu bodoh untuk diriku
Menahan berat jutaan rindu
Apalagi menahan egoku
Maafkanlah sikapku
Lupakanlah salahku
Luapkan kepadaku...oh...

Back to Reff..

We are not supposed to be separated
We are not supposed to fight
Because I still need you
Please forgive my behaviour
Please forgive that mistake of mine..

It is too stupid for me
To hold on thousands missingness of you
Espescially holding on my egoism
Please forgive my behaviour
Please forget my mistake
Blast it on to me..

I wont let you cry
I wont let you eased down
Hurted on your feeling because of my words
Forgive all my rude behaviours
I didnt mean to hurt you
Im just a person who fulls with jealousy
If you are not at my side..

It is too stupid for me
To hold on thousands missingness of you
Espescially holding on my egoism
Please forgive my behaviour
Please forget my mistake
Blast it on to me..oh...

Back to Reff..

I'm sorry for all the fights...
I'm sorry for all the argues...
I am so truely sorry...
I guess,
I'm only someone who fully fills by jealousy,
if you are not at my side...

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