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Indah .. terasa indah
Bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
Sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
Keinginan saling memiliki

Namun bila itu semua
Dapat terwujud dalam satu ikatan cinta
Tak semudah seperti yang terbayang
Menyatukan perasaan kita ...

Reff :
Tetaplah menjadi bintang di langit
Agar cinta kita akan abadi
Biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini
Agar menjadi saksi cinta kita
berdua ... berdua ...

Sudah .. terlambat sudah
Kini semua harus berakhir
Mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
Dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan .. ini
Menjadi saksi kita berdua ...

Beautiful .. feels so beautiful
If we got flows in the rhythm of love
Creating sense as possible as it could
The willing to posses of eachother

But if its all
Could be relized in one bond of love
Not as easy as it may seem
To blend our feelings ...

Reff :
Remain to become the stars in the sky
So that our love could be eternal
Let your light shines up this universe
To become the witness of our love
The two of us ... the two of us ...

Its already .. its already late
Now everything has to be end
Maybe this is the best way
And we should let this fact..
Become the witness of our love ...

To love,
does not mean
To possess...

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