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By : Sheila On Seven

Seberapa pantaskah kau untuk kutunggu?...
Cukup indahkah dirimu untuk s'lalu kunantikan...
Mampukah kau hadir dalam setiap mimpi burukku,..
Mampukah kita bertahan di saat kita jauh,..?

Seberapa hebat kau untuk kubanggakan?...
Cukup tangguhkah dirimu untuk s'lalu kuandalkan...
Mampukah kau bertahan dengan hidupku yang malang... ?
Sanggupkah kau meyakinkan di saat aku bimbang,..

Reff :
Celakanya hanya kaulah yang benar benar aku tunggu,
Hanya kaulah yang benar benar memahamiku,
Kau pergi dan hilang kemanapun kau suka..
Celakanya hanya kaulah yang pantas untuk kubanggakan,
Hanya kaulah yang sanggup aku andalkan,
Diantara pedih aku s'lalu menantimu,....

Bridge :
Mungkin kini kau t'lah menghilang tanpa jejak,..
Mengubur semua indah kenangan..
Tapi aku s'lalu menunggu di sini..
Bila saja kau berubah pikiran,....

Back to Reff.

How worth are you for me to wait?...
Are you beautiful enough for me to expect for...
Can you always be there with me everytime I have nightmare,..
Can we survive (our love)when we are far from each other,..?

How great are you for me to be proud of?...
Are you tough enough for me to count on?...
Can you survive in my pathetic life... ?
Can you assure me everytime I got confuse?,..

Reff :
The damn is, youre the only whom I really wait for
You are the only one who really understand me,
You are gone and dissappeared anytime you like..
The damn is, you are the only one whom I really proud of,
Youre the only one whom I really can count on,
Among my pain I am always waiting for you,....

Bridge :
Maybe right now you have gone without any trace,..
Burrying all the beauty of memories..
but I will always wait for you in here..
In case you might change your mind,....

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