The Fall of William


Skyz   *   R   *   WIP



SUMMARY: Buffy's last job was taking down William the Bloody. Not falling in love. Betrayal pulled them apart and now years later love will bring them together again.









His bright blonde head was dipped low as he cupped his hands together and lit the cigarette that dangled from his lips.


Hard, cold blue eyes studied the street with barely veiled contempt. He snapped his lighter closed and lifted his head sucking deep on his fag. Shifting slightly he looked up and down the sidewalk before he abruptly tossed his fag away and made his way slowly across the street.


He jogged slowly up the steps of the large brownstone and quickly fumbled in his pockets and pulled out a small kit filled with the tools of his trade.


In a matter of seconds, he’d unlocked the door and unarmed the security alarm. He shut the door quietly and paused in the foyer looking around.


In his mind, he saw the blue prints of the house flash before his eyes and moving instinctively, he made his way to one of the many dens on the second floor.


Pushing open the door, he strode in and made his way to the farthest wall where he removed the large picture that hung there and smirked as a safe was revealed.


Clucking his tongue, he narrowed his eyes and slowly turned the knob recalling the combination from previous use. It opened soundlessly on well-oiled hinges.


Quickly he scanned through the papers that littered it. Past the money. The jewels. They held little interest to him at the moment. What he was after was worth far greater than all those combined.


He let out a small grunt of triumph as he located the small piece of paper he had been looking for.


Stuffing it in his pocket, he closed the door of the safe and replaced the picture. Studied it and decided it was just right.


He dug into one of the pockets of his duster, pulled out a ski mask, and pulled it on. Making his gloves were secure he quietly made his way upstairs and turned to the left and headed for the master bedroom.


He paused out side of the large oak door and pondered what would be the right way to go about this. Finesse or wham bam?


Smiling beneath the mask, he figured wham bam would do nicely.


Lifting his foot, he kicked in the door and watched in admiration as it fell off its hinges and toppled to the ground.


The couple that had been sleeping soundly came awake with screams of fright. The woman clutched the sheet to her chest and screamed as he entered.


His eyes never left the man though.


“Get outta here lady,” he ordered softly as he pulled out a long thin wire and began to wrap it around his hands.


The woman cast one terrified look at the man beside her before she scrambled out of the bed and ran for her life.


“Oh my God,” the large man gasped out in horror as the man approached him. He scrambled falling out of the bed and began to crawl.


“Don’t do that,” the man issued softly.


“Please! Please. Jesus………….Jesus man c’mon I’ll give you whatever you want! Please—I can—no, no, no—“


“I warned you,” the man said as he crouched beside the whimpering man.


“I had to do it!!! I had to do it Spike. For the love of God please! Don’t end it this way. It was her. She made—“


“She made you?” Spike asked incredulously. “You think I believe that? I didn’t see you rottin’ in any cell. You look me in the eyes and tell me she made you betray me Riley.”


Riley trembled and opened his mouth to speak.


But no words came out.




“You’re just another number on the list Riley. Goodbye.”




Chapter 1:




Willow Rosenberg slowly made her way past the milling bodies that littered the first floor of the Watcher Corporation and took the stairs to the second floor where the executives’ offices were located.


In her hand, she gripped a large manila envelope so tightly her knuckles had gone white under the strain.


She was making her way to her boss’s door when an annoyingly happy voice came from behind her.


“Where’re you headed Willow? Not to see the boss I hope. She’s got a busy morning,” Anya Jenkins spoke up from behind her a cup of coffee in one hand and an itinerary book in the other. She was studying Willow carefully.


Willow forced a strained smile.


“This is important Anya. I have to see her,” Willow muttered as she moved to the door and reached for the doorknob.


“Wait,” Anya exclaimed rushing forward, spilling her coffee and cursing sharply as it scalded her. “No. Willow no one is getting past me. She made it very clear she didn’t want to be disturbed.”


“I have to it’s about—“Willow broke off and flushed as she realized what she’d been about to say.


Anya’s eyes widened and her brows shot up into her hairline.


“Oh my God,” she squealed. “Tell me it is not about—“


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Willow interrupted her in a rush not wanting to hear Anya’s question. Knowing if she did, she would spill everything and she couldn’t not until the boss knew.


Anya shook her head and stepped back.


“Holy hell,” she muttered, “I’m glad it’s you and not me goin’ in there. Cuz when you tell her the shit’s gonn—“


“Shhhhhhh,” Willow hissed as she knocked quickly on their boss’s door and turning the knob quickly strode in shutting the door in Anya’s curious face.


“Anya I thought—“Buffy Summers began irritated at being disturbed turned in her chair and faced the door.


Her brows rose as she saw it was Willow instead of Anya.


Willow,” she muttered with a sigh and watched as Willow shifted nervously under her curious stare.


“Buffy……….hi………,” Willow stuttered out and clenched her hands together so hard they crumpled the envelope.


Buffy’s eyes traveled down Willow’s usual weird outfits that befit her life as one of the best computer hackers in the world. All pink and red mixed with black, it was an eye catcher and an eye sore. Nevertheless, Buffy couldn’t help but smile; it was one of the things she loved about Willow. She didn’t have a need to dress to impress, her mind and skills spoke for her.


“What’s wrong Wills?” she finally asked, as it appeared Willow wasn’t going to continue the conversation.


“Um………” Willow tried again but Buffy’s private line rang and she made an apologetic face as she jerked it up. Willow was relieved as Buffy began to speak and quickly placed the envelope on the desk and made her way out.


“So……….?” Anya asked excitedly as soon as she saw Willow.


Willow grimaced and wondered what kind of bestfriend she was if she couldn’t even tell Buffy one simple thing?


Then she reminded herself that that one simple thing would not endear her to Buffy and right now, she didn’t want to be on Buffy’s bad side.


“Didn’t tell her,” Willow muttered and hurried away.


Anya cast one terrified look at Buffy’s door before she took a seat behind her desk and prepared for the fall out she knew would be coming.






Buffy glanced curiously at the envelope Willow had left, as she spoke to her mother. Reaching out she opened it and frowned slightly at what she saw.


“I know mom,” she muttered aloud as she pulled out a stack of large black and white photos.


Her eyes widened slightly as her gaze scanned the first photo of a completely fire gutted house. She flipped through some more of the same house, pictures of the inside.


Absently she answered her mother’s questions until her gaze fell on the picture of the coroners pulling a stretcher a sheet covered body on it.


That wasn’t what caught her attention however. It was the woman crumpled on the doorstep of the house.


She wasn’t anything spectacular, she wasn’t more than a normal woman who’d been woken up in the middle of the night and watched as her entire life burned to ashes. It wasn’t her appearance that bothered Buffy but the woman herself.


Buffy’s mouth thinned and she narrowed her eyes as she flipped to the last photo.


A lone figure stood across the street from the house. A cigarette casting his face in a small light that accented his cheekbones. He stood staring at the house a cold contemplative look on his face.


A look that said here I am, fuck you.


A look that made Buffy’s heart stop for a moment and her face pale as the blood drained from her face.


She abruptly hung up on her mother and dropped the pictures as she rose shakily to her feet.


Grabbing her coat she wrenched open her door and sped out the pictures fluttering slowly to the ground in her wake.


“Boss?” Anya asked carefully as Buffy shrugged into her coat and rushed past.


“I’ll be out for the rest of the day,” was all Buffy said as she disappeared into an elevator.


Buffy fled her building as if she could out run the ghosts of her past come back to haunt her. As if leaving them behind wouldn’t make it real.


But running didn’t help.


As she collapsed in her car, she let out a ragged breath.


Closed her eyes and pictured them.


Riley Finn and his mistress as she’d last seen them.


In an interrogation room no less than a month ago. Arrogant and right in their belief they had nothing to worry about. Nothing could be pinned on them.


And nothing had been.


She’d been a silent observer of the interview and had barely resisted the urge to insist she take over as she had jurisdiction. However, the higher ups had strictly forbid her to get herself or her agency involved with Finn or else. So she’d watched as he’d talked circles around the local police detectives and walked out with his ho on his arm.


Now he was dead.


It was not entirely a shock to know he’d died. Riley hadn’t had many friends since he’d been an egotistical bastard with a penchant for violence. But where he lacked in friends he made up in business associates.


He’d been a semi powerful man with powerful friends and connections that went so deep some would never be discovered.


But that hadn’t made him invincible as those pictures bore witness to.


For every connection Riley had the man that had killed him had more.


Where Riley wasn’t liked or respected the man who’d killed him was.


Buffy opened her eyes and with shaking hands started her car.




She pulled out of the parking garage and shot down the street without a backwards look.


She didn’t have to look to know.


To know he was behind her………






Looking for the perfect moment to strike back.


They called him William the Bloody. The empire he had created had been vast and far-reaching. One that people had thought impossible to topple. Spike as he was known to close friends had made it his job to keep that image up.


People expected what his name implied. No guts no glory he had been fond of saying. So he’d done what he had too in order to keep the respect he deserved and demanded from those around him.


His business was anything for a certain price. Drugs, weapons, jewels anything he deemed worthy of his attention and you gave the right amount of money he could get.


William the Bloody had been thought of as invincible.


Until the day, she’d walked into his life.


Until he’d fallen, so hard and fast, he hadn’t known what hit him when his precious empire was methodically destroyed and he found himself in a prison cell.


There was only one person to blame for that.


She knew he had a list……….


Everyone who was less important would fall……..until there was only one person left to finish off.




Buffy raised haunted hazel eyes to her rear view mirror and blinked as an image of blazing blue eyes and a sharply angled face filled with betrayal filled her vision.


She blinked again and the image was gone.


She knew without a doubt that he’d loved her………just as much as she’d loved him and by the time, this was over surely neither of them would survive it.


As she drove she thought back to how it all began. Wondering again how it had gotten so complicated. When the lines between right and wrong were so blurred, she had knowingly given everything she had to a criminal. Someone she had been assigned to destroy.




Chapter 2:









Buffy wasn’t one to make judgments about people until she knew them but she couldn’t help but form a bad impression of the man in front of her.


Behind her sunglasses, she let her eyes roam over the lean man before her, from his white blond head to his fingers and their black nail polish.


The man screamed punk rocker.


Her lips pursed in distaste and she rolled her eyes as he smirked at her and plucked a cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth.


“Ah……..what are we waiting for?” Buffy asked impatiently as she crossed her arms and glared at the man behind her glasses.


“Boss’ll be here in a minute,” was all he said with a deep cockney accent.


Buffy resisted the urge to scowl as he lit up and took a deep drag. She didn’t have time to deal with this shit right now, she thought irritable.


This was her first meeting with Angel Tierney and she wanted it to go off without a hitch and being in a foul mood when she met him would not win her any points, she mused as she turned on her heel and headed back to the restaurant she’d made reservations at.


“Oi, wait,” the man called after her.


Buffy barely paused.


“What?” she gritted out.


“Just wanna get a better view,” the man drawled sagaciously as he trotted after her blatantly admiring her rear end in her long tight skirt.


Buffy hissed out a breath.


“You enjoy the view?” she asked.


“Oh yeh pet,” he replied.


Buffy paused and turned to look at him. Her yes raked him up and down and settled on his lean waist.


The tight black jeans that hugged his thighs and left very little to the imagination.


“Turn around Mr.………” she trailed off as she realized he hadn’t given her his name in the time he’d pulled up and insisted his boss was running late.


“Spike,” he said with a wide grin, flashing bright white teeth.


She vaguely wondered how he got them so white when it was obvious he was a smoker.


“Well Spike,” she said mockingly drawing his name out like it left a bad taste in her mouth. “Turn around. I wanna see what your ass looks like.”


Spike’s grin if possible got wider and he spun around and presented her with his derriere.


“Great innit?” he asked smugly. “Should I bend over give you a better view?”


“A little on the skinny side. Not much to grab onto,” Buffy mused as she turned and walked away.


Spike pouted as he realized that was all she had to say and hurried after her.


“Bloody hell woman you sure do know how to deflate a man’s ego. But as for it being too small never had any complaints,” he stated proudly.


Buffy shook her head as she entered the restaurant and wondered how she’d gotten herself into such a conversation.


“Summers reservation for two,” she said to the matre’ de.


“Three,” Spike piped up. “A guest will be joining us,” he added.


The man behind the desk looked Spike up and down raising bushy black brows before his eyes narrowed and he made a tsking sound.


“Sir you…aren’t dressed appropriately to be—“


Buffy glanced at Spike and then at the matre de and let out a deep sigh. She had no idea why he wanted to join them but instead of risking a scene she was sure Spike would create she reached into her purse and pulled out a hundred spot.


Discretely passed it to the matre de and smiled widely.


“We’ll take a table in the back out of the way,” she stated coolly.


“Better yet one of them private dinning rooms would be just neat,” Spike spoke up happily as he bounced on the balls of his feet watching as the matre de never spared him another glance as he quickly led them to their table.


“Hey,” Spike protested as instead of going on the direction of one of the private rooms they went to the farthest table in the back.


“Shut up,” Buffy hissed as she reached out and jerked him into his seat.


Spike laughed loudly and sprawled out.


“So…” Spike began.


“Don’t speak to me,” Buffy snapped.


“C’mon,” Spike urged. “Wanna start over? We kinda got off on the wrong foot huh? Not that you don’t have a nice ass cuz you do but maybe I should have kept that to myself. So whatcha want with the Poof?”


Buffy studiously ignored him as a waiter arrived and she ordered a glass of ice tea and Spike ordered a shot of bourbon.


She sent him an incredulous look.


“It’s barely noon and you’re drinking? Not to mention you’re driving,” she felt compelled to point out. “And stop looking at me like that! What are you doing here anyway? Aren’t you just a driver? Why would Angel want you here? Listen I don’t mean to be rude but this is ridiculous—“


“Bout damn time you got here. Been waitin’ a good bit Angel,” Spike cut her off as he turned slightly in his chair and glared up at his boss.


“I’m sorry,” Angel directed his apology to Buffy who rose and they shook hands, Angel’s hand lingering on hers longer than was proper. He flashed a smile and took his seat.


“Well...Spike thanks for keeping her company. That’ll be all,” Angel muttered.


Spike merely stretched lazily and reached for his glass of water.


“Sorry. I already ordered,” was all he said.


Angel cast a quick apologetic look Buffy’s way.


“This is Spike. He’s my assistant. My…right hand man if you will. He’s aware of what’s going to happen here.”


Buffy’s gaze rested on Spike a minute before she grimaced and shrugged.


“Fine,” she muttered shrugging again. “Listen I have places to be Mr. Tierney and you’ve kept me waiting long enough. Let’s get down to business.”


Angel nodded once again apologizing.


“Well as we’ve discussed on the phone this is what you’ll be retrieving,” Angel pulled out his briefcase, pulled out a folder, and placed it before her.


Buffy’s brows rose as she got a good look at the pictures in the folder.


“Well,” she mused. “Will I have to watch this? To ascertain it is the correct tape?”


Spike reached out, tugged the photos from her, and flipped through them, his brows rising ever higher. He let out a low whistle and laughed.


“This is sick innit,” he exploded.


“But worth a hell of a lot of money Spike,” Angel reminded him as he took the photos from him and gave them back to Buffy.


Buffy placed them in her own briefcase and glanced at her watch.


“Well this has been interesting,” she said as she rose. “But as I said I have places to be. If you’ll excuse me gentlemen.”


Angel rose.


Spike stayed seated smirking up at her, his blue eyes twinkling.


“We’ve already discussed the details. When you get it you know what to do,” Angel said as he took her hand once again.


Buffy smiled slightly as he bent and kissed it.


“What a gentleman,” she murmured softly her eyes meeting his. She put just enough meaning into them to get Angel’s attention.


“Goodbye,” Angel uttered softly dropping her hand. “Spike take Miss Summers home.”


Buffy frowned.


“No! He’s been drinking,” she protested.


“Nah. I was gonna but what the hell? I’ve got the rest of the day to get knackered. C’mon pet.”


Buffy warily watched as Spike jumped to his feet and strode off.


“I’ll have this by tomorrow evening,” Buffy assured Angel as she trailed after Spike. “Goodbye.”


Angel watched them through narrowed eyes as they left the restaurant together.






Buffy managed to finally get rid of Spike as she walked into her apartment. Irritation running rampant. That man had to be the most insufferable pig she’d ever met.


He was—she shook her head. It wasn’t even worth thinking about. After all, he wasn’t the one she was after.


Tossing her purse on the couch, she discarded her jacket, reached into her skirt’s pocket, and pulled out a small circular metal device.


Striding to her phone, she lifted it, placed it on the mouthpiece, and punched in a familiar number.


“Yes?” a deep stiffly British voice demanded tersely.


“Hello to you too Rupert,” Buffy said smartly as she settled down on her couch.


“Buffy,” Rupert Giles exclaimed happily, she heard him rustle around and knew he’d put her on speakerphone.


“I met him today,” she announced.


“Good, good. How did it go? Did he suspect anything? Did you get the package or are you—“


“It went well, except for the fact he was almost an hour late and he left me with his jackass of a—never mind that. He didn’t suspect a thing unless it is that I find him incredible sexy and wanna fuck his brains out. You men are so easily led,” she mused.


She heard laughter from the women present and grumbles from the men.


“Er…quite right Buffy,” Giles mumbled before he cleared his throat. “So what was the package?”


“Gotta steal a video tape of a certain senator.”


“That’s all?” Giles asked incredulously.


“Well it’s an interesting tape Giles. Shows his more…untapped talents so to speak.”


There was silence.


“Well…if it’s an affair I’m not quite understanding why whoever’s paying Angel to get it the mass amount their paying him.”


Buffy cleared her throat and shook her head recalling the pictures.


“Well…this is sick and twisted. Humans and animals and other…disturbing things Giles.”


Silence again, only broken by disgusted gagging noises in the background.


“Oh. Well I do say I had hoped it would be something grander. The sooner we take down Angel the sooner we can get William the Bloody.”


“True. But you can’t expect him to immediately trust me with all the big stuff just yet. True we’ve been in negotiations for a month and a half but this was the first time I’ve ever met him. We still have to feel one another out. Give us time and I will bring you Angel Tierney’s head on a platter.”


Giles laughed.


“That’s all good and well but William’s will do just fine if not better. When does this go down?”


“Tonight at the earliest. But I told him I would have it by tomorrow night.”


“Ah. Well good. Your first task is complete Buffy. Good luck on the second and report back tomorrow night at the usual time,” Giles instructed.


“Will do. I am bringing in my team in the next few weeks if Angel decides I’m ready for the big leagues. I think by the end of next month I’ll have him right where we want him,” she said confidently.


“Good bye,” Giles said as he disconnected.


Buffy retracted the tracing, voice scrambler device from the phone as she hung up as well, and rose.


She had a lot to do in order to be prepared for tonight’s events.






Angel strode into his office to find Spike leaning against his large window and staring out at the L.A. skyline.


“So?” Angel asked.


Spike shrugged as he continued to stare out.


“Took her home and left.”


“Are you okay?” Angel asked as he paused beside Spike.


Spike turned and smiled.


“Right as rain I’d say. How’d she check out?”


“Clean. Nothing’ on her cept a few speeding tickets,” Angel muttered shoving his hands in his pockets.


Spike arched a brow and returned to looking out the window.


“Well…that’s interesting. The girl likes speed. We’ll see how she likes competition,” he mused aloud.


Angel sucked in a deep breath.


“Spike,” he cautioned.


“Wha? She’s got the brains and from all I’ve heard the talent. I just wanna see if she can back it up. You got a problem with that?” he demanded turning to glare at Angel.


Angel raised his hands in defense.


“No. Just…Spike you’ve been keepin’ a low profile lately and I don’t want to see you mess that up because of this chick.”


Spike smirked.


“You mean you want her all to yourself don’t you Peaches? Well don’t worry about it. I’ll handle this. You keep the jobs coming and I’ll see whether she’s worthy enough to join The Bloody Corporation huh,” Spike snapped as he walked away.


Angel scowled at Spike’s back barley resisting the urge to throttle him.


“So what? You never had a problem with me mixing pleasure and business before. What’s so different about her?” he demanded harshly.


Spike spun around and stalked over to Angel his hand flashing out and gripping the larger man’s throat. He shoved him back into the wall.


“One you’re married now. And not to just any woman mate! To Dru. You treat her right or else. And Buffy Summers…she’s gonna be mine. You keep your big paws off her,” Spike growled before he released Angel.


Angel sagged as he sucked in deep breaths as he struggled to breathe.


“Whatever you say boss,” he choked out.


Spike nodded sharply and turned on his heel.


“That’s bloody right, you work for me Angel. And never forget that,” was all he said as he walked out.


Angel glared after him.




Chapter 3:




The dim glittering lights of the L.A. skyline held very little appeal to the man who leaned warily against the railing of his hotel balcony.


One hand firmly clasped on the wrought iron and in his other, a glass of Bourbon was held with casual aplomb, Spike made a striking figure.


His silk red robe blew out and fanned around his legs as the cool night air whisked by.


Lifting his glass to his lips Spike took a healthy swallow and inhaled deeply as the sting of it hit him. Let him know he was still human enough to feel it. He savored the taste for a moment before he closed his eyes briefly.


It was merely a flicker.


A glimpse.


But it was all it took.


Her face rose before him, like a goddess from the sea.






But there all the same.


Golden hair fanning delicate shoulders, small but sexy body, lithe in its strength and lethal in its potency.


At least where he was concerned.


“Buffy,” he murmured aloud.


Dark and with unfathomable longing.


Still ever destroying.


Pain and rage he’d thought behind him rose quickly to the surface and he growled low down in his throat.


Caught between pleasure and pain as memories came.


Fast and sharp.


Heart wrenching in their unsoiled ness. In the innocence, he still viewed them with. Never would he allow himself to view them for other than what they were.




In their time together he’d loved Buffy, so much he would have gladly given his life for hers.


In the end in a way, he had.


He closed his eyes and gave himself up to the past, to the beginning, and the end. He gave himself up to the mystique that was Buffy and found himself drowning all over again.









Buffy nervously fiddled around with her earring as she made her way into the huge mansion of Senator Greg Hinley.


Paused in the huge marble-floored foyer and let her eyes scan the room with wide-eyed intensity.


A thin and slightly balding middle-aged man wearing the appropriate uniform of a servant came to assist her with her coat and as she relinquished it to him, she quickly finished with her earring.


Flashing him a large and genuine grin she found her self being turned and being discretely led away from the other milling guests to a side door further down the hall and ushered in.


She glanced up at the man beside her and quickly assessed who he was. Moreover, what he was after.


Michael Heller one of the Senator’s many aids was a good looking man, with a wide strongly boned face. Striking hazel eyes and a wide if generous mouth that to some begged to be had.


However, to Buffy it looked more like an over grown appendage. But she wisely kept that to herself as she smiled shyly looking up at him through her lashes.


“Ms. Royale I presume?” Michael asked stiffly as he studied her.


Buffy kept her smile just shy enough as to not arise his attention.


“Yes,” she murmured demurely lifting one delicately small hand out to him.


“Yes, well,” Michael cleared his throat and quickly and efficiently squeezed her hand in a weak imitation of a handshake. “I was sure we sent you directions of how to get here. You are an hour late! If this is the way you handle all of you—“


“Ah’m sorry sir,” she cried adding a soft southern accent to the mix as she in a look half frightened and half seductive reached out and clung to him.


Michael stiffened even more if that was possible and tried in earnest to remove her.


It didn’t work.


“I …I’ve never been to a city so big,” she exclaimed through a sob. “M’sorry ah got lost. Such grand houses. So big and pretty. They all looked so nice ah just had to stop. Ah had too!”


Buffy gave a triumphant smile she hid by lifting a hand to her mouth as Michael finally succeeded in prying her off him.


Straightening his tuxedo, he glared at her briefly before he clenched his jaw and said the words he’d been ordered to memorize.


“The Senator will be waiting in the room above this one in twenty minutes. It’s on the second floor. On the right,” he said slowly and condescendingly as he turned to the door. “And for God’s sake fix your mascara and stop crying! He doesn’t like tears! And do something about that accent,” he spat out coldly as he left.


Buffy smirked as soon as the door shut behind him and quickly made her way to the large desk and reached underneath it.


“Ah,” she mumbled as her hand came up with a small gym bag. Unzipping it, she glanced through it and found everything she’d need in order to pull this off.


Glancing at her watch she saw she now had eighteen minutes until she had to meet with the Senator and there was no way she was letting that sick bastard anywhere near her.


Twenty minutes to get the tape and switch out of her disguise before she was found out. Before the silent alarm she’d had Willow deactivate earlier came back online. Before Secret Service Agents accosted her. She rolled her eyes at the thought of them. Big, dumb ex-jocks. They wouldn’t stand a chance.


Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she marched to the fireplace and ran her hands over the faux brick wall. Found the right panel and pushed.


“Why do they always have secret passage ways?” she wondered aloud. No matter though it came in handy and she was very appreciative.


Her thoughts briefly wandered to Michael as his words registered for the first time.


“Get rid of the accent?” she asked aloud indignantly. “Please. I know my accent’s as fine as the stick up his ass. Little prick…”


“Probably brought back bad memories of growin’ up gay and girly in the South luv,” his voice startled her and she nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt his presence as he moved from behind her next to her.


Jesus, Buffy thought in disgust. Her wandering thoughts had early gotten her killed. What the hell was wrong with her?


And what the hell was Spike the Driver doing here?!


Don’t think about that, she told herself as she found her desired room and pressed the wall hard and a bookcase slid out of the way and she was in the master bedroom of the Senator’s house.


Tossing her bag on the floor, she immediately went to the closet and began shoving clothes aside.


“Not speaking to me pet? Am I too distracting?” he asked curiously, as he watched her work.


Glanced at his watch and arched a brow.


Fifteen minutes to go and she’d yet to find the safe.


She was focused though he’d give her that. Had not said one word to him and his feelings were almost, just almost hurt.


“So nice outfit you got there luv. Love the country chic of it.”


His eyes trailed lazily down her small frame.


Lingered on the curves encased in hot pink.


The dress was a disaster, a travesty. Something that should be burned and never be seen again, he thought with a quiet laugh.


A short mini dress with ruffles at the sleeves, and black stiletto heels completed the hooker look.


But what made it memorable were the pigtails. Her hair a flaming red was about shoulder length and tied in two long pigtails down her back.


Her bare back.


An expanse of golden skin…


Spike could have sworn his mouth watered.


“Luv?” he purred.


Buffy whirled around a video tape clasped firmly in her grasp.


“Why would a smart man like Greg Hinley use video tapes?” she asked aloud. “And more over why would he hide them in his closet?” her tone turned thoughtful.


Spike shrugged, got up and maneuvered himself next to her. Peered into the closet and let out an impressed whistle.


“Well hell,” he exclaimed as his eyes wandered over the large expanse of video tapes that lined the walls of one of the many closets in the master suite. “How’re you gonna find that tape now?”


“There’s—this isn’t right,” Buffy muttered ignoring Spike. She studied the tape a minute before she dropped it and lifted one nicely toned leg and let her heel smash into it.


Spike whirled and his eyes narrowed.


“What are you doing?” he snapped in shock as she dropped to a crouch.


He wasn’t appalled enough not to notice how nicely the material of her dress molded her luscious bottom or how if she bent over just a little bit more he’d get an even better glimpse of—


“Well, would you looky here?” Buffy said wonderingly as she pried the casing off the videocassette and in her hand laid one pristine string of pearls.


Spike’s mouth dropped open as she slipped it beneath her dress into her bra and rose fluidly.


“Bloody hell,” he mumbled amazed. He’d heard of all kinds of things, seen a hell of a lot but never had he seen pearls hidden in videocassettes!


“You think all of those are filled with pearls?” Buffy asked curiously, as she surveyed them a keen, calculating look in her blue contact lenses eyes.


“Reckon so,” Spike admitted as he tore his gaze from the videos and glanced furtively at his watch.




“Buffy,” he muttered urgently. “You have three minutes. We’ve gotta get out of here,” he ordered as he grabbed her arm.


She resisted.


“We’re gonna come back for those right?” she asked as he persisted.


“Fuck yeah! Come on.”


Buffy let herself be led, dropping to pick up her bag.


“Wait,” she ordered as she pulled a blank tape from her bag, placed it in the spot she’d taken the other one and rearranged the Senators clothes before she stuffed the remains of the now ruined tape in the bag.


“Two minutes you wasted,” Spike growled as he jerked open the door of the bedroom and hurried out.


“Well I’m sorry. I was only doing the job your boss paid me to d-“Buffy broke off as she whipped off her wig and tugged at her dress.


Spike shot her a look over his shoulder and nearly tripped over his own feet as he saw she was undressing as they hurried along.


“What?” Buffy asked with a husky laugh.


“Better wipe off that gook too luv,” was all he said though.


Buffy grinned.


“This gook is part of the job baby. Hand in hand. If you hadn’t known who I was you wouldn’t have recognized me,” she proclaimed as she paused.


Spike stopped.


Glanced at his watch.




“ You’re late. You know what’s gonna happen?” he asked as he slanted his eyes her way and felt his jaw clench.


Buffy looked up distracted as she finished replacing her hideous pink dress with a long elegantly cut and styled cornflower blue dress that draped and flowed over her frame. Where her other dress left nothing to the imagination this one left you guessing. Wanting to find out just what was underneath.


“Sure. The search is on,” Buffy replied nonchalantly as she stuffed her bag in the laundry shoot to her right. “What? You have a problem with a little evasion tactics Spikey?” she purred as she stepped closer.


Buffy wasn’t sure what she was doing and why she was acting this way. She certainly shouldn’t be hanging around in this hallway looking up at Spike as if he was God on earth come to bless her in his presence.


Nevertheless, a part of her didn’t seem to care.


She’d gotten out of tougher situations.


Yet she couldn’t seem to get herself out of this one. She’d been caught by the look in his dark blue gaze. The emotions that flickered through them.


For all to see.


For her to see.


She didn’t step back as he stepped closer. Until their bodies brushed against one another.


He leaned in close, until his warm breath fanned her ear and sent an involuntary shiver of…fear and anticipation through her.


What was she doing?


Why couldn’t she look away from him? She didn’t even like him and here she was letting him invade her personal space!


“Oi pet,” he whispered silkily. “M’not scared of evasiveness. No, it is the thrill of the chase that makes it all worthwhile. It’s the dance that’s been done for centuries. The age-old thing that makes a man willing to do what he must in order to get what he wants. No guts no glory luv.”


Buffy’s brow furrowed as she pondered his words, or rather she tried to as Spike clasped his hands around her waist and pulled her into the hard planes of his body.


Nibbled on her ear and flicked his tongue around the delicate shell.


“They’re comin’,” he whispered huskily.


“Wha?” Buffy managed to get out. Her mind seemed to have shut down momentarily.


Damn him, she thought distantly.


“Ta pet,” Spike called as he released her so fast she teetered on her heels and had to grasp the wall for support. Whistling slightly he gave a jaunty wave and disappeared into the nearest room and Buffy stood in shock and blooming anger.


“Of all the arrogant, egotistical, jackasses, fucking basta—“she broke off as she realized what he’d said. They were coming.


She pushed off the wall and planted one foot in front of her.


But it was too late, she mused bitterly as she found herself suddenly swarmed upon.


“This is a restricted area,” a huge black haired man announced as he gripped her arm in a vice like grip and began to drag her down the hall.


Buffy shoved aside her anger and lifted confused and frightened eyes. Pressed a hand to her chest.


It was then she realized the necklace was missing.


It took her only a second to realize that had been the whole purpose of that little charade a few moments ago.


Evil little fucker she thought even as she spoke. Voice trembling and chocked with unshed tears.


“Der Senator er nahm mich in seinem wagen mit… Tu mir eien Gefallen,” she warbled out in perfect German.


The assortment of Secret Agents looked at one another as she continued to speak.


“Diese Tabletten halfen mir nicht!!!”


“Oh shit,” one of them muttered.


“What? What’s she saying?” another demanded.


“Talkin’ about the Senator givin’ her a ride. And I don’t mean in his car! Fuck she’s saying the pills didn’t do her any good!”


“She’s stoned?” one asked laughing as his eyes raked over her.


The first one glared at Buffy.


“Ein Taugenichts,” he spat.


“Evzahle mir nicht so einen mist!” Buffy yelled back.


“What’d you say?!”


“Dropgenabhangig,” the first muttered. “A good for nothing druggie. God the Senator sure can pick em can’t he?” he asked in disgust.


Buffy was confident as they led her down the stairs she wasn’t going anywhere but out the door. She knew all about Greg Hinley’s habits and heavy drug use was one of them. Pretending to be one of his fucked and hopped up exes was a sure fire way to getting her out of this mess.


Just one last thing, she thought as she was led hurriedly to the back of the mansion towards the kitchen.


“Sie mir das Kokaine,” she screamed wildly drawing unwanted attention to herself and the agents as they hurriedly shoved her into the kitchen and out the back entrance.


“What’re we gonna do with her?”


“Drop her off far enough away from here so she can’t come back.”




Buffy walked determinedly down the street, gaze ahead of her, shoulders straight and fury in every pore of her body. Pissed beyond belief.


“C’mon pet,” Spike urged as he leaned out the window of his limo that was currently slowly trailing along side her.


“Go fuck yourself Spike,” she said coldly.


Spike couldn’t help it. A smirk appeared.


“I could but it would be so much funnier if you did the—“


“You know if you finish that sentence I’m gonna kill you,” she threatened never looking his way.


“Sorry,” Spike mumbled not even the least bit sorry and it showed in his next words. “Though you do look right tasty in that dress Buffy. Makes a man wanna get down on his knees and—“


“Your outrageous behavior isn’t endearing as you seem to think. In fact, it is annoying. Rage inducing. Crude, disgusting. You’re never gonna have me. Ever.”


“Really? Wanna bet on that?” he ventured to ask.


Buffy stopped. Turned and stared at him.


“On what?” she demanded.


“I know how skilled I am. No one can resist me and that includes you pet. I’ll bet you can’t resist my charms.”


Buffy smiled slightly at his cocky attitude and placed her hands on her hips as she tilted her head slightly and considered.


“What do you get? If I lose?”


“Somethin’ we’ll both enjoy,” he drawled.


Rolling her eyes, she threw back her head and laughed.


“You are just the cockiest most arrogant jackass I’ve ever met!”


Spike’s mouth tightened as she continued to laugh and abruptly he asked,” So what do you want? If you win, which isn’t gonna happen mind you but I gotta be fair. What do you want?”


Buffy stared at Spike a moment.


Her thoughts drifting to a picture of sweaty bodies intertwined in satin sheets, whispered words of passion, the sound of flesh against flesh. Gasp of pleasure and moans of pain.


Blinking she smiled serenely.


“A dance,” she murmured.


Spike’s eyes widened.


It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her he didn’t bloody dance when he caught the slightly mocking and amused look in her eyes.


Shrugging he nodded.


“Sure. So let us get this clear. If you can resist my charms and we don’t end up in bed together within the week—“


“Within the week?” Buffy asked arching a brow. “You’re expecting quite a lot aren’t you Spike? Are you that skilled?”


Spike leered.


“I’m more than skilled luv.”


“With in the week? Who say’s I’m that kinda gal? Two.”


“Two weeks then. Two weeks time we haven’t made love—“


“Had sex,” Buffy cut in.


Spike rolled his eyes.


“Thought you women liked it when we say shit like that. Make love…… When we have sex,” he muttered irritated. “I win. If we don’t you, get a dance. Agreed?”


“Sure,” Buffy said easily.


“Care to seal the deal?” he rasped out.


“When does the bet start?” Buffy asked as she watched Spike jerk open the door of the limo and climb out.


She did love a man in leather pants, she mused as he stalked towards her and she met him half way.


“After this,” he snarled as his hands fisted themselves in her hair and his mouth slanted over hers.


The kiss wasn’t gentle or tentative or even remotely like a first kiss tended to be. It was beyond that. Exceeded that.


It was a claiming kiss.


Buffy realized this, accepted it. Even as the saner part of her rebelled. Even as her hands found their way around his neck and she pulled him closer.


Moaning when he sucked on her bottom lip, and slowly thrust his tongue into her mouth.


They kissed and kissed. Where it should have been giving and receiving. It was taking, taking as much as they could get from one another.




Then it ended.


Spike stared at Buffy heart pounding and breath coming in ragged gulps a slight tremor to his body now as he took a step back from her. Then another.


“Goddamn,” he muttered shaken beyond belief.






End flashback...

It was the end, the beginning for them both. That first taste of her. The smell of her hair. The softness of her skin as his hands trailed down her back. That had been the first inkling of understanding what it was like to crave some one.


Spike came back to himself as he felt a throbbing pain in his hand and glanced down.


Was surprised to see he’d crushed his glass and it had shattered. Pieces of glass were now embedded in his skin of his palm.


The pain was a reminder.


A reminder he was still alive.


But a curse too. Because with it came the realization instead of cursing God that night he should have been cursing her.


Damning her to hell.


He pulled at one of the shards of glass and hissed as it twisted but wouldn’t budge.


It wasn’t lost on him the significance of this. No matter how hard he tried, or how long he did it. No matter what he did. He couldn’t shake her.


Buffy was embedded in his soul and God help him he was damn sure when he was through she wouldn’t survive him. Not this time.


In the back of his mind he had the sinking suspicion neither would he.








Buffy pulled her car into the nearly empty parking lot outside a run down motel near the interstate. Sliding out of her car, she slammed the door loud enough to wake the dead.


Narrowing her eyes, she let them scan the deserted street and settled on the small-depleted looking gas station across the street.


She counted four cars there. All run down and looking, as they would break down any minute. Two men loitered about them, sending curious looks her way even as she stared at them.


Glancing behind her she again counted the cars in the parking lot. With her car and two pickups that meant there were only three vehicles. Neither of the latter would be hers she mused.


Tugging her coat tighter she ducked her head against a sudden gust of wind and at the first smarting of raindrops, she hurried her steps. Until she reached room 213.


She lifted one hand and with the edge of her palm pounded on the door.


She could hear rustling and cursing coming from within and she felt a wave of relief crash through her as the door was thrown open wide.


“Fuck you’d think a girl could get some rest,” Faith Connors grumbled as she glared at Buffy through blurry sleep filled eyes.


Buffy brushed past her and stepped inside.


Faith’s eyes searched outside a moment before she slammed the door and turned to face Buffy hands on hips a dark scowl on her face.


Buffy gave a deep sigh as she took in the room. The threadbare blanket that covered the bed, the dingy walls, the clothes thrown haphazardly on every available piece of furniture.


Finally, she lifted her gaze to meet Faith’s before she let her eyes wander over her.


Took in the state Faith was in.


Dressed in a skimpy pair of satin briefs and a bra she wasn’t ashamed of her near nudity as others might have been were they in the same situation. She looked good and she knew it.


Buffy’s eyes narrowed on their own accord as she felt a quick stirring of irritation at her friend.


“You like what you see B?” Faith drawled out as she spun in a quick circle.


“You always answer the door like that Faith? God! That’s just an invitation to getting yourself in deep shit,” Buffy snapped as she unbuttoned her coat and began to remove it.


Faith let out a deep laugh, shook her head as she plopped down on her bed, and stared up at Buffy her face thoughtful in the dimly lit room.


Buffy tossed her coat next to Faith and began to pace.


“Gotta be a reason you’re here B. Not that I don’t appreciate the visit mind you but you’re a busy gal. What’s up?”


Buffy paused and threw a glance at Faith.


“You know who’s dead?” she finally asked.


Faith shrugged and ran a distracted hand through her dark tresses.


“Nah and don’t really give a fu—“


“Riley,” Buffy cut her off abruptly and watched the play of emotions flash across Faith’s face.


Faith’s first reaction was of anger. That little bastard was meant to be hers! Her second was a cold delightful triumphant that Riley had gotten what was coming to him. She only wished it had been her.


“Who?” was her only question.


“Spike,” Buffy succulently replied.


Faith’s quickly covered gasp was the only sound in the room except for the low hum of the heater.


The minutes stretched and finally Faith got off her bed and went in search for some clean clothes.


Slipping on some worn Levi’s she tugged on a sweater and rousted some socks under a pile of newspapers.


Sitting on the edge of her bed, she began to tug them on.


“Spike huh?” she finally broke the silence with a question that was obvious and one she knew Buffy would not get defensive about.


“Yep. Saw his picture. Watched the house burn down after he’d killed Riley,” Buffy murmured as she stared sightlessly into space.


Faith frowned.


She wasn’t quite sure how to go about this. The last time Buffy had seen Spike hadn’t been pretty. In fact, Buffy had nearly died because of it. Then there was the little fact she was in love with the bastard.


Faith’s mouth twisted at that. If she even thought to mention that to Buffy, she’d probably shoot her dead. Buffy liked to pretend that little chapter in her life was over but Faith knew better.


Spike, what a fucked up name, she thought shaking her head. Spike was always with her. In her heart and in her soul. Poetic shit like that, or so Willow had told her once when they’d spoken in depth about the never-ending circle that was Spike and Buffy’s love.


Now she lifted her head from tying her shoes and grimaced.


“Spike killed Riley? Why? I didn’t know he had any beef with that fucker. And why now? Huh? It has been over a year since uh—it’s been a year since he was released. Why start with the killing?”


Buffy shrugged.


These had been questions she had been asking herself the entire drive here. She had no clue as to why Spike was out in the open again.


“I don’t have a clue. I know he has a list of people who have done one thing or another to him and he’ll be going after them.”


“You too right? I mean B you are like number one on that list! What are you doin’ here? This place isn’t protected B! I’m on vacation here. I—“


“I know,” Buffy snapped and immediately regretted it. Letting out a sigh, she shook her head.


Tried to get control of her tumultuous emotions. She had to be rational about this. Use her head. She couldn’t let her feelings or lack of for Spike to interfere.


“Did you call Giles?” Faith asked as she rose.


“No,” Buffy mumbled. “I came straight here.”


“Why? B you know I’ll help you any way I can. But I’m not connected any more. You being here is a liability. One you really don’t need. I have an idea,” Faith announced shrugging into her coat.


At Buffy’s curious look she continued.


“Call Giles. Get his take and have him put you in a safe house.”


“I can take care of myself! I don’t need his help Faith. I don’t work for him any longer. Why would I call him?” Buffy asked incredulously even as she pulled out her cell.


“Cuz he’s one of the good guys B. And he’s like your dad but not. Plus Jeeves is super smart. He’ll know what to do.”


Buffy punched in Giles’s number and waited for him to pick up.


“Giles,” he answered tersely.


Buffy shot a look at Faith who wandered over and hovered close to listen to her conversation.


“Giles. Hi, it’s me Buffy,” Buffy said quickly.


Giles was silent for a moment before he finally spoke.


“Oh. Hello darling,” he said warmly.


“Darling?” Faith asked loudly and Buffy shushed her.


“Giles what’s going on? Is some one in the room with you?”


“Nothing. I am in the middle of a meeting dear. Of course not! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You know how much I love that author.”


“Huh?” Buffy couldn’t help but emit as Giles continued on.


“Trace is such an odd fellow. Especially when he investigated that Devlin bloke. What was the name of that book? Ah! The Conceived. I must be going darling. It is only a matter of time before the next installment comes out right? I heard Trace was out to get—“


“Rupert,” the loud voice of one Quentin Travers had Giles finally breaking off.


Buffy heard the distinct sounds of a hurried conversation going on.


“Giles what the hell is going on?! Are you okay? Why’s Quentin there?” Buffy asked in a whisper. It was obvious Giles didn’t want Quentin to know whom he was speaking to.


“Goodbye. Keep safe. I love you,” Giles said before he hung up.


Buffy looked at her cell and then up at Faith who was as perplexed as she was. Closing the phone, she frowned.


“Why was he speaking in code?” Faith wondered aloud.


Buffy shoved her phone back into her pocket and shrugged.


“Quentin was with him. We both know how he despises him. Maybe he just wanted to keep his conversation private,” Buffy, ventured not believing what she said.


It couldn’t have only been that.


She slowly replayed his words to her.


Trace was relatively easy. Some one had a trace on someone.


“Isn’t Devlin Spike’s last name?” Faith piped up.


Buffy’s eyes widened and she nodded numbly.


“So some one has a trace on Spike?” Faith asked.


Buffy felt a shudder pass through her at the thought of that. She wasn’t sure what scared her more. The fact that the Company thought they could get away with that or that she was only one of a select few who knew more about William Devlin aka William the Bloody than any one else.


“But why? I mean I know sure he’s out there killing people but a trace won’t do much good. Unless he’s on the phone 24/7 which I highly doubt. Giles spoke of an investigation. Trace was investigating Devlin.”


Faith wandered to the window and glanced out.


“We can assume Trace is a person,” Buffy was saying. “Quentin maybe as he was there. But why? They dug as deep as they could last time. There’s nothing new to find.”


“B,” Faith said quickly never taking her gaze from the window.


“What?” Buffy asked still thinking about Giles’s cryptic words. They weren’t making sense.


“We’ve got company,” Faith muttered as she turned from the window and raced to her bed.


Buffy eyes narrowed as she made her way to the window and looked out. Swore as she saw a black sedan parked next to her own car. Two men were currently in the process of letting out the air in her tires.


Two more were headed straight for this room.


“What the hell is this?” Buffy wondered aloud.


“Trouble. Why is it whenever we’re together trouble always follows close behind?” Faith asked with a laugh as she began stuffing clothes into a bag and turned the safety off her Glock.


“You know what the weirdest thing is?” Buffy asked as she took out her own gun and lowered her hand until it was hidden behind her back.


The men would be there in only a few seconds.


“What?” Faith asked as she stood beside Buffy.


“They’re some of our own,” Buffy said right as the door to Faith’s room was kicked in and the men came in gun’s blazing.


Buffy wasn’t opposed to killing when she had too.


And today was one of those times. These men were out to kill her and Faith and she really had no idea why.


Didn’t matter though.


It was either kill or be killed.


How clichéd was that? She thought with a slight smile as she nailed one of the men in the shoulder.


Watched as Faith nailed the other one in the head.


He was down for the count.


The two who had been draining her tires of air were alerted by the gunshots and came racing forward.


Dropping down beside the wounded man, Buffy jerked him to face her.


Faith stepped over Buffy as she met the men head on.


“Who sent you?” Buffy asked.


“Never gonn—“


Buffy didn’t waste any time as she shot him in his other shoulder and watched as he yelled in pain.


“Who?” she spat.


“Don’t kill me,” he gasped out in agony.


“WHO?” Buffy bit out.


She didn’t have time for this, she thought as she came to her feet and turned sharply firing in rapid succession.


“Faith,” she called out. “Take care of him,” she ordered.


Buffy dived out the front door as she saw the parking lot was deserted. Rolled to her knees and let her eyes scan the ground. Spotted shoes and ankles beneath one of the pickups.


Gunfire came from behind it and Buffy ducked and with a well-aimed bullet caught the gas tank.


“Faith,” she called again. “C’mon.”


“Where’s the other one?” Faith asked as she crawled out of the room dragging her bag along with her.


“You didn’t get him?” Buffy asked as she jumped to her feet, grabbing Faith and began to run.


“Nah,” Faith began just as the pickup exploded and sent them flying through the air.


They landed hard and gracelessly.


“Fuck,” Faith complained as her head hit the pavement hard enough that she knew she’d have a concussion from it.


Buffy couldn’t even manage a word as pain exploded in her shoulder. Lifting her head, she realized the blast had lifted them clear across the street.


Her eyes searched frantically for any sign of her gun. It must have been thrown from her grasp as she’d been thrown.


Faith rolled over and glanced at Buffy.


Felt a spurt of relief as she found her relatively unhurt except for one useless arm.


Lifting herself to her feet, she looked around briefly before she jerked Buffy to her feet a groan of pain came from the petite blond.


“Fuck B you dislocated your shoulder,” Faith snapped as she settled Buffy on her feet and looked around wildly.


She spotted the two men Buffy had seen earlier hidden behind a pile of tires and dragged Buffy towards them.


“I can walk,” Buffy complained as she tried to jerk from Faith’s grasp.


Faith’s hold only tightened and when she reached the men, she gave them both wide smiles.


“How ya doin’? See that car over there?” she asked indicating one of the hoopties Buffy had been observing earlier. “We’re gonna need the keys to it and all the money you have in that cash register,” Faith said.


“Faith,” Buffy protested.


Faith ignored her as she waved her gun at the men and they scrambled to their feet ready and willing to do as she bade.


“Shut up B,” Faith ordered glancing back at the motel with narrowed eyes. Where was the other one? She thought.


“Here you are ma’am,” one of the men said handing her the keys. The other one gathered all of the money and with shaking hands handed it to Buffy.


Her shoulder protested as she lifted her hands and reluctantly accepted the money.


“Sorry about this,” Buffy felt compelled to say. “We’ll pay you back,” she added as Faith let out a loud snort and hurried away.


“Call the cops and we’ll kill you,” Faith called over her shoulder as she stuffed Buffy into the car and slipped in.


Starting the car, it took three attempts before it was roaring and ready to go. Faith screeched out of the gas station as if the hounds of hell were after her.


“What the hell was that about?” Buffy asked a little later on.


Faith shrugged as she pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. Getting out she waited for Buffy to follow.


“Trouble B. We are in major shit ass trouble now! And guess what?”


Buffy didn’t want to guess. She didn’t even want to think about this, why they’d been attacked or how Spike fit into all of this.


Now all she wanted to do was pop her shoulder back in place and rest for a good two days.


She wished she’d never seen those pictures.


“What?” Buffy finally managed to snap out.


“Those boys were sent by the head honcho himself. What kinda shit you been doin’ B? I was mindin’ my own business and you come along an—“


“Wait! Quentin sent them?” Buffy couldn’t wrap her mind around that.


“We gotta move,” Faith said instead of answering.


Buffy nodded and leaving the car behind they made their way.






Anya nervously waited for the door to a secluded room in the Watcher Corporation to open.


When it did, she gave a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes.


The man who stared back at her lifted one red eyebrow and waited for her to speak.


“Hi Oz,” Anya chirped loudly then grimaced and lowered her voice. “We’ve got problems.”


His face was expressionless as he regarded her.


“Trouble for Buffy. Trouble for all of us,” Anya continued as she realized he wasn’t going to comment. “Remember Spike?” she asked then shook her head. “Of course you do! Well he’s—forget about that. Buffy’s been attacked.”


This caught Oz’s attention above all else.


“Where? Who?” he demanded.


“At Faith’s. By Quentin,” Anya answered in a rush.


Oz stepped out of his room and slowly shut the door behind him.


“Where are they?” was all he asked.


Anya threw a look at the closed door as Oz started to walk away.


“Don’t you want—don’t you wanna get some of those weapons Oz? I mean I know you are a trained professional but I for one would feel much safer if you had a weapon. My money,” she said patting the bulging gym bag at her side. “Would feel much safer.”


Oz glanced back at her with the smallest hint of a smile.


“I am the only weapon I’ll need Anya. Your money’s safe,” he issued softly.


Anya’s audible sigh of relief was the only sound heard as they made their way through the silent halls.






Xander Harris was used to finding one of his best friends at his door in the middle of the night.


But what he wasn’t used to was being woken up in the middle of the night by a desperate, incoherent phone call from Willow telling him to get out of his house and go to the nearest safe house.


No explanations.


An order from their boss.


No one disobeyed Buffy. So in the middle of the night he pulled himself out of bed. Cast a wistful glance at his rumpled bed and dressed, grabbed his stash of weapons and his car keys and headed out.


He thought to call his girlfriend Anya as he drove out of his driveway and then decided against it. Willow had assured him Anya knew the drill. She was probably already at the safe house.


He wondered what had been so urgent that they all had to go to the safe house. Now that they no longer worked for the Company those days where they all converged to the safe house were long gone.


Something was up and he knew he wasn’t going to like it one bit.






Buffy gingerly rotated her right shoulder and hissed as pain shot through her. She lifted wary green eyes to the group that had assembled on command and let a small smile appear.


“What’s going on here Buffy?” Xander asked finally.


Buffy inhaled deeply and dropped her gaze. She knew what she was going to say now would not be highly received by Xander. Any of them.


“Spike’s appeared,” she announced.


She got the anticipated reaction from Xander as he exploded out of his chair and began to yell.


“What?! How the hell can you sit here calmly and say that Buffy?! He tried to kill you! He is after you again isn’t he?! He’ll kill us all this time!!”


“Xander honey. You’re exaggerating,” Anya felt the need to point out baldly. “Spike is only going to kill Buffy. He doesn’t want us. Isn’t that right Buffy?”


Buffy grinned a bitter twist of her lips and jerked her head in agreement.


“He’s out. But right now…at this point he’s the least of our problems,” she muttered.


Faith spoke for the first time.


“That’s not entirely true B. See that guy back at the motel he said with a little convincing…that this was something that should have happened years ago.”


Buffy frowned.


“What me dying? Killing me and you?” Buffy asked confused.


Faith met Buffy’s gaze and shook her head.


“No. I think he just meant you. You should have been dead long ago. That’s what Travers said when he issued the order for your death.”


The room was silent a long moment as everyone tried to grasp this new piece of information.


“Um…Buffy when I was trying to find out what they had on Riley Finn’s case I noticed some one had been trying to hack into our hard drive,” Willow mumbled.


Oz placed a comforting hand on her thigh and narrowed his eyes at Buffy waiting for her to speak.


She didn’t.


“Uh well what’d they want?” Faith asked glancing at Buffy.


Buffy rose and made her way to the back of the house.


Everyone stared after her.


“I don’t know. But this isn’t the first time this has happened Faith,” Willow blurted out.


“What?” Anya exclaimed. “You mean this has happened before and you didn’t tell Buffy? She needs to know things like that! I need to know things like that!”


“I’m sorry! I thought it was a mistake. I mean why would I think Quentin or whoever was trying to break into our computer system?! It’s nearly full proof!”


“Nearly isn’t good enough,” Xander muttered glaring at the spot Buffy had been a moment before. “What were they looking for?”


Willow wanted to shrink and fall into a deep black hole. She felt this whole thing was her fault. How she wasn’t sure, but she knew if she’s mentioned these discrepancies to Buffy beforehand she would have been prepared for what was to come.


“They were trying to get into Buffy’s private computer system,” Willow mumbled.


“And you kept that to yourself?” Oz found himself asking incredulously.


“I’m sorry,” Willow cried out tears forming.


Faith sniffed in disgust.


“Shit,” she spat. “Shit! They were obviously looking for something. What?”


“They put a trace on my computer. Trying to find out how much I know about…Spike I’m guessing,” Buffy’s voice startled them all.


She’d reappeared dressed to kill in all leather.


A tight black leather jacket adorned over a loose but not too loose black leather halter. Red leather pants hugged her hips and black steel-toed boots finished off the outfit.


“Where’re you going?” Faith demanded.


“Out,” Buffy bit off glaring at Faith.


Silently telling her to keep her mouth shut.


Of course, Faith didn’t listen.


“NO! Buffy you can’t go out. You can’t even use your shooting arm! You’re hurt and upset and those are big non-mixy feelings for you. You get stupid when you feel this way.”


Buffy smiled slightly and shook out her long hair.


“I’m not gonna do anything you wouldn’t. I want to know what’s going on and I will.”


She turned.


“Wait Buff,” Xander called as he rose and rummaged around in his bag and handed her two 9mm’s and extra clips to go along with them.


She smirked as she looked at them.


Then down at her outfit.


“Where is she going to put those Xander?” Anya asked exasperated. She dug into his bag, pulled out two wicked looking knives, and gave them to Buffy.


“There you go. Don’t get yourself killed Buffy. But if you do then that means we’ll be safe to go home,” Anya stated with a wide smile.


“I’ll try not to,” Buffy replied dryly. “Listen, guys this…this is something I never expected to happen. Certainly not by the hand of Quentin Travers. Now that it has I’m gonna put a stop to it. I need you Faith to take care of my mom and sister. Put them somewhere safe. We know what Quentin is capable of. Get them out of the way. You guys stay here. Safe. Understood?”


Mumbles and nods was the response she got. Satisfied she nodded once and looking around one last time headed out.


“Where’s she going again?” Anya asked as she frowned.


Everyone glared at her.


“She’s going—“Faith cut herself off. Buffy really hadn’t explained where she was going.


She shared a confused and worried look with Xander.


“You don’t think...?” She asked hesitantly.


“You bet your ass I do,” he exclaimed hotly striding for the door.


“What?” Anya asked again.


Still confused.


“I can try and get into the computer system over at Travers’ and see what’s going on,” Willow said as she pulled away from Oz.


“I’m going after her,” Oz announced.


“Yeah you do that,” Faith muttered. “I’ve gotta get to Joyce and Dawn. I’ll be in touch.”


Faith strode out of the room to the back of the house to the bedrooms.


“Xander you should stay here. Stay with Anya,” Oz said glancing at Anya then back at Xander.


Xander stood undecided as he wrestled with himself. He wanted to go after Buffy so badly! There was no way he was letting her do this by herself.


No way!


“No,” he growled. “No I’m comin’ with. We’ll do this together Oz.”


Willow looked back and forth. A frown worked its way onto her brow and she felt the first stirrings of anger begin to form.


“Listen to yourself! We’ve done this before remember?” she yelled. “We wasted time then too and she almost died! Get your asses in gear. Xander if you want to go then go! But stop wasting time! Get out of here!”


Xander nodded.


“Right,” he muttered and brushed past Oz as he left through the front door.


Oz gave Willow a quick kiss and murmured quietly to her before he followed Xander.


“Where are they going Willow?” Anya asked.


“After Buffy. Who went looking for Spike. Whom she is going to probably kill. After all he seems to be the cause of all of this.”


Anya’s face went pale and she hugged her bag of money closer to her. She sent a fearful look at the door. Thought of Xander.


“But the last time that happened…” She began and then shook her head. She didn’t like thinking about that period in all their lives.


Willow blew out a breath.


“Last time that happened both Buffy and Spike nearly killed eachother. Let’s hope it goes better this time around.”


Anya stared at the door and although she wasn’t a religious woman, a prayer sprang to her lips and she prayed for everyone’s safety. Xander’s, Buffy’ and Oz’s. However, most of all she prayed that her money would remain safe in her arms.








Quentin Travers looked up from his computer screen to find one of his personal body guards standing there drenched in blood and covered in soot.


“Good Lord man,” he was forced to exclaim as he gestured for the man to come forward.


He did so in staggering steps.


“Is she dead?” he asked.


“N…no sir she got away,” the man gasped out.


Quentin frowned.


“How?” he asked his displeasure showing on his weathered face.


“She was with another girl. She was with—“


“She’s alive,” Quentin muttered coldly. “You’ve failed me. You have let her live and if she ruins my plans it will be your fault,” he stated.


The man trembled in fear and pain as he watched Quentin lift his phone and punch in a number.


“Please,” the man began.


“Take him away,” Quentin spoke into the phone. His office door was opened and two heavily armed men stepped in. Taking an arm each they led the begging man out.


Quentin shifted in his seat and let out a sigh.


“With any luck they’ll kill eachother. Saving us the trouble,” a new voice spoke from the shadows and Quentin let out an irritated breath.


“The last time you said that what happened? They didn’t! The last time we thought they were gone for good we grew lax and could have been destroyed had they been inclined to investigate. No. Them killing eachother is too much to hope for. They have had many a chance and always they remain alive. Both of them. I want you to do it.”


Angel’s laugh was full of amusement as he paused beside Quentin.


“Well Quint I think that’s the smartest thing I’ve heard you say in our long association.”


Quentin’s look of distaste was obvious as well as his anger at being mocked as he rose and glared up at the taller man.


“I want them dead do you hear?! Dead! We haven’t gone through this much trouble over the years to see them ruin this for us! If things had gone smoothly the first time around this wouldn’t have happened! All you had to do was seduce her Angel. Yet you let William the Bloody have her and things worsened from then on. Now I’m looking for you to make things right. As they should have been five years ago.”


Angel’s humor left him abruptly.


“I will,” he answered solemnly. “And I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”




Chapter Five




"Okay listen Wills, I want you to look up everything that involves Spike. Or more importantly me and Spike. Things we have in common. I need to understand why Quentin is doing this. So help me out here alright? Stay safe."


Willow once again played Buffy's message as she took a seat in her office and turned her computer on.


Anya shifted nervously in the doorway and looked around worry etched on her features.


"Willow we should leave. C'mon we should really get out of here," Anya insisted as she clutched her bag of money closer.


Willow lifted irritated eyes to Anya.


"I told you not to come Anya," she snapped going back to her computer.


"But you were leaving!"


"Yeah. Alone. You are the one who insisted on coming along. I would have been in and out in a matter of minutes. But no you had to take the time to grab your money and bind it and recount it and-"


"It's my money Willow! Money I've worked hard for and I would have stayed but then it would have been me alone. Alone in that house and no one there to protect my money! So is it done?"


Willow blew out a breath and glanced up at Anya some of her irritation easing as the files she was downloading were completed.


"Yeah. Come on. We'll be back in time that no one will notice we were even gone."


Anya let out a relieved breath, shouldered her money, and followed Willow out of her office.


"Why'd we have to come here again? Couldn't you have done this at the safe house? I mean Buffy set it up so we could get into any system in the building from the convenience of home. I know because she asked for my advice and I told here that-You do know when she asked for your help she meant for you to stay in the safe house right?" Anya said casting a sidelong look at Willow who was staring off into space a thoughtful expression on her face.


"Right," Willow responded distractedly as she glanced at the disk in her hand.


"So do you want to know how I grossed over a hundred thousand dollars in little over two months Willow?" Anya asked excitedly. When Willow did not answer, she continued. "Well it was simple really..."








Xander shouldered his way through the milling bodies of Club Ultimate, Oz following close behind.


"Why are we here again?" Xander yelled over the loud music.


Oz didn't answer him as he made his way to one of the few empty tables and pulled out a chair. He waited for Xander to follow suit and when he took his seat, Oz shoved a piece of paper across the table.


Xander made a face of disgust as he picked it up glancing at the dirty table then at the paper.


"What is this?" he asked curiously, as he looked at it and only saw the address of the club they were currently at.


"Spike owns this club," Oz answered simply.


Xander's brows rose and he shifted uncomfortable in his seat as he looked around quickly.


"Shit," he swore. "Well damn Oz how'd you know that? He's been here this whole time? If I'd known that I would have taken him out," Xander grumbled.


Oz smiled slightly as his eyes roamed around the packed dance floor, up above to the catwalk and then back at Xander.


"That's why Buffy didn't tell you," Oz murmured eyeing Xander closely knowing his reaction was going to be explosive.


But he was wrong.


Xander merely frowned and crossed his arms looking down at the table.


"I don't understand it Oz. She's...she's been keeping his whereabouts to herself. That' that's pretty damn stupid. Especially since it looks like he's after her again. And you knew. Why didn't you do something about him? You know he makes Buffy crazy. She does stupid things when he's involved. I don't understand why she lets him control her."


Oz shrugged.


"He doesn't control her Xander. She's in love with him. Therefore, when she does things that directly affect him she doesn't use her common sense. She follows her heart. We know this. Seen it happen and I understand it. She can't help how she feels. Or what it makes her do. However, that's why we're here Xand. We are her common sense. Her rational mind now. We can do this Xander."


Xander frowned. He liked the sound of Oz's confident voice and wanted to believe him desperately. It would all be so much easier if they just got rid of Spike. Then they'd all be free.


Buffy would be free.


"Is she here?" Xander asked looking around once again.


"Not yet. But there he is," Oz said inclining his head slightly to the catwalk.


Xander didn't turn but gazed steadily at Oz who was slowly getting to his feet.


"You know he probably knows why we're here right? That it won't be easy?" Xander asked as Oz slowly slipped on his jacket.


"But we're the best Xand," Oz answered.


Xander grinned as he rose too.


"You're right. We are. Let's just hope Buffy understands this."


Oz sighed and moving through the crowd let his gaze wander back upwards. Spotting a flash of a peroxide blond weaving through the crowd along the walk, he smiled coldly.


"She won't have a choice."








Giles took a sip of his cognac and watched the night sky out the small window of the plane he was currently on.


His mind was miles away.


Miles behind him with his surrogate family.


He knew he shouldn't be leaving not at this time but there was nothing he could do. Nothing that would be of any use any way.


He would only hinder Buffy and he didn't want her to be distracted when she took this on. She would need all the strength she had in her to do this.


Letting a breath out he recalled the conversation he'd had with Buffy earlier. It had been a coded message that had caused the slightest bit of suspicion from Quentin and that was why he was now on this plane headed for Nassau. It hadn't been much but he hoped Buffy understood it.


Having worked for the government for going on 25 years now, he knew a thing or two about cover-ups. Knew what it meant when you were out in the field. What you did there to accomplish the goal for the greater good of the world.


He'd known what it had been like to have grand ideals and the hope of saving the world one day. Nevertheless, as the years passed so did the grandeur of the job. It wasn't routine by any means. However, seeing all the wealth and the luxury in which the criminals they took down daily lived it was a daily struggle to keep going, never giving into temptation.


Many an agent for the branch of government he worked for had given in and been caught and paid with their lives for it. He himself had been on the verge of giving in that was until he'd met Buffy.


A rueful smile appeared on his face as he thought of his almost daughter. She'd been a fresh faced girl of twenty. Ready to and willing to save the world, fight bad guys and generally live out a dream of hers. It had been a blessing that her father Hank had clients that worked for the government. They had pulled a few strings to get his daughter into the trial period of this secretive extended branch of the CIA. Buffy had passed them all with flying colors much to the surprise of Quentin Travers. Who abhorred nepotism.


He'd taken her under his wing, it had warmed and soothed his cynical mind to see her so open and untainted. He'd taught her all he could and when she'd completed her first assignment he'd fussed and preened like a proud mother hen.


Quickly she'd become the best. Taking down all those who had never been touched before. They had nicknamed her the Slayer in the criminal worlds. She came and slayed. Ruthlessly took you down and destroyed you.


Years had passed and Giles had slowly let his protégée spread her wings and soon she'd amassed her won little group of misfits. A group of people looking at them you would never know were some of the best in what they did. Quite a team they were. Called themselves the atrocious name of The Scoobies.


Buffy was such a smart woman, Giles mused. But at times, she could be blind, couldn't see what was right in front of her and that was why Quentin wanted her dead. Buffy had the potential if she opened her eyes to take him down and he wasn't going to let that happen.


While Giles hadn't figured out everything he was certain if, prompted Buffy would deal with this accordingly and soon he'd be back in the States. Picking up where he'd left off.


But Buffy would only be able to see clearly if she didn't become immersed with William the Bloody again.


Giles frowned.


Spike as he was commonly known amongst the Scoobies, was the only blemish Buffy had on her record and it was a blemish that had caused her to resign and start her own consultant business five years ago. If Buffy had any weakness, it was him. Spike was a weakness that Giles was sure Quentin wouldn't mind using to get to Buffy if he had too.


He just hoped Buffy wouldn't fall for it.


Turning he glanced at the two women resting beside him and let an affectionate smile form.


His eyes lifted to the aisle across from them and met Faith's.


He knew once she saw them safely to the island she'd be back to help Buffy and though she was reckless and had never followed the rules while she'd been employed by him she was one of the best.


She would watch Buffy's back.


It eased his mind and casting one last look at Joyce and Dawn he closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.








Buffy paused inside the doorway of the small dimly lit room and let her eyes rest on the room' s only occupant a moment before she strode in and closing the door behind her.


Locked it.


"I thought you would come," was the only thing that broke the silence as Buffy stood in the middle of the room staring at the person who sat perched on a window seat staring out at the night sky.


"Did you?" Buffy asked curiously, as she studied the woman before her.


Slivers of moonlight slipped past the curtains and cast Drusilla in its faint light. Her pale skin was even paler than Buffy remembered and her black eyes were huge and doe like in her too thin face and the redness of her lips was in stark contrast to the paleness of her skin.


Her black hair was pulled tightly back into a bun, enhancing the planes of her face.


"How do I look?" Dru asked drolly as she glanced up at Buffy and watched as Buffy dropped her gaze and looked anywhere but at her. She let out a choked laugh and turned from the window to face Buffy.


"You look like shit," Buffy spoke glancing back up and meeting Dru's eyes once again.


Buffy shifted uncomfortable. Dru always made her feel like this. As if she didn't have the capacity to understand half the things, Dru did. Dru was so....


Crazy, a little voice in her head hissed. Buffy brushed it aside. Dru was someone who had the power to unnerve Buffy and it made her uncomfortable and slightly angry that she was never in control when she was around Dru.


"Well so do you. So we're even. What do you want?" Dru demanded as she rose fluidly and wandered toward Buffy. "What can I do for you?"


Buffy swallowed and crossed her arms across her chest defensively as Dru came ever closer.


"You know a lot of things don't you Dru? Well I want to know what you know. I want to know about Quentin Travers."


Dru's eyelids jerked and that was her only reaction to Buffy's statement as she slowly circled Buffy swaying slightly.


"That's not what you want to talk about. You want to talk about sweet William," Dru hissed reaching out.


Buffy caught her hand, held it tight.


"No. I don't," she muttered before she tossed Dru's thin hand aside.


"Of course not," Dru agreed as she laughed a laugh that sent chills down Buffy's entire body. "You want me to talk. Well I can do that. William is such a wonderful kind. You ruined him."


Buffy flinched and closed her eyes. This had been a mistake. Dru knew how to push her buttons like few else and she was doing exactly that.


"I don't want to hear about Spike," Buffy yelled as she glared at Dru and resisted the urge to pull out one of those knives Anya gave her and use it on Drusilla. "And certainly not from you Dru! So what ever it is you think you know shut it and tell me about Quentin."


Dru let a pout appear as she flopped back down on her window seat and gazed up at Buffy.


"He met you and forgot about me," Dru continued as if Buffy had not spoken. "I became a memory. A distant thought. Until I was gone and nothing was left but you. Nasty Slayer came and took m'William away. So involved in your little dance you didn't even realize. Couldn't see.... Spike always wanted me. Even when I married Angel, he wanted me and I enjoyed it. I reveled in it. He was the one thing I couldn't have, couldn't let myself have. I knew...."


Buffy sighed deeply an ache beginning to form in the pit of her stomach as she listened to Dru.


She hated that Dru knew almost as much and had more history with Spike than she did. She hated that Dru was right, that Spike had wanted her. Even though she'd been married. That once Spike met her there had been no one else on his mind. Including Dru.


It had been all consuming.


"...that if I let myself it would consume me. Take me over. He isn't an easy man to love is he? Rough and gentle. Violent and intoxicating all in one breath. He loves with all his heart and soul and I couldn't handle that," Buffy heard Dru say dimly.


Rousing herself from her thoughts, Buffy smirked.


"So that's why you married Angel?" she asked sarcastically. "Couldn't handle being loved and chose that bastard over Spike. Well Dru, guess they're right when they say you're crazy," she mocked. "Who would do that? Spike is so much-"Buffy cut herself off. She'd done exactly what Dru had wanted. Gotten involved in a conversation she did not intend in being involved in.


She scowled and turned away.


"Do you remember the first time we met Buffy?" Dru's voice stopped her.


"No," Buffy lied.


"Of course you do. No need to lie. When we met, I hated you Buffy. I hated that Spike wanted you now. That his obsession with me had ended. But I wasn't so wrapped up in you two not to notice other interesting things...."


Buffy swung back and eyed Dru with cold eyes.


"Such as?" she asked quietly switching into Slayer mode.


"Such as my husband's conversation with a certain man by the name of Quentin Travers," Dru stated smugly. "Now do you remember when we first met?"


"Yes," Buffy truthfully answered this time.


"Then think back," Dru ordered.








It had been relatively easy taking out the guards at the top of the stairs. A little hand to hand and it was over.




The next step was getting to the closed off elevator that led to the floor where Spike's office was.


Oz and Xander each handled two at a time as guards came from all directions.


It was messy.


It was intense.


It was fun.


It was like old times.


Their entrance had not gone unnoticed by the patrons of the club who were busily staring up at the catwalk as guards flew over the railing and landed on the dance floor.


Women screamed and men looked on in wonder as finally Oz and Xander made it to the elevator.


It opened up easily enough, stepping in Xander gave their audience a two- fingered salute, and Oz shook his head as the doors slid shut.


"That was like old times," Xander gasped out.


Oz rolled his eyes and patted the small gut Xander had grown over the years.


"Except you're a little out of shape man," he remarked. "I'm surprised Anya's keepin' you around looking like that. She is always going on about how she likes a toned man. A man with-"


"I know," Xander interrupted his cheeks tinged with red. "I've let myself go okay? What's the harm we haven't been out in the field in years! Anya loves me," Xander cried out defensively as the doors swished open.


"Well you'd better use some of your money to get back in shape. Or she'll turn to someone else. Namely her money," Oz said with a laugh as they stepped out guns raised.


They were silent as they made their way down the hall.


At the end of the hall, a light shined like a beacon.


"On three," Oz whispered as they approached the door.


Xander nodded in consent and on the whispered count of three Xander rammed his shoulder into the door and they stepped in guns firing.


Only to come to an abrupt halt as they saw no one in the office.


"What the h-"Xander began.


"Um....please don't shoot," a timid voice came from beneath the desk as a bleached blond head popped up.


Oz lowered his gun and glanced at Xander who was staring at the man who had emerged from beneath the desk in shock.


Finally, he looked at Oz.


"If he isn't here then where is he?" Xander asked.








Willow pulled out her keys and hurried her pace as they hurried through the lobby of Watcher Co.


Anya lagged behind, as she was involved with checking on her money and trying to recall if she'd left any up at her desk.


"Hurry up Anya," Willow urged as she stepped through the revolving doors.


Anya hurried after Willow and waited patiently while Willow crouched down to lock the doors back in place and then spoke.


"So you know when I said this was a bad idea?" Anya asked.


Willow groaned.


"Anya," Willow snapped beyond fed up. "I told you-"


"This was a bad idea," Anya interrupted. "Because things like this always seem to happen to us," Anya jerked her chin in the direction of their car.


Willow froze and turned slowly.


Sitting nonchalantly on the hood of their car Spike grinned at them.


Gave them a little wave.


Lifted his gun and pointed at them.


"'Ello ducks," he drawled out.



Chapter Six




Buffy studied the pattern of the placemat on the scarred wooden table she was seated at.


She trailed one lazy finger over it absently. Her thoughts a million miles away. A half smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.


She wasn't quite sure how things had gotten this far but for once she was going to go with the flow.


Let things be.


That was what Faith had told her to do earlier in the week.


Buffy had been beyond freaked at her behavior with Spike. Leading him on, flirting and the kissage!


She had always been able to remain professional through whatever had been thrown her way.


But Spike...


Buffy shook her head slightly.


Blew out a deep breath.


She had barely been able to meet Faith's eyes as she'd explained the bet, the kisses and the fact she was actively contemplating having sex with Spike a man she didn't even like that much.


Faith's shocked laughter hadn't helped either, Buffy mused rolling her eyes.


Faith was used to her being not necessarily a prude but very conservative. Keeping work and her personal life separate, as was the number one rule in their business. She never formed personal attachments as other's were prone to do.


The ultimate professional.


That was why Faith had laughed.


Buffy still wasn't sure about this.


Faith had explicitly told her she should take advantage of the fringe benefits. Have whatever fun she could while taking William the Bloody down. These things happened all of the time. Faith had called it a post take down fling. It was an unspoken rule that Faith had admitted she had followed more than once.


To Buffy though it had sounded like being able to bend the rules to use them to your own advantage. If you started sleeping with the enemy what was next? Stepping over too many lines would soon find you on the wrong side of the law. Giles had drummed that into her for years.


And Buffy never planned on going down that route. She had patiently explained all of this to Faith.


Buffy at the time had wished she could have talked to Willow to get her input or even Anya with her blunt ways. But thinking now on what Anya would probably have said she was better off to have just spoken with Faith. Willow would have blushed like a schoolgirl and been mortified that Buffy was even contemplating such a thing.


However, Spike wasn't a huge part in all of this, she reasoned now. Sure, he'd shown up at the Senator's house but she was sure it was just to needle her. To see if he could rattle her. He was Angel's driver and as obnoxious, as he was she couldn't see Angel giving him any real details about his dealings with his boss.


He wasn't high on the totem pole, Buffy mused. And for that, she was grateful because what she was planning on doing....


Just enjoy the fringe benefits, Buffy reminded herself.


And to be truthful she had been. There was something to be said for a man who was as sexy and gorgeous as Spike who could humble himself enough to chase after a woman.


And chase he was.


And Buffy was having the time of her life.


Glancing up she let a smile grace her features as she saw Giles striding towards her.


She rose, reached out her hands and when he grasped them, she brushed a quick kiss across his cheek.


Taking their seats Giles studied Buffy a moment before he let a small smile form.


"How are things?" he asked pleasantly as he studied his menu.


Buffy did the same.


"Wonderful," she commented absently.


"Good, good," Giles muttered as his eyes scanned the report that was inside his menu and quickly read it.


Buffy was actually reading her menu while she waited for Giles to finish her report.


She was extremely curious as to see what his thoughts were on the pearls they'd found.


She wasn't sure but she had the strangest feeling she should know about this, know why the Senator was stashing jewelry in his sex escapades videos. Something nagged at the back of her mind.


"Well. I think I'll have the Shrimp Scampi. This all looks so good. Did you bring me a present?" Giles asked as he placed the menu down and saw the brightly wrapped package at his elbow.


Buffy smiled.


"Well since I am technically your sugar mama I thought it only right," she drawled out sarcastically.


Giles laughed lightly before he stashed the package in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.


"Quite right. I deserve all the fine gifts you have to give Buffy. What's this I hear about a certain driver?" Giles asked abruptly.

